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China Economy Forum

A Colossus - New Beijing Airport with 7 runways,including one for military use:


Phase I
Land area - 29.4 square kilometres
Annual passenger througput:72 million
Annual cargoes:2 million tonnes
Investment:84 billion yuan

Phase I + II
Land area:65.3 square kilometres
Annual passenger througput:over 100 million
Annual cargoes:2.4 million tonnes

Military use
Land area:4.6 square kilometres




Isn't it called Beijing Daxing?
If you are a pilot landing at Beijing's Capital International Airport at night, will you be in awe looking at the beauty of this sprawling dragon?




FAW to invest 7.2b yuan in R&D

Updated: 2013-03-14 15:57

China FAW Group Corp has said it will invest 7.2 billion yuan ($1.15 billion) in product research and development in 2013, Beijing Times reported Thursday, citing the company's chairman Xu Jianyi.

FAW's investment in research and development will total 35.5 billion yuan from 2011 to 2015, China's 12th Five-Year Plan period. Out of the total, 10.5 billion yuan will be spent on research in the Red Flag car series, 3 billion on electric cars, and 5.5 billion on building passenger car research labs.

FAW's total investment in the luxury Red Flag sedan will amount to 15.7 billion yuan. Nine Red Flag models are expected to be released in the upcoming five years.

FAW plans to focus on improving its engines, transmissions, axles, car bodies, and automotive electronics.

FAW to invest 7.2b yuan in R&D
Сhina considers investing $40 billion in US shale oil

March 07, 2013 13:18

China National Petroleum Corporation, the country’s state-run oil major, is looking for its first stake in the US, as the three largest Chinese oil companies together plan to spend $40 billion to access US crude riches.

The announcement came on Wednesday from Jiang Jiemin, the chairman of china's biggest oil company during the National People’s Congress in Beijing, Bloomberg reports. “We are currently studying [investing in US oil], ” Jiang Jiemin said.

Last month CNPC's domestic competitor China Petrochemical Corporation agreed to buy a stake in an Oklahoma oil field from Chesapeake Energy for $1.02 billion.

A trend is unfolding for Chinese oil companies to use government loans to buy stakes in the US energy fields.

“Stake participation by Chinese companies in US oil fields would be welcomed,” a London-based analyst for Global Energy & Natural Resources at Eurasia Group, Will Pearson told Bloomberg. “Full buyouts will continue to be scrutinized and opposed.”

China already owns many entire oil and gas fields across Canada and Latin America, Africa and Australia. However the US is not rushing to sell off their fields, especially in the regions where military or other technology can be accessed for fear of intellectual property theft, Pearson said. In September 2012 President Obama barred a Chinese-owned company from building wind farms near a US Navy base in Oregon as a national security risk.

“The Chinese want to gain experience in shale gas, oil sands and deep water so they can redeploy the best US practices and technologies” back in China says Mirae Asset Securities Ltd. analyst Gordon Kwan.

China has already invested a record $1.52 billion purchasing stakes in oil and natural gas fields in the US this year, Bloomberg reports. China National Petroleum alone plans to double overseas production to 200 million tonnes a year by 2015.

?hina considers investing $40 billion in US shale oil ? RT Business
February 24, 2013

China Quietly Invests Reserves in U.K. Properties


BEIJING—China's foreign-exchange regulator has been actively but discreetly investing in U.K. property and infrastructure, marking a significant shift in how the secretive manager of the world's largest foreign-currency reserves uses its funds.

Since May, U.K.-registered Gingko Tree Investment Ltd., a wholly owned unit of China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange, has invested more than $1.6 billion in at least four deals, including a water utility, student housing, and office buildings in London and Manchester, according to data providers that track property deals and disclosures by the companies that received the investments. People familiar with Gingko Tree say there have been other deals, but the details haven't been disclosed publicly.


China's foreign-exchange regulator bought a 49% stake in Manchester office building One Angel Square.

