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China Eliminates 13 Death Penalty Crimes


Feb 26, 2010
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Crimes which will no longer carry the death penalty include the following: Smuggling of artifacts, smuggling of precious metals, smuggling of endangered animals and their products, smuggling in general, receipt fraud, securities fraud, credit fraud, export tax return fraud, counterfeiting tax return certificates, robbery, teaching criminal methods, ruin and grave robbery, fossil robbery.







Organ smugglers, organ thieves, forced organ donation, taking organs from minors, organ sellers and accomplices will be treated under Penal Code 232 and 234. Penal Code 232 and 234 constitute: 1st degree murder and assault. The highest sentence is death.

Those who manufacture, sell or distribute toxic food have a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison and a fine. Cases causing injury or other serious complications will have a minimum sentence of 5 years with a maximum sentence of 10 years, with fine. Cases resulting in death will treated under Penal Code 141 and carry the death penalty.
Mistake I think. It won't get the human right monkeys off of China's back but it will unfortunately eliminates some of the death penalties that I think should stay (smuggling historical articles, endangered animals etc)
Mistake I think. It won't get the human right monkeys off of China's back but it will unfortunately eliminates some of the death penalties that I think should stay (smuggling historical articles, endangered animals etc)

Those shouldn't stay. Purely economic crimes outside of corruption, tax evasion, money laundering, etc, things related to politicians and criminals, should all go. I finished the article; 3 more death penalties are added.

Organ selling, organ smuggling, (both treated as equivalent to murder and assault) and manufacture of toxic food resulting in death.

I think this will be a far more efficient use of our limited police forces. Organ smugglers are far worse than artifacts thieves.
Those shouldn't stay. Purely economic crimes outside of corruption, tax evasion, money laundering, etc, things related to politicians and criminals, should all go. I finished the article; 3 more death penalties are added.

Organ selling, organ smuggling, (both treated as equivalent to murder and assault) and manufacture of toxic food resulting in death.

I think this will be a far more efficient use of our limited police forces. Organ smugglers are far worse than artifacts thieves.

Both pretty despicable crimes I think. Good to see that manufacturing of toxic foods is added though.
This isn't good, China has the largest population, therefore the large number of criminals in absolute.

Some death penalty crimes shouldn't be eliminated. The death penalty crimes shouldn't be afraid by the majoirty of good people who won't commit any crime.

And who cares what those human right monkeys said? China should say go f@ck yourself, we are totally fine unless we have invaded other nations with sovereignty.
Some death penalty crimes shouldn't be eliminated. The death penalty crimes shouldn't be afraid by the majoirty of good people who won't commit any crime.
Is there death penalty exceptions for repeat offenders of serious crimes? In such cases, I feel the threat to Chinese society is much greater than the unlikely reform of such repeat offenders who only waste much needed public funds that could go towards helping those truly in need who could actually be helped.
Is there death penalty exceptions for repeat offenders of serious crimes? In such cases, I feel the threat to Chinese society is much greater than the unlikely reform of such repeat offenders who only waste much needed public funds that could go towards helping those truly in need who could actually be helped.

Indeed, it is a waste of money to keep these offenders who would likely never change its manner toward crime.
What is this?

This is how China's low crime rate gets a jumpstart!

Bad decision.
I think executing organ traffickers and smugglers, and those who sell tainted food products resulting in death, is much more useful than executing robbers. No one is actually executed for robbery anyways, having those crimes as death penalty crimes simply complicates the judicial process.
China scraps death for some crimes

Still deadly: Although China has reduced the crimes which attract the death penalty, the Communist nation executes more prisoners than the rest of the world combined. Source: AFP

PEOPLE convicted of robbing ancient ruins and smuggling rare animals no longer face the death penalty in China, after a reduction in capital punishment offences in a country believed to execute more people than the rest of the world combined.

An amendment to the nation's criminal law took 13 offenses off the list of 68 crimes punishable by death, the country's legislature said.

"The 13 crimes that have been exempted from the death penalty are mainly economic and non-violent crimes," lawmaker Lang Sheng said.

"Of course we still have capital punishment and these crimes punishable by death are based on the needs of our economic and social development, the actual situation of social safety," he added.

