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The 11th China International modern railway technology and equipment exhibition opened in Beijing (November 27 to 30)




当日,第11届中国国际现代化铁路技术装备展览会在北京开幕。中国铁路制造业巨头中国南车和中国北车展出了它们在铁路机车车辆领域的新产品及新技术。此外,国外铁路知名公司庞巴迪、西门子、阿尔斯通等也展出了其最新铁路技术与装备。新华社发(刘长龙 摄)

November 27, visitors watch the China North Vehicle Group exported to Brazil dedicated metro model for the 2016 Summer Olympics.

The date of the 11th international modern railway technology and equipment exhibition in Beijing. The Chinese railway manufacturing giant China South Locomotive and China Northern Auto Show them new products and new technologies in the field of railway rolling stock. In addition, the foreign railway renowned company, Bombardier, Siemens, Alstom also exhibited its latest railway technology and equipment. Xinhua News Agency issued, (LIU Changlong photo)


Passenger electric locomotive model developed by the China North CNR Corporation


Developed by the China CNR Corp., China's first intercity EMU model



Various train models exhibiting in the China CNR Corporation area


11月27日,德国厂商采埃孚工作人员在介绍适用于动车组的高速齿轮箱。当日,第11届中国国际现代化铁路技术装备展览会在北京开幕。中国铁路制造业 中国南车和中国北车展出了在铁路机车车辆领域的新产品及新技术。此外,国外铁路知名公司庞巴迪、西门子、阿尔斯通等也参加展览。新华社记者 王申 摄

On November 27, the German manufacturer ZF staff introduced the high-speed gear box suitable for EMU.The date of the 11th international modern railway technology and equipment exhibition in Beijing. The Chinese railway manufacturing industry of China South Locomotive and China CNR Corporation new products and new technologies in the field of railway rolling stock. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Shen (Photographer)


To lay a solid foundation for future economic development and to boost the immediate economy。

China always thinks at least 20 years ahead。1diot.:azn:

China approves $7.87 billion in rail projects to boost economy: Report

27 Nov, 2012, 12.20PM IST

SHANGHAI: China has approved construction of two city subway projects worth 49 billion yuan ($7.87 billion), adding to the list of recent railway project approvals aimed at boosting growth in the world's second biggest economy.

The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China's state planning agency, also approved a feasibility study on an inter-city rail line between Fuzhou and Pingtan(Like this a lot。Hello Taiwan!:woot:), an island off the coast of Fujian, worth a further 26 billion yuan, the official Shanghai Securities News reported.

The projects appear aimed at shoring up growth in China's economy, which has slowed for seven consecutive quarters, most recently posting 7.4 per cent annual growth for the third quarter.

More recent data, however, has shown signs of a recovery, with fixed-asset investment, factory output, and retail sales all beating expectations in October.

Shanghai Securities News, citing an announcement from the NDRC, reported the agency had approved construction of a second subway line in Fuzhou, the capital city of prosperous Fujian province, on China's east coast.

The commission also approved construction of the first two subway lines in Urumqi, the capital of western China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region, the paper reported.

The Fuzhou project, which will take four years to complete, is worth 18 billion yuan, while the Urumqi project will total 31 billion yuan and is due for completion in 2019.

The latest project approvals come on the back of a slate of rail and other projects approved in recent months. In early September, NDRC approved 25 rail projects totalling $110 billion.

Reuters estimated that a flurry of new project approvals announced in early September, when concerns about the slowing economy were at their peak, totalled $157 billion.

Last month, the Ministry of Railways announced it had raised its spending plan for 2013 to 630 billion yuan from 610 billion announced in September.

China approves $7.87 billion in rail projects to boost economy: Report - The Economic Times
Birth rule could be relaxed


Changes to the family planning policy are being considered, and action plans have been drawn up, amid a graying society and other demographic challenges, according to a former minister of the National Population and Family Planning Commission.

The commission and other population research institutes have handed in assessment reports and action plans concerning policy change to the government, Zhang Wei-qing, director of the Population, Resources and Environment Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, told China Daily.

According to Zhang, one of the key areas of possible change will concern the criteria for urban couples having a second child.

At present, only parents who are themselves an only child are allowed to have a second child.

Under the proposed changes, couples will be able to have a second child even if one of them is not an only child.

"China's population policy has always taken into account demographic changes but any fine-tuning to the policy should be gradual and consider the situation in different areas," Zhang said

The relaxed policy might first be implemented in more economically productive regions that are facing greater demographic challenges, especially an aging population and a large influx of migrant workers, he said.

And places that have implemented the country's family planning policy well might also be chosen initially.

The national fertility rate (the average number of children a woman has during her lifetime) stands at about 1.7, far below the replacement level of 2.1.

"Even with the policy further relaxing, there won't be any sharp rise in the population," Zhang said, adding that an ideal fertility rate should be at least 1.8.

