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China and Russia have learned well from failed U.S. promises


Nov 4, 2011
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China and Russia have learned well from failed U.S. promises

History shows Beijing and Moscow cannot always trust what Washington says

After the West’s broken promises, including pledges not to expand NATO's influence into Russia’s buffer states, Russian and Chinese leaders are no longer inclined to believe their assurances of peaceful intentions.  | SPUTNIK / KREMLIN / VIA REUTERSAfter the West’s broken promises, including pledges not to expand NATO's influence into Russia’s buffer states, Russian and Chinese leaders are no longer inclined to believe their assurances of peaceful intentions.  | SPUTNIK / KREMLIN / VIA REUTERS



  • Feb 16, 2022

Western analysts fear a failure to check Russia’s revanchist ambitions will serve to embolden China in the axis of autocracies. On Feb. 4, on the opening day of the Winter Olympics in Beijing that was boycotted by Western diplomats, Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin declared a “no limits” partnership and backed each other on Ukraine and Taiwan.

A second narrative holds that increased U.S. military presence will reassure NATO allies and check Russian belligerence, but only at the cost of distracting America from the bigger strategic challenge of China in the Indo-Pacific, most imminently in Taiwan.

Given China’s dramatic expansion of military might and economic strength, U.S. promises to defend Taiwan against attack might prove hollow.

A fall of Taiwan would vastly complicate U.S. efforts to help defend Japan and others on the one hand, while greatly enlarging China’s scope to project power closer to U.S. and allied territories on the other.

An alternative narrative is that the biggest lessons China has drawn are from the history of U.S. policies after the end of the Cold War during a period of unchallengeable primacy.

Eastern Europe has been the historic gateway for Western attacks on Russia, including the bitter invasions by Napoleon and Hitler that are seared into that nation’s consciousness. Hence the critical role of buffer states as a protective shield.

On Feb. 9, 1990, U.S. Secretary of State James Baker assured Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would expand “not one inch eastward.” Based on multiple similar assurances from Western leaders, former CIA director Robert Gates wrote, Gorbachev was “led to believe” that NATO’s eastward expansion “wouldn’t happen.” Making the mistake of assuming good faith behind the assurances, Gorbachev agreed to the peaceful reunification of West and East Germany and the unified state’s eventual NATO membership.

Other top officials, however, insisted that the U.S. priority was to see Russia collapse into “a third-rate power.” By 2004 NATO troops were “within spitting distance of Russia,” former U.K. Ambassador to Moscow Rodric Braithwaite said in the Financial Times on Feb. 2. In a retrospective analysis last August, Braithwaite wrote: “Russians believed they had been double-crossed. They were shocked by NATO’s bombing of Serbia in 1999 — a foretaste, they feared, of what Russia itself might expect.”

Russians ridicule claims of NATO being purely defensive — which NATO member was attacked by Serbia in 1999? — and concluded that in 2014, Ukraine was transformed from a buffer for Russia into a barrier between it and Europe.

The bigger fear still, as Putin wrote in a long article last July, is that “Ukraine was dragged into a dangerous geopolitical game” by the West in order to turn it into “a springboard against Russia.” Hence Russia’s red line: no NATO membership for Ukraine, now or ever; and the related demand that NATO cut troop numbers in Eastern Europe. Else Moscow must think the unthinkable: regime change in Kiev into a more pro-Russian one or subjugation of Ukraine by force of arms.

To Western commentators the principle is non-negotiable that Ukraine as a sovereign state has the right to enter into security alliance with anyone else. In the eyes of Russians and Chinese officials, this is hypocrisy based in historical amnesia about the U.S. refusal to accept just such an exercise of sovereignty by Cuba in the 1962 missile crisis. The principle has also proven remarkably malleable in all the Western powers’ Taiwan policy where China has long exercised a veto over recognition, exchange of embassies and even Taiwan’s membership of international organizations.

Three other major episodes from recent international history are also relevant. In 1986 the World Court ruled for Nicaragua and against the U.S. for its campaign of destabilization of the Sandinista regime, but Washington simply dismissed the adverse ruling.

In 2002, U.S. President George W. Bush introduced the legal innovation of “unsigning” U.S. membership from the International Criminal Court. In 2018 President Donald Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran — in which China and Russia had invested political capital — even though it had been negotiated by the previous U.S. administration and unanimously endorsed by the U.N. Security Council. This made the U.S. an unreliable and untrustworthy great power with which to negotiate.

Let us not forget either how Beijing was shocked by the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999. Senior Chinese officials insisted to me back then that it was inconceivable that this could have been an accident and indeed, they were convinced that not just the embassy but the ambassador’s residence had been deliberately targeted. The conclusion drawn was that the existing norm of nonintervention, regarded by most countries as a peremptory norm from which no exception was permitted, had been violated by the U.S.-led NATO in the moment of Russia’s geopolitical weakness and vulnerability.

Moreover, the claim to an emerging new norm of “humanitarian intervention” by Western powers further showed they were using their geopolitical primacy to rewrite the rules of the international order regardless of other countries’ sensibilities and interests, even if the latter were in the majority.

