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China Economy Forum

China starts construction on 10.2 GigaWatt dam | Xinhua

A large dam has multiple generators. For example, the Three Gorge's Dam has 32 generators.

In this case, the Wudongde hydropower station will generate 10.2 gigawatts. For comparison, a typical nuclear reactor generates 1 gigawatt. The $15.4 billion Wudongde dam is the equivalent of 10 nuclear reactors!

China starts work on 3rd-biggest hydropower station on Yangtze | Shanghai Daily

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China realizes universal power access
English.news.cn 2015-12-25 01:01:15
by Xinhua writers Li Laifang, Lyu Xueli, Luo Xiaofei

XINING, Dec. 24 (Xinhua) -- China has realized universal power access when the last remote group of 39,800 people became able to light their homes with electricity.

The light came on Wednesday in Gomang and Changjiang villages in the northwestern Qinghai province, the last group in the country without power.

The 9,614 households are at an average altitude of more than 4,000 meters in the remote hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, said Shi Xueqian, Communist Party chief of Qinghai Electric Power Company under the State Grid.

The company spent 2.1 billion yuan (324 million U.S.dollars) and more than 5,000 workers were involved in the operation.

Two thirds of households are connected to the national grid while the rest use photovoltaic devices.

"This means Qinghai has provided power to its whole population and China has fulfilled its goal of providing electricity to all its people set out in the 12th five-year plan (2011-2015)," said Tan Rongyao, a senior official of the National Energy Administration (NEA).


"Now we have electricity, we no longer need to burn cow dung for heat or use oil lamps for lighting," said Hudong, a herder from Gomang village.

Burning cow dung won't get them through the long, bitter winter, so Hudong and other villagers had to cut forest trees and bring them from 30 km away.

His 16-year-old granddaughter, a junior middle school student, can read books in more light, he said. He bought a TV set several years ago, but it was just ornament before. Now, they can finally watch TV.

The grid access brings new life and hope for local people. Cering said he planned to buy a refrigerator and an electric machine to produce ghee to sell.

"We have been looking forward to having electricity for many years," said Jamyang, a herder. His village began to have power via a photovoltaic station in November.

"Now, at nights in our pasturing area, we can watch TV while drinking tea or eating, instead of going to sleep early as in the past," he added.

Since 2013, Huanghe (the Yellow River) Hydropower Development Co. Ltd has built 261 photovoltaic stations and distributed more than 40,000 household photovoltaic devices in the area, helping 185,000 people to get connected, said Wei Xiangui, deputy general manager of the company.


At the end of 2012, China had 2.73 million people without electricity,mainly in Xinjiang, Sichuan, Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu and Inner Mongolia regions or provinces. Qinghai had about 470,000 people of them.

After two years, 2.73 million had dropped to 237,800 and all of them were in Sichuan and Qinghai.

In March, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang vowed to provide electricity to these last few before the end of the year.

In June, Sichuan province completed its task and 39,800 people in Qinghai became the last without power.

From 2013 to 2015, Qinghai spent 5.1 billion yuan on expanding power access. During the same period, the country invested 24.8 billion yuan (3.8 billion U.S. dollars) in extending power grids and building renewable energy facilities.

The country will upgrade rural grids to improve their operation stability and supply capabilities to meet demands, according to the NEA.

Xinhua Insight: China realizes universal power access
- Xinhua | English.news.cn
China starts construction on 10.2 GigaWatt dam | Xinhua

A large dam has multiple generators. For example, the Three Gorge's Dam has 32 generators.

In this case, the Wudongde hydropower station will generate 10.2 gigawatts. For comparison, a typical nuclear reactor generates 1 gigawatt. The $15.4 billion Wudongde dam is the equivalent of 10 nuclear reactors!

China starts work on 3rd-biggest hydropower station on Yangtze | Shanghai Daily


that is amazing.
that is amazing.

keep in mind the the 10ish gigawatt number is the design capacity, it will not be running that that capacity full time. as shown by the fact that it is suppose to reach about 38.9 billion kw-hrs. compared to a gigawatt nuclear reactor which pretty much can run 24/7 at design capacity. non-the-less its still worth about 5 one-gigawatt nuclear reactors running full time, so its still pretty good.
Taobao village clusters spreading reach
By Meng Jing (China Daily) Updated: 2015-12-26 08:00


There are now 780 so-called "Taobao villages" in China, a 268 percent increase over the past year, according to the latest research.

The term refers to village-based online business clusters that each has an annual e-commerce transactions worth in excess of 10 million yuan ($1.55 million), involving more than 100 active online stores representing at least 10 percent of a village's households doing business online.

The figures were released by AliResearch, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's research institute, and showed those 780 sites played host to more than 200,000 active online stores, which officials said prove just how fast the Internet is transforming the rural economy.

