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Featured China denied the India's report on 3-Step Disengagement, saying India's hope is unrealistic

It iua China which begs for face saving. India has denied many proposals of China. There is no point in keeping chick rosy by slapping itself. Stay there as much you can or either encroach further if you have guts.
:rofl::lol: HYPERPOWER OF THE UNIVERSE;):enjoy: few days ago
India discussing 3 step disengagement plan with China, According to your GODI MEDIA, what happened to that, Mr HYPERPOWER;):enjoy:
This is like during doklam they begged us to withdraw 6 hours prior to save face...... this time also same is going to happen.....

Why argue with Chinese..... they make tall promises of taking all the fingers states of Tibet palm and dares only to sneak in the fingers of the common patrol area and boast as if they have taken ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh,Sikkim.....

Taiwan they claim entire country as their own but can't dare to do anything except to send their J10 The VIGOROUS DRAGON to do some aerial exercises nearby Taiwan airspace entertain Taiwan and then return back doing nothing......

What a waste......
China's behavior towards Taiwan reveals how deeply insecure, weak, tyrannical and greedy the CCP is at the same time. A so called great empire nation factory of the world with over 1.4 billion people with so called 3rd most powerful military in the world are hueing and crying to forcefully annex a tiny island nation whose people choose freedom a long time ago. I hope that the global citizens of this free world shall honor Taiwan's right to freedom and self determination. India should officially recognize Taiwan and develop strategic exchanges in every spectrum of mutual gain. Taiwan-India friendship has a great potential for both nations.
China's behavior towards Taiwan reveals how deeply insecure, weak, tyrannical and greedy the CCP is at the same time. A so called great empire nation factory of the world with over 1.4 billion people with so called 3rd most powerful military in the world are hueing and crying to forcefully annex a tiny island nation whose people choose freedom a long time ago. I hope that the global citizens of this free world shall honor Taiwan's right to freedom and self determination. India should officially recognize Taiwan and develop strategic exchanges in every spectrum of mutual gain. Taiwan-India friendship has a great potential for both nations.
TAIWAN ONCE THEIR Province of Mainland China, they rightly claim it, And if India make a friendship with Taiwan which mean more problem for India
TAIWAN ONCE THEIR Province of Mainland China, they rightly claim it, And if India make a friendship with Taiwan which mean more problem for India
Not only friendship but it would be a great move to make a permanent IN supply base in Taiwan. China will be begging us to go back to our old stance. There's nothing China can do to harm India other than what's already done, CCP has run out of moves. Either go to war with India and Asia falls back a few decades or shut up and learn to behave.

Pakistan was also once Indian mainland - your Arab brothers who you claim to be your forefathers also attest to this fact. This does not mean India can claim Pakistan and force you to join us. Bangladesh was also Pakistan, but can you use this logic to force Bangladesh to become Pakistan again? All of Chinese claims have no underlying credibilty other than their unending greed for expansion and conquest and the world very well sees the deceitful liar for what it is.
Not only friendship but it would be a great move to make a permanent IN supply base in Taiwan. China will be begging us to go back to our old stance. There's nothing China can do to harm India other than what's already done, CCP has run out of moves. Either go to war with India and Asia falls back a few decades or shut up and learn to behave.

Pakistan was also once Indian mainland - your Arab brothers who you claim to be your forefathers also attest to this fact. This does not mean India can claim Pakistan and force you to join us. Bangladesh was also Pakistan, but can you use this logic to force Bangladesh to become Pakistan again? All of Chinese claims have no underlying credibilty other than their unending greed for expansion and conquest and the world very well sees the deceitful liar for what it is.
China will not allow to put India a supply IN base in Taiwan, you know what this means, war between India and China and may be reason for beginning World war-3

and your rants has no Credibility, than tell me why you claiming our Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan???
China will not allow to put India a supply IN base in Taiwan, you know what this means, war between India and China and may be reason for beginning World war-3

and your rants has no Credibility, than tell me why you claiming our Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan???
How can China deny anything to India outside China's sovreignity? You are just deeply insecure and cannot comperhend the thought of your all savior big brother being surrounded and cornered. China has already threatened war with India with its aggression at LAC and now India is prepared to bite the bullet, which is why China is trying to back off while still saving what face it can. If CPC had any intent at all they would have already made some offensive moves either against India at LAC or against Taiwan in SCS. If China hadn't threatened India with a war I am sure this would never be considered but dont be surprised if you actually see India and Taiwan start strategic exchanges and Taiwan become the Israel of the east over the next few decades.

Regarding why we claim this and that - you know the story with the Maharaja. We have genuinely credible claims which are fairly recent part of our national narratives and not buried in ancient history where everything has changed. If China can claim Taiwan then definitely India can also claim Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc since all these nations were once part of the Indian civilization.
China's behavior towards Taiwan reveals how deeply insecure, weak, tyrannical and greedy the CCP is at the same time. A so called great empire nation factory of the world with over 1.4 billion people with so called 3rd most powerful military in the world are hueing and crying to forcefully annex a tiny island nation whose people choose freedom a long time ago. I hope that the global citizens of this free world shall honor Taiwan's right to freedom and self determination. India should officially recognize Taiwan and develop strategic exchanges in every spectrum of mutual gain. Taiwan-India friendship has a great potential for both nations.

