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China : Bloody riots due to the government in favor of big corporation, without care about People

That corrupt government delivered, over the past three decades, the largest development project ever seen in human history, pulling, literally, hundreds of millions out of poverty and building an amazing nation with an infrastructure, logistics and manufacturing base that is second to none.

So much for corruption.

India would die for such a corrupt government.
Just bcz China bowed down and begged for Yen and Dolar from Japan-US in 1978-1979, thats why u guys have Money to build something during that time.

But things changed, Soviet union collapsed, China is Japan-US's enemy now, so they have No reason to send Yen-Dolar to ur countries to feed ur corrupted Govt. any more.

So, China is collapsing like Soviet union, Tienanmen incident will happen again coz ur poor people cant stand ur corrupted Govt. any more.

No poor Chinese care abt the oil rig, dont try to drive the heat inside ur country to the SCS(east sea):pop:
Don't pretend to be a fool.

Even if your argument is true (no money is given for free. At most, it is loaned to be paid back with interest) many countries have historically received loans and packages from the West/Western institutions. Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Chili etc.

Have they been able to pull a similar feat? Look where they are today.

Then we are talking about how China used the existing resources efficiently to deliver phenomenal growth and development.

What did/does China have that others like you lack/lacked?

National governance and the people: These are two dynamics and assets of China. These are what you lack and will never have in the same scale as China.

This is not to say that we did not have/do not have our share of mistakes, failed policies and rotten tomatoes. We also our share of international conspiracy and numerous crises. But we overcame all the odds and manage to deliver concrete results.

We have created an amazing country although still we have a crazy amount of way to go.
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12 May 2014 Last updated at 07:34
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China tightens security in Beijing

The police patrols will be stationed at major road junctions in the capital

China has deployed armed police patrol vehicles in Beijing after three attacks at transport hubs around the country.

The 150 vehicles are tasked with "countering street terrorism and fighting severe violence", state-run Xinhua news agency said.

Petrol purchases would also be tightened, with buyers required to register with police, reports said.

The move follows station attacks in Kunming, Urumqi and Guangzhou, and comes before the Tiananmen anniversary.

Xinhua said the armed police patrols would be stationed at major road junctions and manned by at least nine police officers and other assistants.

They would cover an area of 3km (1.8 miles) and would be required to respond within three minutes, Xinhua added.

Meanwhile, those buying petrol would have to explain their intentions in a move that aimed to prevent the use of gasoline "to create disturbances", People's Daily newspaper said.

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Uighurs and Xinjiang
  • Uighurs are ethnically Turkic Muslims
  • They make up about 45% of the region's population; 40% are Han Chinese
  • China re-established control in 1949 after crushing short-lived state of East Turkestan
  • Since then, there has been large-scale immigration of Han Chinese
  • Uighurs fear erosion of traditional culture
Activists held
The security upgrade comes amid heightened concern over security after the three station attacks.

March's group knife attack in Kunming left 29 people dead and more than 100 wounded. A similar attack in Urumqi in April left three people dead and almost 80 injured.

Chinese authorities have blamed both attacks on separatists from the Muslim Uighur minority group, which lives in Xinjiang.

It is not yet clear what sparked an attack last week at Guangzhou station in which six people were hurt. One man is reported to be in custody.

In October 2013, meanwhile, five people died and dozens were injured after a car drove into a crowd near Tiananmen Square and burst into flames.

Officials said three of those who died - the occupants of the car - came from the Uighur minority group.

The Uighurs, who are ethnically Turkic Muslims, say that large-scale Han Chinese immigration into Xinjiang has eroded their traditional culture and accuse Beijing of oppressive control.

There are sporadic violent incidents - in 2009, bloody ethnic riots in Urumqi left about 200 people dead.

Chinese authorities, meanwhile, say they have invested heavily in the region to improve people's lives.

The boost in security in Beijing also comes three weeks ahead of the 25th anniversary of the crackdown on anti-government protesters at Tiananmen Square.

Several well-known activists, including journalist Gao Yu, have been detained ahead of the anniversary.
Garbage burning plant project halted after protest :)

May 12, 2014


The Yuhang district government in Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang province, has published an announcement on Saturday via its official website stating that it will suspend the construction of a garbage incineration plant in a local village.

The announcement also said that the construction of the plant will not begin until it has the support of local residents. Likewise, the project will also go through the required legal procedure, says the government.

The announcement comes after a protest against the plant's construction that has been going on since May 9.


Some 5,000 local residents in the village of Jiufeng in Hangzhou's Yuhang district took to the streets to protest against the construction in a refuse burning facility in the nearby area, the Beijing News reported on Saturday.

