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Xiaomi takes aim at Apple after big increase in sales

Updated: 2013-07-17 07:06By Shen Jingting (China Daily}




Photo credit: miui.ch



Xiaomi 2A


Photo credits: Xiaomi

Quad Core 1.5GHz
- Quad core 1.5GHz
- 8.0MP&2.0MP
- 3G (WCDMA 850/1900/2100MHz)
- 4.3"IPS 1280*720
- Android 4.1 OS



Photo credits: dhgate.com


Photo credit: Xiaomi via cnet

Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi Corp said on Tuesday it sold 7.03 million Xiaomi mobile phones in the first half of this year and realized unaudited revenue of 13.3 billion yuan ($2.16 billion) during the same period.

According to a news release sent to China Daily, Xiaomi disclosed that its half-year revenue in 2013 exceeded the company's 12.6 billion yuan revenue from all of 2012 but it did not reveal the profitability ratio.

The company is on track to reach its annual goal of selling 15 million Xiaomi smartphones by the end of the year, according to officials from Xiaomi's public relations department on Tuesday.

As of June, Xiaomi had more than 14 million smartphone users on the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the news release said.

Lei Jun, founder and chief executive officer of Xiaomi, attributed the good performance to the company's more influential branding, better industry partner support and an improved logistics and warehouse system.

Founded in 2010, Xiaomi has experienced rapid growth. The company launched its first smartphones in August 2011 and quickly gained market share, beating some traditional mobile phone giants.

"In the Chinese market, with the exception of Apple and Samsung, if the shipment of one smartphone model exceeds 1 million during its life cycle, it can be described as 'quite successful'," said James Yan, an analyst with the research firm IDC China.

Xiaomi has managed to sell every one of its smartphone models above the 1 million level and is easily ahead of companies such as Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and ZTE Corp in terms of single smartphone shipments, Yan added, pointing out the latter firms have been selling mobile phones for about a decade.

Xiaomi is now directly challenging international giants Samsung Electronics Co Ltd and Apple Inc, which both keep single smartphone sales records in China. According to IDC, Apple had sold about 16 million iPhone 4 and 15 million iPhone 4S handsets in China as of March.

Xiaomi's Lei sees Apple as a target to overtake in the future. During a previous interview with China Daily, Lei expressed Xiaomi's ambition to ship more than 100 million smartphones annually worldwide for each model by 2016.

Apple, based in Cupertino in the United States, managed to break the 100 million iPhone devices mark in 2012, less than five years since the first iPhone was sold in 2007.

Lei dreams of achieving a similar, or even faster, pace of development.

"I know it is crazy, but we would like to have a try," Lei said last year.

Overall, Xiaomi's smartphone shipments in China, if they are not counted on the basis of single device shipments, are still small. The company even failed to become a top 10 smartphone supplier in China in the first quarter, according to the Beijing-based research firm Analysys International.

Samsung was the top smartphone company after acquiring a 17.3 percent share in the Chinese market in the first quarter, followed by Lenovo with 13.1 percent and Coolpad with 10.3 percent. The country had sales of 75.3 million smartphones, a year-on-year rise of 141.5 percent, in the first quarter ending on March 31.
lol Russian tool tries everything to smear the hand that is feeding him....

You angry EU slapped Russia with a WTO case over unlawful import tarifs disguised as recycling costs-which ironically don't apply to Russian made vehicles-as if Russian made was more environmentally friendly and easier to recycle?

its called protectionism and is good for the economy
I am really jealous on China´s economic success. Chinese themes are very popular in Europe. Today a popular German magazine "Die Welt" reports on how the rich enjoy the rising living standard. Respect. Keep moving. :china:

my own feeling: Vietnam is a small China in many ways, so I always wish a prosperous Vietnam instead of conflicts. I believe Vietnam will be a rich country because of hardworking people.
Beijing University reported that nearly 90 percent of Chinese households own property

中国网 china.com 2013-07-19 07:01

Beijing University reported that nearly 90 percent of Chinese households own property

China Network china.com
2013-07-19 07:01

This morning, the reporter learned from the Beijing University of Chinese Social Science Research Center was informed by the Centre organized research "China Minsheng Development Report 2013" has been completed.