I have also been present in intimate discussions after the international tribunal ruled against China in 2016 in the maritime dispute with the Philippines, when a top Chinese official remarked that the U.S. was not a party to the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea but wanted to bind China by it. Maybe China should follow the U.S. example with the ICC and “unsign” UNCLOS, she said.

Most importantly, China must believe it cannot trust U.S. verbal promises to refrain from harmful action against core Chinese interests, nor the institutions designed to uphold and enforce international law. Washington has an unsavory record in weaponizing trade policy and abusing its dominance of international financial institutions to penalize those who refuse to kowtow to its diktats.

Claims to purely defensive motives notwithstanding, given the opportunity, Chinese leaders fear that not all future U.S. administrations will be able to resist the temptation to convert Taiwan into a launching pad for aggression against China. And, rather than be a mere rule breaker, China believes it must aim to become the preeminent rule maker and enforcer in a future Sino-centric global order.

That is the ultimate nightmare for Western countries. For the first time in several centuries, the global hegemon is poised to be a non-Western, non-English speaking, nondemocratic and noncapitalist civilization. There is little evidence thus far that the West can make the necessary psychological adjustment to learn to live in such a world.

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Even Japan reports US lies now, haha..
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Ukraine was even moreso promised by Russia that Russia would respect Ukrainian borders.

Russia is run by mafia gangsters, who is to tell the Baltic states and Ukraine not to join nato or other DEFENSIVE treaties to protect from Russian aggression.

What was promised to a legitimate government of the USSR is null and void, now that James Baker cia-ites and fellow nazis are running the Kremlin.

Does Russia feel compelled to honor treaties if Russia is invaded. Ukraine is invaded and occupied. Russia broke accords that Russia agreed to not occupy/invade/annex Ukrainian land.
Instead of supporting cia dictators, China could buy up physical gold and silver during this time of chaos. Chimp out the cia. And show to the Ukrainians that their lives matter nil to Washington, that Washington cares more about suppressing the price of gold and silver than defeating putin.

Markets down, gold up, bitcoin down... the time for states to buy physical gold is during these perfect storm conditions. Make bitcoin seem weak and make precious metals strong, this would guarantee the chimping out by cia trolls. And keep buying physical precious metals steadily to drain physical supply.
Instead of supporting cia dictators, China could buy up physical gold and silver during this time of chaos. Chimp out the cia. And show to the Ukrainians that their lives matter nil to Washington, that Washington cares more about suppressing the price of gold and silver than defeating putin.

Markets down, gold up, bitcoin down... the time for states to buy physical gold is during these perfect storm conditions. Make bitcoin seem weak and make precious metals strong, this would guarantee the chimping out by cia trolls. And keep buying physical precious metals steadily to drain physical supply.

Have to agree, China is ACTUALLY supporting the US Dictators. They hold the largest amount of US currency, and thus are supporting the US in its terror against all various countries and civilians.
Have to agree, China is ACTUALLY supporting the US Dictators. They hold the largest amount of US currency, and thus are supporting the US in its terror against all various countries and civilians.
China supports USA because China holds the most dollars?
What logic is this. Is Trump's trade war with China false?
If China supports USA, China only needs to cooperate with the west to sanction Russia, which can push Russia into a desperate situation.
Have to agree, China is ACTUALLY supporting the US Dictators. They hold the largest amount of US currency, and thus are supporting the US in its terror against all various countries and civilians.

China to some degree has to do it. After all USA is a big trade partner and cash cow. China would prefer a US that stagnates, not one that collapses. A costumer is a costumer.
China supports USA because China holds the most dollars?
What logic is this. Is Trump's trade war with China false?
If China supports USA, China only needs to cooperate with the west to sanction Russia, which can push Russia into a desperate situation.

Just more excuses and more nonsense. If China was really and honestly interested in a Multi-Polar World, it would have done what Russia has done - get rid of US dollar, and trade only in Gold, Silver, Euro, Yuan, Yen and other currencies.

On the other hand, China has increased its holding of US Treasuries, has the largest holdings of US Dollars anywhere, its banks are overflowing with US dollars, and the list goes on. In a way, China is providing free lunch to the US and subsidising the US Military and its wars and killing of innocents in other countries.
Just more excuses and more nonsense. If China was really and honestly interested in a Multi-Polar World, it would have done what Russia has done - get rid of US dollar, and trade only in Gold, Silver, Euro, Yuan, Yen and other currencies.

On the other hand, China has increased its holding of US Treasuries, has the largest holdings of US Dollars anywhere, its banks are overflowing with US dollars, and the list goes on. In a way, China is providing free lunch to the US and subsidising the US Military and its wars and killing of innocents in other countries.
China does what suits her the best , so now this is the best way to help China grow, it's common sense. China is not a radical unsensible nation which will hurt herself to spite a foe like US always does, it's not honesty or braveness, it's stupidity.
My God, some people here sound like a bunch of children who do not have a clue about Geopolitics, International Law, History or the Indivisibility of Security Terms. Yet they are quick to run their mouths like they are correct and everyone else is wrong. That sounds a lot like American-British Exceptionalism.

