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China Defence & Security Report Q4 2011

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China Defence & Security Report Q4 2011

Chinese military spending is expected to increase by 12.7% for 2011, after growth of only 7.5% in 2010. Total expenditure in the official budget for 2011 is around CNY601bn (up from CNY532bn in 2010). One reason for the rising spend is to provide for salaries and welfare services for staff. Another reason is the increasing cost of military equipment, especially high-tech weapons. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said that his country's move to modernise its military is solely to protect national sovereignty and not to target any other country.

China's military modernisation continues apace. According to a US Department of Defense's report in August 2011, in 2000, only about 2% of its platforms were modern. In 2011, 25% of its platforms are modern. Until now, China has lacked the ability to produce high-performance engines, especially fighter jet engines. China's aerospace industry is determined to develop the means to produce these engines, at a cost of CNY10bn (US$1.5bn) over the next five years: to avoid dependence on foreign parts suppliers; (b) in case of foreign unwillingness to supply; to avoid any poor after-sales service; and to be autonomous in aircraft export sales.

On January 11 2011, the J-20 "Black Eagle" - a 5th-generation, twin-engine radarevading, stealth fighter aircraft developed by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group - made its first known test flight. According the US Department of Defense report, this aircraft 'will eventually give the People's Liberation Army Air Force a platform capable of long-range, penetrating strikes into complex air defence environments'.

China is also developing an aircraft carrier platform. In late July 2011, China announced the inaugural sea trial of its first aircraft carrier, purchased some time ago from Ukraine. China is also planning to build two new aircraft carriers. China is also developing an anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) that could be used to target aircraft carriers.

Disagreement continues in the South China Sea. According to China, the islands in the South China Sea have belonged to China since ancient times. However, China's ownership of the sea is hotly disputed by Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Brunei, with each claiming part of the Spratly and Paracel Islands.

China Defence & Security Report Q4 2011: New research report available at Fast Market Research
china's military budget should be 4% of gdp.

at 2010 gdp, china's military budget SHOULD be around $230 billion.

china needs the most powerful military to protect itself from evil regimes like india, vietnam and philippines.

weak military was the reason china had those concessions from the 1840 to 1949.
The real number of the annual military expenditure is a myth in China,PLA caculates the military spend in a different way,for example the R&D money in equippment developing is not considered as a part of the military budget.If they spent 10billion USD on the J-20 project,this part will be thought as a part of the AVIC annual research money though PLAAF affords the fund and we know AVIC is a civillian group.
The second thing is you need to consider the real purchase power of the RMB in China.A ground fact is almost all the equipments of the PLA are made and bought in China,the real value of the RMB is acturally under-estimated.As we know the PLAAF paid around 25million USD to buy a J-10A while the USAAF needs to pay double or more to get a similar F-16.
All in all,the number of the annual budget of Chinese armed force ranged from 90billion(Chinese souce) to 200billion USD depending on the source,I personally think 150billion USD annual spenditure is a proper number after considering all the related conditions.
china's military budget should be 4% of gdp.

at 2010 gdp, china's military budget SHOULD be around $230 billion.

china needs the most powerful military to protect itself from evil regimes like india, vietnam and philippines.

weak military was the reason china had those concessions from the 1840 to 1949.

China will have more weapons like Soviet Union and will be there like where you are now: Soviet Union, collapsing and no where in the world.
China will have more weapons like Soviet Union and will be there like where you are now: Soviet Union, collapsing and no where in the world.
So then what about USA? US Army/Navy & Air force most powerful. That not mean USA will collapse.
China will have more weapons like Soviet Union and will be there like where you are now: Soviet Union, collapsing and no where in the world.

still china needs more R&D to be equal with USA
China will have more weapons like Soviet Union and will be there like where you are now: Soviet Union, collapsing and no where in the world.

us spends like 4.7% of gdp, at some points the USSR spent like 14-20% og gnp
So then what about USA? US Army/Navy & Air force most powerful. That not mean USA will collapse.

Yes, US is still alive be course China funded US in all military actions in the world. China has collected a mange of FED Note paper printed in US. If China do something wrong effected to US interest, US can have many reason to announce that money earned by unfair commercial trick shall be deem null, like low value of Yan.
Yes, US is still alive be course China funded US in all military actions in the world. China has collected a mange of FED Note paper printed in US. If China do something wrong effected to US interest, US can have many reason to announce that money earned by unfair commercial trick shall be deem null, like low value of Yan.
What an idiotic thing to say. US would instantly lose its credibility in the financial market and its economy would be in turmoils if it did that. On the other hand, 1 trillion lost out of a 3 trillion foreign reserves still leaves China with 2 trillion, largest in the world by far. I recommend you to read a book on economics, credit ratings and trust in the financial market sometimes. You Viets are dumber than a box of rocks.
What an idiotic thing to say. US would instantly lose its credibility in the financial market and its economy would be in turmoils if it did that. On the other hand, 1 trillion lost out of a 3 trillion foreign reserves still leaves China with 2 trillion, largest in the world by far. I recommend you to read a book on economics, credit ratings and trust in the financial market sometimes. You Viets are dumber than a box of rocks.

What US done to China isn't written in any document, sir. Embargo and sanction are politic tools US will do what they want in critic situation. Let China depend on US first. Look at, high IQ Chinese cheaters.
the balance has slowly shifted. one day, it's not the sanction against China, but against US by China.

the scenario is not far considering China could overtake US in GDP volume in 2016, when together with its allies, a US embargo against China is technically impossible.
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