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China blocked India's loan efforts at ADB

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Al Jazeera English - 2009 - Stigma plagues India 'Untouchables'

A burning example of India's developmental program.

India cant put all people out of poverty in one stroke . we are trying . do you even know how much reservation is there in all type of colleges and gov services for these so called dalits and untouchables and before making such a remark you should know about the tonnes of programmes being run for their upliftment . it takes time , be patient . talk in relative numbers , compare with the situation of dalits in 1979 and 2009 believe me you will see a different picture .
India cant put all people out of poverty in one stroke . we are trying . do you even know how much reservation is there in all type of colleges and gov services for these so called dalits and untouchables and before making such a remark you should know about the tonnes of programmes being run for their upliftment . it takes time , be patient . talk in relative numbers , compare with the situation of dalits in 1979 and 2009 believe me you will see a different picture .

So now untouchables, dalits, shudras, tribals all these exploited discriminated people in the Hindu racist system are 'so called' to you?

I got your point. Take care, those people might any day become violent being cornered. No nuclear missiles will work that day. Only sixty years have passed.
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A reasonable analysis but largely one sided.

I hope you understand that, in any major deal there are bound to be trade offs affecting all the parties involved.

Though I agree completely with those who say that Nuclear power alone is not a solution for India's increasing power crunch, I also believe that all the phobia surrounding Nuclear tech. is mostly unsubstantiated. Whether we like it or not there are only three major sources of bulk energy in the world and they are either fossil fuel based, hydroelectric or Nuclear fission based. India has very limited resources of fossil fuels. Petroleum reserves are scanty and coal reserves are being exploited to the fullest extent. Hydroelectric power has some potential in India but most projects are delayed due to several reasons like environmental considerations, unpredictable monsoons leading to fear of flooding.

India already imports most of its oil from abroad. Major suppliers of this oil include the Arab countries and other middle eastern countries. There is severe shortage of oil in the world and whatever is available is a monopoly of a few countries who can easily tailor the supply and demand of oil through OPEC.

India today faces a severe power crunch. Such shortage of power will hurt India in the long run. It is estimated that if India needs to maintain her glorious economic progress then she will have bridge this tremendous supply shortage of power.

The only solution left is Nuclear power. Now this power can be either generated independently or through external help. It must be noted that India does not possess sufficient Uranium to generate the required power. Hence, it is simply a waste of time, effort and resources to pursue research in Uranium based reactors.

On the other hand India possess world's largest reserves of another nuclear fuel called Thorium. It is estimated that if India can develop a reactor that can run on Thorium then we will have enough power for 2500 years. Extensive research is being carried out in the country to develop Thorium based reactors. This is a very complex tech. But we can be proud about the fact that we possess the most advanced tech in this field. Also, nuclear scientists around the world concede to the fact that India will be the first country in the world to develop a functional, commercial Thorium based reactor, if ever one is produced.

Unfortunately, this research is bound to take some time. In the meanwhile the power shortage can not be overlooked. It is also important to note that the target of 20GW of Nuke power set by India was set long before the nuke deal materialized.

Hence, I will say that nuclear power is very important for India. Whether the Nuke deal with US is good or bad, I can not say because all the backdoor trade offs are not public yet. But at the same time I will also say that, Nuclear trade for India with other countries would not have been possible without this deal. At least whatever is said on paper about the deal just shows that we got a big bargain. What happens later, only time will tell. But I can assure you one thing that a govt. that risked a trust vote in the parliament for the deal, certainly hasn't sold the country.

Yup it is, as communist had asked for the benifit of US. If full details are needed will provide the link sooner. :enjoy:
So now untouchables, dalits, shudras, tribals all these exploited discriminated people in the Hindu racist system are 'so called' to you?

I got your point. Take care, those people might any day become violent being cornered. No nuclear missiles will work that day. Only sixty years have passed.

I thought the thread was about some economical issue regarding China and India.
Please Gabbar do not exaggerate the importance of nuclear technology. Its important, but there are a number of other issues like public health, and education (literacy) which first need to be met. Even if you say without nuclear technology bhukha nanga people will not be able to live for a single day, I would ask, how Pakistan has got the nuclear technology? How North Korea? How Iran though in developing stage?

