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China bombs South China Sea reefs!

The Pakistanis know how to deal with the indians. Islamic conquerors enslaved indians for a thousand years. The men were castrated and sent to build grand monuments. The women were enslaved and their offspring became today's hindi-speaking northern indians. :lol:

Slavery begins to appear in explicit and extensive reference in surviving historical records following the raids of Mahmud of Ghazni in the 11th century. Many chroniclers claim that his campaign of 1024 in which he sacked Ajmer, Nehrwala, Kathiawar, and Somnath was particularly successful in garnering more than 100,000 Hindu slaves for the Muslim general.

One writer notes that "Mohammad Ghori needed a large number of slaves for his campaigns in India and for administration in and outside India. During his time, Lahore and Delhi rose to be prime centres of slave trade and the Sultan used to purchase slaves in bulk."

Probably the greatest factors contributing to the increased supply of Indian slaves for export to markets in Central Asia in this period were the military conquests and tax revenue policies of the Muslim rulers in the subcontinent. The early Arab invaders of Sindh in the 700's, the armies of the Umayyad commander Muhammad bin Qasim, are reported to have enslaved tens of thousands of Indian prisoners, including both soldiers and civilians. According to the Persian historian Firishta, after the Ghaznavid capture of Thanesar (c. 1014), "the army of Islam brought to Ghazna about 200,000 captives, and much wealth, so that the capital appeared like an Indian city, no soldier of the camp being without wealth, or without many slaves", and that, subsequently Sultan Ibrahim’s raid into the Multan area of northwestern India yielded 100,000 captives.

After sacking Delhi, Timur enslaved several thousand skilled artisans, presenting many of these slaves to his subordinate elite, although reserving the masons for use in the construction of the Bibi-Khanym Mosque in Samarkand. Young female slaves fetched higher market price than skilled construction slaves, sometimes by 150%. Because of their identification in Muslim societies as kafirs, "non-believers", Hindus were especially in demand in the early modern Central Asian slave markets, with Indian Hindu slaves specially mentioned in waqafnamas, and archives and even being owned by Turkic pastoral groups.

Slavery in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

haha, wisdom wisdom Comrade! That's why you are so much scared of by our enemies on PDF!
The Pakistanis know how to deal with the indians. Islamic conquerors enslaved indians for a thousand years. The men were castrated and sent to build grand monuments. The women were enslaved and their offspring became today's hindi-speaking northern indians. :lol:

Slavery begins to appear in explicit and extensive reference in surviving historical records following the raids of Mahmud of Ghazni in the 11th century. Many chroniclers claim that his campaign of 1024 in which he sacked Ajmer, Nehrwala, Kathiawar, and Somnath was particularly successful in garnering more than 100,000 Hindu slaves for the Muslim general.

One writer notes that "Mohammad Ghori needed a large number of slaves for his campaigns in India and for administration in and outside India. During his time, Lahore and Delhi rose to be prime centres of slave trade and the Sultan used to purchase slaves in bulk."

Probably the greatest factors contributing to the increased supply of Indian slaves for export to markets in Central Asia in this period were the military conquests and tax revenue policies of the Muslim rulers in the subcontinent. The early Arab invaders of Sindh in the 700's, the armies of the Umayyad commander Muhammad bin Qasim, are reported to have enslaved tens of thousands of Indian prisoners, including both soldiers and civilians. According to the Persian historian Firishta, after the Ghaznavid capture of Thanesar (c. 1014), "the army of Islam brought to Ghazna about 200,000 captives, and much wealth, so that the capital appeared like an Indian city, no soldier of the camp being without wealth, or without many slaves", and that, subsequently Sultan Ibrahim’s raid into the Multan area of northwestern India yielded 100,000 captives.

After sacking Delhi, Timur enslaved several thousand skilled artisans, presenting many of these slaves to his subordinate elite, although reserving the masons for use in the construction of the Bibi-Khanym Mosque in Samarkand. Young female slaves fetched higher market price than skilled construction slaves, sometimes by 150%. Because of their identification in Muslim societies as kafirs, "non-believers", Hindus were especially in demand in the early modern Central Asian slave markets, with Indian Hindu slaves specially mentioned in waqafnamas, and archives and even being owned by Turkic pastoral groups.

