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China Dominates the World TOP500 Supercomputers

You can rant whatever suites you. In last year or so, It is undisputadely proven that who is the boss in space technology and rocketry. It is a matter of time when it will be proven that who is the boss in super computing. We are heading for THAAD like air defense and nano missiles. Utra long range, Air breathing , composite motor etc. In the same way, we are putting up a nation wide super computing network and our 132 exa flop computer shall be ready by 2020. Hust 600 time faster than what you have. so enjoy your superiority for few years untill we surpass you with unmatchable lead in super computing speed.

it is hard for me to take the brag from a "ZERO POSITIVE rating, but TWELVE NEGATIVE ratings" guy too seriously.

Have fun.
Well, we can watch live video of your city from our satellites .:yahoo:

We can target every thing in your country fast and easily.:china:

new delhi at 0:34

Yes yes you can target our city with your missiles having CEP in kilometers. We can also do that with our agni series and K series. The only difference is that we can do that with single digital accuracy measured in meters. it is targeting Vs targeting. The only difference is Meter VS Kilometer.

it is hard for me to take the brag from a "ZERO POSITIVE rating, but TWELVE NEGATIVE ratings" guy too seriously.

Have fun.
View attachment 312443

Yes, You can quote the number of time here for which I was banned. This is PDF. So It is very natural. I have participated in many very good discussion and started some very interesting threads here. It is very unfortunate that before giving rating or strike, flag is seen first. o let it be 120. I care least here. I generally do not post on PDF now a days except some special discussion. LOL.
Look at the likes I receive also. it is in 5 figure.
Yes yes you can target our city with your missiles having CEP in kilometers. We can also do that with our agni series and K series. The only difference is that we can do that with single digital accuracy measured in meters. it is targeting Vs targeting. The only difference is Meter VS Kilometer.

did you go through the entire video? It is a very short one, just 90 sec. If you did, I highly doubt how you come with the conclusion that "CEP in km". You think a "CEP in km" satellite can track a moving object? Or maybe you are blind?

I have to say, you bring lots of fun to this thread.


You can rant whatever suites you. In last year or so, It is undisputadely proven that who is the boss in space technology and rocketry. It is a matter of time when it will be proven that who is the boss in super computing. We are heading for THAAD like air defense and nano missiles. Ultra long range, Air breathing , composite motor etc. In the same way, we are putting up a nation wide super computing network and our 132 exa flop computer shall be ready by 2020. just 600 time faster than what you have. so enjoy your superiority for few years untill we surpass you with unmatchable lead in super computing speed.

Easy man, you are making appear all of us Indians crazy. Have you ever worked on a HPC computer? What is your source for this 132 exaflops claim?

Volume production of cutting-edge ultrahigh modulus carbon fibre starts



What is it equivalent to? (In sense of Toray fibres)
Easy man, you are making appear all of us Indians crazy. Have you ever worked on a HPC computer? What is your source for this 132 exaflops claim?

What is it equivalent to? (In sense of Toray fibres)

TMNTCF's ultra high modulus carbon fibre:

Modulus of elasticity > 700GPa
tensile strength > 3239 MPa
Load: 26.24CN
Spinnability > 1000m

Huge increase in performances achievable after optimization.

Toray? ??:disagree:

Check out similar products from Donac of Japan and AMOCO of the US. :D:D
It is very unfortunate that before giving rating or strike, flag is seen first. o let it be 120. I care least here. I generally do not post on PDF now a days except some special discussion. LOL.
Look at the likes I receive also. it is in 5 figure.
I found some sense in this statement of yours. Those negative rating alone doesn't portrait the whole picture. I am sure many Chinese members here know what I am talking about, especially those like me who received it as a punishment by the one very member who has this privilege and tends to have a bad habit of pulling the trigger when losing an argument.

Like someone already said, most Chinese,including me,are not jealous of your advancement and catching up. Nor did we aim to make you guys jealous by posting up news about our scientific advancement. Indian people deserve a better future and more influence in the world arena.

Therefore, Chill out and continue to post your opinion as long as it is not too outlandish. There are many Chinese people I know, including me, who have been to your country many times and have some basic knowledge of what is going on on the ground.
You can rant whatever suites you. In last year or so, It is undisputadely proven that who is the boss in space technology and rocketry. It is a matter of time when it will be proven that who is the boss in super computing. We are heading for THAAD like air defense and nano missiles. Ultra long range, Air breathing , composite motor etc. In the same way, we are putting up a nation wide super computing network and our 132 exa flop computer shall be ready by 2020. just 600 time faster than what you have. so enjoy your superiority for few years untill we surpass you with unmatchable lead in super computing speed.

Right, India is THE BOSS in space technology and rocketry!

