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China announced China-India border security talk failed, blaming India has unrealistic goals in the talks

Read even bolder part....

The manipulated history taught to you is not the truth. You need to consult and read history books outside Pakistan's curriculum if you want to seek knowledge...else your Madrassa education will not take you far enough.....

No country has been same as one entity throughout history...boundaries keep changing so India is no exception.....

If Alexander conquered half of the globe...and made it Greek entity...was it same today?...Was Mongolian empire still intact land-wise?.....or Ottoman...or even British empire?

If you call entity as under unified control of a king from India..then read Mauryan empire, Chola empire of South India etc....

Here is map of Qing dynasty's extent...You better claim Mongolia and parts of Russia..than Ladakh.

View attachment 784074

Madrassah education? But u recently claimed to be a Pakistani so aren't u madrassah educated u ugly little rat. Why is it that u hide ur true ugly existence? Sometimes u become Pakistani and at times u becomebwesterner but why r u ashamed to show ur true rat lineage and ahow u r a gutter rat? Too embarrassed of ur ugly self??
Go ask chinese why they beat the crap out of those ugly sissies, go cry to UN and ur daddy US.
this time maybe not fist ..india know china should solve taiwan problem first,
India knows that this is a good opportunity to encroach on China's territory. China will use its greatest willpower to avoid full-scale conflict. In the face of Indian invasion, look at the later development.

Personally, I hope India will not misjudge the situation. China also fought the Korean War when it was poor. Once China makes up its mind, it will not care about casualties. In 1950, China prepared to liberate Taiwan, but a fierce war broke out between North Korea and the United States. Now China wants to liberate Taiwan, and India is provoking a war, which may burn Taiwan's artillery on India. (have you really thought about it?)----just I think
How do you know China solve Taiwan problem firstly?
Mongolia, Badakhshan province of Afghanistan, gorno autonomous region of Tajikistan. Referendums have been held in these places, and China respects the choice for the local people. India can also let the people of southern Tibet vote, and China will also respect the voting results.

4. If it is a minority territory, the PRC will consider the support of the local people. If the local people support the PRC, the PRC will establish autonomous regions to rule and give autonomy to laws and taxes (for example, Tibet, Xinjiang). If the local people do not support the PRC, the PRC will make them independent or join the country they like (for example, Mongolia, Badakhshan province of Afghanistan, gorno autonomous region of Tajikistan).
PS: different from the illusion of most Indians, most Tibetan people support the PRC because the PRC gives all Tibetan serfs freedom. Only a few serf owners fled to India. In Tibet, where the environment is bad, the PRC cannot rule without the support of the people.

About Southern Tibet, just like I said, if the local people support the PRC, we will establish the southern Tibet Autonomous Region. If not, we support their independence.
Aksai Chin is a no man's land. Ladakh is a disputed territory between China and Pakistan, not India. After India leaves, China is willing to negotiate with Pakistan to solve the Ladakh issue.

Tibet was the territory of the Qing Dynasty.
Citing right to rule over non-Han territories under Qing hold (like Tibet, Xinjiang etc) is like UK claiming right to over former colonies such as India as all that fell under British empire.

1. I wonder if China conducted referendum in Tibet before or after invasion in the 50s. Did it do so in Xinjiang?
2. You admit Aksai Chin is a no man's land. So how was a no-man's land under Qing empire? If not, what is the basis of your claim over Aksai Chin?
Citing right to rule over non-Han territories under Qing hold (like Tibet, Xinjiang etc) is like UK claiming right to over former colonies such as India as all that fell under British empire.

1. I wonder if China conducted referendum in Tibet before or after invasion in the 50s. Did it do so in Xinjiang?
2. You admit Aksai Chin is a no man's land. So how was a no-man's land under Qing empire? If not, what is the basis of your claim over Aksai Chin?

1, China is a multi-ethnic country. If China can only rule the territory of the Han nationality. Then please split India into different countries according to different nationalities.

2, There are no similar organizations in Tibet&Xinjiang, such as Nasar guerrillas, Assam United Liberation Front, Bodo National Democratic Front, Tripura national volunteer army, all Tripura tribal tiger army, etc. This is sufficient proof that no vote is required.
BTW: For China, whether it needs to hold a vote is only a question of ruling cost, which has nothing to do with other countries. China does not need to prove the legitimacy of its rule. But other countries must prove to China by voting.

3, The map of the Qing Dynasty is the basis for China's rule of Aksai Chin. If India doesn't recognize it, take it yourself.

4, Do you know why China is so open to minority territories? Because China's historical experience tells us that it is a foolish act to forcibly rule the territory of ethnic minorities without the support of local people. That rule will eventually end because of endless guerrilla warfare. So no man's land is only the basis for China to judge whether it is worth ruling, and has nothing to do with other countries. This is the same reason that China does not need to vote in Tibet and Xinjiang.
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1, China is a multi-ethnic country. If China can only rule the territory of the Han nationality. Then please split India into different countries according to different nationalities.
I made this point only because you said that China's philosophy is to rule over all Han areas. India does not rule on this basis. Otherwise, India would have insisted Nepal's merger.

2, There are no similar organizations in Tibet&Xinjiang
You raised the point of asking for referendum in so-called South Tibet, then why did you not have it in Tibet in the 50s ? This is clearly hypocrisy on your part.

3, The map of the Qing Dynasty is the basis for China's rule of Aksai Chin. If India doesn't recognize it, take it yourself.
Similarly map of British India is the basis of India's claim over Aksai Chin. Hence it is a legally disputed land. If you want to negotiate, you cannot lay claim on any other land. Else there is no point of negotiation.
I made this point only because you said that China's philosophy is to rule over all Han areas. India does not rule on this basis. Otherwise, India would have insisted Nepal's merger.

