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China concerned over India’s naval prowess, says expert


Nov 10, 2012
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China concerned over India’s naval prowess, says expert


China, concerned over India’s policy on Indian Ocean, wants to establish posts in countries like Sri Lanka and Seychelles, said Dr. Lora Saalman, an American expert on arms control.

Dr. Saalman is an associate at the Nuclear Policy Program of the Carnegie Endowment and is based at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, Beijing. Her research focuses on Chinese arms control policies, and Sino-Indian and Sino-Russian strategic relations.

In an interaction with media persons here on Monday, she said some of the experts in China felt India was either on par with China or even surpassed it on naval power. Referring to strengthening of Indian Navy in recent years, she said the Chinese felt India might use its policy to control the Indian Ocean. “It is the first and foremost on their mind.”

Observing that the posts could be used as refuelling points by the Chinese, Dr. Saalman however added that not all engagement was negative as military could also be used to shore up economic interests in the region.

Dr. Saalman said China was also increasingly focusing on India and looking at where India was heading in the wake of the latter’s defence modernisation programme.

The Chinese viewed the India-U.S. partnership as a strategy to counter China in the region, she said, adding India could become part of the United States alliance consisting Japan and Taiwan. China was also looking with interest at the shift in export controls and the easing of restrictions on technology imports by India and was interested in engaging the U.S. in technology trade as they do not have anything comparable to India, Dr. Saalman said.
China concerned over India
well if Dr. Lora Saalman said so it must be true. You know who knows China better than the Chinese, Dr. Lora Saalman.

The Chinese leadership? what do they know right? It's not like they make the decisions.

Though India navy is advancing, but until such time that India is completely using domestically made product, China will be stronger.

Though I got to say if India wants war or contain China somehow now is the best time, because China pretty much stopped or massively slowed buying ships and it's own versions are not the most advanced. It would take a decade or so for China to catch up to the Western standards.

By then India will not be able to challenge China.

1 Reasons being no way India can domestically design and produce as well as China when started so late in the race.

2 West may not want to sell the best to India.

3 Even if sold, India cannot buy too much. 120+ fighters sound impressive until you know that there are around 300 and possibly more J-10s when China don't even have a reliable engine when it started producing.

4 Domestically produced will suit Chinese needs and can be consistently upgraded, while older ships can be phased out into the coast guard.

The Chinese Indian equation is about equal right now, but will favor China more and more as time goes by. If India wants to improve this, massive funding and starting immediately in research and manufacturing is a must, or else Indians run the risk of having the Indian ocean called the Indian ocean with Chinese characteristics:devil:
well if Dr. Lora Saalman said so it must be true. You know who knows China better than the Chinese, Dr. Lora Saalman.

The Chinese leadership? what do they know right? It's not like they make the decisions.

Though India navy is advancing, but until such time that India is completely using domestically made product, China will be stronger.

Though I got to say if India wants war or contain China somehow now is the best time, because China pretty much stopped or massively slowed buying ships and it's own versions are not the most advanced. It would take a decade or so for China to catch up to the Western standards.

By then India will not be able to challenge China.

1 Reasons being no way India can domestically design and produce as well as China when started so late in the race.

all the while u talk about CHina catching up with western standards, by the above logic China can never catch up with US since it "started so late"

think before what u are saying otherwise u look like an idiot.

As for the rest of your post, i couldn't suffer dumbness ..so left it !
well if Dr. Lora Saalman said so it must be true. You know who knows China better than the Chinese, Dr. Lora Saalman.

The Chinese leadership? what do they know right? It's not like they make the decisions.

Though India navy is advancing, but until such time that India is completely using domestically made product, China will be stronger.

Though I got to say if India wants war or contain China somehow now is the best time, because China pretty much stopped or massively slowed buying ships and it's own versions are not the most advanced. It would take a decade or so for China to catch up to the Western standards.

By then India will not be able to challenge China.

1 Reasons being no way India can domestically design and produce as well as China when started so late in the race.

2 West may not want to sell the best to India.

3 Even if sold, India cannot buy too much. 120+ fighters sound impressive until you know that there are around 300 and possibly more J-10s when China don't even have a reliable engine when it started producing.