Protesters gathered on main roads and highways, obstructing traffic. Local police responded with force, clashing with the protesters, which resulted in at least 10 of the villagers and 29 police officers being injured and hospitalized.

Villagers said that the building site for the garbage incinerating plant is on a deserted stone mine located right next to a number of local water sources that are vital to the production of Longjing green tea, a major income source for residents. Hence, locals protested out of concerns of the environmental impact the plant would have on the area.

The city planning authorities in Hangzhou said in a report from April of this year that the current amount of waste in the city's western district (including Yuhang) has surpassed the city's capacity of waste management.

Therefore, they planned to build a garbage incineration power plant in the village in Yuhang to ease the burden of the city.

Over 20,000 local villagers and city residents, according to the Beijing News, have signed a protest letter against the project in April.
4 of June - Tiananmen massacre 25 years ceremony.

China govt hurry up for security tighten, drive the focal attention of public into oversea issue, like recent illegal activities of China in SCS.

But The heart of Chinese people never stop bleeding after thousands innocents was killed, kidnapped, tortured by China govt when they join the peaceful protest claime for democracy with the dream of Liberty.


Even after some decades, the attendants and their kids still be bothered by local authories.

The pain never faded, although the China govt even stated that there's nothing happen in Tiananmen Square in 4 of June 1989.


The Day coming and Beijing police even required citizens must register for buying some gasoline in fear that they could use gasoline to create some Molotov cocktails ...

Vietnam wish Chinese people to have the fairness for their pain, their dream of freedom and democracy.
We would organize some series of marching as support to Chinese people, against China govt for their responsibility to the innocent people lives as memo for black June 1989 in Tiananmen Square, Beijing

Pictures from one of China's most famous tourist spots:




Only the beginning. Soon China will disintegrate. China is aging very fast. They don't want to work for slave wages anymore. At the end only apple share holders like me get the dividends and returns while Chinese slave works for scraps, not even enough to fill a full stomach. China will disintegrate from internal struggles. Actually China doesn't have option. They can't move up, they have to use this model of slavery and inhumane ness They will push it until the chain brakes. Neighbors should take advantage when this happens and finish it.
Is this? Vietnam?


Or, the US? Nice plastic surgery.


What about some Greece, the cradle of democracy?


Then, UK must be better? Queen, anyone?


Let's re-visit Vietnam:


Ahh, the world is so not perfect.

Only the beginning. Soon China will disintegrate. China is aging very fast. They don't want to work for slave wages anymore. At the end only apple share holders like me get the dividends and returns while Chinese slave works for scraps, not even enough to fill a full stomach. China will disintegrate from internal struggles. Actually China doesn't have option. They can't move up, they have to use this model of slavery and inhumane ness They will push it until the chain brakes. Neighbors should take advantage when this happens and finish it.

Turkey dish, anyone?

Year: 2013. Place: Turkey


And a medley of state violence which the fanatic turkey PM praised his militia for:


What about violence against Kurdish separatists? Last year, not 25 years ago:


Who killed their sons? The state.


What about the Roboski Massacre in 2011 against the Kurds?

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ever seen PLA tanks crushed their own people bodies ?






By falling behind China at every existing human development index although we started off roughly from a similar ground (although China was behind and war torn).
I would rather prefer being half dead than being crushed or massacred. And about starting FYI your "starting off roughly from a similar ground" started 4 decades before us. Which is a huuge gap.

You are a living proof how democracy is made into a slave cult where the few feed on the many, keeping them in perpetual poverty and misery.
You are facing the mirror dear. LOL hell even a maid or servant doesn't live like a slave here :lol: And about few feeding on many? You don't make any sense, learn something real about India rather than sticking to CCP propaganda. And about poverty, you are no good, you've got 13% people below poverty(which could be more, cause you know how CCP manipulates data).

We dislike your democracy.
I don't give a damn about your likes or dislikes :lol: Go cry in front of someone else.
ever seen PLA tanks crushed their own people bodies ?






Is that a human body? It doesn't look like it. If it is, If they even crush their own people, why do people look weird if they crush dogs and make spare rips out of them? It is in the nature of the beast. The riots are beaten down with iron first in China because they know, they are no stupid, if humanity wins, China looses. That is why China should let regions break off and let them live in freedom.
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Riots happened everywhere around the world, which is pretty normal. Besides I saw that the Chinese government was acting very claim and didn't even commit serious violence to the mob, there is no need to exaggerate the situation.

Moreover all of the governments in the world did point their guns to their people, especially when the people is founding a riot.

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