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China City Bans Long Beards, Islamic Clothing on Buses: Report

my country is truly a loyal ally of China n we also got brotherly relations to other countries n all of you helped us in need no doubt about that n thats one of the reason we love n respect those countries as we are not unthankul people..but me n you know the limit of such help of those countries involved..do you think china n other countries who are investing in Pakistan will get nothing n they r giving everything for free?they ll get much more in return.
my country is truly a loyal ally of China n we also got brotherly relations to other countries
how about muslim brothers who are borther by faith
some time back USA was your alley ... was it same policy the right
so your national intestest is more imp than religion
I've enjoyed reading your posts, but thats just such hollow and too clever word play, I'm sure even you know this. Look how this sounds, I'm fighting for a communist nation, or a christian nation, or a hindu nation or a white supremacist nation - so I'm a nationalist??? Just because someone used the word nation means they are nationalists??? Dude thats shocking to read from you. And fighting for traditionally muslim lands is a ''sucular goal'' when they want to implement sharia including jaziya??? ISIS kicking 2000 year old muslim community from Mosul is a secular goal??? Due you must be kidding me...

The problem with Muslims today is that they justifies anything on the name of Islam whether it is killing of other people or Other group Muslim or even they have justification of sex Jihad. Noe they are planning to attack Mecca as the stone to which Muslim kisses is anti Islam. They are talking to change Qumran. This everything on the name of Islam. So do not be surprised with Nonsense such as secular goal.
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I've enjoyed reading your posts, but thats just such hollow and too clever word play, I'm sure even you know this. Look how this sounds, I'm fighting for a communist nation, or a christian nation, or a hindu nation or a white supremacist nation - so I'm a nationalist??? Just because someone used the word nation means they are nationalists??? Dude thats shocking to read from you. And fighting for traditionally muslim lands is a ''sucular goal'' when they want to implement sharia including jaziya??? ISIS kicking 2000 year old muslim community from Mosul is a secular goal??? Due you must be kidding me...
Think about this rationally for a second. I've said it before, things on the surface can be very deceiving. What is the definition of a nationlist...
  1. 1.
    a person who advocates political independence for a country.
Is ISIS not trying to do just that by declaring a so called independent Islamic state? Or AQ doing just that by advocating and using violence to show that foreign armys should leave Muslim lands? It's an inherently secular goal.

Let's take a non-Muslim example, shall we? The LTTE. They used the same tactics as AQ (including suicide bombings), they advocated for a independent Tamil homeland, and used religion as a recruiting tool, including targeting Buddhist areas...Yet, no one calls them an extremist hindu organization, and it is called a nationalist group. It's a double standard here, when Islam is somehow involved.

Think about it for a second. I used to think exactly like you, but from what I've learned over the years has really opened my eyes.
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I don't think you read my comment all the way through.
Then you vividly explain us what does "conservatism" mean, technically. Who tells you that China is not socialism any longer just because of reforming? U.S. also changed their policies for a lot of times, then it is no capitalism any more, too? Human beings are always changing through millions of years of Human history, so we are no humans nowadays? That is totally ridiculous. I really understand your points, cause any reforms will meet impediment from conservative forces. But ultimately, reforms are unstoppable for everything in human society, in this planet, in this universe, and you'd better be wiser facing them.
I didn't say it didn't have socialist tendencies, but you can't say that China is communist anymore. Just like the US isn't 100% capitalist either.

Political reforms aren't the same as spiritual reforms. One is a personal and spiritual guidance, the other is something that affects an entire nation. You're comparison is flawed right from the get go.

...and again, I will repeat myself for the last time. You haven't read my comment, because if you did, you wouldn't make such a ridiculous reply.
Think about this rationally for a second. I've said it before, things on the surface can be very deceiving. What is the definition of a nationlist...

Is ISIS not trying to do just that by declaring a so called independent Islamic state? Or AQ doing just that by advocating and using violence to show that foreign armys should leave Muslim lands? It's an inherently secular goal.

Let's take a non-Muslim example, shall we? The LTTE. They used the same tactics as AQ (including suicide bombings), they advocated for a independent Tamil homeland, and used religion as a recruiting tool, including targeting Buddhist areas...Yet, no one calls them an extremist hindu organization, and it is called a nationalist group. It's a double standard here, when Islam is somehow involved.

