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China denies visa to top general in Indian Occupied Kashmir

I don't think they should have denied the Visa to the general. There is no benefit to be gained by doing it.

However it is just a visa, it's not really a huge issue.

People tend to make a big deal out of things when they think they've lost face. This is very common in Asia.
China rules, where the UK went ahead and forged stronger ties with mass murderers and genocidal maniacs, China has once again shown the mettle of its friendship.
I don't think they should have denied the Visa to the general. There is no benefit to be gained by doing it.
this is exactly what i am saying this approach is unacceptable and not beneficial either to relations.

However it is just a visa, it's not really a huge issue.
it is an issue if India also starts denying visa to Chinese ppl who are involved in disputes in various land disputes with other countries.

If any country wants to deny visas to a Chinese official for the stated reason of a border dispute... that is their decision. I personally wouldn't be bothered by it.

no CHina will not take it lightly at all. How about US and Russia denying Visa to anyone form Tibet as AP is disputed b/w India and China and saying like many above that it is for desiring better relations b/w India and China.
I think you will go mad coz simply this is not the way things are done when you are tyring to improve relaitons with another country. You can already see the impact in the cancellation of military drills.

that is why i always say Chinese Govt does not represent the will of the chinese ppl. What Chiense govt does and what its pl think has no relation.
no CHina will not take it lightly at all. How about US and Russia denying Visa to anyone form Tibet as AP is disputed b/w India and China and saying like many above that it is for desiring better relations b/w India and China.
I think you will go mad coz simply this is not the way things are done when you are tyring to improve relaitons with another country. You can already see the impact in the cancellation of military drills.

that is why i always say Chinese Govt does not represent the will of the chinese ppl. What Chiense govt does and what its pl think has no relation.

People talk about Tibet all the time, the International media is full of talk about Tibet.

I personally don't care if they want to publish these stories. They have their right to free speech, it's none of my business. Even if I wanted to stop them I wouldn't be able to, so why should I be upset?

Tibet is not a disputed area anyway.

To be honest I mostly agree with the Chinese CPC Government. I may disagree with some individual decisions (like the visa issue) but overall I think they represent my views quite well.
People talk about Tibet all the time, the International media is full of talk about Tibet.

I personally don't care if they want to publish these stories. They have their right to free speech, it's none of my business.

Tibet is not disputed by any country anyway.

To be honest I mostly agree with the Chinese CPC Government. I may disagree with some individual decisions (like the visa issue) but overall I think they represent my views quite well.

Why did China say it is disputed area. What does it mean..???

does it mean disputed b/w India and Pak or does it mean b/w India and China.? coz both ways it has no right to say so.
People talk about Tibet all the time, the International media is full of talk about Tibet.

I personally don't care if they want to publish these stories. They have their right to free speech, it's none of my business. Even if I wanted to stop them I wouldn't be able to.

Tibet is not a disputed area anyway.

To be honest I mostly agree with the Chinese CPC Government. I may disagree with some individual decisions (like the visa issue) but overall I think they represent my views quite well.

it is not about people talking. It is about how the GOI treats Tibet.
So it is not about what ppl say it is about how CCP treats this visa issue.

I repaet China is not a party to this dispute and its official position is a retrogade step. If India were to follow such step then many Chinese will fail to get visa to India.

So it is a clear sign India needs to not trust China at all, as it not only interferes in AP but also Kashmir which is UNDER NO CONDITION ITS area of concern.....

heart to heart genuine relations under such conditions are impossible, and the desire to continue to build weapons to make sure you cover all eventualities will remain on both sides.

the ultimate looser is India-China ppl only.
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Why did China say it is disputed area. What does it mean..???

does it mean disputed b/w India and Pak or does it mean b/w India and China.? coz both ways it has no right to say so.

It's disputed between China and India.

Look at the map. The area in blue that is behind the yellow line, that is claimed by China but administered by India.

The area in yellow is claimed by India, but administered by China.

It's all just standard border disputes.

I repaet China is not a party to this dispute and its official position is a retrogade step. If India were to follow such step then many Chinese will fail to get visa to India.

China has been a part of the Kashmir dispute since the 1950's.
The GoI has always considered Tibet to be a part of China.

That's their official position.

You are right that GOI official position is Tibet an integral part of china...However understand that there is a huge difference b/w people perception and will when it comes to democratic society.....such provocations from China are going to make life difficult for GOI because people will ask question when they don't respect you why the hell you are bending your back...

I must say a bad move by China...There is no reason to up the ante on J&K...i can understand if it was AP but J&K is one place where GOI don't want any BS....bad relations b/w India and china is bad for both and overall for Asia...the sooner people understand this the better it is for all of us...
You are right that GOI official position is Tibet an integral part of china...However understand that there is a huge difference b/w people perception and will when it comes to democratic society.....such provocations from China are going to make life difficult for GOI because people will ask question when they don't respect you why the hell you are bending your back...

I must say a bad move by China...There is no reason to up the ante on J&K...i can understand if it was AP but J&K is one place where GOI don't want any BS....bad relations b/w India and china is bad for both and overall for Asia...the sooner people understand this the better it is for all of us...

Fair enough. :cheers:

Like I said before... I don't think the Government should have denied the visa, since there is no benefit to be gained for anyone.
The GoI has always considered Tibet to be a part of China.

That's their official position.

Vote for change if you want it but the consensus right now for Indian (and the world) is that Tibet is an integral part of China. Until India changes this based on popular opinion and electoral victory, your opinion on the matter doesn't matter based on FP.
Fair enough. :cheers:

Like I said before... I don't think the Government should have denied the visa, since there is no benefit to be gained for anyone.

Yup...hope better sense will prevail...New Delhi will stop at the counter actions and will not drag it more....China will reconsider their decision and will find out such moves are going to derail the peace initiatives b/w two giants.....
No, look at the map.

There are areas that are shaded blue, but behind the yellow line. This part of J&K is still in a state of active dispute between China and India.

This is not just "Indian issues"... this is "Indian AND Chinese issues". These issues have always involved China.

thats incorrect. The area controlled by the general is not under purview of the dispute. This way apart from AP also there are some small pockets of conflict b/w India and China on the border. So Whole of Tibet is disputed then.

this is new now China wants to claim thatJ ad K is disputed b/w India and China through such manouvers. This is a subtle Change which i think China wants to create. China is only limited to Akshain CHina and not whole of J AND K. NEVER.

IF CHina ever says it is party to whole of J and K, GOI should make whole TIbet disputed(as AP is disputed) without wasting a second, and not consider it as part of CHina.

China is only limited to Akshai China but it can no way claim that whole of J and K is disputed b/w India and CHina. or else by its extensuion whole of Tibet is disputed b/w India and China.

this kind of move is not taking India-China relations forward and neither is China going to earn anything except for more mistrust from India.
this kind of move is not taking India-China relations forward and neither is China going to earn anything except for more mistrust from India.

You are right....This will increase mistrust which is not good for anyone....However if we are going by semantics then China has never said that J&K is integral part of India however we have always said that Tibet is integral part of India.....

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