Just like those cheer that "India will surpass NASA in 10 years", or those dreaming "Superpower India in 2030", how typical Indian you are!. By the way, where is your GSLV-MK3, which was supposed to debut in 2009, or your MMRCA that has been the G-spot for the past 15 years? :partay:
did you go through the entire video? It is a very short one, just 90 sec. If you did, I highly doubt how you come with the conclusion that "CEP in km". You think a "CEP in km" satellite can track a moving object? Or maybe you are blind?

I have to say, you bring lots of fun to this thread.

View attachment 312446

View attachment 312447

Man, Do you know what CEP means???!!!!!!!

I talked about missile CEP and you are posting some images here. What those images prove. When you guys loose arguments, you start posting irrelevant news. When you could not respond to our successful mangal yaan mission and your failure on moon and missile CEP, you post some photos with some chinese writting which i can not read.
Easy man, you are making appear all of us Indians crazy. Have you ever worked on a HPC computer? What is your source for this 132 exaflops claim?

What is it equivalent to? (In sense of Toray fibres)

Just curious, what kind of propaganda machine in India would make some of you believe India would make a supercomputer that will be 100 times faster than the one Americans are trying hard to build in 4 years?
Man, Do you know what CEP means???!!!!!!!

I talked about missile CEP and you are posting some images here. What those images prove. When you guys loose arguments, you start posting irrelevant news. When you could not respond to our successful mangal yaan mission and your failure on moon and missile CEP, you post some photos with some chinese writting which i can not read.

come on, the Chinese PDF member shows you the video taken by Chinese satellite, and you make a sudden switch to missile accuracy, that's the way you earn reputation in PDF?? That's the way you earn 10,000 likes in PDF??

No one will blame you for lacking of Chinese language capability. But you even could not recognize the satellite is taking video for moving jet?? That has nothing to do with language capability.

Just curious, what kind of propaganda machine in India would make some of you believe India would make a supercomputer that will be 100 times faster than the one Americans are trying hard to build in 4 years?

for the largest democrazy, impossible is nothing.
Just curious, what kind of propaganda machine in India would make some of you believe India would make a supercomputer that will be 100 times faster than the one Americans are trying hard to build in 4 years?

Just the same way America failed to reach on Mars in its initial attempts and we made in first attempt. Just the same way they denied us super computer and we made it ourselves faster than what we had asked for.
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Man, Do you know what CEP means???!!!!!!!

I talked about missile CEP and you are posting some images here. What those images prove. When you guys loose arguments, you start posting irrelevant news. When you could not respond to our successful mangal yaan mission and your failure on moon and missile CEP, you post some photos with some chinese writting which i can not read.
When you talking about missile accuracy CEP, you must talk about GPS and Laser Gyroscope. Chinese Beidou is already networked to cover most Asian region. China made its own Laser Gyroscope in 1994 becoming the 4th country in the world capable of making it. So till now only the US, Russia, France and China can produce it. Without these 2 things, it is impossible to make claim that Indians missiles are way accurate than the Chinese.

India's Missile Shopping List

The Risk Report
Volume 1 Number 1 (January-February 1995) Page 9

India is still weak in many vital rocket technologies, and needs help in composites, electronics, computers, sensors, navigation, guidance, control and propulsion, according to a Pentagon study which ranks countries' military capabilities. To bolster its efforts in these areas, India is looking for imports.

Composites from America dried up in 1992 when the United States sanctioned the Indian Space Research Organization. Lightweight and heat-resistant composite materials are ideal for making rocket motor cases and nozzles. They improve a rocket's range as well as its engine thrust. The U.S. sanctions also dried up ISRO's American sources of application-specific integrated circuits, which are needed for rocket and missile guidance.

India also needs high quality gyroscopes and accelerometers for mis-sile guidance. India has some gyroscopes of its own, but Indian engineers are seeking better equipment "to improve the accuracy and stabilization of their missile systems," says one State Department analyst. India recently obtained U.S. ring laser gyro-scopes for fighter planes, but the gyros are difficult to adapt for missiles. "I don't think India can get there without a lot of help from the outside," the analyst says.

India also hopes to get high quality accelerometers to measure missile speed more accurately. In addition, India is shopping for laser radars to improve guidance, although India has not approached U.S. companies to buy them recently.

Computers are also on India's shopping list, according to the Pentagon study, which says that India has "limited" capability in digital computing, "no capability" in hybrid computing, but "capabilities in some critical elements" of advanced computing.

According to the Pentagon, computers play "a pivotal role in the development and deployment of missiles and missile systems." Digital computers can predict the behavior of entire weapon systems and are required to process space-borne sensor data in real time, the study says. The recent decontrol of computers may have helped India fill some of its needs.

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