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China demands territorial concessions to bring it closer to India's sensiti

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China demands territorial concessions to bring it closer to India's sensitive Siliguri Corridor
India, Updated Feb 08, 2013 at 08:32am IST
New Delhi: A tense game is being played out on Bhutan's border with China where Beijing is demanding territorial concessions that could bring it closer to India's sensitive Siliguri Corridor. Visiting Bhutanese Prime Minister Jigme Thinley is expected to brief Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday.

Thinley will be discussing more than gross national happiness when he meets Manmohan. Sources told CNN-IBN that Bhutan is under mounting pressure from Beijing to settle a territorial issue on its terms.

China rejects the present border with Bhutan - it says the border should actually run about eight kilometre deep inside Bhutan, curving all the way down to the Dolam plateau which is the India-China-Bhutan tri-junction. The claim reflects its insecurity over the Chumbi valley in Tibet. All troop and vehicle movements can be monitored by Indian troops stationed in Sikkim and all Chinese posts and logistic hubs are within range of Indian artillery.

China's motivations are clearly driven by the need to shield its troop movements from Indian observation and also give strategic depth to the Chumbi valley.

China is already reported to have laid some motorable tracks into its claim area in Bhutan. It has also claimed some areas in northern Bhutan. It is pushing Bhutan to establish diplomatic relations and wants to negotiate a trade agreement at the earliest.

For India, any Chinese inroad into Bhutan heightens the risk to the Siliguri Corridor - the narrow highway bordering Bhutan which links up with the north eastern states. With Indian backing, Bhutan has been able to hold off the Chinese advances but as democracy takes hold in the dragon kingdom, India may have to contend with diverse players some of whom may see advantage in playing the China card.

They won't give it . Simple .

They want territories Butanese control to give it up to them , And pray tell me what are we getting in return :Rofl:
LOL @ Chinese Planners
The Chumbi valley has forever been a bone of contention between PRC and India/ Bhutan.
They won't give it . Simple .

They want territories Butanese control to give it up to them , And pray tell me what are we getting in return :Rofl:
LOL @ Chinese Planners

And they think india is fool :rofl: don't want trade at a cost of national security...
Good!!! bully Bhutan and it will join India :lol::lol::lol:

India has built bunkers along the Sino-Bhutan border Chinese cannot take it forcefully with out engaging India.

Seem they are hungry for bhutan land. Must have found something in it... No doubt bhutan will join india soon or later
Seem they are hungry for bhutan land. Must have found something in it... No doubt bhutan will join india soon or later
I think you've got enough problems in your NE,don't know which side the local NE poeple will be on if a war breaks out there.
India is a third party in this dispute,if it joins in openly China will openly enter Kashmir to defend Pakistan.
Can you tell whats men doing that to in LARGE NUMBER in khasmir when we were having killing on LC with pakistani??? Your government didnt answer this question till now ?? Do you think we are fool :rofl: not like other country whom china is bullying
China didn't spare even the small country like Bhutan from her greed.
Can you tell whats men doing that to in LARGE NUMBER in khasmir when we were having killing on LC with pakistani??? Your government didnt answer this question till now ?? Do you think we are fool :rofl: not like other country whom china is bullying

some PLA engineering units may be there to help building roads and infrastrctures but we never openly engaged in Kashmir conflict.that's why we suggest India do the same.otherwise India will the one who suffers more,you've got enough rebel problem at home already.
India is a third party in this dispute,if it joins in openly China will openly enter Kashmir to defend Pakistan.

Defend your Senkakus First before Japs Hammer you like they have done in the Past . We don't want another Nanjing now do we ??
According to official statements by the King of Bhutan to the National Assembly, there are four disputed areas between Bhutan and China. Starting from Doklam in the west, the border goes along the ridges from Gamochen to Batangla, Sinchela, and down to the Amo Chhu. The disputed area in Doklam covers 89 square kilometres (km2) and the disputed areas in Sinchulumpa and Gieu cover about 180 km


Defend your Senkakus First before Japs Hammer you like they have done in the Past . We don't want another Nanjing now do we ??

China,Russia,Koreas and Taiwan will take care of that.another "Japs Hammer"?you mean another Japan's total defeat and signing of convenant of surrender?
India is a third party in this dispute,if it joins in openly China will openly enter Kashmir to defend Pakistan.

Is it a lip service or a hip service?

You failed in 1971, in Kargil war, you were neutral.
India knows Chinese mind games.
Is it a lip service or a hip service?

You failed in 1971, in Kargil war, you were neutral.
India knows Chinese mind games.

So you better stay neutral too,cause a tit for tat won't do you anygood in the long run.
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