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China could soon sink US in South China Sea

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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China could soon sink US in South China Sea
Recent US deployment to contested waterway likely has Chinese strategic planners thinking: 'So that's all you've got?'

The US amphibious assault ship USS America arrives at the Sattahip Naval Base in Chonburi, Thailand, ahead of the joint 'Cobra Gold' military exercise on February 22, 2020. It is currently patrolling in the South China Sea near Chinese Navy ships. Photo: AFP/Handout/Royal Thai Navy

Nations, like sports teams, don’t always recognize when they might get knocked off their perch.

The USS America, a new amphibious assault ship, is now patrolling in the South China Sea with another US cruiser, a US destroyer and an Australian destroyer.

They are operating near where a Chinese research vessel backed by Chinese Coast Guard ships is in a standoff with Malaysian ships. The Malaysians object to the Chinese being inside their Exclusive Economic Zone, which China claims as its own, along with most of the South China Sea.

Rear Admiral Fred Kacher, commander of the America Expeditionary Strike Group, stated: “To bring this much combat capability together here in the South China Sea truly signals to our allies and partners in the region that we are deeply committed to a free and open Indo-Pacific.”

Maybe. But Washington’s demonstration of capability and commitment might also look like a temptation from Beijing’s vantage point.

Australia’s welcome contribution aside, the US squadron now in the South China Sea is pretty much on its own. And three ships are just three ships.

One wonders how much backup they have? Perhaps a submarine or two nearby. But air support? The USS America has some F35s and helicopters, but it is no aircraft carrier.

The nearest carriers are far away. The USS Theodore Roosevelt is in Guam owing to a coronavirus outbreak among the crew. And the USS Ronald Reagan carrier is in port in far way Japan.


US Navy sailors move aircraft from an elevator into the hangar bay of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt in the South China Sea April 8, 2018. Photo: U.S. Navy/Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Michael Hogan/Handout

Land-based air support? That is a stretch with the closest US air bases on Guam (nearly 2,000 miles away) and Okinawa (nearly 1,500 miles distant.)

The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) simply has far more ships in the South China Sea and close by. Estimates for the region range from five to ten Chinese warships for each US Navy ship. And the oft-presumed superior American capability does not even things up.

The Chinese might be thinking: “So that’s all you’ve got?” And the USS America’s commander might be feeling a little lonely.

He would not be the first American naval commander to feel that way. In the 2000’s one such commander noted that his biggest fear was that he would be put so far forward with no support that China would not be deterred from “taking a shot.”

And that was some years ago. Both China and its military are much stronger and less inhibited these days.

Rhyming history?
Sending US ships into waters where they are outnumbered by capable Chinese naval forces fronting for an increasingly belligerent Beijing brings to mind some not-so-distant history.

In late 1941, Great Britain had its hands full with the Germans. Meanwhile, the Japanese were posturing aggressively in Southeast Asia. The UK government had to do something to show its power in Asia in hopes of deterring the Japanese from making a move.

So it sent the battleship HMS Prince of Wales along with an older cruiser, HMS Repulse, to Britain’s main Asian naval base in Singapore. The Prince of Wales was modern and powerful. US President Roosevelt and UK Prime Minister Churchill had even met aboard the battleship a few months earlier off Canada to work out the Atlantic Charter.

Sending the ships to Singapore was considered a show of resolve, as well as a major addition to British military power in the region.

They arrived on December 2, 1941. Less than a week later the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the Philippines, and landed troops in northern Malaya and southern Thailand. HMS Prince of Wales, HMS Repulse and several destroyers (Force Z) sailed up the east coast of Malaya hoping to pitch into the Japanese transport fleet that landed the invasion force.

The British had no air cover, though it might not have helped if they’d had it.

Force Z was spotted. Land-based Japanese bombers (operating out of Indochina) found and sank both HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse. The attackers’ prowess at torpedo attacks surprised the British. The Japanese weren’t supposed to be that good.

The sinking of both ships was a huge psychological blow both in Singapore and in London. At great cost and suffering enormous misery, Britain (along with the Americans, the Australians and Empire forces) did retake its Asian colonies.

But the disaster that had befallen HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse, followed by the fall of Singapore two months later, was the beginning of the end of British power in Asia.

So watching USS America in the South China Sea – and hearing American spokesmen declaring that it sends a powerful message – uncomfortably brings to mind Force Z in 1942.


Chinese President Xi Jinping inspects a joint military exercise in the South China Sea in April 2018. Photo: Xinhua

Chinese President Xi Jinping can figure out which side has more ships, aircraft and missiles at hand. If Xi thinks the US is distracted or otherwise weak, well, who knows?

It is not a stretch to believe China understands that a single blow like the sinking of the USS America could have the same impact as the Japanese sinking of the Prince of Wales and Repulse, especially given the number of body blows the coronavirus has dealt to America.

Xi might also think China could get away with it.

The US Navy now faces a serious mismatch in Asia. One watched it happen as China cranked out four warships for every American one made over the last decade – and China keeps building more. Meanwhile, US ship numbers have barely budged and the American shipbuilding effort has been unimpressive, to put the situation charitably.

Washington either gets things in order, or it should not be surprised if someday there’s a reprise of the HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse, but this time with American not British ships sinking into the sea.

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Lol.. it funny how some white man write this report and claim this is how Chinese think about situation in SCS.

PLA navy now has overwhelm advantage but doesn't mean we are trigger happy but it's more of such keep try putting on a brave front to mask their own indeficiency.
The US Navy now faces a serious mismatch in Asia. One watched it happen as China cranked out four warships for every American one made over the last decade – and China keeps building more. Meanwhile, US ship numbers have barely budged and the American shipbuilding effort has been unimpressive, to put the situation charitably.

