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China cannot do a 1962, border villagers say

ISRO2 SIR; I always a believer of POWERFUL India SIR;

SIR; When i saw this news from India, it broke my heart SIR; Can you

tell me why those god damn traitors said something like this SIR;

In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military

leadership has made a stunning CONFESSION that New Delhi doesn't

have the STOMACH for a FIGHT, if PUSH came to SHOVE on the Sino

-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

Is Mehta expressing frustration at the slow pace of India's military modernisation? While India spends about $30 billion annually on defence, China spends at least thrice as much, although some estimates go up to $ 200 billion.

Its military is twice as large as India and its nuclear arsenal far well proven.
India can't match China's military force: Navy Chief :smitten::pakistan::china:

i can reply u with million proof and links india quality vs china quantity in future war but you are lucky. i been warned by mods unfairly. i think u are extremely lucky. Wont reply u again as i been adviced. Enjoy kid.
I understand Pakistan's claim of Kashmir - there are some people in J&K who want Indian Kashmir to become a part of Pakistan.

But I fail to understand China's claim of Arunachal Pradesh. No major group or organization has ever expressed desire to join China. As a matter of fact, during 1962 war most of the local population fled deeper into India rather than welcoming Chinese troops.

China basically claims Arunachal Pradesh because the local population is 'mongoloid' and Pakistan claims Kashmir because the local population is 'Muslim'. What logic... right?
I understand Pakistan's claim of Kashmir - there are some people in J&K who want Indian Kashmir to become a part of Pakistan.

But I fail to understand China's claim of Arunachal Pradesh. No major group or organization has ever expressed desire to join China. As a matter of fact, during 1962 war most of the local population fled deeper into India rather than welcoming Chinese troops.

China basically claims Arunachal Pradesh because the local population is 'mongoloid' and Pakistan claims Kashmir because the local population is 'Muslim'. What logic... right?

China claims AP because Dalai Lama (whom China doesnt recognise was born in Tawang). Next they will claim Bihar because Gautam Buddha was born there. In fact they also may claim Philadelphia as Richard Gere, a Buddhist was born there.
i think u didn't got my point. In case of war we dont need to search chinese soldiers on road. They will be jammed packed in lovely beautiful train. We just need to keep an eye on it and target it in case of war. Better go and check ALL PREVIOUS WAR WHERE RAILWAY LINES GETS HIT FIRST. About japan pm. Sir how many years japan pm would be in power? Do u know australian pm? HE PRO-CHINA. infact i thought he gotta be chinese. What happen to him now? Why did he slap china? Hehe. AP belongs to india. NO no No sir am not saying it. Its australia who says it. About taiwan. Well our dalai lama alot happy. We asked why? He said taiwan lovely country when he was there hehe. About russia. Would u like me to compare russia vs china? Hehe that would be a insult to superior country named as russia. Just one hint is enough. China has 300plus nuclear bombs while russia has over 5000plus. Do u know how much is that? That's even twice the number of ur american nuclear bombs. Let alone china's just 300 nuclear bombs. Dont you think china done right thing by solving the problem with RUSSIA? Who gonna go against MASTER russia? Hehe.

Your missiles will clime 4000-5000m to get to Tibet plateau. About 50% of the missiles will be shot down during their long and slow flying path by HQ-9 or SAM-300 or other toys. Based on the fact that 30% of you grenades, a simple weapon, are handicapped, let’s talk about 40% your missiles won’t function properly. 10% of your luck few will eventually arrive on the plateau. 90% of them will hit nowhere, as your target finding capability is well know and also due to Chinese electromagnetic war fair capability which is reasonably decent. Thus, when you shoot 100 missiles, one of your lucky missiles will eventually hit a jam-packed car, only find Indian pilgrims or Western tourists within...

So it’s good for 4 year in Sino-Japan. After 4 years, Sino-India gap will becomes even bigger.

Australia sells Uranium to China, but no to India, because India is not a CTBT member, regardless who is Aussie's PM.

Your Dalai caused a big political problem to Taiwan, only your brain-washing propaganda doesn’t report the facts. People in Taiwan are becoming more and more pro-mainland after Dalai’s visit.

Russia and China wisely and rightly resolved their long time border issue, this laid foundations for Russia to possibly borrow Chinese money to develop its far east and construct its oil infrastructure. The Chinese will therefore make more money. It is in a stark contrast with India’s stubborn imperialistic mentality of refusing border resolution. The fact that a poorer Russia has 5000 nukes and a richer China has only 300 nukes reflects precisely the fact that China is a peace-loving country and is not like a nuclear crazy big country in the south with sub-Sahara poverty but refusing to sign CTBT.
China claims AP because Dalai Lama (whom China doesnt recognise was born in Tawang). Next they will claim Bihar because Gautam Buddha was born there. In fact they also may claim Philadelphia as Richard Gere, a Buddhist was born there.

