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China Dominates the World TOP500 Supercomputers

Congrats to china. Enjoy this for couple of years. India's 132 Pata flop super computer is coming up. More than 132 times faster than anything world will have at that time.

India’s proposed new supercomputer is set to work at 132 exaflops per second as against an 1 exaflops per second machine being built by Cray Incorporated, the iconic American computer company which has projected that its machine would be ready by 2020.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/india-be...orological-applications.343923/#ixzz4CCiaHiWY
LOL By 2020, we plan to build a 300FLOP. Then 2030s, we probably going quantum (Unlimited speed). We will be godlike.
New Chinese Supercomputer Named World’s Fastest System on Latest TOP500 List

June 19, 2016, 10:01 p.m.

System achieves 93 petaflop/s running LINPACK on Chinese-designed CPUs

China draws Equal to the U.S . in Overall Installations

FRANKFURT, Germany; BERKELEY, Calif.; and KNOXVILLE, Tenn.—China maintained its No. 1 ranking on the 47th edition of the TOP500 list of the world’s top supercomputers, but with a new system built entirely using processors designed and made in China. Sunway TaihuLight is the new No. 1 system with 93 petaflop/s (quadrillions of calculations per second) on the LINPACK benchmark.

Developed by the National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering & Technology (NRCPC) and installed at the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi, Sunway TaihuLight displaces Tianhe-2, an Intel-based Chinese supercomputer that has claimed the No. 1 spot on the past six TOP500 lists.

The newest edition of the list was announced Monday, June 20, at the 2016 International Supercomputer Conference in Frankfurt. The closely watched list is issued twice a year.

Sunway TaihuLight, with 10,649,600 computing cores comprising 40,960 nodes, is twice as fast and three times as efficient as Tianhe-2, which posted a LINPACK performance of 33.86 petaflop/s. The peak power consumption under load (running the HPL benchmark) is at 15.37 MW, or 6 Gflops/Watt. This allows the TaihuLight system to grab one of the top spots on the Green500 in terms of the Performance/Power metric. Titan, a Cray XK7 system installed at the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is now the No. 3 system. It achieved 17.59 petaflop/s.

Rounding out the Top 10 are Sequoia, an IBM BlueGene/Q system installed at DOE’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Fujitsu’s K computer installed at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS) in Kobe, Japan; Mira, a BlueGene/Q system installed at DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory; Trinity, a Cray X40 system installed at DOE/NNSA/LANL/SNL; Piz Daint, a Cray XC30 system installed at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre and the most powerful system in Europe; Hazel Hen, a Cray XC40 system installed at HLRS in Stuttgart, Germany; and Shaheen II, a Cray XC40 system installed at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia is at No. 10.

The latest list marks the first time since the inception of the TOP500 that the U.S is not home to the largest number of systems. With a surge in industrial and research installations registered over the last few years, China leads with 167 systems and the U.S. is second with 165. China also leads the performance category, thanks to the No. 1 and No. 2 systems.

The European share of 105 systems (compared to 107 in November 2015) has fallen and is now lower than the dominant Asian share of 218 systems, up from 173 in November. Germany is the clear leader in Europe with 26 systems followed by France with 18 and the UK with 12 systems. In Asia, Japan trails China with 29 systems (down from 37).

Cray continues to be the clear leader in the TOP500 list in total installed performance share with 19.9 percent (down from 25 percent). Thanks to the Sunway TaihuLight system, the National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering & Technology takes the second spot with 16.4 percent of the total performance – with just one machine. IBM takes the third spot with 10.7 percent share, down from 14.9 percent six months ago. HPE is third with 12.9 percent, down from 14.2 percent six months ago.

For the first time, the data collection and curation of the Green500 project is now integrated with the TOP500 project. The most energy-efficient system and No. 1 on the Green500 is Shoubu, a PEZY Computing/Exascaler ZettaScaler-1.6 System achieving 6.67 GFfops/Watt at the Advanced Center for Computing and Communication at RIKEN in Japan.

Other Highlights from the Overall List

Total combined performance of all 500 systems has grown to 566.7 petaflop/s, compared to 420 petaflop/s six months ago and 363 petaflop/s one year ago. This increase in installed performance also exhibits a noticeable slowdown in growth compared to the previous long-term trend.

There are 95 systems with performance greater than a petaflop/s on the list, up from 81 six months ago.

Intel continues to provide the processors for the largest share – 455 systems or 91 percent – of the TOP500 systems. The share of IBM Power processors is now at 23 systems, down from 26 systems six month ago. The AMD Opteron family is used in 13 systems (2.6 percent), down from 4.2 percent on the previous list.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise has the lead in the total number of systems with 127 systems (25.4 percent) followed by Lenovo with 84 systems. Cray now has 60 systems, down from 69 systems six months ago. HPE had 155 systems six months ago. IBM is now fifth in the systems category with 38 systems.