Washington either gets things in order, or it should not be surprised if someday there’s a reprise of the HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse, but this time with American not British ships sinking into the sea.
No chance. China is undergoing massive naval expansion that will not slow down until 2025, and includes among others things dozens of Type 055 destroyers and soon to be released Type 095 subs. But US empire is bankrupt and must downsize the navy:

Defense Department study calls for cutting 2 of the US Navy’s aircraft carriers

WASHINGTON – An internal Office of the Secretary of Defense assessment calls for the Navy to cut two aircraft carriers from its fleet, freeze the large surface combatant fleet of destroyers and cruisers around current levels and add dozens of unmanned or lightly manned ships to the inventory, according to documents obtained by Defense News.

The study calls for a fleet of nine carriers, down from the current fleet of 11, and for 65 unmanned or lightly manned surface vessels. The study calls for a surface force of between 80 and 90 large surface combatants, and an increase in the number of small surface combatants – between 55 and 70, which is substantially more than the Navy currently operates.

The assessment is part of an ongoing DoD-wide review of Navy force structure and seem to echo what Defense Secretary Mark Esper has been saying for months: the Defense Department wants to begin de-emphasizing aircraft carriers as the centerpiece of the Navy's force projection and put more emphasis on unmanned technologies that can be more easily sacrificed in a conflict and can achieve their missions more affordably.
Lol.. it funny how some white man write this report and claim this is how Chinese think about situation in SCS.

PLA navy now has overwhelm advantage but doesn't mean we are trigger happy but it's more of such keep try putting on a brave front to mask their own indeficiency.

It's a very weird dynamic we live in currently and you've perfectly alluded to it in your post. Russia, China, Iran and other nations posses weapons within their inventory that can absolutely decimate USN vessels with high-lethality yet we are always subjected to Western PR pieces touting the seemingly invincible nature of the U.S. armed forces.

It's almost as if American weapons of war are protected by this magical barrier of EGO and everyone else's stuff just can't/will not compete..... Eh whatever, what is more than clear is that my country will have to learn a lesson in being and be humbled sooner or later. There will come a time when (possibly) when the U.S.A simply bites off far more than it can chew.
Eh whatever, what is more than clear is that my country will have to learn a lesson in being and be humbled sooner or later. There will come a time when (possibly) when the U.S.A simply bites off far more than it can chew.

Spoken like a deep deep blue Biden supporter. What's up, are you in a funk because Bernie caved?
So it seems the USN finally learned that ACs are essentially "putting your eggs in 1 basket", cuz with 2 out, USN doesnt have much presence in SCS......apparently...i didnt think it was this bad...but reality is that IT IS. smfh. Display of power is one thing, and using your power to achieve strategically and long term beneficial goals and benefits is another thing. US is struggling to do latter and its showing more and more. US people dont even want the next war. why? because they know it will drain them..
yeah china just don't have the ball to shoot first because once the trigger's pulled ,they know what will happen next.
Spoken like a deep deep blue Biden supporter. What's up, are you in a funk because Bernie caved?

Lol you're special :-), I didn't support Bernie and I don't think there is any candidate worth their weight in salt whatsoever currently. I sure as hell won't be putting my time and money behind all these crooks trying to get into that godforsaken oval office. Too busy building my own life and taking care of my family and friends, so kindly SOD off with that partisan crap your kind always resort to when faced with reality.

You don't know me at all, so don't go around assuming things about people you don't have a single shred of credible information about.

Not deep deep blue but red, white and green.

Just say it outright, you want to say Iranian don't you, so then please say it instead of prancing around it like some stupid child. I swear the majority of you guys on PDF are spineless ....god damn it.

Italian? Algerian? Belarusian? Bulgarian? Hungarian? Lebanese?

He means Iranian (it doesn't really matter though, idc), it wouldn't change the fact that the USN can be hurt very badly by the Chinese NAVY if they both got into a war. This is something Americans will never come to terms with at all. America has literal decades of Hollywood Movies and Educational introductionation brainwashing generations of kids into believing the United States is some infallible, unbeatable military juggernaut that has no equal (it's beyond vapid but that's beside the point). I sincerely don't think this is a healthy mindset for a nation to adopt. People should have a great deal of reality whilst retaining dignity and knowing one's own limits. Acting as if you can do whatever you want without any repercussions or that your military is the best speaks quite a bit to the nations deluded perspective on things. One can be proud of their nation, but don't let pride blind you from REALITY.

I can only hope China will be a better world-leader than the United States has been but even then I'm not all that optimistic about that either.
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Yes the perfect moment for Xi to start the war.
The US is weakened by the virus. Thanks to China.
Vietnam is weakened by the virus. Thanks to China.
Some people would think that is a all planed in Beijing.
Argentina is bankrupt (again).

80 more countries will file bankruptcy (so IMF).

we are heading to a economy crash not seen since 100 year.

Germany will survive.

Italy, Spain may not.

Only the strongest will survive.

- Charles Darwin -
Lol.. it funny how some white man write this report and claim this is how Chinese think about situation in SCS.

PLA navy now has overwhelm advantage but doesn't mean we are trigger happy but it's more of such keep try putting on a brave front to mask their own indeficiency.
China cannot afford a war in it's front yard. It will disrupt it's bigger plans to be a moderately prosperous country. What China is doing is building a strong deterrence and complicates any US intervention.
Right now US do not have a upper hand so there will be no war.

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