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ya if they have so much say in world affairs they could have blocked ADB's loan.

I think with in 10 years they will supreme power. Have u noticed How much say CHINA has now in world affairs?I think After US China is coming into picture these days. India is nowhere near dude...I am also feeling bad.Now All depends upon MMS Govt. I have lot of hope from him. Lets see what can he do? Next 5 years will be the golden year of Indian economy...I hope i am not expecting too much.....

Jai Ho!!!:victory:

not that optimistic as you are ,even though i am chinese,10 years is too short for china's long term plan,how about another 30 years.if India or US is planning something against china,my suggestion is :do it now
Pakistan can emerge as an alternative to India and China. Because it has got large pool of man power and human capital available with ethical business practices history. Pakistani products are always quality oriented such as textile, surgical and leather industries.
This sounds like either fabricated propaganda by over-zealous RSS/GOI state-controlled media, or a mis-understanding, or a mistake by some small time mfg in China, or may not have been mfg in China at all (but in India).

The same thing happen with 'toys with lead' in which A TINY TINY ITSY BITSY SMALL MFG, in which a LARGE US TOY BRAND USED A SMALL MFG paying them BELOW HUMAN WAGES.... now who is responsible??? This is the same case with POACHERS:

Do we blame: (a) the poacher, (b) the buyer, or (c) the people that assist in the trade, such as the uncle that loads the goods, the aunt the gives them food and cover, the little boys that keep their mouths shut, the butcher that buys what the buyer discards, etc. Many people are involved, and they must all share the blame.

But in my mind both the buyer and poacher holds most responsibility, but the buyer much more.

This is the same case here. I know in India Media they take enjoyment when bad news (even if it is groundless gossip, or especially if it is juicy gossip) about China. Yes, I've lived in India for a short while and I follow Indian news/Bollywood etc as I am fascinated and admire their culture.

It is funny since nearly all of the Indians believe the PRC engages in the same smear campaign against Hindus/Indians -- but this can't be further from the truth. TRUTH IS, CHINESE MEDIA POTRAYS INDIA IN A POSITVE LIGHT IF AT ALL, BUT MOST OF THE TIME ATTENTION IF FOCUSED ON CHINA + USA + EU + ASIA + JAPAN + AMERICAS + AFRICA. It will surprise many Indians in India that India rarely come up in topic of discussion. Most Chinese have favorable view of Indians, they think nearly all indians are peaceful Buddhists (as that is the birthplace).

It's only overseas Chinese, or those that pay attention who know better. Yes, you will find some Chinese are critical of RSS/Bharat policies.

Truth is you cannot speak about 1962 if you don't also talk about 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960... all leading up to retaliation in 1962. How can it be a 'surprise' attack when all those years Bharat was implimenting it's Akhand Bharat policies of annexing foreign land??? If China really wanted to take India's land, why did they return the land??? The indigenous people on the land that GOI claims as theirs look like Chinese, now why is that???

I can tell you that Chinese and SE Asians have no desire to be a part of Akhand Bharat, so why would they desire to annex your land???
Airbus delivers the first A320 jet made in China
AFP - European aviation giant Airbus delivered the first A320 aircraft made at its factory in China on Tuesday, in an event hailed as a landmark in Sino-European cooperation.

A giant red curtain was pulled back to reveal the jet in a hanger during a ceremony at the factory outside the northern Chinese city of Tianjin.

The jet was the first to be completed at an Airbus factory outside Europe and company CEO Thomas Enders said it underlined the consortium's long-term relationship with China, one of the world's fastest-growing aviation markets.

"We will build a strong future with the China aviation industry and for the China aviation industry," he said.

"(Airbus) will be working increasingly with our partners in China, setting new standards."

The plane was delivered to Dragon Aviation Leasing and will be used by Sichuan Airlines, a regional Chinese air carrier whose markings were already on it.

It was to be flown to Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, later on Tuesday, officials said.

Tianjin mayor Huang Xingguo called Tuesday's event "a historic day" for Sino-European cooperation.

"We will further cooperate to write a new chapter in Chinese and European cooperation," Huang said.

The ceremony also was attended by the British and French ambassadors to China, German State Secretary Hartmut Schauerte and other top Tianjin officials.

Ten middle-distance A319/320 aircraft will be delivered by the end of the year, and the factory will then start to churn out up to four planes a month before the end of 2011.

The Tianjin plant, modelled on Airbus' factory in Hamburg, Germany, has an investment of nearly 10 billion yuan (1.47 billion dollars) and went into operation in September in the presence of Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao.