Reported that the average family housing area of ​​100 square meters, 30 square meters per capita. Nearly nine Chinese families are wholly or partly owned housing property rights, more than 10% of households have two or more housing.

The report shows that in 2012 the National Family housing construction area for a median of 100 square meters of urban and rural households were 80 and 120 square meters. National Rural housing facilities significantly better town, but compared to 2010, 2012 family housing facilities in rural areas improved sanitation in reducing the proportion of incomplete.

The survey identified a total of 14,960 households surveyed, 57 155 individuals interviewed, completed questionnaires about 220,000 copies, visit accumulated approximately 73,000 hours. This report focuses on Shanghai, Henan, Gansu, Guangdong, Liaoning five provinces sampled data analysis.

Price earnings ratio: refers to the urban housing prices and household income ratio, reasonable price earnings ratio of between 4-6.

Educational expectations

Parents Primary and below 71.1% of families expect their children to be able to read the degree or above
Parents, high school and higher education households 93.7% expect their children to be able to read the degree or above
Median: The statistical population among the various variable values ​​are arranged in order of size, to form a series, the number of variables listed in the middle position of the median value of a variable is called

Parental level of education for primary school students and the following: 71% promoted from junior high school, 74% promoted from high school to college
Parental education level of junior high school students: 92% promoted from junior high school, 88% promoted from high school to college
Parental level of education for high school students and above: 98% promoted from junior high school, 95% promoted from high school to college.

There are 10% families own 2 or more properties

The report shows that 10% families own two or more properties, and cities such as Shanghai have two sets of family housing to more than other provinces.

Shanghai people in the region's commodity consciousness stronger, more willing to invest, therefore, have two family suites and more than in other regions. Peking Chinese Social Sciences Research Center, deputy Renren Jiang said that because the city high prices, housing The addition of small population, so also in Shanghai, the proportion of households without housing is the highest, "low-income, foreign workers living longer there is little ability to buy houses, the polarization of the more serious."


High-income families
3607 yuan was put into education

The report shows that in the highest 25% of the income level of families for their children's education investment reached 3607 yuan per year, is the lowest-income families more than 2 times.

North China Social Sciences Research Center, deputy Renren Jiang said that China home to the child's educational expectations, although in different regions, different levels of parental education, there are significant differences, but different economic conditions of families no difference. Generally speaking, Chinese families expect their children's education is still pretty high.

The family of the child on Chinese investment in education is high or low, the economic burden of large or small, to the family of the child's education investment accounted for the proportion of household income, the proportion of household expenses or to judge. Is to compare the annual household investment in education and household income, "If the family income 1,000,000, while the family is ¥ 10,000 investment in education, this ratio is only one percent."

google translation
Xiangtang-Putian Railway (向莆铁路) tracklaying completed, opening in September 2013

Length: 635.861km
Design Speed: 200km/h
Stations: 24

Xiangtang-Putian Railway connects Jiangxi Province directly to Fujian Province, providing a 3-hour seaport access to inland province of Jiangxi. With its opening Nanchang to Fuzhou's travel time will be reduced from current 11 hours to 3.5 hours.

Testing run:

Panying HSR to start trial run on 16.07.2013

Location: Panjin, Liaoning Province, connecting Panjin to Harbin-Dalian HSR
Length: 89.314km _ 8.941km connection line
Max speed: 250kmph

Newly constructed Panjin Station
Maoming-Zhanjiang HSR opens by the end of 2013

4.7 bln yuan 103m Maoming-Zhanjiang HSR will start track laying next month. After opening the travel time between Maoming-Zhanjiang will be reduced to 0.5 hour.

