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China Did Not Ban Fasting-So indians! stop hopping on Western Propaganda.


Aug 19, 2009
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I don't usually like to start new threads,,, but this one had to be started ...

I posted following on the thread where China was alleged to have banned fasting,,, I am posting it again here coz it must be announced on TOP of ones voice that Western "powers" are a bunch of liars & propagandists ... Many channels like Al-Jazeera & GEO of Pakistan too often feed news to appease their financial feeders. Many others just blindly re-post the fabricated news.


Here's a refutation of allegation made:-


Chinese political advisors from Tibet, Xinjiang counterattack U.S. rights report

Chinese political advisors from Tibet and Xinjiang said Friday that cultural and religious freedom is fully respected and protected according to law in the two ethnic regions, fighting back against an annual U.S. human rights report.

"The report is utterly groundless. I strongly advise those who wrote the report visit Tibet personally before drawing a conclusion," said Lhagba Puncog, secretary-general of the Beijing-based China Tibetology Research Center.

As a scholar from the Tibetan ethnic group, Lhagba Puncog goes back to Tibet for research for two months every year.

"I witness the increasing improvement in the living standards of Tibetan people, and they fully enjoy freedom of religious beliefs," he told Xinhua on the sidelines of the annual session of the country's top political advisory body, or the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee.

Local government statistics showed that Tibet's gross domestic product (GDP) reached 43.7 billion yuan in 2009, up 170 percent from that in 2000 and posting an annual growth of 12.3 percent over the past nine years.

Currently, Tibet has more than 1,700 religious venues and 46,000 monks and nuns, whose religious beliefs are well protected by law.

Berkri Mamut, a CPPCC member and director of Shanshan County Islamic Association in Xinjiang, Muslims can practice their religion normally.

"They can freely attend religious service in mosques or practice fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan," he said.

"Every year, the government will help make arrangements for about 12,000 Muslims nationwide who go to the holy city Mecca for hajj, of which almost 5,000 are form Xinjiang," he said.

"It is ridiculous to say there is 'cultural and religious repression' in Xinjiang," he added.

Yiliduosi Aihetamofu, a CPPCC member and a physician of Tatar ethnic group from the No. 1 Hospital affiliated to the Xinjiang Medical University, said what he has seen in Xinjiang is the fast economic development and improvement of people's lives.

"We Tatar people has a population of less than 5,000, but our cultural traditions have been preserved well," he said.
Editor: Amber Yao



I Quote:-

In Xinjiang, on the Ramadan and Kurban festivals, all Muslim communities may enjoy statutory holidays, while those of Russian background may observe their own statutory holidays such as Christmas and Easter.


Ramadhan gives boost to halal industry in China


Tuesday, July 24, 2012
MORE than 20 million Chinese Muslims from Friday onwards began observing the one-month Ramadhan fast across China.

In the 600-year-old Dongguan Mosque, located in Xining, provincial capital of northwest China's Qinghai province, tens of thousands of Muslims entered and gathered there to attend prayers.

"The month of Ramadhan is the greatest and most revered month for Muslims, and the prayer on the first day is also extremely important," said Ma Yongliang, who runs a logistics company in Xining city. Han Jing, 17, said she would get up at 3am every morning during Ramadhan to prepare food for her family.

Han said she would stay with other women at home, while the men would go to the mosque during the month. By observing the fast, she believes that's a way to get closer to Allah.

During Ramadhan, Muslims are refrained from eating, drinking, smoking and sex from sunrise to sunset. Ma insists to pray five times every day, and follows the business rules of integrity and trustworthiness according to Islam. "We have been abiding with the sermons of the Quran for centuries. Although our lives have undergone rapid changes, we still hold strong faith," Ma said.

Thanks to the support of the Chinese government, ethnic groups in the impoverished western areas have developed their dominant industries in recent years, slowly eradicating poverty.

In Ningxia Hui autonomous region, one of the main Muslim-populated regions, the predominantly Muslim Hui ethnic group developed the Halal food industry. In 2011, the Halal food industry in Ningxia generated an output value of 10.3 billion yuan (around $2 billion), up 13 per cent from a year ago. And the total output value of the Halal food industry in this region is expected to reach 20 billion yuan by 2015.

In a branch plant of Qinghai Yijia Buhala Nation Fashion China Co Ltd, located in Hui-Tu autonomous county of Datong in Qinghai province, the homegrown Muslim traditional cap and clothing have been exported around the world.

"I can not only take care of children and elderly people in my family, but also do some work at home which I get paid for," said Han Yan, a worker of the plant, adding that the work never affected her worship. "Female Muslims could hardly earn money in the past, but the work is conducive to raise the status of a female in a family," said Han Decheng, president of the company.

Moreover, in the Hui autonomous county of Hualong, more than 67,000 practitioners went out and opened over 10,000 restaurants selling traditional Hui food, such as hand-pulled noodles.

