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China Catching Up With India on R&D Investment

What's India's currency debt rating? If Rupee keep on slipping, that might drop quickly leading to higher borrowing cost. If that occurs, the economy might get trapped in a cycle unless the government impose strong intervention measures.
What's India's currency debt rating? If Rupee keep on slipping, that might drop quickly leading to higher borrowing cost. If that occurs, the economy might get trapped in a cycle unless the government impose strong intervention measures.

What is the unemployment rate in China , hope it will double soon even with manipulated CCP growth rate of 9.1%. There would be more anarchy in China when unemployed factory workers will set factories on fire.[/QUOTE]
global R&D rankings

Still China copied and pasted Japan's Shinkansen, tried to copy Germany's transrapid's Maglev trains and always copies Mig and Sukhoi aircrafts.
I think you are confusing R&D with Ctrl C. Ctrl V . Nobody can touch you guys in that investment
Here's a laugh at india. While China is advancing into the ranks of high tech developed countries, you indians not only can't do this simple thing you call "copying," you also delude yourselves that you can do it any time you choose to.

Hahahaha. You try to cover up for your obvious inferiority complex with self-delusion. Truth is, you are just a bunch of poor people envious of China.
Still China copied and pasted Japan's Shinkansen, tried to copy Germany's transrapid's Maglev trains and always copies Mig and Sukhoi aircrafts.

you can cheap talk as much as you like but the reality is we are welllllllll ahead of india in RD ,deal with it and stop embaressing your nation by compare to china.
Here's a laugh at india. While China is advancing into the ranks of high tech developed countries, you indians not only can't do this simple thing you call "copying," you also delude yourselves that you can do it any time you choose to.

Hahahaha. You try to cover up for your obvious inferiority complex with self-delusion. Truth is, you are just a bunch of poor people envious of China.

here, some more education for you

Tech Gets Exciting In India, 5 Years Behind China - Forbes

The only other tech market in Asia that is halfway as exciting as China is India. It has the promise to close the gap with China but is no match yet. India’s mobile market is large, venture spending is vibrant, and high-profile IPOs such as MakeMyTrip are happening, with more on the way soon from up such swift up and comers as mobile ad service inMobi and PC help center iYogi.

Plus, India has proven it is rich in R&D and a lot more than outsourcing. Even so, red tape and poor infrastructure hold back the entrepreneurial spirit here. Investors Bill Draper, Lip-Bu Tan, and Sumir Chadha did the trailblazing in India. Today India’s venture leaders such as Ashish Gupta and Sudhir Sethi are looking for the next, new thing in mesmerizing India – the world’s second-fastest-growing economy and Asia’s third-largest economy.

At IDG Ventures in Bangalore, I met with Sethi, who is chairman and managing director and runs the tech media company’s $150 million India fund. It’s one of five funds in the IDG Ventures network established by Pat McGovern, the visionary founder and chairman of International Data Group in Boston. If a strategy works in one locale, then IDG works to bring the formula to startups in other places. China has proven to be a gold mine for IDG, where it’s made multimillion-dollar returns from early investments and successful IPOs of instant-messaging service Tencent and search engine Baidu. India could be next.

During a trip to India, I met founders of startups with advances for everything from detecting lung cancer at an earlier stage to recycling electronic waste in a cost-effective way, to bringing solar power to villagers, to offering superfast mobile searches, to three-dimensional online games, to robotic-powered vacuum cleaners. India’s also become a mecca for low-cost and sometimes jerry-rigged inventions—in Hindi, jugaad. Tata Motors’ tiny Nano car at an itty-bitty price tag of $2,500 and the Indian government-backed tablet computer selling for $35 are some examples. So is my favorite find: a Nokia cell phone with a built-in flashlight. India may not have a Google, Apple, Baidu, or Tencent yet, but it is moving into more technical work than writing software and answering phone.

Yet India’s entrepreneurial journey is at least five years behind China’s path. There’s no Jack Ma or Robin Li in sight or a big-time IPO like Youku. India lacks the entrepreneurial buzz and fast pace of China tech clusters. Indian entrepreneurship has been led by grassroots efforts, and the government hasn’t always been venture friendly.

