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China claims Gaogouli, S Korea furious, North Korea exercises with PLA

BTW, how do you know your Gaoli history ?
Enough record left in Korea and Japan too. About 50% of Nihon Shoki's text is about the events in Korea, so that helps too. Plus the surviving records of Balhae's diplomatic letters in Japan's Imperial Archive, which blows away China's "Gaoli/Bohai were Chinese Kingdoms" bullshit.
If so, I think you should appreciate us claiming the first Gaoli( Gao gouli) instead of the second Gaoli :lol:

BTW, how do you know your Gaoli history ? Don't you know your history was written by Chinese words? :rofl:

Chinese ppeople's history was created by our ancestors but bangzi's history is being created by current bangzi. In a word, they bangzi is creating their ancestors. sometimes their ancestor is Manchua, sometimes is mongols, sometimes Qidan.
Enough record left in Korea and Japan too. About 50% of Nihon Shoki's text is about the events in Korea, so that helps too. Plus the surviving records of Balhae's diplomatic letters in Japan's Imperial Archive, which blows away China's "Gaoli/Bohai were Chinese Kingdoms" bullshit.

How ignorant you are, in Tang dynasty, even Japanese history was written by Chinese.
It's not written by Chinese.


Poor Bangzi, you have forgotten your old master's characters.

How dare you say it's not Chinese words?
Nihon Shoki is written in Chinese, but not By Chinese.

Ancient Japan using Chinese as their writing language. Just as did Korea pre Japanese occupation.
kimchee with curry 'cheerleading source'``no wonder tasts awful
Enough record left in Korea and Japan too. About 50% of Nihon Shoki's text is about the events in Korea, so that helps too. Plus the surviving records of Balhae's diplomatic letters in Japan's Imperial Archive, which blows away China's "Gaoli/Bohai were Chinese Kingdoms" bullshit.

that exactly prove Korea was Japan's old land. I consult with my father in-law who loves history and he says that Gougori is more related to Japan than to Korea.

Koreans today was the leftovers in peninsular and most of them are aboriginals, their face is quite different from Chinese and Japanese, that's the relics of their ancestors.
Want a piece of China? Come and get it.

Even you step daddy and step mommy do not dare to do so.

No, 90% of Gaoli residents were still in Manchuria and they built Balhae(Bohai to you), which bordered Bejing(Hence the sea next to Beijing is called Balhae Sea)

"Genghis Khan was the greatest Chinese conqueror of all time" - SinoChallenger

":lol::lol::lol::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:" - All the non-mainlanders around the world.

And the final one being PyeongYang for the last 200 years. The residents of PyeongYang fled 100 km south, and then rebuild their country and named it, guess what? Koryo(Gaoli to you).

More like China would have lost a chunk of Manchuria.

Anyhow, calling Koreans Gaoli Banzi and claiming the ownership of Gaoli is incompatible and contradictory. But then again, nothing that Chinese claim makes any sense and is simply laughed at outside of China.
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