Yes exactly.... now this Hyper power is giving excuses like if Taiwan declares freedom we will not not spare them.....

@Han Patriot going to answer your point on this you raised in Pompeo related thread.....

Do you still believe that Taiwan or USA has done anything indifferent than declaring Taiwan as a separate country????

Can you sell JF17 to Kashmir??? No because it a part of India..... till date you were threatening of dire consequences if Taiwan goes for offensive weapons.....

Here USA is supplying Taiwan with a cutting edge F16 Block 72 with AMARAAM D and advanced AESA (capable to smoke J20/J10 both out of the sky any day any time)..... Taiwan openly buys all cutting edge weapons be it Vipers, Apaches, PAC3, HARPOON deal, conducts naval exercises with USA and Japan, having embassies in these countries is actually throwing your ONE CHINA POLICY to the DUSTBIN on daily basis is any different than declaring independence???? Funny part is if Taiwan is Chinese island as per China then they are actually using your money to kill attacking Chinese military and still you are waiting for what to announce independence???? Now when they will fulfill your this wish too then what will be your next excuse??? Wait yo see if Taiwan island shifts close to USA west coast???
Which is worse?
1) Indian Fake news machines, OR
2) Indians believing in fake news whole heartedly?
Honestly anything containing the word "India" is worse ... there is really nothing positive about the "country" at all.
Yes exactly.... now this Hyper power is giving excuses like if Taiwan declares freedom we will not not spare them.....

@Han Patriot going to answer your point on this you raised in Pompeo related thread.....

Do you still believe that Taiwan or USA has done anything indifferent than declaring Taiwan as a separate country????

Can you sell JF17 to Kashmir??? No because it a part of India..... till date you were threatening of dire consequences if Taiwan goes for offensive weapons.....

Here USA is supplying Taiwan with a cutting edge F16 Block 72 with AMARAAM D and advanced AESA (capable to smoke J20/J10 both out of the sky any day any time)..... Taiwan openly buys all cutting edge weapons be it Vipers, Apaches, PAC3, HARPOON deal, conducts naval exercises with USA and Japan, having embassies in these countries is actually throwing your ONE CHINA POLICY to the DUSTBIN on daily basis is any different than declaring independence???? Funny part is if Taiwan is Chinese island as per China then they are actually using your money to kill attacking Chinese military and still you are waiting for what to announce independence???? Now when they will fulfill your this wish too then what will be your next excuse??? Wait yo see if Taiwan island shifts close to USA west coast???
Don't tag me mate, China is a humble growing nation, we are not supapowa who only talk talk talk and until today cannot get back 1000sqkm.lol

As per the constitution of Taiwan, it is the REPUBLIC OF CHINA. You cannot cannot this FACT. You know why President Chiang's body is not buried? He swore he shall not be buried in Taiwan but in his hometown when China is unified. This is a sacred oath by the Nationalist.
Indians put more effort in to there wild fake news headlines defending it with embarrassing results

than listening to there adversaries telling them there is no U turn or agreement on its claims

just listen to China what it is saying to you. Save us all reading 3 pages of cRap
How can China deny anything to India outside China's sovreignity? You are just deeply insecure and cannot comperhend the thought of your all savior big brother being surrounded and cornered. China has already threatened war with India with its aggression at LAC and now India is prepared to bite the bullet, which is why China is trying to back off while still saving what face it can. If CPC had any intent at all they would have already made some offensive moves either against India at LAC or against Taiwan in SCS. If China hadn't threatened India with a war I am sure this would never be considered but dont be surprised if you actually see India and Taiwan start strategic exchanges and Taiwan become the Israel of the east over the next few decades.

Regarding why we claim this and that - you know the story with the Maharaja. We have genuinely credible claims which are fairly recent part of our national narratives and not buried in ancient history where everything has changed. If China can claim Taiwan then definitely India can also claim Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc since all these nations were once part of the Indian civilization.
naval base in Taiwan is not viable for you, because its so much close to mainland China , so in War PLAAN blockade Taiwan for you and later raining down air to ground and anti ship missiles on your base and your IN ships in SCS

So, you're trying to say you have still imperialists and colonial mindset, ONCE WERE THE PART DOESN'T MEANS YOUR CLAIM IS RIGHT



naval base in Taiwan is not viable for you, because its so much close to mainland China , so in War PLAAN blockade Taiwan for you and later raining down air to ground and anti ship missiles on your base and your IN ships in SCS

So, you're trying to say you have still imperialists and colonial mindset, ONCE WERE THE PART DOESN'T MEANS YOUR CLAIM IS RIGHT



What I am telling you is that India is not afraid of China in the slightest bit.
Alone, India is not strong enough to defeat China in an all out war but India is very capable to inflict heavy casualties which skews the CCP's cost/benefit calculative analysis heavily in India's favor. If China goes to war with India, both nations will lose but India's intention is clearly to inflict massive damage where it hurts even at the cost of India's own progress and well being because a war with expansionist China is inevitable. If China does not behave now then the region is going to become very unstable and the Chinese will understand what India is capable of by actions and not words.

IN assets need to be stationed in Taiwan only to deter Chinese aggression to the extent that the Chinese are willing to declare war on India at the same time that they try to annex Taiwan, and it will be the democratic worlds perogative to join the side which is righteous and safer for world peace. China will be one and Taiwanese will rule it.

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