The joint-venture factory, about 120 kilometres (72 miles) southeast of Beijing, is 51 percent owned by Airbus, a subsidiary of the European group EADS, and 49 percent by a Chinese aviation consortium.

The venture has also revealed the extent that Airbus has gone to get a foot hold in one of the world's most dynamic markets.

China's air market, the second biggest in the world, makes up 15 percent of sales at Airbus, which sold its first plane here -- an A310 -- in 1985.

The decision to build the China plant was based on strong growth estimates that predict the nation will buy up to 2,800 passenger and transport planes over the next 20 years.

These planes, of which 190 are expected to be jumbo jets, are valued at about 329 billion dollars.

In the next two decades, passenger travel is forecast to increase five-fold, according to industry estimates.

Airbus' goal is to gain half of the China market from now until 2012, compared with a 39 percent market share in mid-2008 and up from seven percent in 1995. Its main rival is current global market leader Boeing.

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Nice video good for the chinesse!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

TIANJIN, China: European aviation giant Airbus delivered the first A320 aircraft made at its factory in China on Tuesday, saying the event symbolised its long-term focus on the growing Chinese market.

A giant red curtain was pulled back to reveal the jet in a hanger during a ceremony at the factory outside the northern Chinese city of Tianjin.

The jet was the first to be completed at an Airbus factory outside Europe and company CEO Thomas Enders said it underlined the consortium’s long-term relationship with China, one of the world’s fastest-growing aviation markets.

“We will build a strong future with the China aviation industry and for the China aviation industry,” he said. “(Airbus) will be working increasingly with our partners in China, setting new standards.”

The plane was delivered to Dragon Aviation Leasing and will be used by Sichuan Airlines, a regional Chinese air carrier whose markings were already on it. It was to be flown to Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, later on Tuesday and put into service the following day, officials said.

Tianjin mayor Huang Xingguo called Tuesday’s event “a historic day” for Sino-European cooperation. “We will further cooperate to write a new chapter in Chinese and European cooperation,” Huang said.
China starts running test of home-made maglev train

SHIJIAZHUANG, June 17 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese firm said on Wednesday it has started a running test on the first China-developed maglev train, and it now has the ability for mass production.

The Tangshan Railway Vehicle Co. Ltd., which is based in Tangshan City of north China's Hebei Province, said the train has a designed speed of up to 120 kilometers per hour, and has three carriages. The carriages can each have 100 to 120 seats.

The company's partner in the maglev project, the Beijing Enterprises Holdings Maglev Technology Development Co., Ltd., said earlier this year that the maglev train would be ready to go into mass production, once it has completed 100,000 test kilometers.

A spokesman with the Tangshan company said the company has not yet secured a commercial contract, though Shenzhen city in south China approached the company and asked it to conduct a feasibility study into the use of the maglev technology for the planned urban rail project.

He said the low- and medium-speed maglev train may offer a new option for urban transport. The train's working noise can hardly be heard five meters away.

The Tangshan company has been engaged in the research of the maglev technology for more than ten years, which has been listed as a national key technology research program supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

BEIJING: China said on Wednesday it had found a new iron ore deposit in northeastern Liaoning province that state media has described as the largest in Asia.

“We did find an iron ore deposit there,” an official with the land and resources ministry, who declined to be named, told AFP. He refused to give further details, but the official China News Service said on Tuesday that an iron ore deposit with an estimated reserve of more than three billion tonnes was discovered in the region. The report said the reserve, near the city of Benxi, was the largest in Asia and could prove to be twice as big as currently thought as exploration work progresses.
Economic rough times are raising tensions! Hope rich people are not so stingy and share their wealth with the poor and needy. Here's a recent incident.

Guangdong toy factory brawl leaves 2 dead, 118 injured

A brawl among factory workers in south China's Guangdong Province left two people dead and another 118 injured, local authorities said Friday.

A brawl among factory workers in south China's Guangdong Province left two people dead and another 118 injured, local authorities said Friday. [Photo from www.motorfans.com.cn]

A brawl among factory workers in south China's Guangdong Province left two people dead and another 118 injured, local authorities said Friday. [Photo from www.motorfans.com.cn]

A dispute led to a fight involving hundreds of people Thursday at the Xuri Toy Factory in Shaoguan City, a municipal government spokesman said.

More than 400 police had to be called in to restore order. The injured were rushed to hospitals, but two workers died, the spokesman said.

All the 118 injured were in stable condition, he said.

No details about the dispute are available. Police are investigating the incident.

(Xinhua News Agency June 27, 2009)
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