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China de facto recognizes Crimea as part of Russia


Mar 28, 2014
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China de facto recognizes Crimea as part of Russia, Director of the Institute of Political Studies of the Black Sea and Caspian Region Vladimir Zakharov told Rossiya Segodnya International News Agency on Monday.

“China understands the reality of what has happened in Crimea. If China suspected Russia in expansionist ambitions, it wouldn’t have planned to invest billions of dollars in the region,” he said, commenting on the new joint Russian-Chinese project in Crimea.

“China thus de facto recognizes that Crimea became a part of Russia voluntarily, not forcibly, what the United States and the West insist on. This is a very important geopolitical factor,” he added.

China’s plan to take part in the construction of a new Crimea transport corridor reflects its geopolitical goals in the region, the expert said.

“China understands the strategic importance of this region. [Beijing] realizes that it will yield a hundred-fold return on its investments. China does not waste money on risky projects. They conduct very serious studies of investment projects. In this case, China is making its way into a new market, Crimea, from where roads lead to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean regions,” Zakharov said.

Chinese companies may participate in the construction of a transportation corridor to Crimea via the Black Sea’s Kerch Strait, the Russian Kommersant newspaper reported earlier on Monday. According to the report, state contractor China Railway Construction Corporation and the private investment fund China International Fund Ltd are planning to take part in the project. Plans are expected to be finalized by the end of the month, while financial and construction models are due in July.

Last month, Russia’s United Transport Directorate said that the Kerch Strait Ferry Line, linking southern Russia’s Krasnodar region with Crimea, will cease freight services in an effort to triple the capacity for passengers. Crimean Tourism Minister Yelena Yurchenko has said the region would be ready to receive six million tourists this year.

Crimea, previously an autonomous republic within Ukraine, refused to recognize the legitimacy of the government in Kiev which seized power as a result of a coup in February, instead rejoining Russia following a referendum on the issue.
You can argue about the legality of annexation all day long, but the facts on the ground is the Russia now administers Crimea. Refusing to recognize this reality means China has no contact or interaction with the 2.5 million people of Crimea, who would be stuck in some legal limbo BS - this would be an intolerable state of affairs.
Crimea is now part of Russia and we are doing business deals with Russia regarding Crimea.

That's China accepting Crimea as part of Russia indirectly.
You can argue about the legality of annexation all day long, but the facts on the ground is the Russia now administers Crimea. Refusing to recognize this reality means China has no contact or interaction with the 2.5 million people of Crimea, who would be stuck in some legal limbo BS - this would be an intolerable state of affairs.

LOL , how the tune changes ...

but if it were the US then we would hear talk about imperialism.
Good! India must follow suit. The world must unite to keep the arrogant Yanks and their pet poodles out. They've screwed up the world enough.

yup= India should join on and thereby give china and pakistan the legitimacy and the right to take away more of your lands...

yup= India should join on and thereby give china and pakistan the legitimacy and the right to take away more of your lands...

For your info, Crimea was very much part of Russia till it was gifted to Ukraine against the wishes of Crimeans. In 1954, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was Russian but felt an affinity with Ukraine. His decision to gift Crimea to Ukraine is having consequences today.
For your info, Crimea was very much part of Russia till it was gifted to Ukraine against the wishes of Crimeans. In 1954, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was Russian but felt an affinity with Ukraine. His decision to gift Crimea to Ukraine is having consequences today.

per your logic , all the ex- USSR colonies should all go back to Russia. The chinese should get back Arunachal Pradesh because it was China's property...hyderbad decided to go to Pakistan , so they should also be given to Pakistan.

keep digging that Stu___ line of thought because of your american deranged syndrome.
LOL , how the tune changes ...

but if it were the US then we would hear talk about imperialism.

What are you talking about? We recognize the new regimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine ... all regimes that came to power through US-directed regime change (coincidentally, all of which are now failed states). Even though they are victims of imperialism and have questionable legimitacy, we know ending contact with innocent citizens is not an option. We are not like Madeleine Albright, who gleefully boasted on TV how sanctions killed 1/2 million Iraqi children, just because of a personal grudge against Saddam.

per your logic... The chinese should get back Arunachal Pradesh because it was China's property...