4 Domestically produced will suit Chinese needs and can be consistently upgraded, while older ships can be phased out into the coast guard.

The Chinese Indian equation is about equal right now, but will favor China more and more as time goes by. If India wants to improve this, massive funding and starting immediately in research and manufacturing is a must, or else Indians run the risk of having the Indian ocean called the Indian ocean with Chinese characteristics:devil:

I agree with you completely. India is developing too but slowly, China(Commerce) is welcome to Indian Ocean but not its military the same way i bet China would welcome India(Commerce) to SCS but not our navy.

Every nation guards its security and the other countries should be receptive of those sensitivities.

If China really wants to secure its trade in the Indian ocean then why cant China directly engage with the Indian navy. It will increase mutual trust and will also secure the lines of communication.

We can have Chinese ships coordinating with the Indian navy :cheers:
all the while u talk about CHina catching up with western standards, by the above logic China can never catch up with US since it "started so late"

think before what u are saying otherwise u look like an idiot.

As for the rest of your post, i couldn't suffer dumbness ..so left it !

All I mean is that can't catch up in the short term of about 1-2 decade, perhaps not clear on this point. Besides, in the context of the post it should reflect this. Though I can see that it is not clear.

If I were to be completely honest, if the Americans don't slow down, it's quite possible, in fact likely, China will never catch up, just enough to deny access, but never catch up. IF America don't slow or stop.

So, what I said about India not catching up is likely if China doesn't slow down or stop.

As to the rest, does America sell the F-22? Or can the Indians buy mass advanced weaponry? Which did I say is wrong.

It's taking years to produce just three Talwar class ships, and it costs three billion, while China already has quite a few Type 52D.

By the time the last Talwar class is out, China will most like out produce by 2-3:1 and the latest may have better systems.

The Type 52D is the newest and it started production and replaced production of the C while the C was still relatively new and still not filled the initial order.

So back up what you say I am not above mistakes, but one liners are not reasons to refute my claims.
the Indian ocean called the Indian ocean with Chinese characteristics:devil:

If you are trolling you are doing nice :tup:

And if this is your true opinion buddy I must say you don't understand Naval warfare. Indian location in IOR may it capable on taking on more powerful navies than IN.
In such locations geographical position favours the defenders. Look at the map again and you will understand
well if Dr. Lora Saalman said so it must be true. You know who knows China better than the Chinese, Dr. Lora Saalman.

The Chinese leadership? what do they know right? It's not like they make the decisions.

Though India navy is advancing, but until such time that India is completely using domestically made product, China will be stronger.

Though I got to say if India wants war or contain China somehow now is the best time, because China pretty much stopped or massively slowed buying ships and it's own versions are not the most advanced. It would take a decade or so for China to catch up to the Western standards.

By then India will not be able to challenge China.

1 Reasons being no way India can domestically design and produce as well as China when started so late in the race.

2 West may not want to sell the best to India.

3 Even if sold, India cannot buy too much. 120+ fighters sound impressive until you know that there are around 300 and possibly more J-10s when China don't even have a reliable engine when it started producing.

4 Domestically produced will suit Chinese needs and can be consistently upgraded, while older ships can be phased out into the coast guard.

The Chinese Indian equation is about equal right now, but will favor China more and more as time goes by. If India wants to improve this, massive funding and starting immediately in research and manufacturing is a must, or else Indians run the risk of having the Indian ocean called the Indian ocean with Chinese characteristics:devil:
c u in future:devil:
well if Dr. Lora Saalman said so it must be true. You know who knows China better than the Chinese, Dr. Lora Saalman.

The Chinese leadership? what do they know right? It's not like they make the decisions.

Though India navy is advancing, but until such time that India is completely using domestically made product, China will be stronger.

Though I got to say if India wants war or contain China somehow now is the best time, because China pretty much stopped or massively slowed buying ships and it's own versions are not the most advanced. It would take a decade or so for China to catch up to the Western standards.

By then India will not be able to challenge China.

