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Featured China denied the India's report on 3-Step Disengagement, saying India's hope is unrealistic

According to GlobalTimes, insiders of this talk told media that the India government feed the media with misleading details about the talk, to make them look tough in front of their countrymen.

Insiders agree that there is talk about disengagement, but how to do that is still in question, and the Chinese side believe Indians always has unrealistic hope on disengagement, and wishfully thinking that China could pull from finger 4 to finger 8, which is basically impossible for China.

China maintain the position that they wont give out one inch of terrority so India need to make realistic proposal such that the two country can work together towards peace.

So basically no way in hell China will give up one inch, let along finger 4, according to Chinese side of story and satellite picture I guess:rofl:
Where is global times?

It seems like you and your people prefer to live in a deeply intoxicating parallel reality filled by Xi Jinpings rainbow farts.

On English forums, CCP workers simply spam propaganda and flame baits without any logic or rational arguments and on Chinese forums everyone seems to be reassuring each other "Dont worry we are good, dont worry we are strong, dont worry let India calm down and deal with Taiwan first. Dont worry, our UCAVs have killed all Indian soldiers and captured Arunachal pradesh".. Better keep living in your Jinpings farty tales reality.

If any of these claims were even remotely true then Globaltimes English edition would be the first to jump on the bandwagon of trying to dispel Indian media propaganda. What happened to all those Chinese reports of UCAV's or Drone swarms killing Indian soldiers?


  • Screenshot 2020-11-12 170817.jpg
    Screenshot 2020-11-12 170817.jpg
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Two weeks is all that it will take...just two weeks. The agreement is not signed yet.

The news in India is not from Indian Govt and neither is the social media account posted above from Chinese Ministry.

We had seen Doklam and even before what and how it happened.

We are here. You are here. Lets watch .
are you are spokes person of indian military or foreign ministry maybe soldiers from finger area, dont act like what ever you saying is going to happen we all know indian media with full of lie and one that have the big mouth.
Was there an official statement from relevant Indian offices on disengagement?
The media can interpret things differently or can lie flatly. For readers who read between the lines must have noticed that there was no mention of who was going to move back first which in my opinion will be the defining moment for de escalation (If that happens).
Indian media's reports that detailed arrangements for a proposed disengagement plan are being discussed and finalized by Chinese and Indian militaries are inaccurate and not helpful for the two sides to reach their established goals, the Global Times has learned from sources.

Times of India reported on Thursday that China and India have "broadly agreed to pull-back troops, tanks, howitzers and armored vehicles from 'friction points' in the Pangong Tso-Chushul area in eastern Ladakh."

The media also cited a source as saying that the "exact modalities and sequencing of steps" as well as the joint verification process for the proposed disengagement plan are "being discussed and finalized" by the two armies as a follow-up to the eighth round of corps commander level talks on November 6.

The "disengagement plan" reported by Indian media includes: The People's Liberation Army troops will withdraw to their positions east ofFinger-8 areas from their current position of Finger 4 on the north bank of Pangong Tso lake while the Indian troops will withdraw to their post between Fingers 2 and 3. The area between Finger 4 and 8 will be a non-patrol area. Around 30 percent of troops will be withdrawn every day for three days.

The onset of the brutal winter, which is exacting a toll on the thousands of rival soldiers deployed in altitudes of over 15,000 feet, also seems to have made China "more agreeable" to de-escalation, the Times of India wrote.

However, the Global Times learned from sources on Thursday that while the momentum brought by the eighth round of corps commander talk is good, the "disengagement plan" mentioned by the media is "not accurate."

Some Indian media outlets are good at projecting India's tough stance through partially true and partially false information, with the aim of stirring up domestic nationalism, sources told the Global Times.

The Global Times has learned that whether the disengagement of troops starts from southern or northern of Pangong Tso Lake, how to withdraw and with how many troops were key topics during the previous rounds of talks.

The sources told the Global Times that India has always had "unrealistic" ideas about the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and disregarded history, unilaterally believing that Fingers 4 to 8 are its patrolling areas, and has sought to gain bargaining chips in talks by fishing for interests in the disputed border area.

"This is the wrong premise for some India people in drafting policies," the sources said.

Qian Feng, director of the research department at the National Strategy Institute at Tsinghua University, told the Global Times that the disengagement plan mentioned by Indian media is the media's self-interpretation about the outcome of previous talks between the two sides. But it also to some extent reveals the actual unilateral thought of Indian militaries.

However, it cannot represent the result the two sides have reached, nor will it be the final plan, Qian said.