They also show customers from 832 of China's poorest counties spent 100.9 billion yuan on Alibaba's online platforms during 2014, and users sold products worth 11.93 billion yuan.

AliResearch claims doing business online is fast becoming one of the most effective ways of eliminating rural poverty, particularly for those selling farm produces, who can reach many more markets and also sell their produce at a fraction of the cost of using more traditional sales channels.
Commerce ministry: Increase in FDI, ODI puts economy on target
  • 2015-12-28 08:46
  • China Daily
Both foreign direct investment in China and outbound direct investment have risen this year, putting the nation on track to meet its annual growth target, the minister of commerce said on Sunday.

FDI is expected to reach $135 billion this year, up almost 13 percent year-on-year, while ODI is forecast to hit $128 billion, up 24 percent year-on-year.

Gao Hucheng, the minister of commerce, said his department's main tasks in the 13th Five-year Plan (2016-20) will be to stabilize external demand, improve the quality of high-end manufacturing and adjust the industrial structure to attract quality FDI.

"We'll also encourage more Chinese companies to invest abroad to diversify sales channels in the global market," he said at the ministry's annual meeting in Beijing.

Due to fast-growing manufacturing and service industries, China received $620 billion in FDI during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-15), up 30 percent on the previous five-year plan. ODI grew 14.2 percent over the same period.

Ministry spokesman Shen Danyang said the Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to improve regional connectivity between Asia, Europe and Africa and involves big-ticket infrastructure projects, has contributed to ODI growth this year.

The initiative, proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013, includes the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and covers about 4.4 billion people in more than 60 countries and regions.

In the first 10 months of this year, Chinese ODI in 49 of the nations along the Belt and Road routes totaled $13.17 billion, up 36.7 percent year-on-year, with Russia, Singapore, Laos, Indonesia and Kazakhstan among the top destinations.

Li Guanghui, vice-president of the ministry's think tank, the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said "green growth"-one of five key development concepts in the 13th Five-Year Plan-can help attract more FDI as it will spur technological innovation in sectors such as power generation, steel production and construction materials.

The environmental protection sector has grown by about 20 percent a year since 2011, with more than $500 billion injected in the sector over that period. A further 2 trillion yuan ($308 billion) is expected to flood in each year until 2020.

Gao said China will also step up negotiations next year on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, as well as the free trade agreement between China, South Korea and Japan, and the country's proposed FTAs with Sri Lanka and Maldives, to build stronger trade and investment ties with global partners.
Consumption now a key growth driver: MOFCOM
  • 2015-12-28 08:51
  • Global Times

Retail seen partly offsetting slide in investment, exports

Consumption has become a major driver for China's economy in 2015, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said on Sunday, with investment and exports having remained subdued during the year.

The nation's total retail sales are expected to top 30 trillion yuan ($4.63 trillion) in 2015, ranking second after the US, according to a MOFCOM posting on its website.

Consumption is expected to account for nearly 60 percent of China's economic growth in 2015, MOFCOM said, compared with a ratio of 51.2 percent in 2014.

Online retailing has been a major aspect of consumption, with Chinese consumers becoming increasingly used to shopping online. In the "Singles' Day" shopping spree on November 11, total transactions on Alibaba Group's Tmall platform surged 59.7 percent year-on-year to nearly 91.22 billion yuan.

Total online retail sales in 2015 are expected to top 4 trillion yuan, according to MOFCOM, giving China the No.1 ranking in the world for the third consecutive year.

Though the e-commerce boom has posed a challenge for brick-and-mortar stores, experts noted that its pros far outweighs the cons.

"E-commerce not only boosts consumption; it also benefits related services, such as the express-delivery sector," Bai Ming, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under MOFCOM, told the Global Times Sunday.

Rising status

Consumption is an increasingly important growth engine for the Chinese economy, as two of the other main drivers - investment and exports - have lost momentum in 2015. In the first 11 months, retail sales grew 10.6 percent year-on-year and the growth rate has been rising steadily since May this year. Online retail surged 33 percent during the period, MOFCOM data showed.

Meanwhile, total fixed-assets investment rose by 10.2 percent year-on-year in January-November, well below the rate of 15.7 percent in 2014. And growth in foreign trade fell into negative territory, with the total volume dropping 7.8 percent on a yearly basis during the period.

"Though traditional consumption items like housing and autos did not perform well, a number of new growth points have emerged, such as cultural and tourism spending," Xu Hongcai, director of the Economic Research Department at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, told the Global Times Sunday, adding that consumption will play an increasingly important role in the future.

Policy support

The central government has launched a series of measures to boost consumption in 2015. In September, the State Council announced that the purchase tax for cars with an engine capacity of 1.6 liters and below would be halved from October 1 till the end of 2016.

Boosted by the policy, growth in auto sales rebounded to 19.99 percent year-on-year in November, compared with a meager rate of 2.1 percent in September.