President Hu Jintao said in the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China this month that "we must adhere to the basic state policy of family planning, improve the health of newborns, steadily improve the population policy and promote long-term and balanced population growth".

Observers said it was the first time that "maintaining low reproduction levels" had been omitted, representing the central government's wish to ease the policy.

Government policy in the early 1970s was that two (children) were preferred.

That gradually changed in the early 1980s to become a one-child rule in urban areas.

Starting in 1984, the rules began to be relaxed.

"We can see that the population policy was always diversified and dynamic," Zhang noted. "So the coming fine-tuning to the one-child rule is just a step forward to improve the policy," he explained.

Lu Jiehua, a social-demographics professor at Peking University and a member of the National Population and Family Planning Commission, agreed.

"I think the government will take action next year and the changes are inevitable given the increasingly complicated population problems ranging from ageing to a massive migrant population, and the huge gender gap," he said.

But whether it will be a universal change or introduced in selected pilot projects remains to be seen, he noted.

But he also conceded that the fertility rate will hardly return up to 2 and "in the coming 20 years, family planning on the mainland will remain dominated by the government rather than the family itself," he said.

"But a universal two-child policy appears to be a future trend," he expected.

However, easing the policy alone will not fix all the demographic problems, he noted.

Zhang echoed the sentiment adding that "other issues, like facilitating the migrant population in cities and largely improving the overall health of newborns have to be addressed as well as facilitating healthy population development".

Birth rule could be relaxed- China.org.cn

In Singapore I'm a star and envy of my friends because I have three beautiful daughters.
Birth rule could be relaxed

In Singapore I'm a star and envy of my friends because I have three beautiful daughters.

three daughters? Cool!
I hear Singapore has one of the lowest birth rates in the world. You save Singapore! :D
three daughters? Cool!
I hear Singapore has one of the lowest birth rates in the world. You save Singapore! :D

Singapore is in the upper hand in respect of regulating their birth rates! They can relax their immigration criteria and guess what will happen or through administrative measures ( tax and other benefits)?

2012-11-29 08:01:42 来源:光明图片 






The central budget this year would like to arrange for funds to more than 15 billion to ensure that rural students to eat nutritious meals

2012-11-29 08:01:42 Source: Guangming (Bright) pictures

The Ministry of Finance announced on November 28, 2012, the Central Government has targeted 15.053 billion yuan of special funds for nutrition improvement program to support the implementation of rural compulsory education students. To ensure the smooth implementation of rural compulsory education students nutrition improvement program, the central government has recently issued a second batch of special funds of the fall semester of 2012, 285 million, nutritional meal supplement used to focus on merging the special difficulties of rural compulsory education students. Issued 2012 local pilot central Prize complement funds 15.41 billion at the same time, poverty-stricken areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, old revolutionary base areas, and other places around the outside of the national pilot areas to carry out a local pilot, the central government based on the local financial input, press 5: 5 in proportion to award up. At this point, the central budget in 2012 organized a total of 15.053 billion yuan of special funds. According to statistics, the national and local pilot nutrition improvement program covering a total of more than 2900 million students in 987 counties. Pictured, Kuo Jingjiaba, Zigui County Yangjia Long primary school students in the school cafeteria happy to share a nutritious meal. (Wang Huifu)

google translation
China moves to phase out incandescent bulbs
Xinhua, October 18, 2012

A three-step plan to eliminate the use of energy-inefficient incandescent bulbs and subsequently reduce emissions was revealed by China's government on Wednesday.

It was announced at a ceremony organized by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) to mark the country's ban on imports and sales of incandescent bulbs with a wattage of 100 watts or greater on Oct. 1 in accordance with a plan unveiled by the NDRC last November.

NDRC deputy director Xie Zhenhua said at the event that China will save 48 billion kilowatt-hours of power annually, equivalent to a reduction of 48 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, if all 1.4 billion of the country's incandescent bulbs currently in use are replaced with energy-saving lamps.

Lighting accounts for about 13 percent of the country's total electricity use, according to Xie.

"This is another positive measure taken by the government to ensure the completion of China's energy-saving and emission-reduction goals set for the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015), as well as a move to actively deal with global climate change," the NDRC deputy director said.

The government has pledged to cut energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product by 16 percent while slashing carbon emissions by 17 percent before 2015.

China is among a vanguard group of countries, including Argentina, Australia, the Philippines, EU countries and the United States, that are effectuating bans on incandescent lights, said Renata Lok-Dessallien, UN resident coordinator and United Nations development program resident representative in China.

"Building on the foundations already laid, China's efforts in low-carbon growth, if sustained and fully implemented, will make it a global leader in the fight against climate change," Lok-Dessallien said.

