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China Communist Party Intrudes In Mosque Life

China is the freedom of religion, whether Islam or Christianity, if some people into trouble, that is because the Chinese government's national security and social stability considerations, that is, some people may be spies, particularly in the West of Church. China's house churches, the Catholic religion is simple, just belief, no other, so the Chinese government relaxed restrictions on house churches, and even become semi-official because he would not bring trouble to the Chinese government. However, the Protestant house churches have a lot of problems, much of Western spy, South Korea has an important role here. Above, according to a religious worker in the network's chat.
I don't want to talk about sensitive things like religion because some may be offended but I'd say, what's wrong with accepting nothing but what can be quantitatively analyzed or seen with your eyes? Religion is essentially a belief in certain teachings. If someone does not believe in those teachings do they deserve to die? Some americans, much like the taliban, believe yes. And to do so, they've attacked another country for not just greed but have absolute conviction that looting, killing and plundering is correct.
Captain America have you actually gone to China....and specifically the Uighur areas. Because the propaganda which comes out of America is hardly reliable. The situation is not that bad...as claimed by some.....hopefully I will go next summer to China to see it my self.
Captain America have you actually gone to China....and specifically the Uighur areas. Because the propaganda which comes out of America is hardly reliable. The situation is not that bad...as claimed by some.....hopefully I will go next summer to China to see it my self.

No but I have been to the USSR and China is more hard line and less tolerant then the USSR, dont be suprised if you just see what they want you to see.
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The report accuses China of "opportunistically using the post-11 September environment to make the outrageous claim that individuals disseminating peaceful religious and cultural messages in Xinjiang are terrorists who have simply changed tactics".

Really disappointing news from China. I thought they were the one country not in a race to become a fascist version of the US.
This is not a religious problem. This is a national security problem being blackened by the name of religious oppression. If they are not muslims but still cause trouble they will be singled out by the authorities. If they are muslim and mind their own business like the Hui people they will be left alone.
Really disappointing news from China. I thought they were the one country not in a race to become a fascist version of the US.

You can believe that you want to believe, I would not be surprised.

We will never be the United States, we have no interest to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Internally, we have to get along with Muslims for hundreds of years, he was part of Chinese life and culture, will not change, just continue.
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Really disappointing news from China. I thought they were the one country not in a race to become a fascist version of the US.

China's largest Mosque opens today.

Are you not believe what you see? No problem, go to shadian, a region deeply affected by Saudi Arabia(cash and religious influence).


沙甸 百科名片
沙甸沙甸,是滇南著名的回族聚居区。位于个旧、开远、蒙自三县、市的交界处,距州府蒙自22公里。沙甸地理环境优越,交通便利。昆(明) - 河(口)二级公路、蒙(自) - 宝(秀)铁路穿境而过,距鸡(街) - 石(屏)高速公路、泛亚铁路仅1000米。总面积27.5平方公里,4280户,13500多人,有回、彝、汉等民族,回族占总人口的90%。
中文名称: 沙甸
行政区类别: 区
所属地区: 中国西南
地理位置: 云贵高原
方言: 云南方言
著名景点: 大清真寺



