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China : Bloody riots due to the government in favor of big corporation, without care about People

seems they want communism back

Chinese workers doesn't even have basic rights. Don't compair this to demonstrations in free world. In free world people have a voice, freedom of speech, are being treated as a human instead as a work dog without rights.. The shit that is boiling in China is only tip of the ice berg. If China's economy is going boom boom, it is already happening, they are gonna go boom boom. In comparison to the west. People have savings compared to Chinese that don't have savings. In China if you are fired and you have no income you starve after few months. Between now and five years , things are going to go boom boom.

lol china has 3 trillion dollar reserves
In around 70s, our GDPs were very much similar.
There are way too many parameters which decide development and prosperity apart from GDP. Hence you did start 4 decades before us, which gave you a big head start.

No body is crushed in China. But a silent genocide is being carried out by the incompetent murderous regime in New Delhi.
LOL how blind one can be, the other viet user just showed such inhumane and disturbing pictures still you are behaving as if nothing have happened.

India's growing status as an economic superpower is masking a failure to stem a shocking rate of infant deaths among its poorest people.
Nearly two million children under five die every year in India – one every 15 seconds – the highest number anywhere in the world. More than half die in the month after birth and 400,000 in their first 24 hours.
A devastating report by Save the Children, due out on Monday, reveals that the poor are disproportionately affected and the charity accuses the country of failing to provide adequate healthcare for the impoverished majority of its one billion people. While the World Bank predicts that India's economy will be the fastest-growing by next year and the country is an influential force within the G20, World Health Organisation figures show it ranks 171st out of 175 countries for public health spending.

India reduced child and maternal mortality since 2000 at a rate faster than the global one but it still needs to do a lot more, according to studies conducted by a US-based body.

Child deaths fell at an average rate of 4.3% per year, a significant improvement on the global rate of 3%, said the two new studies on child and maternal deaths in 188 countries conducted by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle, USA.

The studies reported that pregnancy-related deaths among Indian mothers declined at an annual rate of 3.1% since 2003, slightly faster than the global rate which it did not mention in its press release.

"India has been a global leader in efforts to end preventable, child deaths and setting ambitious targets... These findings demonstrate India is making profound progress but more must be done to continue saving children's lives and to step up efforts to protect mothers," George Centre Director Vivekanand Jha said.

The IHME report said India has made rapid progress toward Millennium Development Goals - 4 & 5 targets.

India was one of the nine countries besides China, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Brazil, Afghanistan and Nigeria which accounted for two-thirds of the global decline in child deaths achieved since 2000.

Decline of child, maternal mortality rate in India fast: Report | Business Standard

Wanna see some of your deeds i.e. Torturing people of China whereas all that CCP is doing is making money from those deaths of workers. And FYI we always have got an option to kick that govt. who doesn't do their work properly which we are have done this time whereas in your country, you have to bear whatever comes to you from your govt. be it death or massacre so please do some introspection. And here i am to defend my country and our democracy, not govt. cause here we rule and govt does the work whereas in your country govt rules and you work like slaves if denied then BOOM! you get shot or is made to suicide by making him work like an animal. Here's an instance of this year itself:

East Asian work culture is world renowned for its long hours and exhausted laborers. Japanese salary men hustling to catch the last train home, their sleeping bodies stretched out along the seats (sometimes in curiously uncomfortable positions), is an image familiar to many people across the world.

Potentially suicidal devotion to work has in recent decades been viewed as a plague, especially among the Japanese. The Japanese term karōshi, literally death from overwork, has entered the lexicon of Western journalists and medical practitioners. It even has its own Wikipedia entry.

Despite having the some of the world’s best-kept records on the subject, however, death from overwork is far from unique to Japan. Instances of it have been known to occur the world over, not least in China, which now reportedly leads the world in work exhaustion-related deaths.

It is estimated that some 600,000 people die from work-related stress and its effects every year in China.

This number comes as no surprise to those familiar with the anti-suicide nets in infamous Chinese labor mills such as Foxconn. Long hours, rough conditions, low pay and poor future prospects have been a recipe for work stress-induced suicide at facilities across the country.

While such figures remain alarmingly high, they account for a relatively small percentage of the total number of karōshi victims in China. Perhaps surprisingly, manual laborers have largely proved resilient to poor work conditions and strenuous physical demands. It’s the so-called “mental labor” jobs, such as those in the advertising field, that have been the primary contributor to dangerously high levels of work-related stress.

These kinds of jobs can be found at all socioeconomic levels, with a slightly disproportionate representation by the middle class. IT employees have shown some of the highest levels of work-related stress with 98.8 percent reporting the negative influence of their job on personal health.