State media said crimes that are now exempt from capital punishment included tax fraud and "carrying out fraudulent activities with financial bills."

Other offences taken off the list included smuggling cultural relics, precious metals and rare animals, as well as "robbing ancient cultural ruins."

The amendment, which was first submitted in August, also exempts from capital punishment anyone over the age of 75 at the time of trial, unless they have committed murder "with exceptional cruelty," Xinhua news agency said. Previously, only convicts younger than 18 or pregnant at the time of trial were exempt.

According to Amnesty International, China executes more people each year than the rest of the world put together, but the exact number remains a closely guarded state secret.

China has taken measures in recent years to rein in the use of capital punishment, including requiring the country's supreme court to review all such sentences before they are carried out.

Most executions are imposed for violent crimes such as murder and robbery, state media have said, but drug trafficking and some corruption cases are also punishable by death.

Firing squads have traditionally been used in Chinese executions, but in recent years the state has increasingly adopted lethal injections.

China scraps death for some crimes | The Daily Telegraph
China scraps death for some crimes

Still deadly: Although China has reduced the crimes which attract the death penalty, the Communist nation executes more prisoners than the rest of the world combined. Source: AFP

PEOPLE convicted of robbing ancient ruins and smuggling rare animals no longer face the death penalty in China, after a reduction in capital punishment offences in a country believed to execute more people than the rest of the world combined.

An amendment to the nation's criminal law took 13 offenses off the list of 68 crimes punishable by death, the country's legislature said.

"The 13 crimes that have been exempted from the death penalty are mainly economic and non-violent crimes," lawmaker Lang Sheng said.

"Of course we still have capital punishment and these crimes punishable by death are based on the needs of our economic and social development, the actual situation of social safety," he added.

State media said crimes that are now exempt from capital punishment included tax fraud and "carrying out fraudulent activities with financial bills."

Other offences taken off the list included smuggling cultural relics, precious metals and rare animals, as well as "robbing ancient cultural ruins."

The amendment, which was first submitted in August, also exempts from capital punishment anyone over the age of 75 at the time of trial, unless they have committed murder "with exceptional cruelty," Xinhua news agency said. Previously, only convicts younger than 18 or pregnant at the time of trial were exempt.

According to Amnesty International, China executes more people each year than the rest of the world put together, but the exact number remains a closely guarded state secret.

China has taken measures in recent years to rein in the use of capital punishment, including requiring the country's supreme court to review all such sentences before they are carried out.

Most executions are imposed for violent crimes such as murder and robbery, state media have said, but drug trafficking and some corruption cases are also punishable by death.

Firing squads have traditionally been used in Chinese executions, but in recent years the state has increasingly adopted lethal injections.

China scraps death for some crimes | The Daily Telegraph

Yeah, there were huge protests in China the other day regarding the death penalty.

People didn't want these crimes being taken off. The death penalty enjoys overwhelming support, moreso for drug traffickers and corruption than for murder even. A murderer can only kill 1-5 people but 1 drug trafficker or 1 corrupt official can kill millions.
I think this will be a far more efficient use of our limited police forces.

The impact is not so much on the police, but the judicial system. Assuming China's justice system works like the West, all death penalty cases would require more proof, be tied up for decades in appeals, and use up valuable judicial resources that could be used on other cases instead.

So, trimming the death penalty offenses helps speed up the justice system in general.
The impact is not so much on the police, but the judicial system. Assuming China's justice system works like the West, all death penalty cases would require more proof, be tied up for decades in appeals, and use up valuable judicial resources that could be used on other cases instead.

So, trimming the death penalty offenses helps speed up the justice system in general.

All cases are automatically granted 1 review by the Supreme court and have 1 appeal. This is usually done within 2 years.
This isn't good, China has the largest population, therefore the large number of criminals in absolute.

Some death penalty crimes shouldn't be eliminated. The death penalty crimes shouldn't be afraid by the majoirty of good people who won't commit any crime.

And who cares what those human right monkeys said? China should say go f@ck yourself, we are totally fine unless we have invaded other nations with sovereignty.

No, US does. More American get arrested than Chinese per year. !
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