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China Civil Aviation, AVIC (MA600) & COMAC (ARJ21/C919/C929)


Via @满天ccx from Weibo
The second #C919 large passenger aircraft was delivered to China Eastern Airlines on Sunday. The aircraft will later continue to service passengers flying between Shanghai in E China and Chengdu in SW China’s Sichuan.

By July 12 this year, the first C919 aircraft has conducted 87 flying missions, including two flights between Beijing and Shanghai, and 85 between Shanghai and Chengdu. It has transported 11,095 passengers on these lines, with a total commercial operation time of around 250 hours.

China's Y12F aircraft receives type certificate from EASA​

Source: Xinhua
Editor: huaxia
2023-07-17 16:16:15


BEIJING, July 17 (Xinhua) -- China's homegrown Y12F aircraft has received the type certificate from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), according to the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).

The China-developed aircraft obtaining the type certificate from EASA marks a breakthrough, said the AVIC, China's leading aviation manufacturer.

Y12F twin-engine turboprop commuter aircraft is developed by the AVIC Harbin Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd.

This civil aircraft model obtained the type certificate from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) in 2015. Thereafter, it obtained the type certificate from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration in 2016.

This new development for Y12F will further expand the aircraft's international market, and is of great significance to bilateral airworthiness cooperation between China and Europe, according to the CAAC.

Y12F aircraft, with a maximum take-off weight of 8.4 tonnes, can carry up to 19 passengers.

The aircraft can be widely used in diversified fields, such as passenger and cargo transport, marine monitoring, aerial photography, geological exploration, medical rescue and artificial precipitation, among others, according to the AVIC.
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