1 Reasons being no way India can domestically design and produce as well as China when started so late in the race.:
India designed its own AC, 1st started and 2nd design is on the verge of finalisation

2 West may not want to sell the best to India.

P-8I Neptune (only INdia is the first country outside US to have Very First Plane /Technology

3 Even if sold, India cannot buy too much. 120+ fighters sound impressive until you know that there are around 300 and possibly more J-10s when China don't even have a reliable engine when it started producing.

your j-10's cant fly from china to indian oceans, you don't have A/c , by the time you have A/c , INdian will have 3 A/c in its armada fully loaded.

4 Domestically produced will suit Chinese needs and can be consistently upgraded, while older ships can be phased out into the coast guard.

India buys new ships for cost guards and phased out ships put to rest.

The Chinese Indian equation is about equal right now, but will favor China more and more as time goes by. If India wants to improve this, massive funding and starting immediately in research and manufacturing is a must, or else Indians run the risk of having the Indian ocean called the Indian ocean with Chinese characteristics:devil:

indian Navy much more used indian components then army and Af.

Yea, India is next to Indian Ocean, but if two forces are too far apart it won't matter. Besides, China has a allie in Pakistan and may have one in Sri Lanka.

Of course, as a growing economic and military power, India can't stay in India forever can she? You don't want any interests abroad? If you do, how are you going to protect them?

Once China settles South China Sea either claim or some sort of settlement, China will have uninterrupted passage of fuel and reinforcements from the mainland. While China can wait for India to come out and attack, by just interrupting ships to Indian shores. Though this assuming China can have naval base in neighboring countries.

Which to me is likely because, unless there is a hegemony going on in South Asia, the neighbors will always like the far away countries better as no conflict of interests.

As US has demonstrated with Japan and WW2, a strong manufacturing base that can outproduce your enemy is very helpful.

Though it is meant as more of a joke than an actual comment, hence the :devil:

maybe we will :devil: I bring the beer and you bring the food.

I'm not saying India is designing nothing, just not doing too much too keep up.

P-8I Neptune is going to be sold to everyone, well almost. This isn't the most cutting edge technology. I'm talking carriers, 5th gen, engines that are actually good, and a few other types of ships and missiles, drones as well as satellite technology.

Maybe you will have the same number or more carriers, I have no clue what the Chinese plan actually is, but seeing as how the dates for the second steam powered carrier to be 2025. I am not too worried about it. And looking at past examples, it may or may not get delayed.

A Carrier group needs more than carriers, it needs the other ships to complement it. Can India build them and constantly upgrading it?

China most likely will be looking at more than one group, things tend to escalate quickly in China due to greed, just look at the rea estate build up. Need it or not it's getting built. Especially now that more and more is being privatized. Business will be lining up to build more and won't be taking no as an answer.

Buying new ships is not cost effective, as coast guards are not actual combat ships and don't need to be as powerful, while any old system can be upgraded to newer ones.

I guess the Indian navy is used, not sure if the Chinese navy is used or not I will have to check.
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Yea, India is next to Indian Ocean, but if two forces are too far apart it won't matter. Besides, China has a allie in Pakistan and may have one in Sri Lanka.

Of course, as a growing economic and military power, India can't stay in India forever can she? You don't want any interests abroad? If you do, how are you going to protect them?

Once China settles South China Sea either claim or some sort of settlement, China will have uninterrupted passage of fuel and reinforcements from the mainland. While China can wait for India to come out and attack, by just interrupting ships to Indian shores. Though this assuming China can have naval base in neighboring countries.

Which to me is likely because, unless there is a hegemony going on in South Asia, the neighbors will always like the far away countries better as no conflict of interests.

As US has demonstrated with Japan and WW2, a strong manufacturing base that can outproduce your enemy is very helpful.

Though it is meant as more of a joke than an actual comment, hence the :devil:

maybe we will :devil: I bring the beer and you bring the food.

I'm not saying India is designing nothing, just not doing too much too keep up.

P-8I Neptune is going to be sold to everyone, well almost. This isn't the most cutting edge technology. I'm talking carriers, 5th gen, engines that are actually good, and a few other types of ships and missiles, drones as well as satellite technology.

Maybe you will have the same number or more carriers, I have no clue what the Chinese plan actually is, but seeing as how the dates for the second steam powered carrier to be 2025. I am not too worried about it. And looking at past examples, it may or may not get delayed.