Slavery in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you want me to remind your bad history attacked by manchus , mongols , japanese and your poor history with viets and koreans ? As some one pointed out , you feel ruling dehli means ruling hindustan :P It was not Pakistanis who attacked , it was Afgans and muslims from north , our export version buddhism also played with you once peacefully :P

IAF Deploys Second Squadron of SU-30 MKI In North-East Region
This will take care of your so called fighters .
It's a practice run for the real thing.

Chinese believe in conducting military exercises to gain experience. That is something you Indians might want to consider. I believe it was one of the main reasons the Indian Army performed so poorly in 1962.
oh really !!!
is that so ,then what happened in 1937 war against japan?????:whistle:;)
Demark 1-0 Holland only less than 30 minutes into play. The underdog is now leading the HOT favourite!

Martin2 and SC hang in there. I'll join you guys later! Have fun with the cheerleaders!
oh really !!!
is that so ,then what happened in 1937 war against japan?????:whistle:;)

1937 was 75 years ago. That's ancient history. Also, the Japanese are a defeated people. If those Japanese become uppity again, Chinese 3.3-megaton thermonuclear warheads are on stand-by to put them in their place (in hell where they belong).

Demark 1-0 Holland only less than 30 minutes into play. The underdog is now leading the HOT favourite!

Martin2 and SC hang in there. I'll join you guys later! Have fun with the cheerleaders!

Don't worry, I'm armed with Chinese 3.3-megaton thermonuclear warheads to intimidate them and beat them off with my big stick.

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Very nice precision bombing.

The overpressure/shockwaves from those blasts would have killed any Vietnamese or Filipino troops.

those outdated bomber with jumbojet like RCS can be easy picking for any ordinary SAMS :D
those outdated bomber with jumbojet like RCS can be easy picking for any ordinary SAMS :D

Show me a picture of a Vietnamese or Filipino SAM site on a South China Sea atoll. You can't, can you?

Those two beggar countries rely on American World War II hand-me-downs. You can forget about a modern SAM site anywhere near the South China Sea islands.
1937 was 75 years ago. That's ancient history. Also, the Japanese are a defeated people. If those Japanese become uppity again, Chinese 3.3-megaton thermonuclear warheads are on stand-by to put them in their place (in hell where they belong).
oh then didnt you know 1962 was also history ? You are lucky people , how reasonable is bragging some others credit for defeating Japan ? Japan will shoot down most of your missiles and if nuke blasts on them , Japan will be ready to welcome you at gods place :P US nukes would be celebrating diwali on China .
Your countrymen are laughing at a Chinese military exercise. Hence, the concept of military exercises is not well-known in India.

well how many aerial exercise has ur airforce done with any western airforce country that ur beating drums about ur chinese airforce exercise ,just bombing dummy targets proves a jack sense :lol:
on top of it ur howling that "the concept of military exercises is not well-known in India." this is ridiculuous to the power of infinty
meanwhile our airforce has done aerial exercise with many western airforce country & performed considerably well
Show me a picture of a Vietnamese or Filipino SAM site on a South China Sea atoll. You can't, can you?

Those two beggar countries rely on American World War II hand-me-downs. You can forget about a modern SAM site anywhere near the South China Sea islands.
Show me a video of all Chinese planes at action ? Then will you believe Chinese planes are trash ? One of the beggar country f***ed the so called super power and the super power .
LOL these Chinese internet warriors act so tough yet thier navy is having a hard time pushing off Philippine boats from some reefs. What are they scared of - a country ten times lesser thier size or is it USA? With all thier fancy jets and bombers they can't push off a few gunboats. LOL
we buy dead elephant's tusks for these. doesnt matter the elephant's size:


the ivory artscraft industry in China will soon be booming again!

Bombing coral reefs.....selling ivory.....WHAT IDIOTS !! China SUCKS when it comes to CONSERVATION and the ENVIRONMENT. They DON'T EVEN TRY !! :bunny:
Indeed, China suffered from famine between 1958 and 1961. That's why india thought it could do a forward policy and grab Chinese territory in 1962. But instead it got its teeth kicked in by PLA. So inferior all you indians can do is defecation. :lol:

Your PLA was kicked out of Arunachal Pradesh bro. It is still our territory. You claim it as South Tibet right. I defecate on your claim. There you go. I just shat over you and your claims and I dare you set even one foot on our Arunachal Pradesh - Indian Army will give you a thousand S*hitholes to **** from. LOL
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