Shenzhen-Maoming HSR to start construction in 2013

Location: Guangdong Province, part of coastal HSR
Length: 390.107km
Max speed: 250kmph
Construction: 2013 ~ 2017



Beijing to Haikou to Sanya by HSR in the not too distant future。:cheers:
Huawei H1 sales revenue up 10.8%

Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 15:56
By Xinhua


credit: ehuaqi,com

Huawei H1 sales revenue up 10.8% - Business - China Daily Asia


credit: kjjykd.com

SHENZHEN - Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology solutions provider, announced Wednesday that its sales revenue in the first six months of this year reached 113.8 billion yuan ($18.4 billion), up 10.8 percent year on year.
Based on robust growth and other positive business indicators, Huawei expects to generate a net profit margin of 7 to 8 percent in 2013, according to its unaudited financial and operational results for the first half of 2013.

"Our success in H1 2013 was mainly driven by the steady growth of the carrier network business, the expansion of the enterprise business, and the fast growth of the consumer business, as well as the continuous enhancement of our overall operational efficiency," said Cathy Meng, chief financial officer of Huawei.

"From these positive indicators, we believe Huawei will generate strong performance and profit margins in the second half of this year and are confident that we will achieve our goal to increase revenue by 10 percent," said Meng.

Huawei, based in the coastal city of Shenzhen in South China's Guangdong province, jumped to 315th on the 2013 Fortune Global 500 list from 351st a year ago. It has surpassed Stockholm-based Ericsson in the rankings with increased revenues and solid earnings propelled by smartphone sales.
"High-speed Silk Road" to enliven NW China

July 28, 2013

A high-speed railway that will enable passengers to travel the 1,900 km between the northwest Chinese cities of Lanzhou and Urumqi in eight hours upon completion in 2014 has been hailed for the trade boost it will bring.

The line has been dubbed a "high-speed Silk Road" for the role it will play in transporting goods and people along the historical network of trade routes which still play such a huge part in local commerce. In ancient times, it would have taken two months on camel-back to traverse the branch between the cities now known as Lanzhou and Urumqi.

"It feels like a time warp," says Wu Hanfei, an engineer with the high-speed railway construction project.

Wu came to the construction site at Gaotai County in Zhangye City, Gansu Province, in June 2010 to join thousands of workers.

In his spare time, Wu would look at a nearby railway track which opened to traffic in 1962. The track immediately became important for its ability to shuttle passengers from Lanzhou to Urumqi in 20 hours, and it will continue to operate.

When the new railway opens to traffic in October next year, however, the high-speed line will mostly serve passenger trains while the old one will serve cargo trains. At that point, the old railway will be freed up to transport 424 million tonnes of goods annually, twice as many as at present.

"This will significantly improve the transport capacity in northwest China," says Wu Tianyun, head of the Lanzhou Railway Bureau.

In ancient times, the tough travel conditions made journeying west a painful decision. It was often a one-way trip, with many people finding it impractical to return to the Central Plains.

The new railway will be linked to the country's railway network from Lanzhou after operation. Traveling from Beijing to Urumqi, which are more than 3,000 km apart, will take less than one day.

"By then, traveling west will be enjoyable for people living in central and eastern China, once the ancient Central Plains, because they will get to see historical relics, beautiful scenery, and exotic tradition without fearing they can never come back," says Wu Tianyun.

Cutting the journey time from months to hours, the high-speed Silk Road will change not only people's ways of traveling, but also northwest China's economic structure.

Starting from the ancient city of Chang'an, now known as Xi'an, the Silk Road extends to the Mediterranean region in the west and the Indian subcontinent in the south. Its total length is over 10,000 km, with 4,000 km located within China.

The cities now known as Lanzhou, Dunhuang, and Urumqi are all important stops on the route.

While silk continues to be the key trade good, agriculture, tourism, and the new energy and logistics industries have all boomed along the present-day Silk Road.

In the first four months of 2013, Dunhuang, which holds historical relics relating to the early Silk Road, received 750,000 tourists and a total revenue of 690 million yuan (112.5 million U.S. dollars).

