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China defends Pak, says it is at frontlines of anti-terror fight

We have actually got the monkey back our shoulders this time around. It's the yanks I am talking about. They have always pressurised Pakistan in its conflicts with India, in India favour. The last of which was Kargil. With our western front more or less secure and yanks made limp in Afghanistan, time is ripe to sort Indian problem in Kashmir.

It's never been you who have been the problem, it's your Zionist allies in America who have thrown spanner in the works of Pakistan.

Don't you feel ashamed while tying these blatant lies, as if you are the only one with the knowledge of history ??

Our Zionist allies ??? Cento, Seato, Biggest allie outside NATO, Allie in war on terror etc. does these words ring a bell. All the above definitions doesn't suits India though. :p:

The fact is you can't do a jack. The only thing you guys can do is to brag about nukes nothings else, conventionally India and Pakistan are now ages apart.:p:

Regarding Mr. Yadhav, it's not yet over. Just wait and see who actually will have the last smile. :)
Don't you feel ashamed while tying these blatant lies, as if you are the only one with the knowledge of history ??

Our Zionist allies ??? Cento, Seato, Biggest allie outside NATO, Allie in war on terror etc. does these words ring a bell. All the above definitions doesn't suits India though. :p:

The fact is you can't do a jack. The only thing you guys can do is to brag about nukes nothings else, conventionally India and Pakistan are now ages apart.:p:

Regarding Mr. Yadhav, it's not yet over. Just wait and see who actually will have the last smile. :)

Ceto?? Cento?? What BS you are honking here?.those were against Soviets not you. Infact despite being part of these pacts Pakistan military assistance was stopped right bang in the middle of 1965 war. Zionist scumbags have always saved your backside when push comes of shove.

Don't embarass yourself kid. Your grasp of historical facts is next to nothing.

Yr rants about military power warrant no response.

As for Yadev, when we send him to you, we will make sure he will have a fake smile on his face. You can have your last laugh then. :lol:
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If a Pakistani political party was to sign a peace treaty with India do not tell me China would not try to torpedo it
If a Pakistani political party was to nationalize all CPEC assets what would China do ?
I prefer to believe that if Pakistan and India sign a peace treaty. US immediately intervene... Do you think US supports India's domination of the India ocean?
I want that from Chinese government and not from some anonymous internet warrior.

My point is Chinese have no right on commenting about freedom struggles...Tibetan movement is brutally suppressed...Tibetan are fleeing in scores , Xinjiang is brutally suppressed both politically and religiously...Freedom rallies in HK are suppressed and their leaders are jailed. Political adversaries of CPC in mainland China are either killed or jailed forever...According to amnesty international every year more than 4000 people are sentenced to death, and more than 80% of those are political adversaries of CPC who don't get proper trial...your country must be only one that jail Nobel Prize winners that have different opinion to CPC...I hope you understand what I mean

and neither does india....look at the oppression of Kashmiri people.
Dear Indians this is called friend-ship, China always be with us in any area in any challenge and ur so called best buddy russia not even say single word in favor of india like in BRICS conference - GOA .!!
I don't understand why no one calls a spade a spade.

behind every terror group and every war is America. if wars stopped how will the deal with the biggest industry they have.....weapons.
its a lie that terrorists are causing problems. fact is state sponsored terror claims far more lives tan terrorists do. only difference is the state controls the media and therefore peoples perception.
I prefer to believe that if Pakistan and India sign a peace treaty. US immediately intervene... Do you think US supports India's domination of the India ocean?

India-Pakistan peace treaty will not lead to India's domination of Indian Ocean
The Indian navy is no position to challenge the US Navy
India-Pakistan peace treaty will not lead to India's domination of Indian Ocean
The Indian navy is no position to challenge the US Navy
Do you believe that India will achieve peace with Pakistan?
So sorry, I know all about it. But you haven't found a point - India is a volatile country, and China is not!

The Tiananmen incident, which has absolutely fewer casualties than the Gujarat massacre in 2002.

Falun Gong, I do not think that a true religion will teach people to burn themselves. Do Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism do this?

Please don't insult the Uygur people. They are patriots. This is different from India's CPI, Sikh, Muslim, Bodoland

As for Mao era. I'm sorry, China's population has increased from 450 million (1949) to 900 million (1976). The average life expectancy has increased from 35 years (1949) to 65 years (1976). Oh, the current level in India. And my father was born in 60s, What story do you want to make up?

As for the others, I would like to wait for India to settle 18 million modern slaves and 60 million child laborers to talk about. Dalit and I talked about human rights?

Oh, thank you for caring about us, and equally wishing you wouldn't be killed because of a turbulent society. Genocide, caste, oppression of the people...

Oh, would you rather live in a democratic India? Who cares?! Obama's younger brother prefers to live in China, and has been 13 years!:rofl::rofl:

Don't worry, Indians living in China live very well.:lol:

if there were more such uninformed people as you China will be in even worse shape than it is now. I urge you to read some real facts about China and India.

I have a lot of Chinese friends both from mainland and migrated. None of them will characterize life in China 'living' unless you are amongst the 3k or their near and dear. But I won't run China down as you are attempting to do India. But remember Chinese have a deep culture and don't lose it.
if there were more such uninformed people as you China will be in even worse shape than it is now. I urge you to read some real facts about China and India.

I have a lot of Chinese friends both from mainland and migrated. None of them will characterize life in China 'living' unless you are amongst the 3k or their near and dear. But I won't run China down as you are attempting to do India. But remember Chinese have a deep culture and don't lose it.
I'm sorry, India really doesn't know anything about the world. Think about the educational level in India. Literacy rate.

Think of IIC (Indians in China) members in China.

There are a lot of Indians living in my city, but you know what? I just live in a county-level city in China.

Oh, India friends seem to be happy in China.;)
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I'm sorry, India really doesn't know anything about the world. Think about the educational level in India. Literacy rate.

Think of IIC (Indians in China) members in China.

There are a lot of Indians living in my city, but you know what? I just live in a county-level city in China.

Oh, India friends seem to be happy in China.;)

it is getting quite hilarious....please!
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