In recent years SAFE, which is responsible for investing most of China's $3.31 trillion worth of foreign-exchange reserves, has branched out beyond its traditional role of simply parking that wealth in low-risk government bonds, and has allocated a small portion to listed stocks and even private equity. It has mainly kept a low profile, taking very small positions in blue-chip stocks or allocating funds to third-party asset managers to invest on its behalf.

But SAFE's recent U.K. investments signal a new willingness to take significant direct ownership stakes, following in the footsteps of China Investment Corp., the better-known investor of Beijing's sovereign wealth.

SAFE didn't immediately respond to a request to comment.

In the biggest of the four deals, U.K.-based Gingko Tree last month bought a 40% stake in UPP Group Holdings Ltd., a major provider of university accommodation in Britain, from Barclays Capital Inc. Gingko Tree paid £550 million ($834 million at today's exchange rate) for the stake, according to Dealogic, a data provider. The Chinese investor has appointed two non-executive directors to UPP's board, according to one of the people familiar with Gingko Tree.

Gingko Tree also holds a 10% stake in the consortium that paid £1.236 billion to take over Veolia Water Central Ltd. in July, according to the water utility. Veolia Water Central has since changed its name to Affinity Water Ltd.


The Chinese investor has also been buying property. It took a 49% stake in Manchester office building One Angel Square for about $110 million in December, and in May it paid $438.2 million for Drapers Gardens, a 16-story office building in London, according to Real Capital Analytics, a New York-based property research firm.

"This type of investment is very much 'en vogue' with a range of sovereign investors, including pension funds," said Victoria Barbary, director of Sovereign Wealth Center at Institutional Investor, a publisher. "In fact, it's difficult to walk through the City of London without passing a building at least part-owned by a foreign government pension or sovereign fund."

Sovereign-wealth funds from Norway to Malaysia to Qatar have invested in office and commercial real estate in central London in recent years, seeing it as an attractive alternative to volatile stock markets and low-yielding bonds. That in turn has helped support London's property market, even in the aftermath of the financial crisis.

In December, Azerbaijan's State Oil Fund made its first property investment when it paid £177.4 million for an office complex in London's upscale Mayfair district. In November, China Investment Corp., one of the world's largest sovereign-wealth funds with about $410 billion under management, bought Winchester House, which is leased by Deutsche Bank AG DBK.XE +1.67%for its London headquarters, for about $400.6 million, according to Real Capital Analytics.

CIC has also invested in U.K. infrastructure, including small stakes in Heathrow Airport Holdings and water utility Thames Water.

Gingko Tree is wholly owned by a Singapore-registered company called the Investment Company of the People's Republic of China (Singapore), which in turn is wholly owned by SAFE. SAFE's role in the U.K. deals has been further obscured because Gingko Tree had a third party invest on its behalf in one case, and because Gingko Tree made a purchase using a strangely named investment vehicle in another.

One of the people familiar with Gingko Tree said that while the Chinese company has thus far invested only in the U.K., its investment scope isn't limited by geography and it has been looking at real-estate and infrastructure opportunities in other countries in Europe as well.

The person said that Gingko Tree hasn't been allocated a fixed amount of money to invest, but gets funds from SAFE on a deal-by-deal basis.

SAFE accelerated the diversification of its mammoth foreign-exchange holdings into higher-yielding assets last year, when it committed $500 million to a real-estate private-equity fund managed by Blackstone Group BX +0.93%LP.

SAFE is increasingly looking for investments in so-called alternative asset classes such as private equity and real estate as a way to enhance returns on the reserves, much of which have been parked in ultralow-yielding assets such as U.S. government bonds. SAFE's plan is to allocate about 5% of the reserves for alternative asset classes, a person with knowledge of the agency said. Government bonds, cash and other liquid assets still make up the bulk of the reserves.

SAFE's initial foray into private equity turned out to be an embarrassing failure for China. That involved SAFE's $2.5 billion investment in 2008 in a fund run by U.S. private-equity firm TPG. SAFE suffered losses when the fund's subsequent investment in Washington Mutual, WMIH +4.14%the largest U.S. savings-and-loan firm at the time, was wiped out after the lender's closure by the U.S. government.