And Wei Zhizhong, director of the Dunhuang Tourism Bureau, predicts, "After the operation of the high-speed railway, we'll see skyrocketing numbers of tourists."

While tourists are an important commodity traveling predominantly east to west along this route, grapes are a big deal going in the other direction.

The fruit used to be restricted largely to west China, with only wealthy families in the Central Plains able to afford it. Nowadays, more than 100,000 tonnes of grapes are transported each year from Dunhuang to central and east China. Some 120,000 mu (8,000 hectares) of land in Dunhuang are dedicated to growing the juicy orbs, and this is expected to expand.

"In ancient times, it would take 5,000 camels walking nearly two months to transport 100,000 tonnes of grapes from the west to central and eastern China," explains Niu Xinjun, a farmer in Qili County of Dunhuang.

In fact, wherever one looks along the Silk Road there are foundations for healthy growth that the new railway will surely build upon. While the Gobi Desert used to mean toil and death, everything seems lively today.

In the suburbs of Yumen City in Gansu, 1,100 wind towers stand along 40 km of desert. Enterprises are transporting steel and iron through railways to Yumen and building bases for new energy and manufacturing industries.

"By 2015, annual sales for these industries will reach 15 billion yuan," beams Yumen mayor Song Cheng.

"High-speed Silk Road" to enliven NW China - China.org.cn
Hails to China!

People's money must be given back to the people, not the gov officials.

Unlike in some big democratic country when criminals are elected and bribery is rampant, China is purging and trying and jailing corrupted officials. So no more bribery (aka lavish gifts).

Back to the topic.

Guess all the infrastructures are already there, and no need to spend money on that. On top of that, corrupted officials or to-be-corrupted officials are in check due to the new leadership.

It is not a surprise that money will be spent less. Hopefully China will thus levy less tax against its people.

Thanks! Your points exactly hit the core weakness of current China. I have to admit you know the real weakness more than Chinese.

First, since there is not yet a formal budget law to authorize and moniter how fiscal expenditures are applied, I cannot expect 10 trillion yuan fiscal revenue per year to be used efficiently.

Second, yes, excessive infrastructures with little return should be suspended. Such massive construction projects could stimulate growth maybe in 1997, but not now. Nine provincial governments have a debt ratio more than 100% due to such constructions, even worse than Detroit. Improper allocation of currency into real estate and excessive infrastructure projects have been driving up inflation. Of course, this is due to a lack of fiscal expenditure monitering and budget law.

Third, tax burden is too heavy. I've studied Individual Taxation of US, so I am jealous at US resident's tax burden, especially the substantial amount of exemptions and deductions for each individual. They are much more flexible and milder than the rigescent taxation system of China. No wonder such taxation law are made by several generations' commitment through several decade. Many details in US taxation law really cares the poor and middle class, of course, that is what they have strived for. As for China, VAT reform has began and recently State Council exempted sales tax and VAT of small corporations with less than 20,000 RMB turnover per month, though little can help.

Besides, the most crucial problem I think is the tax sharing system. 60% tax revenue are allocated to central government while only 40% belong to provincial government which undertakes the majority economic projects, you know that Chinese economy is still state leading. So, provincial government with insufficient fund cannot undertake more projects and infrastructure to stimulate growth, they have to directly involve in infrastructure and real estate to make up the insufficient fund and accomplish target designated from central government, such as "increase fiscal revenue" "sustain a 8% growth rate"... They can do whatever to accomplish the targets from central government while ignoring the bad consequences, just because their positions are designated from each upper levels of administration rather than 1.3 billion people with legislative right of supervision.

Unlike in some big democratic country when criminals are elected and bribery is rampant

Maybe you refer to India? I am suspicious of their democracy system. They cannot distinguish vote right from real liberty. I have questioned them many times, what if all of your parties are corrupted? That means Indians can only vote for corrupted parties.