Think about it for a second. I used to think exactly like you, but from what I've learned over the years has really opened my eyes.

Sir, seeking political independence for a country is different, castly different from seeking to unite scores of different countries (by ANY definition of a country you may follow) and then implementing islamic harsh system there with the guiding principle being islamic absolute supremacy. Many of the fighters are from ''traditionally non islamic countries''!!!

Your LTTE example is so flawed, when half of their leadership including chief ideologues were christian. The LTTE did not even cremate their dead but buried them, they were 100% Tamil nationalists, religion had no role to play except to the extent their adversaries tried to use religion to fight LTTE.
Now US SOF is forbidden to be on Xinjiang's public transport.
Apparently pogonophobia (noun: a fear of beards) is contagious.

One Reason You Shouldn't Go to Afghanistan With a Beard
Your facial hair says something about you in Afghanistan -- especially if you're a foreign soldier.

BY Anthony Bubalo, Susanne Schmeidl
NOVEMBER 3, 2009


Few images epitomize Western fears of terrorism since the September 11 attacks better than that of the long-bearded jihadist, such as Osama bin Laden himself. Ironically, many Afghans have come to share the West's pogonophobia. But Afghans don't just fear the bearded Taliban. They also fear bearded Western special operations forces.

The wearing of beards by U.S. and allied special operations forces dates back to the invasion in 2001, when small teams of troops worked with Northern Alliance forces to overthrow the Taliban. The Western men grew beards in part to blend in on arduous and isolated missions in rural parts of Afghanistan, where long beards are still typically the norm and were the law under Taliban rule.

Beards remain, by and large, the distinctive hallmark of special operations forces in Afghanistan. They allow Afghans to distinguish regular U.S. and allied military units from special operations forces, the highly trained teams like the Green Berets and Navy SEALs. But for most Afghans, these beards now carry a negative connotation.

In Kandahar province's Zhari district, elders refer to the "bearded Americans," who they say behave very badly, and the "shaven Americans," who aren't so bad. Likewise, in Uruzgan province, locals have complained about "bearded Americans" using foul language and manhandling respected community elders and government officials.

Of course, not all members of special operations forces -- U.S. or allied -- wear beards, and not all regular troops are cleanshaven. Moreover, special operations soldiers tend not to be Rambo-types; they are often unassuming, if quietly confident, men, chosen as much for their mental as their physical aptitude.

But (often bearded) special operations forces are responsible for the most dangerous and controversial missions. Special operations forces, not regular troops, for instance, capture and kill key al Qaeda and Taliban figures. Apart from the civilian casualties these operations sometimes cause, they also bring these soldiers into close contact with Afghan society at places and times where it is most vulnerable and sensitive. Special operations forces, for example, perform late-night raids of Afghan homes, a deeply humiliating and dishonorable event in the local culture -- in particular, the searching of women's quarters.

It is so shameful that some Afghans have cited the searches as the reason for their joining the growing ranks of the internally displaced. As one former resident of Khas Uruzgan recounted to local researchers, "I went to Spin Boldak to save my dignity. We don't want to see our wives and daughters without their shawls, searched in front of us. We were humiliated."

Further, these missions sometimes end in arbitrary arrests and indefinite detentions at Bagram Airfield, where the moral, legal, and political conundrums thrown up by the prison there perhaps equal those of Guantánamo Bay, but with much less public attention. And, in the past, the missions have even caused problems for regional International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) commanders whose efforts to build trust with locals were complicated by controversial special forces operations about which they knew nothing in advance.
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Our internal policy has nothing to do with pakistan and will not implement around it either.

nagtive view? be it. we don't care. If you like to join west to bash China, suit yourself. Your opinion add nothing more to western's voice.
China has done a very good thing by banning. If you dont do it right now, later they will form sharia zones in just like they have done it in Europe. After that they will not respect your law and then they will demand that you have to obey their law in their sharia zone. After that you will see forced conversions. And these other so called PDF members who are now pretending to be champions of human rights will say " They are not from our religion. They are not following true religion. Our religion is a religion of peace. etc etc. " And your leaders will get confused.

