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China condemns Dalai Lama of abusing child rights


Jun 9, 2011
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China condemns Dalai Lama of abusing child rights

Xinhua, October 15, 2013

China accused the 14th Dalai Lama on Tuesday of tearing hundreds of Tibetan families apart and causing serious abuses of children's rights by orchestrating a Swiss campaign in the 1960s to adopt Tibetan orphans.

The condemnation came after a Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher Zeitung published a series of stories in September questioning the privately run campaign, masterminded by a Swiss entrepreneur and the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama had expressed a wish to turn the children into an elite for the "Tibetan government-in-exile".

"The stories in the Swiss media have highlighted how the Dalai Lama and his clique fabricated so-called orphans and sent them to Switzerland," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a regular news briefing.

Charles Aeschimann, director of an energy company, adopted Tibetan children after reading about the Tibetan refugees and the Dalai Lama's call to American and European families to take Tibetan child refugees into care and give them a Western education.

"The Dalai Lama manufactured the orphan incident out of his Tibetan independence initiative, which caused hundreds of families to be torn apart, " Hua said.

Of the some 200 children placed in Swiss families and the Pestalozzi children's village in Trogen, only 19 of them are true orphans. The others either have both father and mother or at least have one living parent, according to the Swiss reports.

"The Dalai Lama's deeds have trampled on the children's individual rights and publicly violated common ethics and morality. All humane, justice-loving people should condemn such acts," Hua said.

Child trafficking is a serious crime. There should be international arrest warrant issued for the ring leader, AKA the Delhi Llama.
Dalai Lama 'separated' Tibetan children from parents: report

Author: Source:Agencies Update Time:2013-10-16

China accused the 14th Dalai Lama on Tuesday of abusing children's rights by orchestrating a campaign in the 1960s to send hundreds of Tibetan children to be adopted in Switzerland by fabricating their identities as orphans.

Leaving behind loved ones is one of the eight sufferings of human beings, according to Buddhism.

But the Dalai Lama forced hundreds of children to leave their parents and be adopted by foreign families in the 1960s, Swiss media have reported.

The Foreign Ministry and experts described the move, which aimed to nurture talent for his "Tibet independence" movement, as "against human nature".

"The stories in the Swiss media showed how the Dalai Lama and his clique fabricated so-called orphans and sent them to Switzerland," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Tuesday. "He caused hundreds of families to be torn apart."

"His deeds have trampled on the children's rights and violated common ethics and morality."

The condemnation came after Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher Zeitung published a series of stories in September questioning the secret campaign.

Charles Aeschimann, director of an energy company, adopted Tibetan children after reading about the Tibetan refugees and the Dalai Lama's call to American and European families to take Tibetan child refugees into care.

The Dalai Lama told the Swiss public that the children were all orphans, but only 19 of them were. Some of the children were even forced to go to the Switzerland without their parents' knowledge, the newspaper reported.

The Dalai Lama hoped the children could gain a good education in Switzerland and come back to his "government in exile", the report said.

But many of those children have been suffering from psychological sickness due to parting from their parents at a young age, it said.

Zhao Gancheng, director of South Asia studies at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies, said the Dalai Lama aimed to use Switzerland to train successors for his cause of "Tibet independence".

Neue Zuercher Zeitung's report came after Swiss director Ueli Meier made the documentary Tibi and His Mothers in 2012. The protagonist of the film was one of the 200 Tibetan children, sent to Switzerland in 1963 when he was 7.

"In the process of making the documentary, my sense of absurdness got stronger. Here is a mismatched timeline, there is a suspicious document," Meier told Neue Zuercher Zeitung in an interview.

"By the end of the shooting in India, I was told by the birth mother of our protagonist that Tibi was, without her knowledge and without her agreement, sent to Switzerland."

Meier said Tibi's love for his original family could not be replaced by his Swiss foster mother Ruth Graber's tender care and devotion, and so Tibi embarked on a journey to find his real parents.

But when he came back from his family reunion in India, he felt at a loss, because he found that his birth mother will never be able to understand him.

Meier told Neue Zuercher Zeitung that of the 200 children, Tibi was one of the lucky ones.

According to research by the University of Zurich in 1982, among all Tibetan children who have grown up in Switzerland, suicide happens only among those 200 children, the newspaper said.

Dalai Lama 'separated' Tibetan children from parents: report-Sino-US
Child trafficking is a serious crime. There should be international arrest warrant issued for the ring leader, AKA the Delhi Llama.

Are you talking about this guy in the picture below ?

When China rout out US from North Korea in 1950, she delivered quite a humiliation to the prestige of the superpower. For the American, the gloves are off.

In the mid-50s, the CIA support Dalai Lama's brother to instigate an armed revolt in 1959 in Tibet. The revolt failed and Dalai Lama fled to India.

These children are just geopolitical chess pieces.

I do not know what Dalai Lama thinking are, but he really should have know better.
Don't know if this boy is related to the Dalai Lama or not but his last name is also Lama :

Delhi schoolboy hit by javelin dies in hospital
Delhi schoolboy hit by javelin dies in hospital - Times Of India

Eleven-year-old Roshan Lama, who was battling for life for the past 13 days after being accidentally struck on the head by a javelin at a south Delhi school as he tried to save a friend from getting hit, succumbed to his injuries on Monday.
Don't know if this boy is related to the Dalai Lama or not but his last name is also Lama :

Delhi schoolboy hit by javelin dies in hospital
Delhi schoolboy hit by javelin dies in hospital - Times Of India

Eleven-year-old Roshan Lama, who was battling for life for the past 13 days after being accidentally struck on the head by a javelin at a south Delhi school as he tried to save a friend from getting hit, succumbed to his injuries on Monday.

You take the retarded thing to whole another level.
"The protagonist of the film was one of the 200 Tibetan children, sent to Switzerland in 1963 when he was 7."
"Tibi embarked on a journey to find his real parents.

But when he came back from his family reunion in India, he felt at a loss, because he found that his birth mother will never be able to understand him."

7 years old is old enough to learn a lot of things, including language.

It is ironic that Dalai Lama accused Chinese authority of killing Tibetan culture, and yet look at what he had done to this particular Tibetan child.
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