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China Economy Forum

nothing new,they been doing this fr years.

If this kind of “report”,or should I say guesswork at best and pure jealousy at worst,makes you feel slightly better,then good for you。

Still it does not change the fact the the Chinese yuan is achieving new highs vs the US dollar day after day,while the rupee is falling like a stone and getting dumped in trash can where it belongs。

The yuan has gained against the rupee by god knows how much,yet the Indians still can't sell their inferior products overseas in the face of an ever more competitive China。

The productivity gap between the two nations is getting wider and wider。

What China can accomplish in a day,India can't in a year。:omghaha:
One Lenovo is more than the whole of India's IT hardware industry。

One Alibaba is more than the whole of India's e-commerce industry。

Any one of China's top-5 smartphome makers is more than the whole of India's native smartphone industry。

Any one of China's top-5 car makers is more than the whole of India's car industry。

Jilin-Hunchun HSR to open in 2015

Jilin-Hunchun HSR: located in Jilin Province, 359km, 9 stations, 41.6 bln yuan, 250kmph

Project started 10/30/2010, will complete in December 2014 and open in Q1 2015

Beijing,which is apparently obsessed with “ring roads”,has embarked on the construction of the “7th Ring“ with a circumferential length of 940km:


The red ”spikes“ are the major expressways leading to important cities and areas in the country,including Tibet、Xinjiang、Hong Kong、Haerbin etc。
Another mega project in the making:coffee:。

Nuclear complex to fuel Chinese plans


05 June 2013
by World Nuclear News

A 'one-stop' complex of reactor fuel facilities is planned by the two firms operating nuclear power plants in China. At Heshan in Guangdong province, it will provide conversion, enrichment and fuel fabrication for China's expanding nuclear power program.

At a cost of CNY45 billion ($7.33 billion) Heshan Nuclear Power Industry Park will feature a conversion plant to prepare uranium for enrichment, which will be carried out at the same site before manufacture into fuel pellets, rods and finished assemblies. These will then be used in the power plants of the park's owners: China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) and China General Nuclear Power Corp (CGNPC). Construction will begin at the end of this year with the complex slated to manufacture its first reactor fuel in 2020. By this time the two firms will have a total of over 60,000 MWe of nuclear generating capacity - some 25 to 30 large reactors each - while many more units will be under construction as China becomes the world's largest user of nuclear energy.

Most nuclear plant owners contract a range of firms for the steps in nuclear fuel production but CGNPC said the Heshan complex would be more of a 'one-stop' service for reactor fuel. The 200 hectare fuel complex should become fully operational by 2025 to supply fuel fabrication amounting to 1000 tonnes of uranium. Conversion capacity is to be 14,000 tonnes per year.

Currently CNNC undertakes all fuel cycle work in the centre of the country, while all the nuclear power plants are on the coast. Fuel fabrication is carried out at two plants in Sichuan province and Inner Mongolia, enrichment is in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, and conversion in Gansu province.

Another mega project in the making:coffee:。

Nuclear complex to fuel Chinese plans


05 June 2013
by World Nuclear News

A 'one-stop' complex of reactor fuel facilities is planned by the two firms operating nuclear power plants in China. At Heshan in Guangdong province, it will provide conversion, enrichment and fuel fabrication for China's expanding nuclear power program.

At a cost of CNY45 billion ($7.33 billion) Heshan Nuclear Power Industry Park will feature a conversion plant to prepare uranium for enrichment, which will be carried out at the same site before manufacture into fuel pellets, rods and finished assemblies. These will then be used in the power plants of the park's owners: China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) and China General Nuclear Power Corp (CGNPC). Construction will begin at the end of this year with the complex slated to manufacture its first reactor fuel in 2020. By this time the two firms will have a total of over 60,000 MWe of nuclear generating capacity - some 25 to 30 large reactors each - while many more units will be under construction as China becomes the world's largest user of nuclear energy.

Most nuclear plant owners contract a range of firms for the steps in nuclear fuel production but CGNPC said the Heshan complex would be more of a 'one-stop' service for reactor fuel. The 200 hectare fuel complex should become fully operational by 2025 to supply fuel fabrication amounting to 1000 tonnes of uranium. Conversion capacity is to be 14,000 tonnes per year.

Currently CNNC undertakes all fuel cycle work in the centre of the country, while all the nuclear power plants are on the coast. Fuel fabrication is carried out at two plants in Sichuan province and Inner Mongolia, enrichment is in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, and conversion in Gansu province.


Why near major cities?

Isn't that risky?
Fuel fabrication is different from power plant, melt down is unlikely.
There are still risks such as radiation leak etc, it shouldn't be located right in the Pearl River Triangle.
ARJ-21 新支线飞机105架机正式移交总装车间开工总装
发布日期:2013年05月14日 22:46









105 new regional aircraft ARJ21 aircraft assembly plant started assembly formally handed over[
Date: at 22:46 on May 14 2013 Source: China Suppliers fly Aircraft Company

May 14, 2013, ARJ21 regional aircraft 105 new aircraft assembly plant started formal transfer assembly, marking the pre-production work has achieved important progress.

In the 105 machine assembly shop-cum-assembly formally handed over the groundbreaking ceremony, the China Commercial Aircraft Company Vice President, ARJ21 regional jet project director Luo Ronghuai that 105 machine is the first aircraft delivered to the customer of the aircraft, to establish a customer first, awareness of quality first, in strict accordance with the airworthiness requirements for production, protection in place effective measures, lay the assembly battle.

Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Ministry fitted workshop and assembly workshop leader who signed the transfer document.
One Lenovo is more than the whole of India's IT hardware industry。

One Alibaba is more than the whole of India's e-commerce industry。

Any one of China's top-5 smartphome makers is more than the whole of India's native smartphone industry。

Any one of China's top-5 car makers is more than the whole of India's car industry。


men, its a disgrace to compare with a primitive factor driven society`` ` Germany is where we have to be in terms of manufacturing and America is where we have to be in terms of technology and innovation
Beijing-Fuzhou “G” HSR will open on July 1

The current Beijing-Fuzhou D366 (15.5 hours) will change to G56, bypassing Shanghai. Top operating speed will be upped from 200kmph to 300kmph and travel time will be reduced to 10 hours.



I am sure travel time can be and will be further shortened to 8 hours in the future.
Xiamen-Shenzhen Railway will complete construction by August

The 502.4km Xiamen-Shenzhen Railway, part of the Coastal HSR with 19 stations and initial design speed of 200kmph, will start system testing in September and open by the end of 2013.

Tuesday, 04 June, 2013

Chinese semiconductor maker SMIC plans US$3.59 billion Beijing plant

By Toh Han Shih


Employees put on clean suits at SMIC in Shanghai. Photo: Bloomberg

Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC), China's largest semiconductor foundry, has signed a contract to participate in a US$3.59 billion joint venture in Beijing, the Hong Kong-listed firm said yesterday.

Of the US$3.59 billion, SMIC and its wholly owned subsidiary, SMIC Beijing, will invest US$660 million and hold a 55 per cent stake in the business, which will design, manufacture and sell semiconductor wafers.

Two firms owned by the Beijing government, Beijing Industrial Development Investment Management and Zhongguancun Development Group, will invest US$540 million and hold the remaining 45 per cent.

The remaining investment capital will come from loans, the joint venture's cash flows and future contributions from the joint venture's shareholders.

"The joint venture is expected to build up significant manufacturing capacity with a focus on 45-nanometre [integrated circuits] and aims to reach a manufacturing capacity of 35,000 wafers per month," SMIC said.

BOC International analyst Tony Yang said it would take two to three years for the Beijing facility to make a significant contribution to SMIC's revenue as the plant needed time to improve its yield.

Nomura analyst Huang Leping said: "The new factory will be 45 per cent owned by the Beijing government, which is a good thing for the company because of the lower capital expenditure by SMIC.

"Previously, SMIC had execution problems, but its new management is effective."

SMIC appointed a new chief operating officer, Zhao Haijun, on April 25, after its chief business officer, Chris Chi, resigned on March 1.

SMIC's first-quarter results beat all analysts' estimates, "retaining its upbeat performance for four quarters in a row", a JP Morgan report said.

SMIC swung to profit in the first quarter with net income of US$40.6 million, compared with a loss of US$42.8 million in the first quarter of last year, as revenue soared 50.8 per cent to US$501.6 million.

JP Morgan expects SMIC's net profit to leap to US$130 million this year from US$16 million last year as revenues grow 27.3 per cent to US$2.17 billion.

Chinese semiconductor maker SMIC plans US$3.59 billion Beijing plant | South China Morning Post
BEIJING, China - The World Bank has slashed its growth forecast for China's economy this year to 7.7% from 8.4%, warning of a potential "sharp" slowdown triggered by a fall in investment.

The projection is lower than the 7.8% expansion the country recorded in 2012, which was its weakest in 13 years, and comes as a slew of data indicate the economy is struggling to pick up pace.

"The main risk related to China remains the possibility that high investment rates prove unsustainable, provoking a disorderly unwinding and sharp economic slowdown," the World Bank said.

It tipped growth to pick up to around eight percent next year and in 2015 -- unchanged from the bank's pervious forecast -- as "global conditions improve."

Chinese household debt is around two to 3 times higher than the level before 1997 when the Asian Financial Crisis hit, the report said.

While the headline inflation rate is mild, price pressures remain in certain rapidly growing segments of the economy, including real estate, it added.

"Ensuring strong and stable consumption through raising household incomes to sustain growth is a priority in China," it said, adding more investment should be directed into agriculture, human capital and services and increased efficiency of investment.

The government should also try to reduce non-performing assets at Chinese banks, most of which are state-owned, that have piled up "during years of investment-led growth".

In April, China announced unexpectedly weak growth of 7.7% for the first quarter, surprising analysts who had expected expansion to accelerate in 2013 after showing strength at the end of last year.

Other recent indicators have raised alarm bells, with exports showing almost no growth last month, while industrial output expanded at a slightly slower pace than April and big ticket investment growth also eased.

A survey by British banking giant HSBC showed China's manufacturing activity measured 49.2 in May, an eight-month low, and below the 50 mark that indicates contraction.

The World Bank's forecast cuts followed a recent lowering by the International Monetary Fund to 7.75% from the previous 8%.
World Bank cuts China's economic growth forecast
Anything above 7% growth is good, considering our base economy is now worth over $8.3 trillion.

We're adding far more to our economy now, with 7% growth of an $8.3 trillion, compared to when we had 12% growth of a $2 trillion base economy.
Good news for China if you considered World bank cut global growth forecast to 2.2pc
World Bank cuts global economic growth forecast to 2.2 pc - Yahoo! India Finance

And looks like some so-called upcoming super power not doing too well either?:lol: sometimes i wonder how does it feel like to live under other's shadow as usual though eh?:lol:
The bank cut China’s growth forecast to 7.7 percent from 8.4 percent, Brazil’s economic growth to 2.9 percent from 3.4 percent and India’s growth outlook to 5.7 percent from 6.1 percent, estimated in January.
World Bank Cuts 2013 Global Economic Growth Outlook, Lowers Forecast For China, India, Brazil, Raises Projections For US, Japan
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