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China and Vietnam in stand-off over Chinese survey ship mission to disputed reef in South China Sea

China's help is negligible... All right, it is useless to argue with these ungrateful jungle creature....
And no matter it be USSR or China, you already proved jungle creature by itself is useless which can fight US air force by throwing stones, fight US army by using wood sticks, and fight US aircraft carriers by swimming...
View attachment 569268

Ho Chi Minh himself was a fugitive and beggar from a French Colony... One of his generals defeated the KMT??? I know who are you talking about... ~1,000 men were given titles of Marshals and Generals, that guy was just a major general which is the lowest ranking, he was just one of those vietnamese try to learn something from China civil war... You are retarded as fk...




You are ungrateful!

Nguyen Son was the only foreigner that went thru all hardships from the beginning to victory. He was present when the Chinese Red Army was founded, before the founding of the PLA. As sole foreigner he participated and survived the Long March. He was editor of the resistance news, later Xinhua.

He stood twice before chinese execution commando because someone falsely accused him of treason.

As major general he was the only person that served in both Vietnamese and Chinese armies.

Too bad: you sold out Vietnam for some cheap dollars. The region would look different today if the VN/CN alliance still exists.
You are ungrateful!

Nguyen Son was the only foreigner that went thru all hardships from the beginning to victory. He was present when the Chinese Red Army was founded, before the founding of the PLA. As sole foreigner he participated and survived the Long March. He was editor of the resistance news, later Xinhua.

He stood twice before chinese execution commando because someone falsely accused him of treason.

As major general he was the only person that served in both Vietnamese and Chinese armies.

Too bad: you sold out Vietnam for some cheap dollars. The region would look different today if the VN/CN alliance still exists.
Whatever, a major general among a thousand is nothing...
Viets always depend on their jungle to survive, and by doing massive breeding program, to replenish their manpower.

"If you can't become a lion to survive, then be a rabbit." Brainsucker.

There's no jungle cover out in the middle of the ocean. One side will be doing the shooting and the other side will be getting mowed down.

There's no jungle cover out in the middle of the ocean. One side will be doing the shooting and the other side will be getting mowed down.

Ahem you want to shoot on fighter jets and submarines by machine guns?
Ahem you want to shoot on fighter jets

JF-17 downed Su-30MKI and MiG-21 Bison on February 27th. Overrated Russian military equipment was EXPOSED on that day.

Moreover, MiG-21 Bison has Israeli Elta-8222 self-protection electronic warfare pod. That got exposed also.:lol:
JF-17 downed Su-30MKI and MiG-21 Bison on February 27th. Overrated Russian military equipment was EXPOSED on that day.

Moreover, MiG-21 Bison has Israeli Elta-8222 self-protection electronic warfare pod. That got exposed also.:lol:
JF 17, J 20cant fly to the conflict zone. They have No where to land but crashed into the sea, dude:cool:
They are prison guards. Women are good as guards. They have a humiliating effect on enemy captured soldiers.
Actually VN women also fought in the front line. If daddy US didnt send Intel to help PLA avoid our ambush, then killing PLA troops is quite easy even when we just use ww2 guns agains PLA forces fully equiped and got tank, artillery support.

PLA generals r very stupid, without Intel from US, they always lead their soldiers into our ambush, so we just sit and wait till they fall into our trap and open fire and keep shooting till they beg for surrender.
U should also show that our border guard were only equiped wt WW2 guns and they fired to the last bullet, while "well trained" PLA quickly surrender when US "forgot" to send Intel to PLA in 1979 and made PLA fall into VN ambush
That's very interesting. Some Vietnamese tell me China lost the 1979 conflict but China ended up getting more land from Vietnam.
I don't know how war works but most would agree that the loser would give up land not the winner.
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