Such health risks include insomnia, listlessness, weight gain and long recovery times for small illnesses such as the common cold. Long-term exposure to these conditions can lead to obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure, which in turn can cause heart disease and stroke – the primary killer of karōshi victims in China.

For the scores of young people in China’s modern metropolises regularly working copious amounts of (usually unpaid) overtime, this information is already old news. Competition for comfortable and well-paid positions in Shanghai or Beijing is notoriously fierce. Those without proper guanxi, or social connections, often never reap the benefits of their death-defying hard work. Much of China’s middle class, especially the young, earn only a fraction what their Western or Japanese workaholic counterparts do.

China’s financial capital of Shanghai has recently seen a sharp increase in the average marrying age of its citizens. The jump is attributed largely to the demanding work pace, which in turn is often justified by traditional cultural requirements of having purchased a house and car before marriage.

The rise of workaholic culture has also coincided with decreasing birth rates in cities and towns, including areas where couples are allowed to have more than one child. The expense of childcare and the parents’ inability to care for children are two contributing factors. In this sense, China is mirroring the same effects Japan has seen from its own overworked populace.

In the absence of widespread social reform, there is a small push to offer insurance for those who die from overwork. The lack of concrete links between cause of death and work-related stress currently makes the struggle an uphill battle.

As China marches its way toward unparalleled economic prominence on the world stage, many issues will stand in its way, including environmental concerns, political corruption and domestic insurgency. Now add an increasingly beleaguered workforce. As in Japan, it is an issue the government cannot afford to ignore.

Working to Death in China | The Diplomat
And the badmouthing and mud-slinging continues forever and ever, right?

Then, stop badmouthing China when others can easily point out yours and worry about your own problems and allow us to worry about ours.

Let history be the judge.


Despite the country's meteoric GDP growth rate (about 9%), poverty in India is still pervasive; especially in rural areas where 70% of India’s 1.2 billion population live.

It is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and yet its riches are hardly redistributed across the population.

It spends only 1% of its GDP on health, which is half that of China, who is already planning on increasing that by… a substantial amount (ok, 3 to 4% if you must know).

While we’re comparing public expenditure, contrast this with Russia and Brazil, whose spending on health is around 3.5% of their respective GDPs.

The poverty in India is measured by a poverty line that is probably one of the most disputed and incessantly attacked measure in the world. What’s more, the World Bank’s controversial poverty line has its origins in the Indian model! It is simply what some call a “starvation line”, a line that accounts for the feeling of satiety: measured in calories.

  • 50% of Indians don’t have proper shelter;
  • 70% don’t have access to decent toilets (which inspires a multitude of bacteria to host their own disease party);
  • 35% of households don’t have a nearby water source;
  • 85% of villages don’t have a secondary school (how can this be the same government claiming 9% annual growth?);
  • Over 40% of these same villages don’t have proper roads connecting them.
Then, stop badmouthing China when others can easily point out yours and worry about your own problems and allow us to worry about ours.
I didn't bad mouth the country, i was targeting the govt and it's pet media. So what is wrong is wrong be it India or China. And stop posting these poverty and other issues, these aren't even related to this thread. So stay on topic. You are just trying to cover your govts bad deeds by bringing in irrelevant topics and issues.
I didn't bad mouth the country, i was targeting the govt and it's pet media. So what is wrong is wrong be it India or China. And stop posting these poverty and other issues, these aren't even related to this thread. So stay on topic. You are just trying to cover your govts bad deeds by bringing in irrelevant topics and issues.

You exactly did that.

And I copied that from you. The point is to show how corrupt, incompetent and soft genocidal your regime is.
And I copied that from you. The point is to show how corrupt, incompetent and soft genocidal your regime is.
LOL you don't need to, cause that's why we've kicked their sorry @$$. Visit this thread once and you'll know. But what about your regime what are you doing to punish them for their bad deeds?

You exactly did that.
Did what??
LOL you don't need to, cause that's why we've kicked their sorry @$$. Visit this thread once and you'll know. But what about your regime what are you doing to punish them for their bad deeds?

Did what??

To feed you your own medicine is fun.

Your social ills and incompetency to address them make you unique.

We are grateful to India for serving a case study for us. Just like the Levant has done since December 2010.

We are experimental.
let repeat my words, Chinese top chiefs " We are sorry"
Blast kills 2, injures 3 in E China
China Daily Friday 16th May, 2014

HEFEI - Two people were killed and another three were injured in a blast in East China's Anhui province on Friday, local authorities said. As of 10 am Friday, a villager from Jindu village in Congyang county interrupted an on-going meeting of the village committee and detonated the explosive that tied on himself. The injured people have been hospitalized, and the case is under police investigation.

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