A ban on imports and sales of 60-watt-or-greater incandescent bulbs will take effect on Oct. 1, 2014, while the same rule will apply to incandescent bulbs with wattages of 15 watts or greater starting Oct. 1, 2016, under the plan.

The government may adjust the final phase of the plan according to a mid-term evaluation that will be completed on Sept. 30, 2016.
Thursday, Nov 29, 2012 07:45 PM +0800

GM venture in China plans $1 billion auto plant

By By Kelvin Chan, Associated Press

HONG KONG (AP) — General Motors Co. and its joint venture partners in China say they will spend 6.6 billion yuan ($1 billion) to build a third car plant to keep up with demand for vehicles in the world’s biggest auto market.

The SAIC-GM-Wuling venture said the first phase of the factory will open in 2015.

The plant will be capable of turning out 400,000 vehicles and engines a year. It will help the joint venture reach its goal of producing 2 million vehicles a year in China by 2015. The company said Wednesday it wouldn’t decide which models to make until closer to the start of production.

The new factory will be in Chongqing city in central Sichuan province. The venture’s other two plants are located in Liuzhou in southern Guangxi region and Qingdao, on China’s northeastern coast.

China has been the world’s biggest auto market by vehicles sold since 2009, when it surpassed the United States. Some 18.5 million vehicles were sold in China last year and automakers expect the number to rise to 30 million by 2020. Foreign automakers have been expanding in China to offset flat or declining growth at home.

But slowing sales growth in China is prompting global automakers to look for new ways to tap the faster-growing low end of the market in smaller cities and the countryside.

SAIC-GM-Wuling is benefiting as rising incomes in those areas drive demand for the mini-trucks and microvans that it’s focused on making. The venture has sold 1.31 million vehicles in China so far this year, compared with 1.28 million for all of 2011.

The joint venture, which also makes cars under GM’s only-in-China discount line Baojun, last week opened a $1.3 billion factory at its Lizhou facility to make cars for that brand.

Shanghai-based SAIC Motor Corp. owns 50.1 percent of SAIC-GM-Wuling, while GM China owns 44 percent and Liuzhou-based Wuling Motors owns 5.9 percent.

The joint venture is one of several GM has in China, where foreign carmakers are required to team up with local partners. The company’s Chinese brands include Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet and Opel as well as Jiefang and Wuling.

GM venture in China plans $1 billion auto plant - Salon.com
Tuesday, Nov 27, 2012


Renault to set up in China: industry source

BEIJING - French car maker Renault is planning to build a 200,000-vehicle a year plant in China, but needs political support to go ahead, a source with knowledge of the scheme said Tuesday.

For years Renault has left the Chinese market - the world's biggest - to its Japanese alliance partner Nissan, as part of their geographical division of markets.

The factory is to be built in Wuhan, in central China, by Renault and its joint venture partner Dongfeng, said the source, who works in the same area.

But an environmental impact assessment still has to be completed and the approval process will take several months, the source told AFP, and was likely to involve high-level political figures from France and China.

"It will be good if the foundation can be laid before the end of 2013," the source said.

The project is already being assessed by the National Development and Reform Commission, China's planning agency which approves all major industrial projects, the China Business News daily reported.

The first phase would cost 6.5 billion yuan (S$1.28 billion), the paper reported.

In September, Renault's chief operating officer Carlos Tavares told the Paris Motor Show that a request was "made in early September to Chinese authorities to grant us a licence to manufacture".

"We hope that by the end of the year we will see positive signs," Tavares said.

Dongfeng Group already has joint ventures with Nissan, which has Renault as its biggest shareholder, France's PSA Peugeot Citroën, and Japan's Honda.

In 1993, Renault set up a joint venture with China Sanjiang Space Group to produce the Traffic minibus, but production stopped in 2003.

According to a report by the consultancy McKinsey, the Chinese market for cars will grow eight per cent per year to reach 22 million units in 2020.

Germany's Volkswagen announced Friday it would invest almost US$13 billion (S$15.9 billion) in its joint ventures in China for 2013-15.

Renault to set up in China: industry source
Taiyuan: First production line of indigenous Wheel of high speed train being put into operation


Opening ceremony of first stage project.


End Product.

Production Line.

