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China could do Kargil on India

Not sure what is the intention of the Strategic thinker but such incendiary language only serves to fuel the Indo China Rivalry. Let me state cleanly and bluntly, if China decides to strike at India today, solely on account of it's numbers both on land and air, it will definitely upstage India in a conventional scenario. However the situation may change with the introduction of other players.

1. First things first. India is a democracy, China, a capitalist autocracy. Inspite of all the failings of our electorate, we still vote to elect our leaders and the vote of the common man still counts. Case in point being the cessation of communist rule after 34 years in WB, India. If India decides to go to NATO or US with request for assistance it will be difficult for them to deny India. China understands this and it is trying to hedge against this by increasing economic dependence of Europe on it's currency. How far it succeeds in this endeavor is worthy of analysis.

2. The very topography of India will make it difficult for China for a second mis-adventure. I am not aware of what transpired in 1962 but literature suggests that the Indian PM was short-sighted to neglect the Chinese buildup, which I suspect started since 1959 in order to teach arrogant India a lesson in humility. However this time round it is far more likely that Chinese will face a more resolute defence in terms of both aerial and infantry defence along the very sectors which it had trampled upon in the past. However if the conflict turns out to be a long-drawn out with considerable investment of personnel and resources it will only serve to deplete the economic march of both these giants of Asia, which really, will be a pity since the people of both these countries have endured enough to bring them to the point they are at today.

completely agree
It is not sensible to compare India and China.

China has a GDP that is more than 2.5x as large when measured in PPP.

China produces virtually everything that it needs, including the all important military products. India imports nearly all it's large scale weapons systems. One notable exception is the Akash SAM.

China has grown at more than 9% GDP/capita a year for the last 30 years. India only managed 6% GDP/capita growth over the last decade, which was the best decade it had since it was formed.

China's GDP/capita is now growing at around 9% while India is doing 7% a year. Simple maths tells you that the gap will only increase.

China versus India is like comparing Germany with Poland.
^^^^^ i don't know why you guys are comparing China with India look India is 20 years into its economic liberalization period compared to China who enacted reforms in 78 obviously they will have more growth and a large economy they had a 12 year head start let me add on that at the end of ww2 china did not have crap India was way better off but thanks to License Raj which is responsible for much of the socio-economic problems and poverty in India we did not grow at all until 91 reforms

India is India right now we are not trying to be better than anyone but now if you want to do a real comparison 20 years from now India will have a GDP 3x as big as it is now by 2050 we will be the worlds largest economy in due time we will be on top being patient is the key to virtue
It is not sensible to compare India and China.

China has a GDP that is more than 2.5x as large when measured in PPP.

China produces virtually everything that it needs, including the all important military products. India imports nearly all it's large scale weapons systems. One notable exception is the Akash SAM.

China has grown at more than 9% GDP/capita a year for the last 30 years. India only managed 6% GDP/capita growth over the last decade, which was the best decade it had since it was formed.

China's GDP/capita is now growing at around 9% while India is doing 7% a year. Simple maths tells you that the gap will only increase.

China versus India is like comparing Germany with Poland.

look who is comparing :rofl:
^^^^^ i don't know why you guys are comparing China with India look India is 20 years into its economic liberalization period compared to China who enacted reforms in 78 obviously they will have more growth and a large economy they had a 12 year head start let me add on that at the end of ww2 china did not have crap India was way better off but thanks to License Raj which is responsible for much of the socio-economic problems and poverty in India we did not grow at all until 91 reforms

India is India right now we are not trying to be better than anyone but now if you want to do a real comparison 20 years from now India will have a GDP 3x as big as it is now by 2050 we will be the worlds largest economy in due time we will be on top being patient is the key to virtue

Pathetic excuse you are full of bs UK is atleast 40 years ahead of reform than china ,look where they are now? dont brag about your economy till you reach double digits GDP, and dont think about over take china till your GDP is 20-25 and continously for 15 years.
Pathetic excuse you are full of bs UK is 20 years ahead of reform than china ,look where they are now? dont brag about your economy till you reach double digits GDP, and dont think about over take china till your GDP is 20-25 and continously for 15 years.

superior chinese from uk,why dont you leave uk
China is too clever to get into a fight with India directly at the risk of risking its economy and growth ! all they need to do is groom Pakistan to counterweight India and they are doing that effectively !!!
It is not sensible to compare India and China.