It is unclear how large SAFE's loss was. But that black eye caused the reserve manager, whose duty is to preserve and increase the value of the reserves, to move "ultra cautiously" in its future endeavors, the person said.

Gingko Tree was first registered in the U.K. in late 2009 under the name Crius Investment Ltd., but it wasn't until 2012 that it started making investments.

One of the company's directors is Yin Yong, the director general of SAFE's department of reserve management.

—Cassell Bryan-Low in London contributed to this article.

China Quietly Invests Reserves in U.K. Properties - WSJ.com
Chinese Firm Puts Millions into U.S. Natural Gas Stations

Posted date: March 14, 2013 In: Headlines

From Reuters

ENN Group Co Ltd, one of China’s largest private companies, is quietly rolling out plans to establish a network of natural gas fueling stations for trucks along U.S. highways.

With plans to build 50 stations this year alone, ENN joins a small but formidable group of players — including Clean Energy Fuels Corp and Royal Dutch Shell Plc — in an aggressive push to develop an infrastructure for heavy-duty trucks fueled by cheap and abundant natural gas. Clean Energy is backed by T. Boone Pickens and Chesapeake Energy Corp.

The move is yet another example of China’s ambition to grab a piece of the U.S. shale gas boom. Just last month, Sinopec Group said it would pay $1 billion for some of Chesapeake’s oil and gas properties in the Mississippi Lime shale.

The natural gas bounty is also expected to help wean the U.S. transport industry off its dependence on diesel fuel made from imported crude oil, and the trucking industry is in a big push to use more of the domestically produced fuel.

The potential savings are huge: shippers can save around $2 a gallon by switching to natural gas from diesel.

Nearly half of the garbage trucks sold in the United States last year run on natural gas. They are able to refuel at dedicated stations at their home bases. To convince the far larger market for long-haul trucking to run on natural gas, truckers need to know they can refuel along their highway routes.

Enter ENN, led by billionaire energy tycoon Wang Yusuo. The company has already built natural gas stations in China, which is farther along in its adoption of natural gas trucks.


The average liquefied natural gas station costs around $1 million to build, according to industry experts, putting ENN’s investment this year at about $50 million. The company’s U.S. joint venture would not say how much it plans to spend.

Two years ago ENN began looking to put its expertise in natural gas equipment to work in the United States and first approached the top player in U.S. natural gas fueling, Clean Energy, about forming a partnership, according to people familiar with the matter. Clean Energy would not comment.

But when they rebuffed ENN, the Chinese firm reached out to a small Utah company, CH4 Energy Corp, which had opened a single LNG and CNG fueling station in Salt Lake City with the help of federal stimulus funds.

The deal created Transfuels LLC, which operates as Blu LNG. ENN has a majority stake in the joint venture and controls its board of directors, according to sources familiar with the deal.

Merritt Norton, who founded CH4, is Blu’s chief executive, while Jun Yang is chairman and also the vice president of ENN Group.

Blu LNG’s plans are bold and moving quickly.

“We have five stations in operation right now, and within I would say two weeks we will have another three stations,” Norton said in an interview last week.

Eventually, ENN has said it also plans to build LNG plants.

A source close to the situation said the company “is just testing the market. You can call it an experiment.”

As for the secrecy around its plans, the source said, “ENN Group is mindful of potential U.S. reaction to its expansion there because it would bring in more competition.”

Blu had no comment on its ownership structure or the makeup of its board of directors. The company said it was not able to comment on behalf of ENN Group. Efforts to reach ENN Group in China were unsuccessful.

Chinese Firm Puts Millions into U.S. Natural Gas Stations - Energy TribuneEnergy Tribune
New lithium battery developed
it is reported that the new lithium battery can be charged encough power in 10 seconds for 400 KM distance, and it is safer and more reilable, sound good!