A Carrier group needs more than carriers, it needs the other ships to complement it. Can India build them and constantly upgrading it?

China most likely will be looking at more than one group, things tend to escalate quickly in China due to greed, just look at the rea estate build up. Need it or not it's getting built. Especially now that more and more is being privatized. Business will be lining up to build more and won't be taking no as an answer.

Buying new ships is not cost effective, as coast guards are not actual combat ships and don't need to be as powerful, while any old system can be upgraded to newer ones.

I guess the Indian navy is used, not sure if the Chinese navy is used or not I will have to check.
no u bring vryag & china's second carrier() i'll bring vikramaditya & iac 1or2...:azn:
^^ this was a joke but we don't know future in future we both might b ally against us.........this looks better:devil:
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no u bring vryag & china's second carrier() i'll bring vikramaditya & iac 1or2...:azn:
^^ this was a joke but we don't know future in future we both might b ally against us.........this looks better:devil:

Maybe, but carriers don't taste good, I like Indian food much better, be nice to have some girls too, since Chinese girls are more of a rarity :devil:

Also we have good alcohol, how else do you think we live with the fact of being communist:laugh:

Yea, India is next to Indian Ocean, but if two forces are too far apart it won't matter. Besides, China has a allie in Pakistan and may have one in Sri Lanka.

Of course, as a growing economic and military power, India can't stay in India forever can she? You don't want any interests abroad? If you do, how are you going to protect them?

Once China settles South China Sea either claim or some sort of settlement, China will have uninterrupted passage of fuel and reinforcements from the mainland. While China can wait for India to come out and attack, by just interrupting ships to Indian shores. Though this assuming China can have naval base in neighboring countries.

Which to me is likely because, unless there is a hegemony going on in South Asia, the neighbors will always like the far away countries better as no conflict of interests.

As US has demonstrated with Japan and WW2, a strong manufacturing base that can outproduce your enemy is very helpful.

Though it is meant as more of a joke than an actual comment, hence the :devil:

maybe we will :devil: I bring the beer and you bring the food.

I'm not saying India is designing nothing, just not doing too much too keep up.

P-8I Neptune is going to be sold to everyone, well almost. This isn't the most cutting edge technology. I'm talking carriers, 5th gen, engines that are actually good, and a few other types of ships and missiles, drones as well as satellite technology.

Maybe you will have the same number or more carriers, I have no clue what the Chinese plan actually is, but seeing as how the dates for the second steam powered carrier to be 2025. I am not too worried about it. And looking at past examples, it may or may not get delayed.

A Carrier group needs more than carriers, it needs the other ships to complement it. Can India build them and constantly upgrading it?

China most likely will be looking at more than one group, things tend to escalate quickly in China due to greed, just look at the rea estate build up. Need it or not it's getting built. Especially now that more and more is being privatized. Business will be lining up to build more and won't be taking no as an answer.

Buying new ships is not cost effective, as coast guards are not actual combat ships and don't need to be as powerful, while any old system can be upgraded to newer ones.

I guess the Indian navy is used, not sure if the Chinese navy is used or not I will have to check.

First thing, see if you can come out of SCS, USN would screw you there, and You may have commercial ports in Sri Lanka, Certainly not Military on for atleast for another 30+ years. We won't allow neither US or British. and Given your logic PN can Never stand on Against IN, they won't even come out of Arabic Ocean. And FYI our Shipyards are already filled with orders and now we're ordering ships to be build abroad, what make you think that we won't use these us Carrier Strike Group. Not to mention our own Stealth Ships are may come out by 2020....

no u bring vryag & china's second carrier() i'll bring vikramaditya & iac 1or2...:azn:
^^ this was a joke but we don't know future in future we both might b ally against us.........this looks better:devil:

Well have you played World Conquer2 on Android? In a campaign Energy Crisis, China and India are Allies and Fighting Against US , Brit and Aus. And the funny thing was Half of the Pakistan is under indian control and the other half was with China, Just last night i was able to Invade Aus, and Chinese were Invading Arabs.
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wow an american expert commenting on CHINA's concern wrt india :lol:

struggling to understand what have they got to do with this !!!!!
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