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China Catching Up With India on R&D Investment


Oct 12, 2010
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China Catching Up With India on R&D Investment

China is fast catching up with India as a destination for foreign investment in proprietary research and development, and could come to knock India from one of the few economic perches in which it is ahead of its northern neighbor, a study shows.

China, the world’s fastest-growing major economy, receives almost four times as much foreign direct investment as India—about $105 billion in 2010.

But for years India has been ahead of China on investments into R&D.

In the fiscal year ended March 31, total R&D investment into India stood at $11.6 billion, which includes research for both proprietary and third-party use, compared to $9 billion for China, said Praveen Bhadada, a manager at the consulting firm Zinnov, which conducted the study.

But investment into China to fuel new products and innovations is growing at a much faster clip, at 16% a year compared to India’s 11% growth a year.

And China looks set to soon overtake India when it comes to proprietary research and development, with foreign investment for these purposes currently at around $7.65 billion in the last fiscal year, putting the country is within sniffing distance of India’s $7.75 billion worth of investment—largely because of the country’s better infrastructure.

China Catching Up With India on R&D Investment - China Real Time Report - WSJ
:lol: Am surprised that India was ahead of China at all.
This article is nonsense. China is already way ahead of India in Total R&D. Foreign R&D investment is dwarfed by domestic R&D. Read the nytimes today about the cost of doing business in India (private security, private power plants, private transportation, private UTILITIES).
Pretty weak brag.

Not written by an Indian, not published in Indian media, don't see how its a brag at all.

This article is nonsense. China is already way ahead of India in Total R&D. Foreign R&D investment is dwarfed by domestic R&D. Read the nytimes today about the cost of doing business in India (private security, private power plants, private transportation, private UTILITIES).

The article specifically talks about Foreign investment in R&D, how is it nonsense.
This article is nonsense. China is already way ahead of India in Total R&D. Foreign R&D investment is dwarfed by domestic R&D. Read the nytimes today about the cost of doing business in India (private security, private power plants, private transportation, private UTILITIES).

I'd be interested in seeing what portion, foreign R&D investment accounts for in a country's total R&D budget.
The article specifically talks about Foreign investment in R&D, how is it nonsense.

It's like judging US R&D on foreign R&D investment, ignoring Govt and University R&D. It's meaningless.

The Indian in the article claims India is 10 - 15 years ahead in IT. Also, complete nonsense.
It's like judging US R&D on foreign R&D investment, ignoring Govt and University R&D. It's meaningless.

The Indian in the article claims India is 10 - 15 years ahead in IT. Also, complete nonsense.
I'm sure he meant in terms of IT outsourcing in which case I would disagree because I don't think China will ever catch India in this respect. China is closing in on the world's IT leaders and will probably at par with the leaders within 5 years.
Not written by an Indian, not published in Indian media, don't see how its a brag at all.

The article specifically talks about Foreign investment in R&D, how is it nonsense.
More indian self-delusion. The claim that foreign R&D investment in China is less than in india is made by Praveen Bhadada, an indian. China is miles and miles ahead of india in R&D, both domestic and foreign. The only thing india might be ahead is in IT.
More indian self-delusion. The claim that foreign R&D investment in China is less than in india is made by Praveen Bhadada, an indian. China is miles and miles ahead of india in R&D, both domestic and foreign. The only thing india might be ahead is in IT.

I think you are confusing R&D with Ctrl C. Ctrl V . Nobody can touch you guys in that investment
global R&D rankings
In the fiscal year ended March 31, total R&D investment into India stood at $11.6 billion, which includes research for both proprietary and third-party use, compared to $9 billion for China, said Praveen Bhadada, a manager at the consulting firm Zinnov, which conducted the study.[/COLOR]

that's totally nonsense

Wall Street Journal
DECEMBER 13, 2010

China Surpasses Japan in R&D as Powers Shift
China is expected to spend $153.7 billion on R&D in 2011, up from the $141.4 billion it will spend this year, according to Battelle Memorial Institute, a nonprofit that does scientific research for the government and industry.

China Surpasses Japan in R&D as Powers Shift - WSJ.com
Some people with so called high IQ need to read the first sentence of the OP's WSJ article and understand what kind of R&D investment is being cited. Class dismissed...

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