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China asks WHO to investigate Fort Detrick, UNC bio labs through diplomatic channel


US intelligence finds China did not know about COVID-19 before outbreak, still divided over origin
Maureen Groppe and Joey Garrison, USA TODAY

3 hrs ago

WASHINGTON – U.S. intelligence officials remain divided over the origins of COVID-19, with some analysts concluding it was likely caused by natural exposure to an infected animal and others believing the first human infection was probably the result of a laboratory-associated incident, according to a new report.

The Biden administration report on the origins of COVID-19 found the virus "was not developed as a biological weapon." It also concluded China "did not have foreknowledge of the virus before the initial outbreak" of COVID-19 in late 2019.
"After examining all available intelligence reporting and other information, though, the IC (intelligence community) remains divided on the most likely origin of COVID-19," a summary of the report released Friday reads. "All agencies assess that two hypotheses are plausible: natural exposure to an infected animal and a laboratory-associated incident."

Now that China has demanded US labs investigations, US backtracks on it's past claim of it being a Chinese Virus (biological weapon or otherwise) - what's your opinion now @dbc ? :lol:

Can you tell me what access they had? To all sections? Was it remote collaborations? It's a FORT for gods sake.

Going by your logic, WHO shouldn't even investigate Wuhan Institute since it collaborated with Ft Derrick and WHO before. See how retarded you sound?
American logic:
1+1=America good
Apple + Banana = China bad
"Chinese wouldnt understand because American state run propaganda said Chinese only consume propaganda"

Some people cant be helped. Some people refuse to be helped.
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American logic:
1+1=America good
Apple + Banana = China bad
"Chinese wouldnt understand because American state run propaganda said Chinese only consume propaganda"

Some people cant be helped. Some people refuse to be helped.
You can't help the blind, I am not SAYING China is an angel or is perfect but being biased and blindly bash China, now tahts prejudice.
China can make whatever demands it wants to..but then the question is why is the WHO not responding to Chinese request? Why aren't other nations making the same demand? So either the US has a vice like grip on the WHO and hundreds of nations OR the WHO and a majority of UN members don't agree with China.
Hundreds of nation and majority of UN members don't agree with the USA AND WHO members like any other internantional institutions members are openly threatend and attacked by the USA, when trying to hold the USA accountable to international law and order, like when International Court members investigating US crimes against humanity had their and their families lifehoods attacked by the USA, on top of the USA holding the entire organizations jobs hostage with threats to cutting funding.

But no according to your "explanation" the most plausible reason why people who have their lifehood openly threatened by the USA act like their hands are bound when dealing with the USA and shy away from even investigating the USA is because ... according to American rethoric China bad.

China can make whatever demands it wants to..but then the question is why is the WHO not responding to Chinese request? Why aren't other nations making the same demand? So either the US has a vice like grip on the WHO and hundreds of nations OR the WHO and a majority of UN members don't agree with China

Researchers from the USA, WHO, partner nations, private institutes, civilian contractors and universities students have visited and worked in the Wuhan lab over the last many years, but somehow thanks to Amercian Exceptionialism thats suddenly completely irrelevant when framing China and holding it guilty without a shred of evidence and even if proven innocent.

There was no leak in 2019,
Thats your claim . Not the report of indepent researchers investigating the lab.
Kudos to carefully adding a "in 2019", since we already know the same lab had leaks in the past.
There was no leak in 2019,
Ft. Detrick was temporarily shut down because it was found in breach of strictly defined operating procedures. Yes, if there was a leak at Ft. Detrick then CDC have to report it to the WHO. Clearly you have taken the same position as your Chinese friends and claimed a phantom leak and a conspiracy to hide said phantom leak. There was no leak, CDC audited Ft. Detrick and found the facility in violation of operating procedures and shut down the facility until these deficiencies were addressed.

The facility was shut down by CDC for two reasons 1. because staff did not complete their recertification in time. 2. The waste water disposal unit did not meet the required safety standards. Now were you really interested in these facts? I suspect not...
Thats your claim and the quickly memoryholed U.S. media narrative to put a lid on the story.
Not the report of indepent researchers investigating the lab.
Also the in U.S. media widely ignored actual investigation reports for the CDC, admitted a long history of flagrant breaches that could have result in leaks, mutliple leaks as in holes that could have resulted in leaks of an agent and improper treatment of people exposed to potential leaks, not just the waste treatment narrative that is the only thing that made it to the U.S. state controlled media surface as a comforting lie that nothing really happend.

If there was a leak there are countless roundabounds for the U.S.A. to not report it to the WHO even within their farcial law system. And we all know the U.S.A. doesnt even give one **** about its own laws in first place and will just lie and violate its own regulations any day and hunt down anyone exposing that truth back to Siberia. In fact most of that report remains redacted and blackmarked for national security reasons and is shielded from FOIA request from its own US population demanding the truth. That means most of even the sugarcoated official U.S. report never made it to the WHO either. So what are you bubbling on about the USA admitting serious wrongdoings because of some paper agreement with something like the WHO they dont even pretend to take serious.

There is no independent assesment that there was no leak a Fort Detrick.
There is no independent assesment that there was no coverup by staff or the U.S. government.
There is not even an investigation going on because the U.S.A. lashes out fouriously even at the suggestion of treating them not above others and impecable.

Meanwhile we knwo the USA has been razing down facilities in that base and we might never know with any day more the USA blocks an investigation of the virus origin without "precondition" that the "results" must exclusively lead to US enemies.
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