A total of 93 systems on the list are using accelerator/coprocessor technology, down from 104 in November 2015. Sixty-seven of these use NVIDIA chips, 26 systems with Intel Xeon Phi technology, three use ATI Radeon, and two use PEZY technology. Three systems use a combination of NVIDIA and Intel Xeon Phi accelerators/coprocessors.The average number of accelerator cores for these systems is 76,000 cores per system.

The entry level (No. 500) to the list moved up to the 285.9 teraflop/s mark on the LINPACK benchmark, compared to 206.3 teraflop/s six months ago. The last system on the newest list would have been listed at position 351 in the previous TOP500.
The performance of the last system on the list (No. 500) has systematically continued to lag behind historical trends for the last 6 years and now clearly continues to run on a different growth trajectory than before. From 1994 to 2008 it grew by 90 percent per year, but since 2008 it has only grown by 55 percent per year.


There are so many things that an average Chinese can be proud of, HSR, Y-20, J-20, Z-20, CZ-7, CZ-5, Tiangong-2.........now this out-of-nowhere Sunway Super computer!

Remember those dark days that we could not see a light?
Of all the supercomputers represented on the global list, the sum of the China supercomputers performance (211 petaflops) has exceeded the performance of the supercomputers in the U.S., (173 petaflops) represented on this list.

India's 132 Exadflop super computer is coming up. About 600 time faster than your fastest.

132 exafops by 2020...is this suppose to be a bad joke?

How is it a bad Joke?
If what you posted about 132 exaflop is real in 2020 I'm gonna walk bare feet around the world challenging street fighters to fight my gorilla fists of awesome.

Congrats to china. Enjoy this for couple of years. India's 132 Exa flop super computer is coming up. More than 132 times faster than anything world will have at that time.

India’s proposed new supercomputer is set to work at 132 exaflops per second as against an 1 exaflops per second machine being built by Cray Incorporated, the iconic American computer company which has projected that its machine would be ready by 2020.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/india-be...orological-applications.343923/#ixzz4CCiaHiWY

Wanna bet? If you lose you pay 50 dollars to gorilla charity.
LOL By 2020, we plan to build a 300FLOP. Then 2030s, we probably going quantum (Unlimited speed). We will be godlike.

300 flop means what? You will flop for 300 times? What is the unit.

Provide link. Article says that by that time CRy will have 1 exa flop computer as the fastest. While quoting the idiotic figures, you forget the quantum of power required by that computer.
While posting, you do not understand that you are contradicting yourself. On one hand you says that what we have planned is beyond computing power and than you claim that you will build even faster. Does the law of physics apply differently in China?

If what you posted about 132 exaflop is real in 2020 I'm gonna walk bare feet around the world challenging street fighters to fight my gorilla fists of awesome.

Wanna bet? If you lose you pay 50 dollars to gorilla charity.

300 flop means what? You will flop for 300 times? What is the unit.

Provide link. Article says that by that time CRy will have 1 exa flop computer as the fastest. While quoting the idiotic figures, you forget the quantum of power required by that computer.

10^15 is pflops.
exaflops is 10^18. It's the next step.

quantum chip will unleash unlimited potential. The power is not that big. The difficult is to sustain it like fusion power.

1000petaflop = 1 exaflops

so 132 exaflops is what? 132 times MORE POWERFUL than this current world number 1? LOL
300 flop means what? You will flop for 300 times? What is the unit.

Provide link. Article says that by that time CRy will have 1 exa flop computer as the fastest. While quoting the idiotic figures, you forget the quantum of power required by that computer.


I'm gonna remember this.

Remember its dollars, not rupees.
Yes man it is just 3300 Rupees. My half day income.

No it is a good news. Now china is in a gentle man game and flowing footstep of India. China is well come.

Seriously, we all know its ridiculous. 132 EXAflops from India in four years? Maybe aim for 132 petaflops in 4 years and people will still be suspicious.
Congrats to china. Enjoy this for couple of years. India's 132 Exa flop super computer is coming up. More than 132 times faster than anything world will have at that time.

India’s proposed new supercomputer is set to work at 132 exaflops per second as against an 1 exaflops per second machine being built by Cray Incorporated, the iconic American computer company which has projected that its machine would be ready by 2020.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/india-be...orological-applications.343923/#ixzz4CCiaHiWY

Fooling others is one thing, but fooling yourself is complete the other, and your elite member status makes things even worse. You'd better make sure India delivers its "Super-supercomputer" by 2017 than claiming 132 exaflops per second "Super-super-super-super-supercomputer" by 2020.

This is a MUST READ article by Xinhua.

This is extremely neutral and correct analysis of the current supercomputing scene.