Development have to be done holistically, and not part by part, public health,education etc are very basic needs are equally important as is the infrastructure for the industrial growth, for which power is very essential.. so we cannot say that first we will achieve 100% literacy then we will start thinking about power..!! I believe it doesnt work that way..!!!

Why should China cooperate with you if you are still occupying China's lands and if you are still dreaming of destroying China with US help to capture the entire Asia? Yes China would have helped India, had India never done harm to China with US help in the Tibet insurgency. China is helping Sri Lanka and Nepal. China is helping Pakistan. China is helping Bangladesh. China is helping African poor countries. China is helping South American nations.

India knows very well US will not be able to lend money, so India has not asked for financial help from the US.

Chinese claims just proves their imperialistic ambitions. There is no insurgency going on in arunachal pradesh then how come china can claim that land. They elect representitves to loksabha, have an elected governemnt, never have they raised a solgan to join anyone else.. still you say India is occupying china's land???
Development have to be done holistically, and not part by part, public health,education etc are very basic needs are equally important as is the infrastructure for the industrial growth, for which power is very essential.. so we cannot say that first we will achieve 100% literacy then we will start thinking about power..!! I believe it doesnt work that way..!!!

Chinese claims just proves their imperialistic ambitions. There is no insurgency going on in arunachal pradesh then how come china can claim that land. They elect representitves to loksabha, have an elected governemnt, never have they raised a solgan to join anyone else.. still you say India is occupying china's land???

Power acquiring can only be achieved when there is an equal distribution of wealth. In case of India, the unequal distribution of wealth is perhaps the greatest on this planet. Still India's own nations, the dalits, untouchables, adivasis, shudras and religious minorities are deprived of basic human rights and basic day to day necessities. They are forced by the army to bow down to the colonizing forces, hindu upper castes as reports say.

If there is no minimum equality, then further acquiring power is going to be centered around the oligarchical forces. The feudal Hindu land lords will be more developed, not the untouchable masses.

Can you please refer to any former untouchable who is now an industrialist? You cannot, then whose industrial development is going on there decades after decades?

In Arunachal Pradesh, all freedom fighters whom you call insurgents have either been killed by your peace keeping army or been bowed down by the use of massive force.

And insurgency has nothing to do with occupation. Hope you get my point.
Power acquiring can only be achieved when there is an equal distribution of wealth. In case of India, the unequal distribution of wealth is perhaps the greatest on this planet. Still India's own nations, the dalits, untouchables, adivasis, shudras and religious minorities are deprived of basic human rights and basic day to day necessities. They are forced by the army to bow down to the colonizing forces, hindu upper castes as reports say.

If there is no minimum equality, then further acquiring power is going to be centered around the oligarchical forces. The feudal Hindu land lords will be more developed, not the untouchable masses.

Can you please refer to any former untouchable who is now an industrialist? You cannot, then whose industrial development is going on there decades after decades?

In Arunachal Pradesh, all freedom fighters whom you call insurgents have either been killed by your peace keeping army or been bowed down by the use of massive force.

And insurgency has nothing to do with occupation. Hope you get my point.

hindu landlords?? From which age are you?? What you describe as discrimination of minorities worked last till the late 80s..........and the so called dalits have a very influential leader of indian politics as their head now,mayavati...........and from where did you invent the freedom fighters of AP and indian forces slaying them? Read boy read,learn more and then come preach your racism cum communalism cum communism......
China stalls ADB funds for Indian state By Our Correspondent

NEW DELHI: China has used its clout with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to stall funds for India’s disputed Arunachal Pradesh, which Beijing lays claim on, the Indian Express said on Friday.

It said both countries were headed for a major confrontation in the ADB because Beijing would not give its consent to the $2.9 billion India development plan if the mention of Arunachal Pradesh is not removed from the document.

A sum of $60 million is marked for a watershed development project, including flood management, for Arunachal Pradesh. The two countries fought a brief bruising war in 1962 over their nagging border dispute, which includes the Arunachal region.