Well, I would say that, as long-term institutions, I am totally against dictatorships. But a dictatorship may be a necessary system for a transitional period. At times it is necessary for a country to have, for a time, some form or other of dictatorial power. As you will understand, it is possible for a dictator to govern in a liberal way. And it is also possible for a democracy to govern with a total lack of liberalism. Personally I prefer a liberal dictator to democratic government lacking liberalism.

I think the above argument can be applied in China. Because we are during the middle age of industrialization and a transitional period with so many social problems, a growing middle class with a sense of civil rights have grown up. Once middle class can achieve a dominate position, political reform will began toward positive sides. I believe all of China's future achievement will be based on rational regulations, rules, principles which everybody including top leaders should obey rather than top leader's words or speech that could deliver an important economic effect.
Zou Shiming beats Jesus Ortega for second professional win
Updated: 2013-07-28 14:11 ( chinadaily.com.cn)



Zou Shiming, center, celebrates after defeating Mexico's Jesus Ortega in Macao, China, July 27, 2013. [Photo/icpress.cn]

MACAO, China - China's two-time Olympic gold medalist Zou Shiming dominated Mexican teenager Jesus Ortega to win his second professional fight by a unanimous decision.

Zou defeated Ortega 59-55 in a six-round flyweight bout in Macao on Saturday.


Zou Shiming, right, fights Mexico's Jesus Ortega during a six-round flyweight bout in Macao, China, July 27, 2013. [Photo/icpress.cn]


Thanks! Your points exactly hit the core weakness of current China. I have to admit you know the real weakness more than Chinese.

First, since there is not yet a formal budget law to authorize and moniter how fiscal expenditures are applied, I cannot expect 10 trillion yuan fiscal revenue per year to be used efficiently.

there is a budget approval and monitoring system in China if now how could the audit department points out the over spending in some provincial governments?

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Second, yes, excessive infrastructures with little return should be suspended. Such massive construction projects could stimulate growth maybe in 1997, but not now. Nine provincial governments have a debt ratio more than 100% due to such constructions, even worse than Detroit. Improper allocation of currency into real estate and excessive infrastructure projects have been driving up inflation. Of course, this is due to a lack of fiscal expenditure monitering and budget law.

On one part I agree sufficient research has to be done on any capital investments by the government but expansionistic approach is necessary for keeping growth and employment - just need to be more accountable and cautious in spending, checking and balancing the works done

Third, tax burden is too heavy. I've studied Individual Taxation of US, so I am jealous at US resident's tax burden, especially the substantial amount of exemptions and deductions for each individual. They are much more flexible and milder than the rigescent taxation system of China. No wonder such taxation law are made by several generations' commitment through several decade. Many details in US taxation law really cares the poor and middle class, of course, that is what they have strived for. As for China, VAT reform has began and recently State Council exempted sales tax and VAT of small corporations with less than 20,000 RMB turnover per month, though little can help.

US tax are quite heavy. They have fed, state and city tax on top of their vat
China also has our subsidies to the poor and dont forget our population size is more than 4 times of that of USA and besides they have abundance of natural resources as a whole and per capita

Besides, the most crucial problem I think is the tax sharing system. 60% tax revenue are allocated to central government while only 40% belong to provincial government which undertakes the majority economic projects, you know that Chinese economy is still state leading. So, provincial government with insufficient fund cannot undertake more projects and infrastructure to stimulate growth, they have to directly involve in infrastructure and real estate to make up the insufficient fund and accomplish target designated from central government, such as "increase fiscal revenue" "sustain a 8% growth rate"... They can do whatever to accomplish the targets from central government while ignoring the bad consequences, just because their positions are designated from each upper levels of administration rather than 1.3 billion people with legislative right of supervision.

The central government has to take care of huge expenditures in military, its maintenance and R and Ds etc; disastrous reliefs,
education, space exploration programs, health care etc

There is no hard and fast cut off in respesct of 60/40 or 70/30 split but if a case like detroit happens in China the central government will definitely give it a hand

Maybe you refer to India? I am suspicious of their democracy system.