If India is ever to break through, it needs to ditch an image as just for outsourcing or low-cost engineering and business services—a major challenge for the world leader of the booming $500 billion global outsourcing market. But India could eventually become a tech minipower and grab some of the limelight from China. Contemporary corporate centers such as Whitefield on the outskirts of Bangalore and the Gurgaon satellite city in Delhi showcase that India is rising.
What is the unemployment rate in China , hope it will double soon even with manipulated CCP growth rate of 9.1%. There would be more anarchy in China when unemployed factory workers will set factories on fire.

well done, they at least have the strength, the intellect and the right to set factories on fire.

in India, the Dalits are so oppressed, they do not even understand the concept of setting factories on fire. They think it is their lot in life to be oppressed and killed by Brahmins.

in India, the starving children do not have the strength to set factories on fire.

in India, the farmers who commit suicide because they were tricked by the agribusiness multinationals headquartered in the US do not have the power to set factories on fire.
well done, they at least have the strength, the intellect and the right to set factories on fire.

in India, the Dalits are so oppressed, they do not even understand the concept of setting factories on fire. They think it is their lot in life to be oppressed and killed by Brahmins.

in India, the starving children do not have the strength to set factories on fire.

in India, the farmers who commit suicide because they were tricked by the agribusiness multinationals headquartered in the US do not have the power to set factories on fire.

Don't talk medieval bullshit about Dalits. In India, its easy for a dalit to get government job. It is easy for a dalit to study in college and study at half the fees because everyone realized that caste based discrimination is bullshit and those who don't believe are screwed up.

Atleast India is better than your hukou system(China's own Apartheid System) , where a person from rural areas enriching economy of Mega cities like Beijing or Shanghai have no right to send his children to school in these cities but he should send them back to his own village.

Also, we Indians don't have enslaved minds who are asked to worship mass-murderer Mao Zedong even after he starved 20 million people to death in great leap forward and ruined the country in Cultural revolution.
you can cheap talk as much as you like but the reality is we are welllllllll ahead of india in RD ,deal with it and stop embaressing your nation by compare to china.

I usually see these cheap talks on Russia Today, most recent one was how China copied Russian aircrafts for designing J-20 fifth generation Aircraft. Shall I post the link. Or shall i post the pictures of Shinkansen and Chinese bullet trains and let see if people could really find any difference.

You have too much money on R & D only for copy paste operation. :lol:
I usually see these cheap talks on Russia Today, most recent one was how China copied Russian aircrafts for designing J-20 fifth generation Aircraft. Shall I post the link. Or shall i post the pictures of Shinkansen and Chinese bullet trains and let see if people could really find any difference.

You have too much money on R & D only for copy paste operation. :lol:

J-20 and T-50 came out at roughly the same time,how can any copy that fast?and in science and technology,every country copies every country,US copies German,Russia copies US,Japan copies US....the list goes on for ever,but the problem is,you've got to be good enough yourself to copy other people's technology,all the countries in the world want to copy good stuff from other countries,but very very few countries can do so.India can never do that,cause you just can't.
for Indians,you are the biggest arms buyer in the world and you foreign reserve is tiny comparing to China's.and what else can your country do besides buying things from others?
is the Title correct, is India trying to catch up with China or is it the other way arrond, i think the former is correct and the title is wrong.

@Indian members, there is no need to do a false bravodo or accuse China for pattent infringments.
what ever they do they are doing it in their countries interest and what ever we are doing is in our moral interest.
so we two are pols apart in comparing each other.
J-20 and T-50 came out at roughly the same time,how can any copy that fast?and in science and technology,every country copies every country,US copies German,Russia copies US,Japan copies US....the list goes on for ever,but the problem is,you've got to be good enough yourself to copy other people's technology,all the countries in the world want to copy good stuff from other countries,but very very few countries can do so.India can never do that,cause you just can't.

Instead of copying, we believe in legal technology transfer by buying it. Recently Bombardier has sold their Subway System technology to Indian companies and setting up their manufacturing units in India. Also, Shinkansen is trying to form joint ventures with Indian companies for high speed rail in India.

Also regarding, J-20, Russia today was quoting many of the components used in the aircraft are copy-cat of the components used by Russians Mig and Sukhoi.
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