China considers the state ‘disputed territory’ and wants it to be removed from the document, the Express said. Dum :disagree:

‘The bank has asked India to resolve the matter bilaterally, provoking a strong reaction from New Delhi. While a board meeting has been scheduled for June 2, India has let it be known that it would rather withdraw the entire plan than remove Arunachal Pradesh for the sake of financial approval.’ :enjoy:

New Delhi was taken by surprise when the ADB wrote to the government recently that it should use bilateral channels to find a way out.

‘It’s learnt that India has asked the ADB not to indulge China on bilateral issues,’ the Express said. ‘In the run-up to the June 2 meeting, India will look to lobby hard with other board members to ensure that the Chinese objection is overruled. If the conflict isn’t resolved, official sources said, the government may look for alternative funding.’

The bank’s largest donor after US and Japan, China is being seen as using its clout. ‘India, which is only next to China, will have to lean on the US and Japan along with South Korea to get its way,’ the Indian Express said.

DAWN.COM | World | China stalls ADB funds for Indian state
No matter what china dose the facts and the ground reality is going to stay as it is, and the border will stay as it is axcept some small border modification. :disagree: same is applied to India and Pakistan issues. Everyone know that. So definately china can do what ever it wants to do.
What was the money going to be used for?
Check the link below: -

Ministry Of Finance

The only problem china has is that India has mentioned "Arunachal Pradesh" which china says is disputed :disagree::lol:

ASIA: ADB helps Indian state with flood impact and erosion work (21/10/08)
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is providing additional technical assistance to help the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh fight the impact of floods and river erosion. Arunachal Pradesh is in the Brahmaputra river basin, one of the most flood-prone parts of the world, and the incidence of poverty in the state is higher than the national level.

Recurring flooding and river erosion affect much of the population, and degrade the limited productive land, acting as a disincentive for long-term investment in the state.

ADB will provide a $150,000 grant from its technical assistance funding programme to help prepare the integrated flood and river erosion project. An additional $750,000 in co-financing will be provided by the Multi-Donor Trust Fund, under the Water Financing Partnership Facility that ADB administers.

IWA Publishing - ASIA: ADB helps Indian state with flood impact and erosion work

18 Jun 2009,

BEIJING: China angrily denounced on Thursday the approval by the Asian Development Bank of a 2.9-billion-dollar funding plan for India, saying the scheme encroached on a territorial dispute between the Asian giants.

"The Asian Development Bank, regardless of the major concerns of China, approved the India Country Partnership strategy which involves the territorial dispute between China and India," foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said, referring to a largely uninhabitable Himalayan region.

"China expresses its strong dissatisfaction over this... The bank's move not only seriously tarnishes its own name, but also undermines the interests of its members."

A bank spokeswoman confirmed that the plan had won "broad support" from the board of directors during a Monday meeting, but insisted it was not taking sides in the territorial dispute, only seeking to push forward its poverty alleviation efforts.

"ADB takes no position on territorial disputes between its members," ADB spokeswoman Ann Quon told AFP in an email.

"ADB will issue suitable guidelines for its staff on dealing with proposed activities in disputed areas... Individual projects and programmes will require separate approval by the board of directors."

According to India's Economic Times, the 2.9-billion-dollar package for India covers the whole country for the period from 2009 to 2012.

However, it says, China is particularly concerned about a 60-million-dollar watershed protection project in the Arunachal Pradesh
region, where much of China and India's territorial dispute is centred.

India says China occupies 38,000 square kilometres (14,700 square miles) of its Himalayan territory, while Beijing claims the whole of the northeastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, which is 90,000 square kilometres.

The two countries fought a brief but bloody border war in 1962, and are yet to resolve the border dispute.

"The Asian Development Bank as a regional development institution should not interfere in the political affairs of the members," China's spokesman Qin said.

"The Chinese government strongly urges the Asian Development Bank to take effective measures to eliminate the negative impact of this move."

The ADB's Quon said: "ADB's charter mandates that ADB shall not interfere in the political affairs of any member and that only economic considerations shall be relevant to its decision."

China slams ADB over India funding- Finance-Economy-News-The Economic Times
Bloody commies. Some of the things they do really boils the blood. Bloody Imperialists.
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