News Analysis: Great leap for Chinese-made supercomputers, but challenges remain
Source: Xinhua | 2016-06-21 07:02:36 | Editor: huaxia


WUXI, June 20, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Photo taken on June 20, 2016 shows Sunway TaihuLight, a new Chinese supercomputer, in Wuxi, east China's Jiangsu Province. Performing 93 quadrillion calculations per second, Sunway TaihuLight dethroned China's Tianhe-2 from the top in a list of the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world. Sunway TaihuLight, with 10,649,600 computing cores comprising 40,960 nodes, is twice as fast and three times as efficient as Tianhe-2, which has a performance of 33.86 quadrillion calculations per second, or petaflop/s. The new system was developed by the Chinese National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering & Technology and installed at the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi. (Xinhua/Li Xiang)

WASHINGTON, June 20 (Xinhua) -- It's no longer big news that a Chinese supercomputer dominates a list of the world's fastest machines these days, but a No. 1 system built using entirely made-in-China chips instead of U.S. technology is no doubt a milestone.

China's Sunway TaihuLight, which is capable of performing 93 quadrillion calculations per second (petaflop/s), was on Monday declared having replaced Tianhe-2 as the world's most powerful supercomputer on the so-called Top500 list.

Tianhe-2, also a Chinese system, had previously topped the list for the past three years with a performance of 33.86 petaflop/s, but it's built with U.S.-made Intel chips.

Monday's announcement marked a great leap forward in China's ambitions to develop its homegrown computing and chipmaking industry. It's no secret China has a deep worry over foreign reliance, especially after the U.S. government announced an export ban on all high-performance computing chips to China last year.

Now, China's persistent supercomputing investment seems to be paying off.

"The Sunway TaihuLight system, based on a homegrown processor, demonstrates the significant progress that China has made in the domain of designing and manufacturing large-scale computation systems," said Jack Dongarra, professor of the University of Tennessee and editor of the list, in a report about the new supercomputer.

He said Sunway TaihuLight is running "sizeable applications," a fact that caused him to believe the system "is capable of running real applications and not just a stunt machine."

Depei Qian, a professor at Beihang University and the chief scientist of China's 863 project on high productivity computer and grid service environment, called the new system a "landmark event."

"This is the first time we use domestic processors to take the top spot on the Top500 list, marking a big step in China's development of self-controllable supercomputers," Qian told Xinhua. "This system is not only leading in computing performance, but also has technological breakthroughs in areas including energy efficiency and size. It's very impressive."

Zizhong Chen, a supercomputer expert at the University of California, Riverside (UCR), said Chinese should be proud of the Sunway TaihuLight system.

"It shows that with long-term efforts of Chinese computer experts, China's IT technology is developing rapidly," said Chen. "It also means that China has mastered the main core technologies for building supercomputers and therefore China's ability to compete in the supercomputing domain is getting stronger and stronger."

What is equally surprising for the latest list is that China also has more supercomputers than the United States, with 167 compared to 165. This is the first time the United States has lost the lead.

"It's a trend with China," Dongarra told Xinhua. "They had zero systems in 2001 and today they surpass the United States. No other nation has seen such rapid growth."

Dongarra noted that supercomputers are "more important than ever" as they provide capability benefiting a broad range of industries, including energy, pharmaceutics, aircraft, automobile and entertainment.

Experts, however, were quick to point out that China is still far from being a real challenger or threat to U.S. supercomputing dominance.

"Overall, the United States is still in the lead, and Japan is also a strong contender," Qian said. "The U.S., Japan and Europe have an advantage over us in supercomputing applications, so China cannot be blindly optimistic."

Qian also said some Chinese systems on the latest list are not strictly supercomputers, but only systems such as data centers, which usually are not accounted for in the U.S. and Japan.

"So, the numbers aren't everything," he said.

The United States is now ready to regain lost ground. Last July, U.S. President Barack Obama signed an executive order to announce the National Strategic Computing Initiative, which aims to build supercomputer about 10 times faster than the Sunway TaihuLight system.

The U.S. Department of Energy has already allocated 525 million dollars to build three supercomputers with performances greater than 100 petaflop/s, which are expected to come into service around 2018.

Japan also is trying to stage a comeback with a new supercomputer project called Flagship 2020.

"We could see lead changes on the Top500's top position in the next few years, so we should treat that calmly," Qian said.

In order to enhance China's competitiveness in high performance computing, Chen of the UCR advised China to further strengthen development of supercomputer software and applications and training of computing talents, which he said still lagged behind when compared with the U.S., Japan and Europe.

Qian echoed similar problems, including lack of some kernel technologies, relying on imported commercial software and shortage of talents. "China has made some progress," he said, "but the weakness is also obvious."


Also, please keep in mind that while Taihu Light is an extraordinary supercomputer, it has its own limitations, largely because it is extremely customized to run the LinPack Benchmark.

It does significantly poorlyin HPCG benchmark, and surprisingly has a lower memory than even Tianhe 2.

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Original paper: http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmat4677.html

Detailed report in Chinese: http://js.xhby.net/system/2016/06/21/028983594.shtml

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