China has a GDP that is more than 2.5x as large when measured in PPP.

China produces virtually everything that it needs, including the all important military products. India imports nearly all it's large scale weapons systems. One notable exception is the Akash SAM.

China has grown at more than 9% GDP/capita a year for the last 30 years. India only managed 6% GDP/capita growth over the last decade, which was the best decade it had since it was formed.

China's GDP/capita is now growing at around 9% while India is doing 7% a year. Simple maths tells you that the gap will only increase.

China versus India is like comparing Germany with Poland.

How does all these points remotely relate to a localized armed conflict on the ground ? or do you think their 9% growth stories will make Indian army welcome them with Garlands , on our eastern font :rofl:
China could do a Kargil on India "to teach India a lesson", warned strategic affairs think-tank Insitute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), adding it could be a "limited war".

The limited hostilties could be confined to a specific section of the border, limited in duration

and amenable to a negotiated termination, IDSA said in its report.

Projecting conflict scenarios between the two Asian giants, a report titled A Consideration of Sino Indian Conflict by Ali Ahmed said, "The lower end of the conflict at this level could be a Kargil-like situation. China's aim could be to teach India a lesson so as to influence India's rise before its capacity building underway acquires traction."

The report warned this "could be a limited war confined to a specific section of the border or LAC, limited in duration and amenable to a negotiated termination".

The Kargil hostilities were triggered by infiltration of Pakistani soldiers and Kashmiri militants into positions on the Indian side of the Line of Control (LoC) in 1999.

Ahmed warns at a higher level, China could indulge in a "territorial grab" by entering an area such as Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh.

"At the next rung, it could be a more ambitious bid southwards up to its claim line. Lateral or horizontal expansion of conflict from one theatre to another is the next step, with the conflict engulfing one or more of the four possible theatres -- Ladakh, Central Sector, Sikkim and Arunachal," the report said.

The think-tank said in view of India becoming better prepared in future with its capability-development programmes, it could engage China's "hegemonic attention."

"Since India would be better prepared by then, China may instead wish to set India back now by a preventive war. This means current day preparedness is as essential as preparation for the future," it said.

China could do Kargil on India, warns IDSA - Hindustan Times

However in KARGIL WARS the enemies were beaten back like D**Gs !!!!
This is the same situation if they try KARGIL type incursion !!
How does all these points remotely relate to a localized armed conflict on the ground ? or do you think their 9% growth stories will make Indian army welcome them with Garlands , on our eastern font :rofl:

Can Poland withstand a German assault to capture Polish territory?
Pathetic excuse you are full of bs UK is atleast 40 years ahead of reform than china ,look where they are now? dont brag about your economy till you reach double digits GDP, and dont think about over take china till your GDP is 20-25 and continously for 15 years.

dude are you trolling or seriously trying to make yourself look stupid on here? learn basic economics before you talk idiot the UK and China have 2 very different economies besides all the cheap crap we get in Walmart is made by that cheap child labor in China so it is not hard to understand besides the UK is a declined superpower and a swing state of the USA that along with France and Germany are the regional powers of western europe

once again you miss my main point did we liberalize our economy in 78 or 1991? do you not understand basic math as well? man you must have had retarded parents or something
If china does a kargil then the result will be same as what happened to pakistan, atleast the chinese will accept their dead soilders.
If china does a kargil then the result will be same as what happened to pakistan, atleast the chinese will accept their dead soilders.

Wow masha allah that was truly awsome. I wish I could give 100 thanks to you.

From Now on You are my Mustafa kamal

what wrong if lion eat any animal in jungle

world is only for strong and India has to show them they are not weak
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