You raised the point of asking for referendum in so-called South Tibet, then why did you not have it in Tibet in the 50s ? This is clearly hypocrisy on your part.

Similarly map of British India is the basis of India's claim over Aksai Chin. Hence it is a legally disputed land. If you want to negotiate, you cannot lay claim on any other land. Else there is no point of negotiation.

You don't understand. Request for a referendum in southern Tibet only needs to investigate the cost of China's rule over southern Tibet and whether it is worth ruling. This has nothing to do with legitimacy. It's just for China's needs.
India can agree to vote, and China will judge by the voting results. Or if India does not agree to vote, China can also vote in southern Tibet in the future.

Every dynasty in China is a multi-ethnic country. The Chinese civilization with the Han nationality as the main body has been a tradition for thousands of years.

We do not recognize Britain's unilateral map. We insist on taking the map of the Qing Dynasty as the basis for negotiations. If India does not agree, there will be no negotiations.
Beyond Economic and political aspects, Taiwan looking to strengthen relations with India in “Other aspects”. Also Taiwan will respect “publicly” India’s non-alignment.

You don't understand. Request for a referendum in southern Tibet only needs to investigate the cost of China's rule over southern Tibet and whether it is worth ruling. This has nothing to do with legitimacy. It's just for China's needs.
India can agree to vote, and China will judge by the voting results. Or if India does not agree to vote, China can also vote in southern Tibet in the future.
Before China can even consider requesting referendum over Arunachal Pradesh, they need to restrospect why they did not do referendum in Tibet. Since they did not, they have no moral authority to request us for referendum.

Every dynasty in China is a multi-ethnic country. The Chinese civilization with the Han nationality as the main body has been a tradition for thousands of years.
You either claim China as multi-ethnic or Han ethnic. You are claiming both. You are claiming Han dominated lands in the name of Han ethnic nation and also other ethnic lands in the name of multi-ethnic nation. This is hypocritical of China.

We do not recognize Britain's unilateral map. We insist on taking the map of the Qing Dynasty as the basis for negotiations. If India does not agree, there will be no negotiations.
China has no authority to recognize or not British Indian maps as it was not a neighbor to India but Tibet. If China starts disputes our lands, then India will dispute not only Aksai Chin but also Tibet.
If you want war, we are ready, but we will not give an inch of our land without a fight.
Before China can even consider requesting referendum over Arunachal Pradesh, they need to restrospect why they did not do referendum in Tibet. Since they did not, they have no moral authority to request us for referendum.

You either claim China as multi-ethnic or Han ethnic. You are claiming both. You are claiming Han dominated lands in the name of Han ethnic nation and also other ethnic lands in the name of multi-ethnic nation. This is hypocritical of China.

China has no authority to recognize or not British Indian maps as it was not a neighbor to India but Tibet. If China starts disputes our lands, then India will dispute not only Aksai Chin but also Tibet.
If you want war, we are ready, but we will not give an inch of our land without a fight.
I wish Modi had the same attitude- dude is scared to even name China lol
but Indians on the internet are just...

I wish Modi had the same attitude- dude is scared to even name China lol
but Indians on the internet are just...
Our leadership knows how to speak diplomatically. Modi's job is to give direction to the nation and form alliances. Verbal wars are left to the subordinates.
We are not Pakistan where the PM makes undiplomatic statements shaming the nation.
Our leadership knows how to speak diplomatically. Modi's job is to give direction to the nation and form alliances. Verbal wars are left to the subordinates.
We are not Pakistan where the PM makes undiplomatic statements shaming the nation.

These are the photos coming from the north- PM refuses to name the country responsible for this
whole of the political class from top to bottom are acting like total p***** -

Has any self-respecting nation in the world ever refused to name a country that it is having skirmishes with?
imagine if Russia-china have skirmishes but Putin didn't name China for more than a year
imagine if Russia-US have skirmishes but Biden refuses to name Russia for more than a year

This never happens- don't paint your leaders c*** like behavior as some sort of "diplomatic art" - cause its not it never happens anywhere in the world
This is weakness not diplomacy
your political lot acting like a bunch of proper p**** and everyone in the world can see through it
the wiki page is filled with Indian fake news and trolls,adding indian media's fake news for 10 chinese captured by India while 1 Indian being captured by Chinese ,even though photo evidence shows 50+ Indians captured.. 45 chinese casualties is added based on TASS when they clarified it as Indian side's claim in the following report.They also added the irrelevant shill site peddling 20-30 Chinese casualty with zero evidence ,by simply using the term US intelligence when no US intelligence made any official report about it, some irrelevant site called USNEWS published the fake news ,likely paid by Indian side,no relevant news in US reported it.They secured the page with lock after adding fake news.
TASS is a media that most of the time quote foreign media directly.

I have a very strong distate against Indian fake news peddling ,I really despise it. It really gets on my nerves.I hate fake news.
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I made this point only because you said that China's philosophy is to rule over all Han areas. India does not rule on this basis. Otherwise, India would have insisted Nepal's merger.

You raised the point of asking for referendum in so-called South Tibet, then why did you not have it in Tibet in the 50s ? This is clearly hypocrisy on your part.

Similarly map of British India is the basis of India's claim over Aksai Chin. Hence it is a legally disputed land. If you want to negotiate, you cannot lay claim on any other land. Else there is no point of negotiation.

There is no basis for India to claim Nepal on based on ethnicity. India itself doesn't have a core majority ethnic group. But the pertinent point is, claim over a territory is never based on ethnicity, but political sovereignty it exercises.

India's claim over Askai Chin is India's own position, not from British. Official British position was, there was no recognized border between British India and China, despite British map. And British did recognize Tibet as part of China.

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