An Aqueous Rechargeable Lithium Battery Using Coated Li Metal as Anode

New energy industry including electric vehicles and large-scale energy storage in smart grids requires energy storage systems of good safety, high reliability, high energy density and low cost. Here a coated Li metal is used as anode for an aqueous rechargeable lithium battery (ARLB) combining LiMn2O4 as cathode and 0.5 mol l−1 Li2SO4 aqueous solution as electrolyte. Due to the “cross-over” effect of Li+ ions in the coating, this ARLB delivers an output voltage of about 4.0 V, a big breakthrough of the theoretic stable window of water, 1.229 V. Its cycling is very excellent with Coulomb efficiency of 100% except in the first cycle. Its energy density can be 446 Wh kg−1, about 80% higher than that for traditional lithium ion battery. Its power efficiency can be above 95%. Furthermore, its cost is low and safety is much reliable. It provides another chemistry for post lithium ion batteries.

More detail check below site, but I think no too many have patience to read it, hehe!
An Aqueous Rechargeable Lithium Battery Using Coated Li Metal as Anode : Scientific Reports : Nature Publishing Group


China to invest $2 billion in IADB Latin America investment fund

PANAMA CITY | Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:51pm EDT

PANAMA CITY (Reuters) - China will invest $2 billion to back Interamerican Development Bank (IADB) public and private sector projects in Latin America and the Caribbean, the development bank said on Saturday.

The contribution by the People's Bank of China will be used to co-finance up to $500 million in IADB public sector loans and up to $1.5 billion in private sector credit, available over the next three to six years, the IADB said in a news release.

The goal of the fund was to alleviate poverty and boost competitiveness.

China has invested tens of billions of dollars in the region, from Mexico to Argentina, over the last decade to acquire strategic assets or companies in sectors such as oil, minerals and food products.

Last March, China's Export-Import Bank and the IADB announced a joint $1 billion dollar fund for private and public sector investment in the region, reflecting the country's eagerness to link up with prominent institutions in the region.

China to invest $2 billion in IADB Latin America investment fund | Reuters
China Everbright set to invest in Israeli tech companies

The investment arm of the Chinese state-owned China Everbright Group says it's close to signing deals with local firms and will put at least $100 million into the tech sector.

By Orr Hirschauge | Mar.18, 2013 | 6:50 PM

China Everbright Ltd., the investment arm of state-owned China Everbright Group, plans to initiate $100 million to $200 million of investment activity in Israel's technology sector.

China Everbright Ltd. CEO Shuang Chen visited Israel last week and met with the head of the National Economic Council, Prof. Eugene Kandel, and the Director General of the Industry, Trade and Labor Ministry, Sharon Kedmi. Chen also met with representatives from 25 Israeli technology companies.

Chen told TheMarker that his company is close to signing its initial investment deals with Israeli companies and also seeks to encourage joint ventures between both countries' tech sectors.

He added that while China Everbright will likely invest directly in Israeli firms it will also explore opportunities for brokering deals on behalf of outside investors.

"Most of the Chinese investments not in government bonds are in financial institutions in Hong Kong or in natural resources," said Chen.

"We need to broaden our active collaborations with Israeli companies. We want to ease the way for companies and investors in China to look abroad and not fear investing. Chinese industry needs to adapt to today's conditions and incorporate more technology. On the other hand Israeli companies can benefit from the distribution channels of Chinese companies to reach immense markets. This requires cooperation as early as the development stage: Complete buyouts aren't enough," Chen said.

China Everbright will pursue investing in two or three of the Israeli companies he saw last week, Chen said. "We are looking to invest in companies in the fields of medicine, agriculture, and clean tech that have reached an advanced stage, companies with a product and sales but still looking for rapid growth," he said.

"It is important to us to implement the initial investments in Israeli companies as fast as possible to gain experience. We aren't afraid of failure," Chen said.

Listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, China Everbright Ltd. has $10 billion under its management. It focuses on investments in finance, real estate and natural resources.