Wow, you're more honest than others give you credit for.
per your logic , all the ex- USSR colonies should all go back to Russia. The chinese should get back Arunachal Pradesh because it was China's property...hyderbad decided to go to Pakistan , so they should also be given to Pakistan.

keep digging that Stu___ line of thought because of your american deranged syndrome.
Seems you don't understand the meaning of GIFTED. Check out the on line dictionary.

None of the places mentioned by you were GIFTED! But Crimea was GIFTED to Ukraine. (like you gift presents at someone's birthday). Arunachal wasn't GIFTED to anyone. Central Asian Republics were NOT GIFTED by Russia at any point in time.

Do you get the difference?
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shoudn't the US also vacate Guantanamo as it was seized unlawfully back then ? also return the US lands to the descendant of american indians as their land was also taken unlawfully ?
Seems you don't understand the meaning of GIFTED. Check out the on line dictionary.

None of the places mentioned by you were GIFTED! But Crimea was GIFTED to Ukraine. (like you gift presents at someone's birthday). Arunachal wasn't GIFTED to anyone. Central Asian Republics were NOT GIFTED by Russia at any point in time.

Have you seen the difference?

you don't seem to understand that when treaties are signed they are signed. and you can't gift back something that already belonged to them and was taken from them

You immature line of thinking and anti american deranged syndrome is trying to justify an illegal annexation. this is not a birthday party gift...
yup= India should join on and thereby give china and pakistan the legitimacy and the right to take away more of your lands...


Well the last time I saw, half the US and its cronies' media houses were screaming themselves hoarse about how dangerous a strong, nationalist leader like Modi would be for us; that too when he's our choice. You guys are too used to Congressi colonial servants pandering to UK and European whims through 'liberal' lobbies.

In fact, Obama and Cameron should invite Congress party politicians to be his cleaners in the PM's residence and the White House, as they are of no use here.

Our problem is not with USA; Our problem is that how you turn quiet and peaceful countries into graveyards without even thinking twice.

As for Crimea, it got a vote of accession from those living there. Hundreds of Ukrainian troops of Crimean origin VOLUNTARILY joined Russian military. Many sailors voluntarily joined Russia.

What is wrong with you Americans?

You just tried to Talibanize one of the most liberal countries in Middle East (Syria). And you're talking about freedom and liberties?

Don't give me the bullshit about how dangerous Assad was. I have been to the pre-war Syria three times for work related purposes. It is totally different from what you lot are told by your media houses. Clean cities, paved roads, delicious food and very friendly people.

It is a shame that such a beautiful country was destroyed because of your ego.

Now tell me how your actions were righteous about destroying a stable and quiet country, who had nothing to do with you.
You immature line of thinking and anti american deranged syndrome is trying to justify an illegal annexation. this is not a birthday party gift...
First and foremost, you don't seem to have the darned guts to display your flag, giving you cover for posting baloney.

Nuff said.

Well the last time I saw, half the US and its cronies' media houses were screaming themselves hoarse about how dangerous a strong, nationalist leader like Modi would be for us; that too when he's our choice. You guys are too used to Congressi colonial servants pandering to UK and European whims through 'liberal' lobbies.

In fact, Obama and Cameron should invite Congress party politicians to be his cleaners in the PM's residence and the White House, as they are of no use here.

Our problem is not with USA; Our problem is that how you turn quiet and peaceful countries into graveyards without even thinking twice.

As for Crimea, it got a vote of accession from those living there. Hundreds of Ukrainian troops of Crimean origin VOLUNTARILY joined Russian military. Many sailors voluntarily joined Russia.

What is wrong with you Americans?

You just tried to Talibanize one of the most liberal countries in Middle East (Syria). And you're talking about freedom and liberties?

Don't give me the bullshit about how dangerous Assad was. I have been to the pre-war Syria three times for work related purposes. It is totally different from what you lot are told by your media houses. Clean cities, paved roads, delicious food and very friendly people.

It is a shame that such a beautiful country was destroyed because of your ego.

Now tell me how your actions were righteous about destroying a stable and quiet country, who had nothing to do with you.
Tshering, you're trying to argue with a feather brain troll. In spite of Webby's instructions, he still doesn't have the guts to display his flag. And the nonsense he keeps spewing is breathtaking.

Just leave him be.
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