Buddha was born in Nepal.

You are an uneducated racist troll. Remember you said Caucasoids rule. Are you a Caucasoid?
By the way yes china not a agressor. Previous War with russia, vietnaam, india, japan etc etc. Yep you are right hehe.

japan came to china to occupy our land and in your view,we r agressor,right?
we had war with Russia, when ,for what,why? you teach me

we did have war with you and vietnam,so?
japan came to china to occupy our land and in your view,we r agressor,right?
we had war with Russia, when ,for what,why? you teach me

we did have war with you and vietnam,so?

Sir i think china has more threat from russia compared to india, usa and japan. Russia truely 2nd most powerful country in the world. Thats why i like russia. Right now russia 2nd most powerful military country. China far behind then russia. While america far ahead then russia. i hope you got the hint. Thank you
The Sino-Soviet Border Conflict, 1969
Buddha was born in Nepal.

You are an uneducated racist troll. Remember you said Caucasoids rule. Are you a Caucasoid?

Please go back to that post and read it again my friend. I said "The caucasian race will remain a dominant and progressive race (they will not go back to the trees)" and not "Caucasoids rule" The Caucasians are essentially the white skinned race. Asians are not caucasians. You mixed up when you did a google on 'Caucasian' and came up with 'Caucasoid' who are basically mixed races and include Indians. Do you see any reason why the white race which has been so dominant and progressive for 2000 years should degenarate and climb back into the trees like their (and our) ancestors, simply because other races and regions are progressing? BTW, 'dominant' is different from 'dominates' and none of them equals 'rules'.

You were trying to say that "The West is declining for its own blunders" which I contested saying that "West is not declining because of its blunders, others are rising." In the 'others' I included, China and India which are ascendant. Maybe Brazil can be added to that list. My implication was that the world will have many power centres, each with its regional sway(unlike before, when all the power was concentrated in Europe and by extension, America). The rise of China which is undoubted and unquestioned, doesnot imply the downfall of West. The US will not have the capability of power projection throughout the world that it now enjoys but neither will China or Russia or any other country.We will have a multipolar world. That was the essence of what I was trying to put across.

Listen, I dont really care if you want to suck up to the Chinese. Do so by all means. I also dont care if you dont understand simple English. But I do care if someone flying my flag launches a personal attack on me and calls me names. I have a vocabulary competent enough to fry you but this time I have taken pains to explain my position to a fellow country man. Please dont do it again. If you have a personal axe to grind, you can pm me.

well i thought a military expert is gonna say that.....................lol. whatever this man thinks, Facts are facts
Please go back to that post and read it again my friend. I said "The caucasian race will remain a dominant and progressive race (they will not go back to the trees)" and not "Caucasoids rule" The Caucasians are essentially the white skinned race. Asians are not caucasians. You mixed up when you did a google on 'Caucasian' and came up with 'Caucasoid' who are basically mixed races and include Indians. Do you see any reason why the white race which has been so dominant and progressive for 2000 years should degenarate and climb back into the trees like their (and our) ancestors, simply because other races and regions are progressing? BTW, 'dominant' is different from 'dominates' and none of them equals 'rules'.

You were trying to say that "The West is declining for its own blunders" which I contested saying that "West is not declining because of its blunders, others are rising." In the 'others' I included, China and India which are ascendant. Maybe Brazil can be added to that list. My implication was that the world will have many power centres, each with its regional sway(unlike before, when all the power was concentrated in Europe and by extension, America). The rise of China which is undoubted and unquestioned, doesnot imply the downfall of West. The US will not have the capability of power projection throughout the world that it now enjoys but neither will China or Russia or any other country.We will have a multipolar world. That was the essence of what I was trying to put across.

Listen, I dont really care if you want to suck up to the Chinese. Do so by all means. I also dont care if you dont understand simple English. But I do care if someone flying my flag launches a personal attack on me and calls me names. I have a vocabulary competent enough to fry you but this time I have taken pains to explain my position to a fellow country man. Please dont do it again. If you have a personal axe to grind, you can pm me.


Thanks Mukherjee.

Can you recognize her?


A Banerjee. Kulin. Does she look like Caucasoid? From which angle?

Thanks Mukherjee.

Can you recognize her?