当日,太原重工集团高速列车关键零部件国产化一期工程完工投产,这是我国首条高速列车车轮生产线,也是当今世界上技术最先进、自动化和智能化程度最高的车轮生产线,年产量可达30万片。太原重工集团高速列车关键零部件国产化项目是满足我国轨道交通技术发展需要的重点工程,项目总投资31亿元,项目二期还将包括重轴和轮对两条生产线。新华社记者 范敏达 摄
2012-11-29, Taiyuan Heavy Industry Group, the first stage of production of key indigenous component in high speed train has been finished, this is china first production line of high speed train wheel, which also most advanced, automatic and intelligent production line of wheel in the world, the annual output reach 300 thousands wheels. Localization project of key component of high speed train in Taiyuan Heavy Lndustry Group can meet the development need of rail transit in China, the project cost 3.1 billion yuan, the later second stage project will include heavy axle production line and wheel set production line, Xinhua reporter, Fan Minda.
The railway to Lop Nur is open to traffic






当日12时26分,随着由哈密开往罗布泊的57001次货运列车缓缓地驶离站台,向着罗布泊的方向进发,从此“死亡之海”罗布泊告别了不通火车的历史。通往罗布泊的新疆哈(密)罗(布泊)铁路,北起兰新铁路第二双线哈密南火车站,途经花园乡、南湖、沙哈、巴特、鲢鱼山、黑龙峰、多头山、东台地、罗中9个车站,直达罗布泊中心。设计技术标准为国家Ⅱ级单线铁路,内燃牵引,预留电化条件,规划输送能力为货运每年3000万吨。哈罗铁路的建设对于开发沿线矿产资源、特别是对钾肥资源开发、缓解我国钾肥资源不足及加快新疆经济发展具有重要意义。今后,哈罗铁路还将与哈密—内蒙古临河铁路相连,成为疆煤外运的北翼通道,担负起新疆煤炭资源输出的重要任务。此外,哈罗铁路还将与正在规划建设中的库尔勒—若羌—格尔木铁路相接,形成新疆与西北、西南地区客货运输的新通道。新华社记者 江文耀 摄

Google translate:
12:26, 2012-11-29, along with the 57001 freight trains from Hami to Lop Nur slowly leaving the site, marching toward the Lop Nur direction, from "sea of ​​death" Lop Nur bid farewell to the barrier of the history of the train. To Lop Nur in Xinjiang and Kazakhstan (secret) (Nur) Railway, the second lane of the north from the Lan-Xin Railway Hami South Railway Station via Garden Township, South Lake, Shah, Bart, the silver carp Mountain, Black Dragon peak, bulls Hill , East Mesa, Romania and nine stations, direct access to the the Lop Nur center. Design of technical standards for national Ⅱ level single-track railway, internal combustion traction, reserved electrochemical conditions, planning transportation capacity for the freight of 30 million tons per year. Harrogate Railway's construction is of great significance for the development of mineral resources along the line, especially for the development of potash resources, alleviate China's potash resources are insufficient and speed up the economic development of Xinjiang. Harrow railway will Hami - Linhe Railway connected Xinjiang coal Sinotrans north wing channel, to take on the important task of the output of coal resources in Xinjiang. Addition, Harrogate Railway will being planned Korla - the Ruoqiang - Golmud railway construction phase, the formation of a new channel of Xinjiang and northwest, southwest regional passenger and freight transport. The Xinhua reporter Jiang Wenyao taken to Lop Nur railway
Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games Mascot Unveiled



The Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (NYOGOC) today unveiled its official mascot: “NANJINGLELE”.

NANJINGLELE is inspired by a unique natural feature of the host city known as the “Rain-Flower Pebble” (also translated as “Riverstone”). The design of the mascot takes the typical shape and appearance of this stone but in a creative and artistic way, highlighting the colours from the emblem’s palette. The word ‘lele’ represents the sound of stones colliding together and is pronounced like the Chinese word meaning happiness or joy.

NYOGOC unveiled the official mascot at a grand ceremony held at the Nanjing Olympic Centre, one of the main competition venues for the upcoming Games. More than 4,000 people, including students, locals, government officials and sponsor representatives, attended the ceremony. The mascot was co-unveiled by Olympic Chinese champions Sun Yang (swimming), Huang Xu (artistic gymnastics) and Wu Jingyu (taekwondo), official dignitaries and a group of young people who are working with NYOGOC as advisors.

NANJINGLELE was chosen following a nationwide mascot design competition launched by NYOGOC earlier this year. More than 1.2 million students from more than 900 colleges across China participated in the competition.

In a congratulatory letter sent to NYOGOC and read out during the ceremony, International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge said: “The design of NANJINGLELE is truly inspiring and will certainly capture the attention of the world’s youth and older generations alike. Not only does it incorporate aspects of the host city’s majestic local stone, the Riverstone, but it is bright and vibrant and sets the tone for a fun, colourful and energetic Youth Olympic Games.”

The 2nd Summer Youth Olympic Games will take place in Nanjing in August 2014 and will bring together more than 3,800 young athletes from more than 200 countries and regions. Competing in the 28 sports on the Olympic programme, athletes will take part in high-level competition and off the field of play will be able to take part in a series of cultural and educational activities.

More pix:



Artists hold "Lele", 2014 Summer Youth Olympics' mascot, during the unveiling ceremony in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province on Nov. 29, 2012. The creature of Lele was unveiled as the mascot for the 2014 Summer Youth Olympics here Thursday. (Photo/Xinhua)


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