Amir Yaar, founder and CEO of the China Israel Synergy investment and consulting firm, helped pave the way for the company's interest in investing in Israel.

Although around 80 Chinese economic delegations visit Israel each year, there has been little substantial investment activity between the two countries in the technology sector.

One of the few exceptions is Clal Industries' Infinity Group, which is responsible for about $250 million in investment by Chinese firms in Israeli industry.

China Everbright set to invest in Israeli tech companies - Economy & Finance - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
The world's lightest solid material was born in Zhejiang University

The world's lightest solid material was born in Zhejiang University - Education News


A 'big man', so light, magic standing at the foot of it is thin dog's tail grass awn tip! Yesterday saw the picture, reporters immediately petrified.

Hurriedly ran to Zhejiang University [microblogging] Department of Polymer Laboratory, the reporter saw its true capacity.

A few black lumps in a bottle, volume, shape, look very close to talk to a hot water bottle caps.

Stretched index finger to poke in the bottle, the 'Xiao Heitan Q (describe flexible) to burst! This feel touched the feel of cotton candy, but the stretch is much better - effortlessly, you will be able to weight chest paste back, if to put it in your hand, close your eyes, you might do not know of this matter in the palm of the hand.

This is an ultra-light materials, the latest manufacturing it, superb Zhejiang University Department of Polymer professor and his research group.

This new material on the professional called ultralight airgel combination of graphene and carbon nanotubes, the laboratory for its nickname 'carbon sponge. Detection results can achieve a minimum density of 0.16 mg / cc, is 1/6 of the air density than the smoke ethereal!

'Carbon sponge' stretch reporters have experience Hud stretch of a fearless temperature change, the team tried carbon sponge on the liquid nitrogen temperature of -196 ℃ still elasticity vitality.

The birth of the 'carbon sponge, setting a record for the world's lightest solid material.

This invention published in Germany << >> magazine on advanced materials, the latest one << natural >> Magazine Research Highlights 'focus with Figure comment.

Superb, said, the ultra superior performance of the 'carbon sponge' in several directions, decide it will probably change human life in many dimensions.

It instance, the organic solvent has a ultra-fast, ultra-high adsorption force is Suction force highest materials have been reported.

Existing suction products generally only suck about 10 times its own mass of the liquid, and the absorption amount of the carbon sponge 'is about 250 times this amount, up to 900 times, but only oil absorbent.

Maybe someday offshore oil spill, they can scatter them in the sea, will be able to spill quickly absorbed in, flexible suction oil can be pressed out of the recycling, carbon sponge 'can also be re-used.

Perhaps one day, the spacesuit not only withstood the moon at night the low temperature of minus 140 degrees, the astronauts who very easily.

Carbon sponge 'super storage capacity, and perhaps one day, the phone battery life is no longer a problem!

'Carbon sponge the body cavity, creating a' profound 'mind its empty fill material, such as fill insulation materials. Absorbed solar radiation heat to a low-temperature environment, can release heat. Zhou Wei, newspaper correspondent reporter Zhang Mi good


The lightest substances selected for the Guinness Book of World Records. Its internal 'riddled with', filled with air, hence the name.

In 1931, U.S. scientists Kistler silicon dioxide had the earliest Aerogel, nicknamed 'frozen smoke'.

In 2011, American HRL Laboratories, University of California, Irvine, and the California Institute of Technology in cooperation prepared a nickel airgel density of 0.9 mg / cubic centimeter, to record the lightest material record at that time. This material dandelion flowers, soft fluff almost no deformation - this photo was named 2011 << natural >> magazine's annual Ten.
Economy of Germany, China increasingly interdependent: study

English.news.cn 2013-03-20 02:17:50

BERLIN, March 19 (Xinhua) -- The rapid growth of bilateral trade and the increasingly closer economic ties between Germany and China during the past 20 years has led the two countries'economic interdependence to an unprecedented level, a study showed on Tuesday.

The study, conducted by the research institute Prognos with the entrustment by the Bertelsmann Foundation, centered on a comprehensive analysis of German-Chinese trade relations.

