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China could soon sink US in South China Sea

Why Vietnamese Navy did nothing after the Chinese sank a Vietnamese warship? Maybe Vietnam has little penis?
Lol it's getting funny
Now you talk tough but soon or later all your fellow will learn who will be your real daddy.

Its called "China's dream" let Mr. Ah Q does her job.

In this moment we can watch how your daddy Uncle Sam from time 1972, 1979 until now ... he will punish you in SCS and ECS like uneducated kid ...
Its called "China's dream" let Mr. Ah Q does her job.

In this moment we can watch how your daddy Uncle Sam from time 1972, 1979 until now ... he will punish you in SCS and ECS like uneducated kid ...
See... Your viet not to dare face China alone but always bring up you master but sorry it didn't work and will not work. Your viet is surround by us and your life is depended on our mercy.
Free Indo-Pacific, or rather the illusion of being free? As an Indonesian, you never heard of Sukarno, and what happened to him?
well it's quite a tragedy really, but he really must go. because if not Indonesia would be the second largest commie state in the world after china.
That's why despite US pressure, Germany's relation with Russia are improving. Again, you need to go beyond the headline rather than stuck in pointless labeling.
Germany have had a energy dependency on russia for it's Industries, but still Russian's are still viewed as a threat, but only this time Germany is no longer the front line against Russia, rather its Poland and the Baltic states.
China has already been through 3 generation of powerful leaders and 5 transition of leadership, and you are still hoping for instability? Well good luck to you.
the last 5 transition of leadership you're mentioning are done by power sharing to minimize political instability after one leader is out of power. That's no longer the case with Xi, he's creating enemies within the CCP by arresting rival politicians to ensure he stays in power forever.
so yeah once Xi is dead there will likely be internal political struggle inside the CCP, history shows that with almost every dictators. from Stalin, Mao,Marcos, even Sukarno downfall are violent after he declared himself president for life, the point is, the state may stay afloat but it's going to be a mess.
It's true that nothing last forever. So in that sense, it is true that China will not hold claim on Taiwan forever and the 9 dash-line. The US-Japan defense relations will be a natural fit as long as the PRC claim on Taiwan is kept as constant. When the claim on Taiwan and 9 dash-line end, then the US and Japan will have to find new mutual interest for keeping the US-Japan alliance going strong. But for now, it's relatively easy.

Naturally the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is remembered, with a very large memorial in Hiroshima in which school trips around the country visit at some point. But the memory is not used for educating hate. It was part of a full history and times have changed.

President Obama visited Hiroshima in May 2016. Naturally the atomic bombings would come into focus. Here are some surveys about views about it. They show low level of resentment about it.

The first one was conducted by Asahi.

"How do you feel about the dropping of the Atomic Bomb"
31% Inhumane and cannot be forgiven
33% Inhumane but not deeply rooted in it
22% For the US, it was necessary course of action
8% It was war so was natural

Out of the 31% that said "Inhumane and cannot be forgiven", 89% appreciated Obama's visit.

Second survey was conducted by Sankei and FNN.

"Do you appraise Obama's visit to Hiroshima"
97.5% yes

Should Obama have made an apology during the visit?
68.2% No, I don't think so

The third one is Nikkei:


While I do agree with the end point of the US and Japan on good terms and a strong alliance for many points. But the video is sounds like the classic victor's glory narrative which is entirely unfounded.

There were many reasons for the cause of war but the emperor was a lesser factor and he was more of a figurehead than actual ruler. So that point in the video at 0:34 is incorrect. The silver lining and protracted sea battle indefinitely point around 0:55 makes no sense and contradicts the previous point about the emperor ordering the suicide of its citizens. The order happened on Saipan because the US was able to invade. If the US could not invade because of that "silver lining" an order for civilian suicide wouldn't have happened. Another false point is at 1:37 where it says the US introduced democracy in Japan because democracy had already existed in Japan and grew in strength during the 1920s getting the term "Taisho Democracy". Democracy lasted through the 1930s, ending in 1940 with the merging of political parties into a single party system. So it was far from "the first time". Another incorrect point is at 2:12 where it says the US and Japan signed a mutual defense pact in which they will defend each other. That is incorrect because the terms was that the US would defend Japan. Japan had no obligation to defend the US. Japan was to only defend itself. That one sided agreement was the result of reality that Japan defending itself was at the same time defending US forces based in Japan. And the US defending Japan was in the same way defending its own forces in Japan. It was not until 2015 with the new defense laws that Japan inabled "collective self-defense" that Japan could come to the aid of a military partner beyond Japan's borders.