So just do the operation in early stage before it becomes a cancer. Good job China.
my country is truly a loyal ally of China n we also got brotherly relations to other countries
how about muslim brothers who are borther by faith
some time back USA was your alley ... was it same policy the right
so your national intestest is more imp than religion
we are allies of China since the beginning n china supports our stance on Kashmir..they dont fly drones into our territory n dont kill our soldiers n spy on our secret bases or fund anti Pakistan elements,,usa is not our ally..they just need to contain their crap in Afghanistan so they need pakistan help as they did in the past..but this time i really hope india gets there when americans leave afghanistan..you must help Afghans they r ur true friends
we are allies of China since the beginning n china supports our stance on Kashmir..they dont fly drones into our territory n dont kill our soldiers n spy on our secret bases or fund anti Pakistan elements,,usa is not our ally..they just need to contain their crap in Afghanistan so they need pakistan help as they did in the past..but this time i really hope india gets there when americans leave afghanistan..you must help Afghans they r ur true friends
my question is simple
my country is truly a loyal ally of China n we also got brotherly relations to other countries
how about muslim brothers who are borther by faith .. its your duty to help them .. like you think you have for in J-K and indina muslim ?
are J-K muslim and chinese musim diffrent?
will allow same in J- k and in india if india did same ?
some time back USA was your alley ... was it same policy the nright
so your national intestest is more imp than religions duty ?
First of all, this has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and yes, the current government of Japan has nothing to apologize for over the atrocities that the old regime committed during WW2.

Second, don't flatter yourself. The Chinese are no more kind or less kind than any other people in the world. Kindness is not monopolized by China.

Define the difference first so I know what I'm agreeing to.

I don't need to do anything, that's the job of scholars, not common folk like myself who have the bare minimum understand of Islamic doctrine.

This misunderstand of Islam isn't what is causing the "hundreds of deaths", if you'd bothered to read my previous comments (which you clearly haven't), you'd know that this theory of yours is completely false. Again, I will quote a professional source...

Dying to Win - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will no longer repeat myself, and if you continue to repeat this same old argument again, I will ignore you.

Are you jealous? Joking, this has nothing to do with the argument at hand, and seems like a lame attempt by you to pretend you're being ganged up on.

Sure, I'm okay with that. I'm sure every sane person here can agree that guilt isn't some sort of disease that can be passed of to other people.

Collective guilty and punishment is a foolish concept.
The only agreement I could find out from you post is that we need no more communication cuz we share few common values. Germans are all fools. They should not blame themselves at all if they did not kill people by themselves. That is your understanding and I could only view words like this as lacking of sympathy for victims and common knowledge of history. Or a better explanation is that Germans killed Jewish? Who knows? LOL.

And I bet no common Chinese people will support you any more when you support both Ughur terrorists and the Japanese at the same time. Jesus, that is a really impressive move of showing "friendship".
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Sorry, English is not my native language, it's just one of my tools, I do not need to say very good.
I'm talking about China, China needs to secular Islam, did not say you.
If you want your country like Saudi Arabia live, I will not interfere, that is yourcountry.
In some countries, citizens must have a religion, atheists will not infringe human rights?
u should go to protest France, to protest the European Union first, Francebanned wearing black robes and veils, you can break off diplomatic relationswith France, broke off diplomatic relations with the EU
you can not convince that because according to them their law, their rules are superior. If you go to their country you have to follow their rules, their laws which is based on their religion. But if they come to your country, they will still follow their rules by saying that you must give religious freedom to them and their religious laws are superior then yours. Not only that , if you stop them for doing so, they will start violence and demand a separate state. This has happened everywhere in the world. It must not happened in China.
Stupid stupid move

Only encourages more hatred of china and chinese and desire to hold onto own culture, china has many enemies in the world and it will just pick up more and burn bridges
hope they will not ban picture with beard
I would to re declare here, China did not ban the beard.
As ban for what, or where the ban, if someone has aquestion, please carefully read the above statement.
The provisions of this Karamay City, in some places there is lacking, in front i also said. It is not a rigid rule, it will continue to adjust.

Stupid stupid move

Only encourages more hatred of china and chinese and desire to hold onto own culture, china has many enemies in the world and it will just pick up more and burn bridges
. .
I would to re declare here, China did not ban the beard.
As ban for what, or where the ban, if someone has aquestion, please carefully read the above statement.
The provisions of this Karamay City, in some places there is lacking, in front i also said. It is not a rigid rule, it will continue to adjust.

its not china as whole but some city only..
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