  沙甸区大力发展乡镇企业,突出非公经济的主导地位。努力发展铅、锌、锡等稀贵金属的冶炼加工。有乡镇企业394户,集体企业1户,从业人员4000多人。其中,精铅冶炼厂8家,年产量25万吨;粗铅冶炼企业22家,精锌、冰铜、精锡、白银生产企业各1家,铟生产企业3家。建材、化工、食品加工、餐饮行业等非公经济呈现出蓬勃生机,经济总收入占社会总收入的90%以上。   沙甸区党委、区公所提出了“抓机遇,促商贸,治污染,上旅游”的发展思路,按照“一街三区”的总体构想,修建总长2700米,宽42米的“穆斯林大街”,为外来投资者提供了无限的商机。
  沙甸伊斯兰文化繁荣,教门意识浓厚,曾因涌现出马坚、张子仁、林仲明、林兴华、林松等国内外知名教授、学者而闻名遐迩。有清真寺9所。沙甸穆斯林到沙特麦加朝觐的哈吉已有1000余人。回民最隆重的节日有大开斋节、古尔邦节 。 沙甸大清真寺搬迁重建工程于2005年开工。   新的礼拜殿建筑面积17700平方米,设计投资3000万元,可容纳10000人同时做礼拜。
  1999年9月,沙甸大清真寺建起了沙甸唯一一所穆斯林幼儿园,经过四年的建设,从最初只有几十个孩子到现在已经有了250多名幼儿。幼儿园实行的是双语教学,这里的双语不是英语与汉语,而是阿语与汉语教学。   沙甸大清真寺除了这所穆斯林幼儿园之外,还有一个阿文学校。沙甸区共有九座清真寺和一个教育基金会,九座清真寺基本上都有海里凡在学习,最大的就是沙甸大寺的阿文学校了,这里面现在有二百人左右的学生。除了本地和省内的学生,还有内蒙、河南、新疆、宁夏、甘肃、青海、四川、贵州等省区的。沙甸清真大寺不只在经堂教育上为伊斯兰教育实实在在地做了贡献,近几年来,他们还在穆斯林大学生伊斯兰基础知识短期培训上给予了大力的支持。他们特意从省内外清真寺及大专院校请来知名阿訇及穆斯林老师、学者,为同学们讲卧尔兹,回答他们提出的各种疑问,学习基本的伊斯兰教法教义知识。这不仅仅体现在年青人身上,沙甸的穆斯林老人、妇女也同样热爱学习,重视学习,他们利用早晚空闲的时间,到清真寺参加学习,接受伊斯兰教育。在清真大寺里,妇女班、老年班的学员们,利用哺礼、昏礼与霄礼的空档学习《古兰经》,通过丰富多彩的活动,让各族穆斯林大学生们了解伊斯兰,坚定信仰,树立正确的人生观。
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1999年9月,沙甸大清真寺建起了沙甸唯一一所穆斯林幼儿园,经过四年的建设,从最初只有几十个孩子 到现在已经有了250多名幼儿。幼儿园实行的是双语教学,这里的双语不是英语与汉语,而是阿语 与汉语教学。   沙甸大清真寺除了这所穆斯林幼儿园之外,还有一个阿文学校。沙甸区共有九座清真寺和一个教育基金会,九 座清真寺基本上都有海里凡在学习,最大的就是沙甸大寺的阿文学校了,这里面现在有二百人左右的学生。

September 1999, sardines sardines large mosque built the only one Muslim kindergarten, after four years of construction, from the beginning, only a few dozen children to now have more than 250 children. Kindergarten to implement the bilingual education, where the bilingual is not English and Chinese, but Arabic and Chinese. Sardines in addition to the Grand Mosque by Muslim kindergartens, there is an Arabic school. Sardines area and a total of nine mosques Education Foundation, nine mosques are basically the sea Where study is the largest Arab-language sardines dasi schools, and this which now has about 200 students.
I did a course in Rise of China....and one of the key things which I have learnt is that the Chinese Leadership is very conservative on its approach in imposing its will onto other countries. This single fact separates China from America....and the example can be seen is where China has repeatedly refused to enter in Afghanistan and Iraq. My point is China is not interested in becoming a hegmony power, so therefore you can't say that it's another fascists version of the United States

Now the Uighur issue is not a religious problem.......if that was the case the Hui Muslims would also be prosecuted. The reason why it has not benifited like the rest of China is because of its geographical location. Most of the Cities in China that have boomed are near the coast....because of the policies conducted under Deng Xiaoping. However the Chinese goverement has tried to change that by bringing in investment into Xinjiang. However the effect of this was ethnic tension bewteen the Han and the Uighurs...because the Hans were having a higher living standard than the Uighur. This is partly like I said before..the Uighur are a nomadic people that have not bothered to educate there own people...as a result they are always unemployed. Furthermore even though China has brought in Investment....its main target of effect has been in the inner cities rather than the outer cities. As most Uighur live on the outskirts....you can see why they have not beniffted to the level of the Han people.

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