So, within the overall good US-Japan relationship, there is a thorn of US exceptionalism which narrates that Imperial Japan was a big bad evil nation and that the US turned it into a proper good boy nation.

Sure, nothing last forever. But which do you think will last longer? The Chinese nation or the US global dominance? Taiwan was regained after 50 years of Japanese occupation, HK was regained after 150 years of British colonization, Macau was regained after 450 years of Portuguese colonization, and Xinjiang was regained after 1000 years of territory lost. As long as China is there, regardless who is in power, the will and the desire to unify the nation will always be there.
Sure, nothing last forever. But which do you think will last longer? The Chinese nation or the US global dominance? Taiwan was regained after 50 years of Japanese occupation, HK was regained after 150 years of British colonization, Macau was regained after 450 years of Portuguese colonization, and Xinjiang was regained after 1000 years of territory lost. As long as China is there, regardless who is in power, the will and the desire to unify the nation will always be there.

What's really funny so much empahsis about "unification with Taiwan" is that it completely ignores the fact that Mongolia and outer Manchuria were also part of the Qing Dynasty yet never, not once, is there official talk about unification with Mongolia or with outer Manchuria. So the claim on Taiwan is so flat and is only serving as a catalyst for the return of Japan to the world community as a regular military power.

Taiwan does not want unification with CCP PRC.

Sure, US global domanance won't last forever but tve areas that it will scale down will be the less important areas. The US will be staying in the ME and Asia-Pacific. Since the US is still very big, it cannot decline into nothingness. The trend of decline will flatten at some point and when it flattens, US presense will remain.
What's really funny so much empahsis about "unification with Taiwan" is that it completely ignores the fact that Mongolia and outer Manchuria were also part of the Qing Dynasty yet never, not once, is there official talk about unification with Mongolia or with outer Manchuria. So the claim on Taiwan is so flat and is only serving as a catalyst for the return of Japan to the world community as a regular military power.

Taiwan does not want unification with CCP PRC.

Sure, US global domanance won't last forever but tve areas that it will scale down will be the less important areas. The US will be staying in the ME and Asia-Pacific. Since the US is still very big, it cannot decline into nothingness. The trend of decline will flatten at some point and when it flattens, US presense will remain.
I think US will remain super power IF they realize that the White and Jew are not smart enough to keep rulling US anymore ( failed to control any pademic, only good at printing Dollar).

Its time for US to elect Asian ethnic ( except Cnese ethnic) to become US leader and to stop Corona pademic first:coffee:
I think US will remain super power IF they realize that the White and Jew are not smart enough to keep rulling US anymore ( failed to control any pademic, only good at printing Dollar).

Its time for US to elect Asian ethnic ( except Cnese ethnic) to become US leader and to stop Corona pademic first:coffee:

Too early to say that. South East Asia countries still have a long way to go in both economic and political structure growth.
well it's quite a tragedy really, but he really must go. because if not Indonesia would be the second largest commie state in the world after china.

Staging a coupe to overthrow elected leader and installing military junta by a foreign power is what you call liberalism and freedom? You are so overtaken by ideological dogmatism that you can't even think for your own country. What is the difference between that and a colony.

Germany have had a energy dependency on russia for it's Industries, but still Russian's are still viewed as a threat, but only this time Germany is no longer the front line against Russia, rather its Poland and the Baltic states.

When the Germans rather retain its energy dependence on Russia under the threat from the US, you still believe they see Russia as a threat? And when Germany is no longer the front line, what does the French think? Isn't the Russian threat even more remote? Like I've said, either NATO will be transitioned into a European organization or the Europeans will build their own military alliance away from the US control. That is an eventuality.

the last 5 transition of leadership you're mentioning are done by power sharing to minimize political instability after one leader is out of power. That's no longer the case with Xi, he's creating enemies within the CCP by arresting rival politicians to ensure he stays in power forever.
so yeah once Xi is dead there will likely be internal political struggle inside the CCP, history shows that with almost every dictators. from Stalin, Mao,Marcos, even Sukarno downfall are violent after he declared himself president for life, the point is, the state may stay afloat but it's going to be a mess.

How little you know of the Chinese government and its history. Never heard of the gang of four after Mao? Any idea how Jiang was appointed by Deng? Ever heard of Liu shaoqi and Zhao ziyang? These were far dangerous time than what is under Xi. And really? You are calling Sukarno rather than Suharto a dictator? You are an Indonesian?

What's really funny so much empahsis about "unification with Taiwan" is that it completely ignores the fact that Mongolia and outer Manchuria were also part of the Qing Dynasty yet never, not once, is there official talk about unification with Mongolia or with outer Manchuria. So the claim on Taiwan is so flat and is only serving as a catalyst for the return of Japan to the world community as a regular military power.

