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China Denies It Is Blocking India's Bid To Be Nuclear Suppliers Group Member

Indians even now don't consider Chinese as enemies. Heck, we are almost very positive about Chinese.

But, the recent actions of Chinese have been extremely baffling. Support to terrorists is an extremely low point and has hurt their image very badly among Indians.
This is something which I have been trying to the Chinese members on this forum for while now. They need to understand that the major bulk of Indians actually perceive China as a soft power and there are a myriad of reasons such as their cuisine, movies and inclination towards Buddhism etc. But there seem to be an indoctrination whih apparently is going on whereby the Chinese people are being led into believing that their Western neighbor are hostile towards them which hs no truth to it.

Scared to do it alone? Why the need to hide behind China and act brave?
Just look at the face of the guy, probably Iqbal. He is in a facepalm mode after listening to Lal Topi's blitzkrieg to Delhi and Ghazwa propositions!!
This is where you are incorrect. China does not have leverage on India. It does not own Indian Govt debt, has minimal assets in India and does not supply essential items like military hardware or security support. China has blocked it's IT and Pharma industry to India so it's not like Indian corporate sector will lose big money.

India on the other hand pays roughly 50 Billion USD to China in trade of mostly steel, electronics or electrical which can easily be substituted as it is Indians domestic suppliers are down in the dumps due to Chinese over supply.

China is already acting like our enemy for all intents and purposes by blocking all Indian efforts be it banning terrorists orgs or our membership to multilateral regimes. It's time India extracted some cost.

TBH Indian policy makers are too timid and are looking at future gains in terms of investments from China. I think they should watch China's action rather than it's words and take action on reciprocal basis.
Except you're wrong, because you've essentially ignored what I said.

Barring that, you're forgetting that Chinese-Indian trade is huge, and any attempt to halt it would hurt India more than China, simply because China has a better financial standing.

Items going into China would be halted, and exporters would suffer as a result. A trade deficit doesn't necessarily mean Indian exports are suffering, there are certain exporters that are profiting, which is why the trade deficit isn't larger than what you've mentioned.

China needs India than we need the Chinese they dont want Uncle Sam to surround them, anyhow ur cheer leading does not change Global Geo Politics as in this game the Major players are pro India
Stating truths isn't cheering leading. India is already giving access to the US, in order to counter Chinese influence, so no China doesn't need India.

You can keep claiming that the major players are all pro-India, but ground reality says differently. All the major players are going to Beijing to conduct business, not New Dehli.

Are you Chinese?
Are you Pakistani?

Are you even reading the article ?
You should frame your argument based on OP and not on fiction.
Article says china denies of blocking indias entry into NSG.
They also denied vetoing India's bid to declare Azhar a global terrorist, but we all know they did.

Taking things at face value is the first mistake you made.

Is this your view or its Chinese views. And most important when you have become the Chinese ?
Okay, the next person to accuse me of being Chinese gets a negative rating.
Ground reality is that Pakistan dosent matters to anyone, you had a history of being disowned by big powers after use.

Chinia wont stake its economic relation just bcs of pakistan
Now where in the hell did I mention Pakistan?

Instead of using strawman arguments, how about you actually use your brain and address my points?
44 Billion is 6% of china's trade surplus.Means china would lose 6% of its income. So, it's not some 0.3% like pakistan. Further they are somewhat already in trouble economically.

And when in the world India was rejected anything it came with something brilliant - ISRO, India's Nuclear program or Thorium reactors.
This would put india under pressure to build its manufacturing capability which at later stage would further compete with China thus amplifying the damage

China exported 2,150 US billion dollars of goods and services 44 billion is only like 2% of this figure.
Some pakistan official in fools paradise siad that china will block NSG membership, not the china
Again, where did I mention Pakistan? Don't quote me again, unless you have something decent to say.
China in damage control mode after there were some media reports of china opposing indias entry into NSG.

It would be interesting to see what actual stand does china takes in coming days. Message from india is clear you are either with us or against us. If china opposes india then india will get the message loud and clear from china and then india is free to hit back at the time and event of indias choice. India will hit where it hurts and that is trade, its china's choice if it wants to risk the market of second most populous nation.

Personally i have always maintained that china and india both have more to gain from being together than being at the throat of each other. If china thinks otherwise then good luck to it.
There is no damage control. China cannot control how Indian media brainwash Indian population by badmouthing China and vice versa.
Frankly speaking, the attitude of the chinese baffles me.
Granted they have upped their military and may be they just "might" be able to trounce Japan, Viets, Philippines, together. Then they are also rivalling US and on top of that they are HELL BENT upon driving India to the enemy camp!!

We are next door for God sake! and we a'int small either ! They dubiously want the friendship of a pariah nation pakistan and are willing to screw the relations with us.

Just thinking out loud.
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