Qian noted that as it is Diwali, the most important festival in Hinduism, sources in India gave information on the so-called disengagement plan to the public via media to pressure China as well as relieve the pressure on the Indians.

The Indian military's eagerness is understandable, as the weather in the stand-off area has become colder and it faces great pressure in ensuring logistical supplies. But this kind of "tip-off" is not good for the two sides to implement the consensus reached in previous rounds of talks, and could mislead opinion, Qian said.

China and India have had candid exchanges on key issues of the disengagement plan, including where to start and how many troops should be pulled back. The two sides have different demands but are gradually reaching consensus, and both have made efforts and sent positive signals to the outside world, Qian said.

But Indian media's reports also verify that after the eighth round of talks, China and India are detailing plans to solve the border issues in accordance with the consensus reached by the top leaders.

"The two sides are working in the same direction to solve the problem and also have reached some consensus," Qian noted.

China and India issued a joint release on November 6 after the talks, which noted, "Both sides agreed to maintain dialogue and communication through military and diplomatic channels, and, taking forward the discussions at this meeting, push for the settlement of other outstanding issues, so as to jointly maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas."

Qian pointed out that although the release did not mention "disengagement" between the two militaries, the "other outstanding issues" mentioned in the release obviously refers to the disengagement issue.

On September 4, defense ministers from China and India held talks in Moscow, during which Wei Fenghe, China's Defense Minister, said that the reasons and truth behind the current tense border situation between China and India are very clear, and the responsibility lies entirely with the Indian side. China will not lose one inch of its territory and the military has the resolution, capability and confidence to safeguard the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Can ANY Indian explain to me please, ANY of you pdf filth, I don't care who pipes up.....just explain once.......why on God's green earth would the Chinese have any incentive to pull their troops back??

The presence of those PLA troops is making Hindustan squirm and sleep with one eye open. It has neutered the barking dog of south Asia good and proper. Every week, some press release from Hindustan desperately touts some cobbled together story of "Chinese disengagement" as if media hypnosis alone can make it happen. Hindustani media only works on Hindustanis - I thought you understood this one key limitation with godi media. Sure, it will get votes for Modi and educate your population on the wonders of gao mutra and the evils of love jihad....but it doesn't have any impact outside of India. So, why keep saying "China is withdrawing" in some forlorn hope it will happen by magic?

India should sell all its useless media houses all off permanently as they are absolutely useless in pushing any kind of narrative.
The Indian military's eagerness is understandable, as the weather in the stand-off area has become colder and it faces great pressure in ensuring logistical supplies. But this kind of "tip-off" is not good for the two sides to implement the consensus reached in previous rounds of talks, and could mislead opinion, Qian said.

This I agree. Why release before such info to the media? Unless it does not want withdrawal?
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How India holds the Trump card in India - China negotiations and should not exchange Chinese withdrawal from North bank of Pangang Tso with with Indian withdrawal from South Bank Pangang Tso.

Can ANY Indian explain to me please, ANY of you pdf filth, I don't care who pipes up.....just explain once.......why on God's green earth would the Chinese have any incentive to pull their troops back??

The presence of those PLA troops is making Hindustan squirm and sleep with one eye open. It has neutered the barking dog of south Asia good and proper. Every week, some press release from Hindustan desperately touts some cobbled together story of "Chinese disengagement" as if media hypnosis alone can make it happen. Hindustani media only works on Hindustanis - I thought you understood this one key limitation with godi media. Sure, it will get votes for Modi and educate your population on the wonders of gao mutra and the evils of love jihad....but it doesn't have any impact outside of India. So, why keep saying "China is withdrawing" in some forlorn hope it will happen by magic?

India should sell all its useless media houses all off permanently as they are absolutely useless in pushing any kind of narrative.
Because PLA troops are crying. They were promised drone delivery of hot meals with promo video. Later they got high IQ, 5g enabled Donkeys for logistics. May be missing weird stuff to eat at LAC. There are so many..
If dreams were currency, every Indian would be a crore pati (or chahtrappi, lol.)

India has unilaterally declared an understanding with China to alleviate the real fears of its populace about a 2 front war.

It is delusion at its finest.
Because PLA troops are crying. They were promised drone delivery of hot meals with promo video. Later they got high IQ, 5g enabled Donkeys for logistics. May be missing weird stuff to eat at LAC. There are so many..
They were tired of taking in dozens of smelly Indian pows

who reek of cow love
So the Indian news media is faking a disengagement plan for the Indian soldiers to withdrawal but in reality they are facing clothing shortage and bad logistics. They don't want to want report more Indian soldiers death.


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