But for most Chinese Muslims, their biggest dream is to go to Mekah, Saudi Arabia, their holiest city. "Some elders in my family have been there, and I should realise my dream as well," said Ma.

In 1997, the first chartered plane for Chinese pilgrims flew from Beijing to Jeddah, an important gateway to Mekah. Direct chartered flights later linked Beijing, Lanzhou, Urumqi, Yinchuan, and Kunming to Madinah, the second holiest city, which is north of Mekah. According to statistics, more than 13,800 Chinese pilgrims went to Mekah in 2011. Xinhua


Official Government's website of China:-

Chinese Muslims pray on first day of Ramadan


Chinese Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fit


Why would a Government ban Ramazan (Fasting) & prayers while they proudly show that culture on their official website...!!!

Western media is a foul mouthed liar ,,, they make up lies ... they are well known for that ... one portal starts a lie & then the rest of media just copy-pastes it & thus such thriller ends up being all over so-called main-stream media...
It actually only applied to the CPC officials who were in Xinjiang. And it's not a "law", so it is not forced either, just an advisory.

It most certainly does NOT apply to the common people of Xinjiang.

The Chinese Government would not be that stupid. Everyone in the world knows how sensitive this issue is.
Just an example how news media twists words around to completely change the meaning of actual event:-


24Hr newspaper :: 30-July-12 :: Page-13 :: published this news; which is misrepresentation of established medicine:-

This is how news media lie deliberately to public.
24 Hours Toronto e-edition
Their news reads "Scientists have unveiled another benefit to WAITING to have kids..."

They added the word "waiting to" which totally changes the essence outcome of actual research.
While the ACTUAL research does NOT say "WAITING till after 30 for first child" ,,, it says "Having LAST child after 30th" ...
Established medicine says, more the estrogen-spikes encountered by endometrium higher is the risk for cancer... pregnancy stops monthly estrogen-spikes thus reducing risk of cancer ... This new research says that if one continues to have children even after 30th, the risk reduces even further. Each 5 year delay in last birth reduces risk by 13% ...

Childbirth After 30 Lowers Risk of Endometrial Cancer: Study: MedlinePlus
students aren't CPC officials to be barred from fasting.
students aren't CPC officials to be barred from fasting.

"Some" students who were related to the CPC party. It was never meant for the common folk of Xinjiang, in any way shape or form.

You can say a lot of things about the Chinese Government, but they are not that stupid. Even a primary school student knows how sensitive these religious issues are, you think the Chinese Government doesn't know it?
students aren't CPC officials to be barred from fasting.


Students and civil officials are banned from fasting too apart from CPC members. Not all civil officials are CPC members as I learned today.
Almost got my man Chinese Dragon banned for instigating and trolling. Indians need to stop with their evil intentions.
Almost got my man Chinese Dragon banned for instigating and trolling. Indians need to stop with their evil intentions.

Actually, that was regarding another issue.

And the ban was reversed within 30 minutes. :P

Indians are the biggest nefarious bastards i have seen.The same people who talk sh!t against Muslims all the time come to rescue of Muslim when its China and similarly they cry about Bangladesh its immigrants and stuff like that and if its related to 71 war they suddenly start crying for Bangladeshis.So i think they suffer from deep inferiority complex and obsessive disorders.Much like the Indian dude participating in UK big brother who become obsessive with a women in the house (trying to hug her and stuff like that even though she was not even remotely interested in her ) and when they evicted him he cut his veins LOL.

Indian Crocodile tears.

Everyone knows what Indian nationalists think about Muslims. They are not exactly shy about voicing their opinions. :lol:
Indians are the biggest nefarious bastards i have seen.The same people who talk sh!t against Muslims all the time come to rescue of Muslim when its China and similarly they cry about Bangladesh its immigrants and stuff like that and if its related to 71 war they suddenly start crying for Bangladeshis.So i think they suffer from deep inferiority complex and obsessive disorders.Much like the Indian dude participating in UK big brother who become obsessive with a women in the house (trying to hug her and stuff like that even though she was not even remotely interested in her ) and when they evicted him he cut his veins LOL.

And we know who they learned it from. Indians once the victim, now the culprit.
students aren't CPC officials to be barred from fasting.

I thought children are not compusory to following to follow the fasting anyway. We are not talking about college students here, no way to apply the rule or advisory.
Everyone knows what Indian nationalists think about Muslims. They are not exactly shy about voicing their opinions. :lol:

I have 1st hand experience of working with indians on many occasions ... some genius did not invent this idiom for no reason "Baghal May Churee Moo Mai Raam Raam" (means = dagger hidden in pit & Raam Raam (peace peace) on lips)

بغل ميں چهرى منه ميں رام رام

I would physically attack those who speak against 2 nation theory ,,, God bless Quaid for separating us from these hypocrites ...
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