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China Eliminates 13 Death Penalty Crimes

Not all criminals are the same.

Awile back on Sina there was a guy who comitted armed robbery while holding a female hostage. Turns out he is from a poor family and his mother is ill from cancer and he can't afford the medical cost needed for treatment. Has to watch his mom's funeral in jail through television.

Current procedures on hostage situation seems to focus on just killing the hostage taker, without much focus on negotiations, with some departments boasting about their 'disarming record'. It really is something that can be improved.
Not all criminals are the same.

Awile back on Sina there was a guy who comitted armed robbery while holding a female hostage. Turns out he is from a poor family and his mother is ill from cancer and he can't afford the medical cost needed for treatment. Has to watch his mom's funeral in jail through television.

Current procedures on hostage situation seems to focus on just killing the hostage taker, without much focus on negotiations, with some departments boasting about their 'disarming record'. It really is something that can be improved.

Killing hostage takers is usually a last resort. There's no "disarming" record, the goal is actually 1.) protect the life of the victim 2.) protect the life of bystanders and 3.) protect the rights as much as possible of the criminal. In this case the people were still caught by police, alive.

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In the US, negotiators are usually used for distracting the hostage taker long enough for snipers to get into position anyways.
But statability is still important for China's future development.

These criminals need to be decimated.

The key, as always, is improved education, improved social security, a strict judicial system and precise use of police power. we're not american drug smokers that are criminals just for no reason. the death penalty should be reserved for crimes against humanity like treason, espionage, murder, organizing mafias, human trafficking, drug smuggling, organ trading and corruption.
No, US does. More American get arrested than Chinese per year. !

If this is true, I guess our police are very good indeed.

I would be in favor of Death for massive drug trafficking, and sexual crimes. What the latter does to victims is often worse than death.

Repeat offenders, depending upon the crimes, also deserve death, as they have shown that they cannot live within the rules of society. Someone with a rap sheet that lists dozens of crimes spanning years should not get 3 hot meals a day and a place to sleep for years on end.
If this is true, I guess our police are very good indeed.

I would be in favor of Death for massive drug trafficking, and sexual crimes. What the latter does to victims is often worse than death.

Repeat offenders, depending upon the crimes, also deserve death, as they have shown that they cannot live within the rules of society. Someone with a rap sheet that lists dozens of crimes spanning years should not get 3 hot meals a day and a place to sleep for years on end.

ya, it's cheaper to keep prisoners in hotels then prisons. it really bites that law abiding tax payers have to foot the bill. death penalty solves this issue.
If this is true, I guess our police are very good indeed.

I would be in favor of Death for massive drug trafficking, and sexual crimes. What the latter does to victims is often worse than death.

Repeat offenders, depending upon the crimes, also deserve death, as they have shown that they cannot live within the rules of society. Someone with a rap sheet that lists dozens of crimes spanning years should not get 3 hot meals a day and a place to sleep for years on end.

Problem with this is that it costs more to kill them than let them be comfy in jail due to the appeal process. Then after the jails get crowded they get release again.

China they get 2 appeals then they are executed or the sentence is downgraded to life in prison (no parole)
If this is true, I guess our police are very good indeed.

I would be in favor of Death for massive drug trafficking, and sexual crimes. What the latter does to victims is often worse than death.

Repeat offenders, depending upon the crimes, also deserve death, as they have shown that they cannot live within the rules of society. Someone with a rap sheet that lists dozens of crimes spanning years should not get 3 hot meals a day and a place to sleep for years on end.

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World Prison Population List 2007

Indeed, the US is #1 in imprisoning people. Be proud of this #1, no one can ever take this from you.
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