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China could do Kargil on India

^^^^^ you do realize China liberalized its economy more than a decade before India did so it is not surprising that you guys have a larger economy?????? 1978 compared to 1991 we're barely 20 years into liberalization and we have made good process 20 years from now our economy will be 3x as big as it is now

Another common misconception.

The early Chinese reforms were limited to only very small areas of the country. The reforms only went nation-wide in the 1990's.

In 1990, China and India had almost exactly the same GDP. We started out from the same place.

The reason our economy is much bigger, is because we were able to sustain double-digit growth for several decades, while India never managed to do that.
Since the PRC was founded in 1949, China has never had an economy that was four times the size of the Indian one. But today we have it.

We don't believe your numbers, infact nobody does

[/QUOTE] And we also happen to have the world's largest industrial base, which means we can pump endless numbers of weapon systems if we need to, while you guys have to import yours from overseas.[/QUOTE]

We have enough to stand against you. War (if any) between us is not going to go on for months and years, most likely its going to be brief to very brief and for that we have enough and better quality weopons
We have enough to stand against you. War (if any) between us is not going to go on for months and years, most likely its going to be brief to very brief and for that we have enough and better quality weopons

The Indian Armed forces disagree with you:

India cannot match China's military force: Navy Chief - India News - IBNLive

New Delhi: Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

what is the meaning of 4 times economy??i think indian eco is near 1.7 trillion dollar and chinese eco is near 6 trillion.there is a difference of 4 trillions now.similarly,differnce b/w cinese and u.s eco is more than 8 trillion.

so this is the difference .its the multiplication factor only
There is nothing.........just Americans are creating war hestaria between different countries........just to sell their weapons.......coz they are the largest weapons manufacturers in the world and they need to deploy and sell those weapons and that's why they need strong reasons to create such situtations in countries.

what is the meaning of 4 times economy??i think indian eco is near 1.7 trillion dollar and chinese eco is near 6 trillion.there is a difference of 4 trillions now.similarly,differnce b/w cinese and u.s eco is more than 8 trillion.

so this is the difference .its the multiplication factor only

China's economy is 4 times bigger than the Indian economy.

America's economy is 2.5 times bigger than the Chinese economy.

The Americans are light years ahead of us. So it is important to note that India is further away from China, than China is to America.
China's economy is 4 times bigger than the Indian economy.

America's economy is 2.5 times bigger than the Chinese economy.

The Americans are light years ahead of us. So it is important to note that India is further away from China, than China is to America.

you cant be changed
That's just the thing. Sometimes people cross our red lines, while "claiming" that they never meant to. Sino-Indian history is a case in point.

You guys think of 1962 as an unprovoked unilateral action, but you did not see how enraged the Chinese government was in 1959 after you hosted our largest separatist group (Mao went into a frenzy), and with the Forward Policy in 1962.

Authoritarian governments are very difficult to handle in such situations. At least with democratic governments you have a chance to take the loss of face and move on. Not so with Authoritarian governments, they cannot lose face in front of their people.

Valid points

However there is no change between then & now therefore the point of no provocation from the Indian side holds.

Moreover, both nations have moved on and more on their minds & hands now.
China's economy is 4 times bigger than the Indian economy.

America's economy is 2.5 times bigger than the Chinese economy.

The Americans are light years ahead of us. So it is important to note that India is further away from China, than China is to America.

so according to you pakistan,bangladesh,sri lanka,etc are more of a crap than india
Wrong. It was India who backstabbed us in 1959, by hosting our largest separatist group, and it was them who conducted the Forward Policy in 1962.

Secondly, China today is the strongest it has ever been vis-a-vis India, ever since the founding of the PRC. Back then, our economies were the same size, and that continued up until 1990. Even in 1990, our economies were around the same size.

Then in the year 2000, China's economy was twice the size of India's. And in 2010, China's economy was four times the size of India's.

Since the PRC was founded in 1949, China has never had an economy that was four times the size of the Indian one. But today we have it. And we also happen to have the world's largest industrial base, which means we can pump endless numbers of weapon systems if we need to, while you guys have to import yours from overseas.

sorry to bring pakistan into the discussion. lets perceive that India is in pakistans position and and china in India's position, so if India goes to war with pakistan, its not that difficult for India to assume that china would supply cheap arms even for free to damage India badly, hence it stays superior to India for another century might be, IF war breaks out between India and china we too expect some kindness from uncle Sam :) take the nato shield for an example. that's how you will fight India through pakistan, dare you step into a direct conflict this time, its time to make even stevens.
China's economy is 4 times bigger than the Indian economy.

America's economy is 2.5 times bigger than the Chinese economy.

The Americans are light years ahead of us. So it is important to note that India is further away from China, than China is to America.
this reminds me of the pythagoras theorem back in my seventh grade. used to hate theorem, but in this above context it looks just FINE :)
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