Actually no. The state of civil war has never ended between PRC & ROC, and that is exactly what unification is, while Outer Manchuria was ceded under the Qing dynasty, and Outer Mongolia's independence was formally recognized by the ROC government.

And China actually has no qualms in Japan regaining its military ambition, as for that to be achieved, Japan has to first overcome the US. If the US is willing to let go of its control over Japan, a self standing Japan is no threat to China, however unlikely that might be.

Sure, US global domanance won't last forever but tve areas that it will scale down will be the less important areas. The US will be staying in the ME and Asia-Pacific. Since the US is still very big, it cannot decline into nothingness. The trend of decline will flatten at some point and when it flattens, US presense will remain.

US is still very big but to exert control outside of its own region of influence will slowly be beyond its power as its decline continues and others rise. If you think US will retain its control over Middle East and Asia Pacific in perpetuity, then you are delusional.
Staging a coupe to overthrow elected leader and installing military junta by a foreign power is what you call liberalism and freedom? You are so overtaken by ideological dogmatism that you can't even think for your own country. What is the difference between that and a colony.

When the Germans rather retain its energy dependence on Russia under the threat from the US, you still believe they see Russia as a threat? And when Germany is no longer the front line, what does the French think? Isn't the Russian threat even more remote? Like I've said, either NATO will be transitioned into a European organization or the Europeans will build their own military alliance away from the US control. That is an eventuality.

How little you know of the Chinese government and its history. Never heard of the gang of four after Mao? Any idea how Jiang was appointed by Deng? Ever heard of Liu shaoqi and Zhao ziyang? These were far dangerous time than what is under Xi. And really? You are calling Sukarno rather than Suharto a dictator? You are an Indonesian?

Actually no. The state of civil war has never ended between PRC & ROC, and that is exactly what unification is, while Outer Manchuria was ceded under the Qing dynasty, and Outer Mongolia's independence was formally recognized by the ROC government.

And China actually has no qualms in Japan regaining its military ambition, as for that to be achieved, Japan has to first overcome the US. If the US is willing to let go of its control over Japan, a self standing Japan is no threat to China, however unlikely that might be.

US is still very big but to exert control outside of its own region of influence will slowly be beyond its power as its decline continues and others rise. If you think US will retain its control over Middle East and Asia Pacific in perpetuity, then you are delusional.
Germany buying fuel from Russia does mean little in terms of territorial defense.

Germany defense pillars rest on US led NATO and French led EuroCORPS

When you talk on european military defense, that is a thing, that exists since decades.

Germany wants good relationship with Russia, but people here are not naive.
Staging a coupe to overthrow elected leader and installing military junta by a foreign power is what you call liberalism and freedom? You are so overtaken by ideological dogmatism that you can't even think for your own country. What is the difference between that and a colony.

When the Germans rather retain its energy dependence on Russia under the threat from the US, you still believe they see Russia as a threat? And when Germany is no longer the front line, what does the French think? Isn't the Russian threat even more remote? Like I've said, either NATO will be transitioned into a European organization or the Europeans will build their own military alliance away from the US control. That is an eventuality.

How little you know of the Chinese government and its history. Never heard of the gang of four after Mao? Any idea how Jiang was appointed by Deng? Ever heard of Liu shaoqi and Zhao ziyang? These were far dangerous time than what is under Xi. And really? You are calling Sukarno rather than Suharto a dictator? You are an Indonesian?

Actually no. The state of civil war has never ended between PRC & ROC, and that is exactly what unification is, while Outer Manchuria was ceded under the Qing dynasty, and Outer Mongolia's independence was formally recognized by the ROC government.

And China actually has no qualms in Japan regaining its military ambition, as for that to be achieved, Japan has to first overcome the US. If the US is willing to let go of its control over Japan, a self standing Japan is no threat to China, however unlikely that might be.

US is still very big but to exert control outside of its own region of influence will slowly be beyond its power as its decline continues and others rise. If you think US will retain its control over Middle East and Asia Pacific in perpetuity, then you are delusional.

Presence does not equal control.

Read it again.

Civil war is continuation from PRC side. They should make peace and accept Taiwan changing its official name from "Republic of China" to "Republic of Taiwan" instead of making military threats at it. Taiwan doesn't threaten PRC and hasn't done so in a long time.
See... Your viet not to dare face China alone but always bring up you master but sorry it didn't work and will not work. Your viet is surround by us and your life is depended on our mercy.

Dont forget that You had kneed before you daddy in Washington 1979, big boy but idiot...
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