They cannot distinguish vote right from real liberty. I have questioned them many times, what if all of your parties are corrupted? That means Indians can only vote for corrupted parties.

Well, I would say that, as long-term institutions, I am totally against dictatorships. But a dictatorship may be a necessary system for a transitional period. At times it is necessary for a country to have, for a time, some form or other of dictatorial power. As you will understand, it is possible for a dictator to govern in a liberal way. And it is also possible for a democracy to govern with a total lack of liberalism. Personally I prefer a liberal dictator to democratic government lacking liberalism.

I think the above argument can be applied in China. Because we are during the middle age of industrialization and a transitional period with so many social problems, a growing middle class with a sense of civil rights have grown up. Once middle class can achieve a dominate position, political reform will began toward positive sides. I believe all of China's future achievement will be based on rational regulations, rules, principles which everybody including top leaders should obey rather than top leader's words or speech that could deliver an important economic effect.

despite tremendous romanitcising of india's democracy, it is a fallure PERIOD - how can a country allowing 2 million kids ( only just counting the under 5 year olds) dying out of malnourishment each year? how can little girls as young as a few months old repeatedly get raped? and many more other terribly unsightly things - all happening in india on a daily basis. Dont believe? read their newspaper!
there is a budget approval and monitoring system in China if now how could the audit department points out the over spending in some provincial governments?







On one part I agree sufficient research has to be done on any capital investments by the government but expansionistic approach is necessary for keeping growth and employment - just need to be more accountable and cautious in spending, checking and balancing the works done


The central government has to take care of huge expenditures in military, its maintenance and R and Ds etc; disastrous reliefs,
education, space exploration programs, health care etc

There is no hard and fast cut off in respesct of 60/40 or 70/30 split but if a case like detroit happens in China the central government will definitely give it a hand


中国人民银行2013.4.11日公布的3月金融统计数据显示, 截至3月末,中国广义货币(M2)余额达103.61万亿元,首次突破百万亿元大关。中国3月M2供应同比增长15.6%,预期增长14.6%。由于1月金融机构新增外汇占款创出历史新高,2月CPI高于预期,业内人士担心,如果未来外汇占款增加仍较快,货币供应过量,则央行会调控信贷,减少贷款投放,而货币总量已远远高出实体经济变化,货币超发将冲击物价、推高房价,最大的受害者是国内消费者。


despite tremendous romanitcising of india's democracy, it is a fallure PERIOD - how can a country allowing 2 million kids ( only just counting the under 5 year olds) dying out of malnourishment each year? how can little girls as young as a few months old repeatedly get raped? and many more other terribly unsightly things - all happening in india on a daily basis. Dont believe? read their newspaper!

US tax are quite heavy. They have fed, state and city tax on top of their vat
China also has our subsidies to the poor and dont forget our population size is more than 4 times of that of USA and besides they have abundance of natural resources as a whole and per capita




举个例子,65岁以上老人,额外获得每个月1500刀的豁免额,计算所得税的时候从总的收入中扣除。家庭当中,每个人都有dependency exemptions,大概是3800刀的样子,也从总收入中扣除。如果是寡妇,减免额度更大。你照顾老人,收养孩子,都会获得税收优惠。这一切都从制度上杜绝了腐败。中国的财政性转移支付我敢说到了地方上,都被克扣的差不多了。













”国务院权力太大“ 不大不行啊! 地方政府不听话!


所以审计有加大力度. 因为法律漏洞很多, 没来的及堵塞


问题是新兴产业不一定有利润 风险大 回报期长
我们其实 有很多产业是自己不争气


M2 与 热钱流入有关 外资与投行想借利率差混水摸鱼
至于某省的负债率, 是大问题, 入不敷出都是老问题。 短期只能靠发债 开流 节省开支来处理


不能太硬, 要适量宽松一点点,不能一拳打死老虎
今年国企还有 11% 增长


他们的问题恐怕不单单是贪官, 多的很呢

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