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China Economy Forum

Huawei overtakes Xiaomi as top smartphone vendor
Xinhua, October 23, 2015

Huawei Technologies Co. replaced Xiaomi Corp. as China's top smartphone vendor in the third quarter, according to a tech industry research company.

In the third quarter, Huawei's shipments registered 81-percent year on year growth, while Xiaomi's shipments shrank, Canalys estimated.

"Xiaomi, with its worldwide target of 80 million smartphone shipments for 2015, is under tremendous pressure to keep growing as an international player as it is slowing down in its key home market," said Jessie Ding, a research analyst based in the Canalys Shanghai office.

As domestic shipments wane, Xiaomi is looking to expand overseas. Lin Bin, Xiaomi's president, said at a technology conference on Wednesday that the company is considering selling its higher-end Mi Note and Mi Note Pro models in the United States.

Xiaomi entered the Indian smartphone market in 2014, selling a million handsets.

While Xiaomi has to face off against big names like Apple and Samsung overseas, there is also fierce competition at home.

Already established as an international smartphone maker, Huawei made 52 percent of its smartphone sales revenue overseas last year. The markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America are blossoming.
People like android as I think once you use windows on a phone you just pushed the people away from.

Not that because windows is bad or people dont like it no because android is easy to use.
China’s Central Bank Cuts Rates - WSJ

BEIJING—China’s central bank late Friday cut both interest rates and the reserve-requirement ratio for banks, in a bid to revive slowing economic growth.

The central bank also scrapped its cap on deposit rates for China’s commercial lenders and rural cooperatives, a key move toward the government’s long-promised interest-rate liberalization.

The People’s Bank of China said in a statement that it will cut its benchmark lending and deposit rate by 0.25 percentage point. After the cuts, China’s benchmark one-year lending rate will be 4.35%, down from 4.6%, and the one-year deposit rate will be 1.5%, lowered from 1.75%, effective Saturday.

This is the sixth cut in benchmark interest rates since November last year.

Meanwhile, the PBOC said it would also lower its reserve-requirement ratio for banks by 0.5 percentage point, also effective Saturday, in a bid to boost liquidity and maintain stable credit growth. The official reserve-requirement ratio for most large banks will fall to 17.5% after the cut takes effect.

The central bank said there would be an extra 0.5 percentage point cut in certain banks’ reserve-requirement ratio, in a bid to support the country’s small businesses and agricultural sector.

This is the fourth across-the-board reserve-requirement-ratio reduction so far this year.

—Grace Zhu
China is already in deflation. It needs to reduce rate & reserve ratio many times.
Australian and NZ beef is ten times preferable over contaminated US beef.

At least that's the lesson we learned here in Taiwan.

Keep away from US beef (and other meat types).

I recall that @Wholegrain, a Taiwanese TTA, stated that there are even more food scandals in Taiwan than in China.
China ( China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co. Ltd.) wins bid to supply six big-diameter EPB (Earth Pressure Balance) TBMs (Tunnel Boring Machines) to Israel




2015年10月22日 10:46 来源:中国经济网—《经济日报》 夏先清

  经济日报讯 记者夏先清、通讯员陈龙报道:近日,以色列特拉维夫轻轨红线项目盾构采购合同签约仪式在郑州举行,中国中铁工程装备集团一次性向以色列出口6台大直径土压平衡盾构机,首度打入中东市场。这是国际市场对中国品牌盾构的又一肯定,同时也标志着中国中铁装备国际市场占有率进一步扩大,增强了角逐国际盾构市场的话语权。




These are the concrete results a responsible Government should deliver to its people, not some pipe dream of being a "Superpower", and made itself the international laughing stock.

Huawei overtakes Xiaomi as top smartphone vendor
Xinhua, October 23, 2015

Huawei Technologies Co. replaced Xiaomi Corp. as China's top smartphone vendor in the third quarter, according to a tech industry research company.

In the third quarter, Huawei's shipments registered 81-percent year on year growth, while Xiaomi's shipments shrank, Canalys estimated.

"Xiaomi, with its worldwide target of 80 million smartphone shipments for 2015, is under tremendous pressure to keep growing as an international player as it is slowing down in its key home market," said Jessie Ding, a research analyst based in the Canalys Shanghai office.

As domestic shipments wane, Xiaomi is looking to expand overseas. Lin Bin, Xiaomi's president, said at a technology conference on Wednesday that the company is considering selling its higher-end Mi Note and Mi Note Pro models in the United States.

Xiaomi entered the Indian smartphone market in 2014, selling a million handsets.

While Xiaomi has to face off against big names like Apple and Samsung overseas, there is also fierce competition at home.

Already established as an international smartphone maker, Huawei made 52 percent of its smartphone sales revenue overseas last year. The markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America are blossoming.

Whole family switched to Huawei now, and are proud of it.
The U.S. took a step toward backing China’s SDR bid last month, when it softened its insistence that the Chinese implement financial reforms to win support.

That's weird.

Since America basically has veto power in the IMF (America + allies have majority voting rights). They could have vetoed it.

Instead they are supporting it?

What is the game here?
You are correct. China is in a deflation stage with 6.9% recent GDP for the quarter

Learn some economics.

Nominal growth = 6.2
Real growth = 6.9
Deflator = -0.7

Without net export contribution Chinese growth is 5%.

China is in deflation.
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