In terms of the housing sector, traditionally a major consumption item, more favorable policies are also expected, analysts said. The Central Economic Work Conference, which concluded on December 21 and set the tone for macroeconomic policy in 2016, marked destocking in the real estate sector as a priority, with developers being encouraged to cut prices in order to boost sales of unsold property. Migrant workers will also be encouraged to buy properties in cities.

China's economic growth slowed to 6.9 percent in the third quarter of the year. For the whole of 2015, analysts said that the policy support could help it reach the government target of rising by "around 7 percent."

But the bright points in the economy, such as the resilient performance in consumption and new services sectors, can only partially offset the downward pressure from the slowdown in manufacturing and real estate investment, and China's economy could slow further to 6.6 percent growth in 2016, J.P. Morgan said in a research note sent to the Global Times on December 15.

"Though consumption still has further room to grow, efforts should also be made to boost investment to stabilize growth," Xu noted.
Taiwan's Inventec becomes world's largest computer server Original Design Manufacturer (ODM)/OEM

Taiwan has some of the world's largest semiconductor and electronics companies.

1. TSMC - 60% worldwide semiconductor foundry market
2. MediaTek - world's second-largest SoC (ie. system on a chip) designer
3. Quanta or Compal - world's two largest computer notebook manufacturers, total Taiwanese share is 90% of worldwide computer notebook market
4. ASE - world's largest computer chip packaging company
5. Delta Electronics - one of the world's largest electronics parts manufacturers
6. Largan - world's largest smartphone lens manufacturer
7. Inventec - world's largest computer server ODM/OEM

Inventec becomes largest server ODM/OEM, says paper

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Commerce ministry: Increase in FDI, ODI puts economy on target
English.news.cn | 2015-12-28 20:14:47 | Editor: Tian Shaohui

BEIJING, Dec. 28 (Xinhuanet) -- Both foreign direct investment in China and outbound direct investment have risen this year, putting the nation on track to meet its annual growth target, the minister of commerce said on Sunday. FDI is expected to reach $135 billion this year, up almost 13 percent year-on-year, while ODI is forecast to hit $128 billion, up 24 percent year-on-year.

Gao Hucheng, the minister of commerce, said his department's main tasks in the 13th Five-year Plan (2016-20) will be to stabilize external demand, improve the quality of high-end manufacturing and adjust the industrial structure to attract quality FDI.

"We'll also encourage more Chinese companies to invest abroad to diversify sales channels in the global market," he said at the ministry's annual meeting in Beijing.

Due to fast-growing manufacturing and service industries, China received $620 billion in FDI during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-15), up 30 percent on the previous five-year plan. ODI grew 14.2 percent over the same period.

Ministry spokesman Shen Danyang said the Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to improve regional connectivity between Asia, Europe and Africa and involves big-ticket infrastructure projects, has contributed to ODI growth this year.

The initiative, proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013, includes the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and covers about 4.4 billion people in more than 60 countries and regions.

In the first 10 months of this year, Chinese ODI in 49 of the nations along the Belt and Road routes totaled $13.17 billion, up 36.7 percent year-on-year, with Russia, Singapore, Laos, Indonesia and Kazakhstan among the top destinations.

Li Guanghui, vice-president of the ministry's think tank, the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said "green growth"-one of five key development concepts in the 13th Five-Year Plan-can help attract more FDI as it will spur technological innovation in sectors such as power generation, steel production and construction materials.

The environmental protection sector has grown by about 20 percent a year since 2011, with more than $500 billion injected in the sector over that period. A further 2 trillion yuan ($308 billion) is expected to flood in each year until 2020.

Gao said China will also step up negotiations next year on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, as well as the free trade agreement between China, South Korea and Japan, and the country's proposed FTAs with Sri Lanka and Maldives, to build stronger trade and investment ties with global partners.

Commerce ministry: Increase in FDI, ODI puts economy on target - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Ip Man 3 - Trailers

Donnie Yen vs Mike Tyson

I absolutely disagree with the location of this post in this thread. This is supposed to be on Economy, not movies. A more general movie industry related post was still welcome.
I absolutely disagree with the location of this post in this thread. This is supposed to be on Economy, not movies. A more general movie industry related post was still welcome.
Why are you trying to moderate a Chinese thread?

Who made you moderator?

99% of the contributors to the Chinese economy thread are Chinese.

If Keel wants to put IPMan3 here, I welcome it. It is important economic news. I'm going to watch IPMan 3 now.
Why are you trying to moderate a Chinese thread?

Who made you moderator?

99% of the contributors to the Chinese economy thread are Chinese.

If Keel wants to put IPMan3 here, I welcome it. It is important economic news. I'm going to watch IPMan 3 now.

Leave the pathetic comment above yours alone

I am seeing the movie to be a high grossing box office project and a contribution to our film industry which is bursting at the seams so to speak

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