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China boasts breakthrough in nuclear technology

So glad to see china having such breakthrough which means a lot to china's future nuclear energy development. At the same time, we need to admit this was the one of some high-tech areas (e.g. nuclear reprocessing, fast breeder reactor) china was lagging behind India. I would like to beg the forumers from both sides refrain from inflammable and meaningless rhetoric which could turn this thread to another pissing contest instead of learning lesson from each other's experience.

Ironically, India nuclear power development is very similar to china's aircraft industry development, both have been subjected to long time technology embargo and forced to come up with ingenious technologies. While India's aircraft industry chose more cost effective way by importing which china nuclear power adopted during past few decades, does this teach us some interesting lessons?
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China has this China has that, China is different league blah blah.

Why CIAE is begging assistance from foreign countries in setting up future fuel cycles and MOX fuel reprocessing.

Update on China's nuclear breeder and fuel reprocessing plans

China can boast to extract 60 folds more fuel out of used fuel when any fine rector will not leave more than 0.6% fuel from the whole lot. I reckon its a ploy to bluff third word countries to trust them for future nuclear deal when they themselves are asking others to help.

It is not possible to make nuclear weapons without fuel reprocessing. We made atomic weapons in 1964, thus we already had the technology. This article is saying, we've refined this technology more and it is now better.
So glad to see china having such breakthrough which means a lot to china's future nuclear energy development. At the same time, we need to admit this was the one of some high-tech areas (e.g. nuclear reprocessing, fast breeder reactor) china was lagging behind India. I would like to beg the forumers from both sides refrain from inflammable and meaningless rhetoric which could turn this thread to another pissing contest instead of learning lesson from each other's experience.

Ironically, India nuclear power development is very similar to china's aircraft industry development, both have been subjected to long time technology embargo and forced to come up with ingenious technologies. While India's aircraft industry chose more cost effective way by importing which china nuclear power adopted during past few decades, does this teach us some interesting lessons?

Indian nuclear industry has taken a different path. Due to extremely low quantity of Uranium deposits plus sanctions (but loads of Thorium) it has chosen the Thorium fuel cycle instead.

AFAIK China doesn't have an active FBR program. It doesn't need it actually
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newdelhinsa said:

below_freezing said:
It is not possible to make nuclear weapons without fuel reprocessing. We made atomic weapons in 1964, thus we already had the technology. This article is saying, we've refined this technology more and it is now better.

He's referring to fast breeders reactors, you're talking about reprocessing. China doesn't have much interest in FBR research.
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Martian2 said:
If China does deliver the CEFR in June then it will be the only third power-generating fast reactor in operation globally."

Hmms it seems China does have an FBR program (in its infancy), but the topic here is reprocessing

(btw the current two FBRs in operation are at Russia and India)
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It is not possible to make nuclear weapons without fuel reprocessing. We made atomic weapons in 1964, thus we already had the technology. This article is saying, we've refined this technology more and it is now better.

BF, as i know, china's first atomic bomb use uranium-235 as core not plutonium which is by-product of nuclear reprocessing. Enriched uranium can get from isotope separation process. But i do believe china was capable of nuclear reprocessing before. This breakthrough could mean more economical and safe nuclear reprocessing
China had a thermonuclear weapon in 1967.... when the whole country was in rags and hungry.

Look at China today -- skycrapers, high-tech manufacturing, container ports, transport infrastructure.

How can anyone other than USA and maybe Russia compare with Chinese nuclear technology?
China had a thermonuclear weapon in 1967.... when the whole country was in rags and hungry.

Look at China today -- skycrapers, high-tech manufacturing, container ports, transport infrastructure.

How can anyone other than USA and maybe Russia compare with Chinese nuclear technology?
ok fellow forum members. ... tell me one thing

is he really chinese ... or just another frustrated pakistani... :)

coz as far as i know chinese ... my personal exp ... they are cunning, they are intelligent ... but they never SIHT from thr mouth ...
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ok fellow forum members. ... tell me one thing

is he really chinese ... or just another frustrated pakistani... :)

coz as far as i know chinese ... my personal exp ... they are cunning, they are intelligent ... but they never SIHT from thr mouth ...
LOL... Indians are still self-deluding to think they can compare with China. We have been at the big boy's table since the end-of WW2, and India is just a third-world dump with a big mouth.

These Indians think all they need is a little more Bollywood song and dance and they will be just as developed as China. LOL... Indian Shining.... more like India St*nking.
ok fellow forum members. ... tell me one thing

is he really chinese ... or just another frustrated pakistani... :)

coz as far as i know chinese ... my personal exp ... they are cunning, they are intelligent ... but they never SIHT from thr mouth ...

He could be a Chinese just getting you all rile up. I think China and India and US and Russia should all be friends and hold hands and sing kumbaya.
China had a thermonuclear weapon in 1967.... when the whole country was in rags and hungry.

Look at China today -- skycrapers, high-tech manufacturing, container ports, transport infrastructure.

How can anyone other than USA and maybe Russia compare with Chinese nuclear technology?

plus France and Japan, in civilian N tech.
congrats too chine
glas to read this
"a kilo of uranium could produce close to 60 times more power than was now possible in China"
.thats really amazing :tup:
Pakistan should also get benefit of China's progress in Nuclear technology and setup Nuclear power plants in Pakistan
It's already years after schedule.

The whole project was delayed by indifference to basic research from China Nuclear Group under previous corporate leadership (the previous Chairman was basically a French spy) and of course from the army of stupid scientifically illiterate environmentalists China nowadays has ample of - the building of the test facility was delayed for almost two years because of resistance from local environmentalists.

Chinese need to face up to the fact Indians have already overtaken us in civilian nuclear technologies. Why? Because they were embargoed. The reason China is still ahead in military technologies is because of Western arms embargo. So next time you see someone saying lifting of EU arms embargo could somehow benefit China, remind them of what damage so-called foreign cooperation has done to China's civilian nuclear industry.

Used nuclear fuel is seen in a fuel storage pool inside the world's largest nuclear waste recycling facility in an undated handout file photo taken inside Areva's La Hague recycling facility in Normandy, France. (Photo: REUTERS/AREVA/Handout/Files)

China reports breakthrough in reprocessing technology - Monsters and Critics

"China reports breakthrough in reprocessing technology
Jan 3, 2011, 10:26 GMT
France, Britain, Russia and China have each developed their own closely guarded reprocessing technologies.

BBC News - China 'in nuclear power advance'

China has developed its own technologies that will enable it to reprocess spent nuclear fuel, state television has reported.
China is not the first country to develop its own reprocessing facilities. France, Britain and India are just three countries that already have their own operations.

Please use your common sense. Do you think the countries that already possess "closed"-nuclear-fuel-cycle technology are "France, Britain, and Russia" or "France, Britain, and India?" It's obvious that the BBC made a misprint error.

Who is a major nuclear power? Russia or India? Is it really necessary for me to list the addresses of the reprocessing plants in France (e.g. Normandy), Britain (e.g. Sellafield), and Russia (e.g. Mayak facility in Ekaterinburg)?

Anyone that is familiar with nuclear technology knows that India is the lowest man on the totem pole. I'm sorry guys. India is a developing country with high aspirations, but the technology isn't there yet.
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