"The Germany-made machinery products play a key role for China's industry, while China is the most important supplier of consumer goods to Germany," said Helmut Hauschild, director of the Germany and Asia Program under the Bertelsmann Foundation.

"This high level of interdependence gives a strong impetus to the governments of both countries to make even greater efforts to forge closer cooperation to create the market's openness and equal condition of competition for both German and Chinese firms," said Hauschild.

According to the study, the Chinese industry has relied heavily on the import of German machinery.

The study noted that the Germany-China interdependence has reached such a high degree that the Chinese economy would face difficulties if some of its strategically-needed machinery products from Germany fall in short supply, since many of the German machines are used in industries which account for a large proportion of China's production of exports.

In the meanwhile, Germany counts more and more on the import of China-made textiles and clothing, as the market share of China's textile has climbed to over 31 percent by now, in comparison to mere 7 percent in 1992.

Germany's dependence on China-made computers, laptops and other business items has also kept increasing drastically, with its share in Germany's market rocketing to current 44 percent, from less than 1 percent in 1992.

Looking ahead into the future, the study anticipated some changes to Germany-China trade relations and patterns, as Chinese firms continue with their drive to reach the world's top level in high-tech sectors. The intra-industry trade will play an important role in German-Chinese trade, according to the study.

The trend means that more and more German firms will directly face competition from their Chinese counterparts. To maintain their success in the Chinese market, German companies should keep their technological advantage and diversify their business sphere, said Hauschild.

"The study shows that the German economy needs to invest more in research and development so as to survive in the long run in the face of the competition from China," said Hauschild.

Economy of Germany, China increasingly interdependent: study - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Economy of Germany, China increasingly interdependent: study

English.news.cn 2013-03-20 02:17:50

BERLIN, March 19 (Xinhua) -- The rapid growth of bilateral trade and the increasingly closer economic ties between Germany and China during the past 20 years has led the two countries'economic interdependence to an unprecedented level, a study showed on Tuesday.

The study, conducted by the research institute Prognos with the entrustment by the Bertelsmann Foundation, centered on a comprehensive analysis of German-Chinese trade relations.

"The Germany-made machinery products play a key role for China's industry, while China is the most important supplier of consumer goods to Germany," said Helmut Hauschild, director of the Germany and Asia Program under the Bertelsmann Foundation.

"This high level of interdependence gives a strong impetus to the governments of both countries to make even greater efforts to forge closer cooperation to create the market's openness and equal condition of competition for both German and Chinese firms," said Hauschild.

According to the study, the Chinese industry has relied heavily on the import of German machinery.

The study noted that the Germany-China interdependence has reached such a high degree that the Chinese economy would face difficulties if some of its strategically-needed machinery products from Germany fall in short supply, since many of the German machines are used in industries which account for a large proportion of China's production of exports.

In the meanwhile, Germany counts more and more on the import of China-made textiles and clothing, as the market share of China's textile has climbed to over 31 percent by now, in comparison to mere 7 percent in 1992.

Germany's dependence on China-made computers, laptops and other business items has also kept increasing drastically, with its share in Germany's market rocketing to current 44 percent, from less than 1 percent in 1992.

Looking ahead into the future, the study anticipated some changes to Germany-China trade relations and patterns, as Chinese firms continue with their drive to reach the world's top level in high-tech sectors. The intra-industry trade will play an important role in German-Chinese trade, according to the study.

The trend means that more and more German firms will directly face competition from their Chinese counterparts. To maintain their success in the Chinese market, German companies should keep their technological advantage and diversify their business sphere, said Hauschild.

"The study shows that the German economy needs to invest more in research and development so as to survive in the long run in the face of the competition from China," said Hauschild.

Economy of Germany, China increasingly interdependent: study - Xinhua | English.news.cn

it's rather a shame to the grand Chinese manufacture.

machinary and tools are the essence of manufacture, not textile and consumer and electronic goods.
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