A Banerjee. Kulin. Does she look like Caucasoid? From which angle?


Buddy, India is the greatest melting pot on Earth. Alexander the Great was here and so was Chengiz khan and so were the British, the French, the Portuguese and so were thousands others in between, before and afterwards. They came, had their day and went away. India simply absorbed their influence and continued on its way all the richer from the interaction. That is what makes India a great nation.
Please go back to that post and read it again my friend. I said "The caucasian race will remain a dominant and progressive race (they will not go back to the trees)" and not "Caucasoids rule" The Caucasians are essentially the white skinned race. Asians are not caucasians. You mixed up when you did a google on 'Caucasian' and came up with 'Caucasoid' who are basically mixed races and include Indians. Do you see any reason why the white race which has been so dominant and progressive for 2000 years should degenarate and climb back into the trees like their (and our) ancestors, simply because other races and regions are progressing? BTW, 'dominant' is different from 'dominates' and none of them equals 'rules'.

You were trying to say that "The West is declining for its own blunders" which I contested saying that "West is not declining because of its blunders, others are rising." In the 'others' I included, China and India which are ascendant. Maybe Brazil can be added to that list. My implication was that the world will have many power centres, each with its regional sway(unlike before, when all the power was concentrated in Europe and by extension, America). The rise of China which is undoubted and unquestioned, doesnot imply the downfall of West. The US will not have the capability of power projection throughout the world that it now enjoys but neither will China or Russia or any other country.We will have a multipolar world. That was the essence of what I was trying to put across.

Listen, I dont really care if you want to suck up to the Chinese. Do so by all means. I also dont care if you dont understand simple English. But I do care if someone flying my flag launches a personal attack on me and calls me names. I have a vocabulary competent enough to fry you but this time I have taken pains to explain my position to a fellow country man. Please dont do it again. If you have a personal axe to grind, you can pm me.


He is not Indian...
Please go back to that post and read it again my friend. I said "The caucasian race will remain a dominant and progressive race (they will not go back to the trees)" and not "Caucasoids rule" The Caucasians are essentially the white skinned race. Asians are not caucasians. You mixed up when you did a google on 'Caucasian' and came up with 'Caucasoid' who are basically mixed races and include Indians. Do you see any reason why the white race which has been so dominant and progressive for 2000 years should degenarate and climb back into the trees like their (and our) ancestors, simply because other races and regions are progressing? BTW, 'dominant' is different from 'dominates' and none of them equals 'rules'.

Europeans became dominant and progressive race in terms of military or economic power only after the 18th century with arrival of industrial age not for some 2000yr.

Even in late 18th century ,india accounted for more 20% of world's GDP.
Your missiles will clime 4000-5000m to get to Tibet plateau. About 50% of the missiles will be shot down during their long and slow flying path by HQ-9 or SAM-300 or other toys. Based on the fact that 30% of you grenades, a simple weapon, are handicapped, let’s talk about 40% your missiles won’t function properly. 10% of your luck few will eventually arrive on the plateau. 90% of them will hit nowhere, as your target finding capability is well know and also due to Chinese electromagnetic war fair capability which is reasonably decent. Thus, when you shoot 100 missiles, one of your lucky missiles will eventually hit a jam-packed car, only find Indian pilgrims or Western tourists within...

So it’s good for 4 year in Sino-Japan. After 4 years, Sino-India gap will becomes even bigger.

Australia sells Uranium to China, but no to India, because India is not a CTBT member, regardless who is Aussie's PM.

Your Dalai caused a big political problem to Taiwan, only your brain-washing propaganda doesn’t report the facts. People in Taiwan are becoming more and more pro-mainland after Dalai’s visit.

Russia and China wisely and rightly resolved their long time border issue, this laid foundations for Russia to possibly borrow Chinese money to develop its far east and construct its oil infrastructure. The Chinese will therefore make more money. It is in a stark contrast with India’s stubborn imperialistic mentality of refusing border resolution. The fact that a poorer Russia has 5000 nukes and a richer China has only 300 nukes reflects precisely the fact that China is a peace-loving country and is not like a nuclear crazy big country in the south with sub-Sahara poverty but refusing to sign CTBT.

U first resove ur border dispute with a tiny but brave nation like Vietnam who trashed u nicely in 1979 sino vietnam war ,then come show ur attitude to india ,a nation with million strong army.

U guys attacked an illequipped peaceful nation like india with who u china had signed a peace trety just few yrs before , but since then we saw ur true character and next time ur aggression'll replied with the force of u've not seen since the japanise invasion of WWII.
Even your military strategist are very aware of this fact.
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