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232 held for spread of terrorism in Xinjiang

and i got ten: half from you yindoo lots and half from pakistanis. you yindoos hated me for being antisemitic (and how is this yindoo business?), and those coming from pakistanis are related to my racism against turkics. and i will risk another one by saying this: uiuis by blood are criminals, and we can hold 232 turk babies and shoot them all without harming one innocent soul

Most of them just put me on ignore list. Got negative reviews from fowl country people.
Well, that will be too costly.

Don't they like suicide bomb??? I will put all of them together with their beloved "toys" in their beloved cave. It is going to very quick to see their virgins.

Put these terrorists in their place, which is 3 ft underground.
chinese arresting innocent turks smh
Yes, this time you are "right", these turks are "innocent", becase they don't hurt and kill indian, just like I also see the militant who kill indian as terrorist, but as a innocent human.
The chinese are begining to behave like terrorists if you arrest , torture and kill innocent people then what does it matter if uighurs kill innocent han,,, whats the difference

The next time a gang goes killing spree in a chinese station they can say all the chinese deserved it because they are evil occupiers

Well, that will be too costly.

Don't they like suicide bomb??? I will put all of them together with their beloved "toys" in their beloved cave. It is going to very quick to see their virgins.

case example, the uighurs can say just the exact same, they are going to put slitty eyed yellow chinese into a cave full of noodles and send them to hell
Most of them just put me on ignore list. Got negative reviews from fowl country people.

those angry kebab vendors are really testy. i guess they know how many nations wanted their rootless race annihilated and this mentally exhausts them
If you are not dumb, you should understand that what we have arrested and tortured are terrorists.

We will treat those terrorists like we treat dogs, you have any problem with that? You tell me those terrorists are innocent people???

Go fxxk youself.

The chinese are begining to behave like terrorists if you arrest , torture and kill innocent people then what does it matter if uighurs kill innocent han,,, whats the difference

The next time a gang goes killing spree in a chinese station they can say all the chinese deserved it because they are evil occupiers

case example, the uighurs can say just the exact same, they are going to put slitty eyed yellow chinese into a cave full of noodles and send them to hell
If you are not dumb, you should understand that what we have arrested and tortured are terrorists.

We will treat those terrorists like we treat dogs, you have any problem with that? You tell me those terrorists are innocent people???

Go fxxk youself.

No, you have arrested alot of innocent, normal people its the way it goes in alot of the world and in places like china, india, pakistan, egypt etc no due process, lack of rights and access to legal protection.

If you treat people like that they will hate you and react, if you treat them like dogs then they will treat you like scum and have no qualms about blowing you up and randomly stabbing you
You call those disbursing materials chanting for jihad, joining in terrorist organizations, taking up terrorist activities against normal Chinese citizens innocent people???

I suppose osama bin laden is also innocent to you, right???

China does not give a fxxk what others think since we deeply understand how important stability means for a prosperous China. We understand what those terrorists/separatists could do to China.

That is how China has been ruthless in dealing with those terrorists/separatists, no matter it is those cleansing against those bastards during Qing Dynasty: Kangxi Emperor, YongZheng Emperor and Qianlong Emperor period, even later General Zuo Zongchang, even the current period General Wang Zhen...

Even today some of the remaining bastards still stay in some former ussr republics, dare not come back.

As I have said, we cannot prevent those terrorist activities from happening. However, we will punish them so harshly, everyone got involved will be treated like dogs and in hellish environment for their lives, if they still get any.

No, you have arrested alot of innocent, normal people its the way it goes in alot of the world and in places like china, india, pakistan, egypt etc no due process, lack of rights and access to legal protection.

If you treat people like that they will hate you and react, if you treat them like dogs then they will treat you like scum and have no qualms about blowing you up and randomly stabbing you
If you treat people like that they will hate you and react, if you treat them like dogs then they will treat you like scum and have no qualms about blowing you up and randomly stabbing you

well then, it is just a numbers game: those uiuis and we chinese will compete in finishing each other first. i don't like the turks' chances in this game. we will wipe out their entire race if need be.
well then, it is just a numbers game: those uiuis and we chinese will compete in finishing each other first. i don't like the turks' chances in this game. we will wipe out their entire race if need be.
Yeah yeah you will do it Internet warrior
You call those disbursing materials chanting for jihad, joining in terrorist organizations, taking up terrorist activities against normal Chinese citizens innocent people???

I suppose osama bin laden is also innocent to you, right???

China does not give a fxxk what others think since we deeply understand how important stability means for a prosperous China. We understand what those terrorists/separatists could do to China.

That is how China has been ruthless in dealing with those terrorists/separatists, no matter it is those cleansing against those bastards during Qing Dynasty: Kangxi Emperor, YongZheng Emperor and Qianlong Emperor period, even later General Zuo Zongchang, even the current period General Wang Zhen...

Even today some of the remaining bastards still stay in some former ussr republics, dare not come back.

As I have said, we cannot prevent those terrorist activities from happening. However, we will punish them so harshly, everyone got involved will be treated like dogs and in hellish environment for their lives, if they still get any.

Then they will treat you like sub human yellow animals

You dont care what they think, well they dont care what slitty eyed mongoloids like you think (their words)

your a sub human kaffir to them who has no right to be on gods green earth, china lives in a hostile area with many enemies and all you will do is create an opportunity for your enemies to have millions of allies within china

at the end of the day if you occupy xinjiang the people will be able to spread all over China
well then, it is just a numbers game: those uiuis and we chinese will compete in finishing each other first. i don't like the turks' chances in this game. we will wipe out their entire race if need be.

Problem is they arent alone, you kill uuis they kill you chinks what good will it do except to get central asia and beyond to hate you
Then they will treat you like sub human yellow animals

You dont care what they think, well they dont care what slitty eyed mongoloids like you think (their words)

your a sub human kaffir to them who has no right to be on gods green earth, china lives in a hostile area with many enemies and all you will do is create an opportunity for your enemies to have millions of allies within china

at the end of the day if you occupy xinjiang the people will be able to spread all over China

Problem is they arent alone, you kill uuis they kill you chinks what good will it do except to get central asia and beyond to hate you

i made a point to say that it will be a war between chinese and ALL panturkicists - from xinjiang to the bird country. again, we are ready to crunch the numbers.
well, then bring it on.

so far, we have cut them like dogs and we will be resolute in dealing with those terrorists.

welcome to drop your brothers, sisters, moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas ... all into China to participate terrorists activities, we will make sure they all go to hell to complain to your god. :rofl:

Then they will treat you like sub human yellow animals

You dont care what they think, well they dont care what slitty eyed mongoloids like you think (their words)

your a sub human kaffir to them who has no right to be on gods green earth, china lives in a hostile area with many enemies and all you will do is create an opportunity for your enemies to have millions of allies within china

at the end of the day if you occupy xinjiang the people will be able to spread all over China

Problem is they arent alone, you kill uuis they kill you chinks what good will it do except to get central asia and beyond to hate you
shame on racist and antimuslim china. Though I like them for pirated and low priced stuff. When will they crack PS3 and blue ray discs?
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