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China asks WHO to investigate Fort Detrick, UNC bio labs through diplomatic channel

Ehhh you were so confident tht Ft Derrick is innocent a minute ago. Now it's Mr Tedros fault.

are you stupid? I offered a possible explanation for why the WHO is not interested in Ft Detrick. You are obviously not happy with my explanation which is why I suggested you go talk to Tedros.

Capiche! Or do you want me to dumb it down for you?
are you stupid? I offered a possible explanation for why the WHO is not interested in Ft Detrick. You are obviously not happy with my explanation which is why I suggested you go talk to Tedros.

Capiche! Or do you want me to dumb it down for you?
@waz @The Eagle

Another decide to go personal attacking post. And not the first time I report it with similar post.
If the usa goes after China over lies about a lab leak

Here are some possible retaliations:

Give billions of dollars worth of military equipment to each of these countries
and any other enemies of Washington
focus on FC-31 for production aircraft, ADS (look to Iran for guidence), drones and inexpensive artillery
You can't give out free equipment to Pakistan, unless Pakistan is opposed to the us/uk, not an ally.

Rebuild around the world:
Lebanon's economy
Iraq with new parliament outside green zone, walled. Theme is hanging gardens.

Demand us troops out of Syria, Iraq and other places of occupation - end of the looting and shakedowns and bribes and threats

Stockpile huge amounts of:
gold, silver, iron, copper

us treasuries

Get Latin Americans socialist countries and other countries to nationalize resources (China would support them at the UN with Russia), with free help of Chinese equipment for production to get mining at full capacity
-kick out usa from countries

usa from sanctioning free countries - make socialist and other countries aligned with China - self-sufficient in industry and commerce so venezuela plight is never repeated
make free loving countries strong

If you want more revenge
-open up China to Ethereum trading to smash cia bitcoin popularity
- fix the yuan at 1 to 1 usa, base the yuan on gold or silver.

Borrow bonds from Chinese patriots and spend....

Where to spend

1000 subs of different varieties
semi-submersible fleet
1000s of H-20
20K fifth/sixth gen fighters
1M 155mm towed artillery
100K SPH 155mm
300K coastal artillery
100s of 1000s of SATs and ASATs
10K type 15 tanks
10K type 99A tanks

this is 10 years of production

nuclear icbms that work - so develop icb rockets or HGV that are highly developed to withstand EW and DEW and high heat, and low accuracy for rockets. So make 500K, aim them between UK and Hawaii and launch 200K at once and see what happens.

Don't get into a war in the near term, get 10X the military of the rest of the world combined in both secret tech and overt weapons. Then bully the us/uk for decades make working slaves out of the usaians.

Develop star cruisers to be made by 2080.
aw! you're taking the fun out of my play time. 😭

I think this forumer trying to challenge your authority and this forum rules. Ban is more suitable it. This is not first time he/she repeat provoke others. If She/He can get away with it. Next time , if I start insult others. I hope special treatment can be given to me by giving me many chances without ban.

I think this forumer trying to challenge your authority and this forum rules. Ban is more suitable it. This is not first time he/she repeat provoke others. If She/He can get away with it. Next time , if I start insult others. I hope special treatment can be given to me by giving me many chances without ban.

You know Beastie I spend 30 to 40% of my workday taking to attorneys from all over the world.
I can argue there is nothing insulting in my post in any court of law. Asking someone if they are stupid isn't an insult - since I'm not implying in anyway that the person I'm addressing is stupid.

@waz asked me nicely to stop so I will out of respect for him. If he wants to ban me then that is his prerogative as a member of the forum management team. Will I cry if I'm banned - I don't think so. Will I return if I'm banned - I don't think so. Not for any emotional reasons but simply because I no longer feel this forum is intellectually stimulating. In any case, some Chinese members have been making an effort to get me banned. You may just get your wish and then I will be gone forever and you will miss me.. :wave:
The lack of brains on one side of this convo is just amazing.
If the usa goes after China over lies about a lab leak

Here are some possible retaliations:

Give billions of dollars worth of military equipment to each of these countries
and any other enemies of Washington
focus on FC-31 for production aircraft, ADS (look to Iran for guidence), drones and inexpensive artillery
You can't give out free equipment to Pakistan, unless Pakistan is opposed to the us/uk, not an ally.

Rebuild around the world:
Lebanon's economy
Iraq with new parliament outside green zone, walled. Theme is hanging gardens.

Demand us troops out of Syria, Iraq and other places of occupation - end of the looting and shakedowns and bribes and threats

Stockpile huge amounts of:
gold, silver, iron, copper

us treasuries

Get Latin Americans socialist countries and other countries to nationalize resources (China would support them at the UN with Russia), with free help of Chinese equipment for production to get mining at full capacity
-kick out usa from countries

usa from sanctioning free countries - make socialist and other countries aligned with China - self-sufficient in industry and commerce so venezuela plight is never repeated
make free loving countries strong

If you want more revenge
-open up China to Ethereum trading to smash cia bitcoin popularity
- fix the yuan at 1 to 1 usa, base the yuan on gold or silver.

