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China assures full support to Pakistan

Boss Pakistan is well eqip and ready to defend the county plzz see wat u are saying brother be realistic and be in reality we know how to defend or selves

In 1971 you said the same thing and remember what happened, half of your country was taken away ! I'm being realistic but you're not, you can think about loan payment if you have a country. If the country becomes another Afghanistan you don't have to worry about your loans anymore and that is what your American ally has for a plan.

:cheers::cheesy: we kick A$$ regardless in the wars before when our soilders didnt have enough wepons against there tanks the strapped granade bombs to them selves and went under tanks now thats the spirit and might iam talking about anyhow good day!!

The Talebans showed the same spirit, the same is going on with the Palestinians, but what have they achieved ? You need the right weapons to defend yourself in a modern war or should I say aggression ?
The Tribesman are sufficient to guard the western front if we go to war.
I am not anticipating an attack from the western borders.
It would have to be sealed though.

For that matter, I dont anticipate any adventure form India. Remember, if a country has uncle sam as a friend, they just cant do whatever they want.
India will learn this in due time but I hope they fare better in their relation with them that we did.
Really, the best that the Chinese can ever offer is diplomatic support and solidarity with Pakistan, to ease the adventurism of India. It is a crucial balance and it is interesting China would indirectly say at this point in time that even weaponry could be supplied right away if needed. I think this should be followed up on because they might know something we don't know or be getting increasingly worried about the strangulation of Pakistan as it is.

As pointed out by others JF-17 output must double immediately and those J-10 would be useful right now with or without TVC engines. . Just stick some SD-10's on those puppies and send them over. Deterrence is the name of the game in this region not arms races mind you.
No, they are not well equipped to fight on two fronts with multiple foes. So, instead of bragging Pakistan should send a list of what it urgently needs.

As TOPGUN said, we have enough credible deterrence to keep our enemies off our land/shores i.e in the non-conv and conv aspect of things.

Yes, in the conventional aspect we lack the ability to match up with India's numerical edge but that does not mean we are weak in conv WF. We have managed to excel when everyone argued we couldnt in 1948, 1965 and 1999. I must also mention, in 1999 our defence industry was not as mature as it is today. India has only a handful of Su-30s.

Furthermore, any help by our Chinese brothers will greatly enhance our abilities to safeguard our country from adversaries. Although, I highly doubt there will be any misadventure. Even if there is we shall respond in equal terms.
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T-rex i think we are gona put u incharge of PAF armed forces or shall we put u as pres of PAK lol u tell me kill the topic my man u really are not getting the damn point! or better yet why dont u come up with the funds so we can go shopping for arms for PAK ! we have wat we have and thats wat we will fight with if we have too end of story.
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In 1971 you said the same thing and remember what happened, half of your country was taken away ! I'm being realistic but you're not, you can think about loan payment if you have a country. If the country becomes another Afghanistan you don't have to worry about your loans anymore and that is what your American ally has for a plan.

In 1971 we lost part of our country because that 'part of our country' was never actually really a part of our country...pretty much everyone knew that. And besides the people of that part of our country sided with the enemy (*ahum ahum*) so you can hardly blame the Pakistani forces for being underequipped. Their people and their leaders (both political and military) forsaked them, the soldiers themselves, outnumbered and out gunned, fought with great resourcefulness and skill and would have held their ground much longer had the 'ceasefire' not been ordered. This time round if it comes to war there will be more political will to keep Pakistan intact, even with people like Zardari in charge. Besides in the fronts facing India, Punjab and Sindh and Kashmir, the people there have not been compromised at anywhere near the same levels as the Bengalis were in 1971.

Furthermore at the end of the day we CANNOT expect China or anyone to come to our aid, we made that mistake in 1971 and look how we ended up. The Chinese did warn against Indian territorial ambitions against West-Pakistan but West-Pakistan was more heavily defended as it were; isolated East-Pakistan was the focus of Pakistani needs. Lastly you seriously think that Pakistan’s military technicians don't think about any of this? Pakistani rearmament and modernization is progressing at whatever rate reasonably possible.
i agree with chinese friend the time has come for our navy to think about nuclear powered sub which have capability to fire underwater cruise missile as akula do and get more frigates from germans and french our navy is too weak it needs more intention than other 2 do
China assures full support to Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: China has assured full moral, financial and material support to Pakistan in the wake of the situation after the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. In a message to the Pakistani government, China said it would assist Pakistan in any situation to overcome the problems and challenges faced. The Chinese government is in constant contact with Pakistan to determine the nature of assistance required, and has promised to ensure its immediate availability. However, according to official sources, Pakistan’s army, navy and air force are well-equipped to protect the country. app

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
No, they are not well equipped to fight on two fronts with multiple foes. So, instead of bragging Pakistan should send a list of what it urgently needs.

This is the beauty of the situation. It is in US interest in more than one way t diffuse the situationAt he first sign of aggression, we will withdraw forces from NWFP to beredeployed else where. That would be bad for WOT and may mean a few more body bags going back to USA.
The second reason is the 70 odd billion of investment by US firms in India. They would put pressure on their Government to diffuse tension in the region.
I dare not even think of the devastation in the region in case of a nuclear exchange.
In the light of these 3 reasons I think this is pre election posturing by the Indian Govtt, or to diffuse tension else where. There is going to be no war in the region. even a limited exchenge is unlikely
You hit the nail on the head with that post.

We are in an age where countries don't start wars based on principles/morals/beliefs/etc. All fundamentals of most wars now are based on economics.
That being the case, India stands to lose substantially more than Pakistan with respect to foreign direct investment plus investment in its stock market.

If there is war, the immediate loss to the indian exchequer will be circa $150 billion in the form of foreign withdrawls. This amount is too big for India to ignore. Too big even for a principled and moral stand.
Good showing from the Chinese. Wonder where the brotherly Arabs were? (or at least their leaderships)

You know you have a friend when they show support while someone else is pointing the finger (despite having no proper evidence)
Good showing from the Chinese. Wonder where the brotherly Arabs were? (or at least their leaderships)

You know you have a friend when they show support while someone else is pointing the finger (despite having no proper evidence)

Indeed it was clear how much Chinese valued you when Zardari went for money. They snubbed him. For china, Pakistan is only of strategic value to contain India, apart from that it has no use of it.
Indeed it was clear how much Chinese valued you when Zardari went for money. They snubbed him. For china, Pakistan is only of strategic value to contain India, apart from that it has no use of it.

I honestly believe China doesnt care about Zardari. They are friendly with the Pakistani military. Pakistani military probably told China not to give anything to the crook.
Indeed it was clear how much Chinese valued you when Zardari went for money. They snubbed him. For china, Pakistan is only of strategic value to contain India, apart from that it has no use of it.

Thats not entirely correct.
The indication from the "Friends of Pakistan" group is that Pakistan needs to approach the IMF. They then peruse over our fiscal policies and forward the loan accordingly. Only then will "FOP" feel satisfied and loan us money themselves.
Now that the IMF loan has been agreed, I think shortly the FOP will follow suit. I still maintain that had Musharraf been around, he would have found it easier to procure said funds than Zardari. I wonder why?
Even though it was less than what Pakistan needed, China did forward $500 million to help us with the balance of payment issue a couple of months back. They again did the same back in 92.
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