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China backs Argentina's sovereignty claim over the Malvinas islands

No, the islands are not theirs. Do some research first.

Inevitably, the islands again be Argentine. Throughout Latin America repudiates the UK for this theft, and this is ruining Britain's relationship with Latin America. And every day, the doors will close at latinoamerica UK. They lose a lot of business over this.
Inevitably, the islands again be Argentine. Throughout Latin America repudiates the UK for this theft, and this is ruining Britain's relationship with Latin America. And every day, the doors will close at latinoamerica UK. They lose a lot of business over this.

We have set targets to double our trade with Brazil, Mexico and Colombia by 2015 - and good progress has been made, UK exports to these countries have increased by 15%, 11% and 30% respectively.



EU, Mercosur to unblock trade talks, hurdles remain | Reuters
China must give Argentina ICBM to stand up to UK bullying.
Inevitably, the islands again be Argentine. Throughout Latin America repudiates the UK for this theft, and this is ruining Britain's relationship with Latin America. And every day, the doors will close at latinoamerica UK. They lose a lot of business over this.
You are obsessed I've actually seen an argentine school atlas, the Falklands were 10 times as big as thy actually are. It was laugh out loud funny.
You speak of peace and how we are the bullies, yet conveniently forget the war you started 30 years ago...
Tell me did you not steal Argentina from the indigenous people?

The first Argentinian "settlement" were some pirates preying on passing shipping and they were removed by the US Navy to Argentina for punishment. The second was a penal colony in which the prisoners revolted and killed their Argentinian overlords. The British returned in force in 1833 and have held the Islands ever since. Many generations of people have lived on the islands under British rule. They are the only "indigenous" people the islands have ever had. Under international law, they are the only ones who can decide the fate of the islands. Massive oil deposits were discovered in the 1980's and that is the reason for the Argentinian elite interest in seizing the islands.
I can't believe that chinois government is defying and further supporting an enemies claim against her majesty. This act does not make chinois positive in the eyes of global community and especially canada, australia and new zealand will be very alarmed by this news. I hope this situation does escalate any further and I think chinois government should opt for a diplomatic solution rather than using power as NATO is not to be underestimated. i also am surprised that pakistani and indienne members are not rushing towards defending her majesty, what unloyal subjects to the crown.
You are obsessed I've actually seen an argentine school atlas, the Falklands were 10 times as big as thy actually are. It was laugh out loud funny.
You speak of peace and how we are the bullies, yet conveniently forget the war you started 30 years ago...
Tell me did you not steal Argentina from the indigenous people?

The first Argentinian "settlement" were some pirates preying on passing shipping and they were removed by the US Navy to Argentina for punishment. The second was a penal colony in which the prisoners revolted and killed their Argentinian overlords. The British returned in force in 1833 and have held the Islands ever since. Many generations of people have lived on the islands under British rule. They are the only "indigenous" people the islands have ever had. Under international law, they are the only ones who can decide the fate of the islands. Massive oil deposits were discovered in the 1980's and that is the reason for the Argentinian elite interest in seizing the islands.

I am descended from French, Spanish, and Pampas. I have Osea by native peoples blood, I have more right to the implanted Kelper usurping those islands.
Anyway the Argentina not said it will expel the Kelper. Neither started the war, or kill any British until they attacked us. The Argentina Asepto Peruvian peace proposal, saying the Argentina gave the islands to the UN, and they decide. This was a threat to the government of Margaret Thatcher, who needed a war to sesaran protests mining unions.
That's why the HMS Conqueror sank the ARA General Belgrano before I got to Ushuaia, and had to be forced to settle the dispute through diplomatic channels.

Also during the war only three Kelper died, killed by the British. We never killed a single Kelper.
I can't believe that chinois government is defying and further supporting an enemies claim against her majesty. This act does not make chinois positive in the eyes of global community and especially canada, australia and new zealand will be very alarmed by this news. I hope this situation does escalate any further and I think chinois government should opt for a diplomatic solution rather than using power as NATO is not to be underestimated. i also am surprised that pakistani and indienne members are not rushing towards defending her majesty, what unloyal subjects to the crown.
Because you are nationals of the Pirate Queen, does not mean that the rest of the world also have to be.
I am descended from French, Spanish, and Pampas. I have Osea by native peoples blood, I have more right to the implanted Kelper usurping those islands.
Anyway the arentina not said it will expel the Kelper. Neither started the war, or kill any British until they attacked us. The Argentina Asepto Peruvian peace proposal, saying the Argentina gave the islands to the UN, and they decide. This was a threat to the government of Margaret Thatcher, who needed a war to sesaran protests mining unions.
That's why the HMS Conqueror sank the ARA General Belgrano before I got to Ushuaia, and had to be forced to settle the dispute through diplomatic channels.

Also during the war only three Kelper died, killed by the British. We never killed a single Kelper.
Errr no you don't, the Falklands had no indigenous people.
Blah,blah, blah you started the war.

Loads of land grab happened back then, accounts differ on what happened at the Falklands. You want to go back 200-300 years to redraw the worlds borders? No.
Errr no you don't, the Falklands had no indigenous people.
Blah,blah, blah you started the war.

Loads of land grab happened back then, accounts differ on what happened at the Falklands. You want to go back 200-300 years to redraw the worlds borders? No.
Los tenia Hasta Que Llegaron ustedes en 1833, y los expulsaron Por La Fuerza.
Ahora, Argentina Quiso entregar las islas a la ONU y Que ELLOS decidan. Ustedes no lo permitieron y hundieron al ARA Gral Belgrano, párr obligar a la Argentina a ir a guerra la.
Argentina also stole land so its a bit of hypocrisy on their part.
Los tenia Hasta Que Llegaron ustedes en 1833, y los expulsaron Por La Fuerza.
Ahora, Argentina Quiso entregar las islas a la ONU y Que ELLOS decidan. Ustedes no lo permitieron y hundieron al ARA Gral Belgrano, párr obligar a la Argentina a ir a guerra la.
What? They were not indigenous. We had been to the Falklands before Argentina was a country, as had France... There was no one there.
We sank the Belgrano during the war, if you wanted to settle the matter peacefully why did you invade?
What? They were not indigenous. We had been to the Falklands before Argentina was a country, as had France... There was no one there.
We sank the Belgrano during the war, if you wanted to settle the matter peacefully why did you invade?
We did not invade. Nobody can invade their territory. We are not British to invade territories agenos.
We retook one terriotio had not been taken in 1833 by a colonial empire.

And there was war before the sinking of the Belgrano. You started it.
Argentina also stole land so its a bit of hypocrisy on their part.

If anything were the Spanish, who murdered millions of Indians. When Argentina became independent, much of the original peoples joined the Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata. Many natives were with San Martin to free Latin America from Spanish rule.
Today, indigenous peoples, and descendants of Spanish colonists, we are one people.
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