Borrow bonds from Chinese patriots and spend....

Where to spend

1000 subs of different varieties
semi-submersible fleet
1000s of H-20
20K fifth/sixth gen fighters
1M 155mm towed artillery
100K SPH 155mm
300K coastal artillery
100s of 1000s of SATs and ASATs
10K type 15 tanks
10K type 99A tanks

this is 10 years of production

nuclear icbms that work - so develop icb rockets or HGV that are highly developed to withstand EW and DEW and high heat, and low accuracy for rockets. So make 500K, aim them between UK and Hawaii and launch 200K at once and see what happens.

Don't get into a war in the near term, get 10X the military of the rest of the world combined in both secret tech and overt weapons. Then bully the us/uk for decades make working slaves out of the usaians.

Develop star cruisers to be made by 2080.
Is one’s overinflated ego and unwillingness to accept their errors for the sake of humanity worth the cost of starting WW3?
You know Beastie I spend 30 to 40% of my workday taking to attorneys from all over the world.
I can argue there is nothing insulting in my post in any court of law. Asking someone if they are stupid isn't an insult - since I'm not implying in anyway that the person I'm addressing is stupid.

@waz asked me nicely to stop so I will out of respect for him. If he wants to ban me then that is his prerogative as a member of the forum management team. Will I cry if I'm banned - I don't think so. Will I return if I'm banned - I don't think so. Not for any emotional reasons but simply because I no longer feel this forum is intellectually stimulating. In any case, some Chinese members have been making an effort to get me banned. You may just get your wish and then I will be gone forever and you will miss me.. :wave:
I dont think I need a explanation or @waz to better explain that you could have used a better word or phase if u really just try to convey your message instead of degrading and provoking words to attack others.

Its not out of respect needed from you but forum rules and regulation. You have breach a forums rules. Out of compassion for your ignorant, waz gives you a chance. I am watching you. One more time from you of using that word to provoke or insult others. You will get it. Trust me!
@dbc ... why is it that China cannot demand an investigation of a US lab after US demanded investigation of a Chinese lab? You've got some superiority complex that you oppose such a demand?
@dbc ... why is it that China cannot demand an investigation of a US lab after US demanded investigation of a Chinese lab? You've got some superiority complex that you oppose such a demand?

China can make whatever demands it wants to..but then the question is why is the WHO not responding to Chinese request? Why aren't other nations making the same demand? So either the US has a vice like grip on the WHO and hundreds of nations OR the WHO and a majority of UN members don't agree with China.

As I said earlier, researchers from the WHO, partner nations, private institutes, civilian contractors and universities students have visited and worked in Ft Detrick over the last many years.

Maybe they have a secret underground facility buried deep under Ft Detrick run by Dr. Evil but academia in this field of research around the world aren't putting any pressure on the WHO to investigate Ft Detrick...may be because they know something the rest of us don't ..it is unlikely they are all terrified of the US.
You will get it. Trust me

now I don't need to be a lawyer to know that you are threatening me.
@waz now that is a real breach of forum rules.
China can make whatever demands it wants to..but then the question is why is the WHO not responding to Chinese request? Why aren't other nations making the same demand? So either the US has a vice like grip on the WHO and hundreds of nations OR the WHO and a majority of UN members don't agree with China.

As I said earlier, researchers from the WHO, partner nations, private institutes, civilian contractors and universities students have visited and worked in Ft Detrick over the last many years.

Maybe they have a secret underground facility buried deep under Ft Detrick run by Dr. Evil but academia in this field of research around the world aren't putting any pressure on the WHO to investigate Ft Detrick...may be because they know something the rest of us don't ..it is unlikely they are all terrified of the US.

Has WHO done an investigation and publicly released the details of the leak in Ft Detrick? The leak and closure of lab is public knowledge but details are not. What's USA trying to hide?
Has WHO done an investigation and publicly released the details of the leak in Ft Detrick? The leak and closure of lab is public knowledge but details are not. What's USA trying to hide?

There was no leak in 2019, Ft. Detrick was temporarily shut down because it was found in breach of strictly defined operating procedures. Yes, if there was a leak at Ft. Detrick then CDC have to report it to the WHO. Clearly you have taken the same position as your Chinese friends and claimed a phantom leak and a conspiracy to hide said phantom leak. There was no leak, CDC audited Ft. Detrick and found the facility in violation of operating procedures and shut down the facility until these deficiencies were addressed.

The facility was shut down by CDC for two reasons 1. because staff did not complete their recertification in time. 2. The waste water disposal unit did not meet the required safety standards. Now were you really interested in these facts? I suspect not...
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