The idea of referring to the Russian Government as a mafia, flies in the face of the fact that in the last 30 years or so, it is the West who has bombed, invaded, occupied and murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people under the guise democracy which laced with lies, deception and hubris.

To say that such people have the slightest idea of what they're talking about, is like being the mouth piece of Fir'aun (Pharaoh) in the modern age.
China's position generally does not change suddenly, just as China has always supported Argentina's position on the Falkland Islands, and despite its cooperation with Israel, China has always supported the position of Palestinian statehood.
China's position generally does not change suddenly, just as China has always supported Argentina's position on the Falkland Islands, and despite its cooperation with Israel, China has always supported the position of Palestinian statehood.
Its positions are irrelevant in those topics since china has no influence there anyways

China and Russia have learned well from failed U.S. promises

History shows Beijing and Moscow cannot always trust what Washington says

After the West’s broken promises, including pledges not to expand NATO's influence into Russia’s buffer states, Russian and Chinese leaders are no longer inclined to believe their assurances of peaceful intentions.  | SPUTNIK / KREMLIN / VIA REUTERS's influence into Russia’s buffer states, Russian and Chinese leaders are no longer inclined to believe their assurances of peaceful intentions.  | SPUTNIK / KREMLIN / VIA REUTERSAfter the West’s broken promises, including pledges not to expand NATO's influence into Russia’s buffer states, Russian and Chinese leaders are no longer inclined to believe their assurances of peaceful intentions.  | SPUTNIK / KREMLIN / VIA REUTERS



  • Feb 16, 2022

Western analysts fear a failure to check Russia’s revanchist ambitions will serve to embolden China in the axis of autocracies. On Feb. 4, on the opening day of the Winter Olympics in Beijing that was boycotted by Western diplomats, Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin declared a “no limits” partnership and backed each other on Ukraine and Taiwan.

A second narrative holds that increased U.S. military presence will reassure NATO allies and check Russian belligerence, but only at the cost of distracting America from the bigger strategic challenge of China in the Indo-Pacific, most imminently in Taiwan.

Given China’s dramatic expansion of military might and economic strength, U.S. promises to defend Taiwan against attack might prove hollow.

A fall of Taiwan would vastly complicate U.S. efforts to help defend Japan and others on the one hand, while greatly enlarging China’s scope to project power closer to U.S. and allied territories on the other.

An alternative narrative is that the biggest lessons China has drawn are from the history of U.S. policies after the end of the Cold War during a period of unchallengeable primacy.

Eastern Europe has been the historic gateway for Western attacks on Russia, including the bitter invasions by Napoleon and Hitler that are seared into that nation’s consciousness. Hence the critical role of buffer states as a protective shield.

On Feb. 9, 1990, U.S. Secretary of State James Baker assured Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would expand “not one inch eastward.” Based on multiple similar assurances from Western leaders, former CIA director Robert Gates wrote, Gorbachev was “led to believe” that NATO’s eastward expansion “wouldn’t happen.” Making the mistake of assuming good faith behind the assurances, Gorbachev agreed to the peaceful reunification of West and East Germany and the unified state’s eventual NATO membership.

Other top officials, however, insisted that the U.S. priority was to see Russia collapse into “a third-rate power.” By 2004 NATO troops were “within spitting distance of Russia,” former U.K. Ambassador to Moscow Rodric Braithwaite said in the Financial Times on Feb. 2. In a retrospective analysis last August, Braithwaite wrote: “Russians believed they had been double-crossed. They were shocked by NATO’s bombing of Serbia in 1999 — a foretaste, they feared, of what Russia itself might expect.”

Russians ridicule claims of NATO being purely defensive — which NATO member was attacked by Serbia in 1999? — and concluded that in 2014, Ukraine was transformed from a buffer for Russia into a barrier between it and Europe.

The bigger fear still, as Putin wrote in a long article last July, is that “Ukraine was dragged into a dangerous geopolitical game” by the West in order to turn it into “a springboard against Russia.” Hence Russia’s red line: no NATO membership for Ukraine, now or ever; and the related demand that NATO cut troop numbers in Eastern Europe. Else Moscow must think the unthinkable: regime change in Kiev into a more pro-Russian one or subjugation of Ukraine by force of arms.

To Western commentators the principle is non-negotiable that Ukraine as a sovereign state has the right to enter into security alliance with anyone else. In the eyes of Russians and Chinese officials, this is hypocrisy based in historical amnesia about the U.S. refusal to accept just such an exercise of sovereignty by Cuba in the 1962 missile crisis. The principle has also proven remarkably malleable in all the Western powers’ Taiwan policy where China has long exercised a veto over recognition, exchange of embassies and even Taiwan’s membership of international organizations.

Three other major episodes from recent international history are also relevant. In 1986 the World Court ruled for Nicaragua and against the U.S. for its campaign of destabilization of the Sandinista regime, but Washington simply dismissed the adverse ruling.

In 2002, U.S. President George W. Bush introduced the legal innovation of “unsigning” U.S. membership from the International Criminal Court. In 2018 President Donald Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran — in which China and Russia had invested political capital — even though it had been negotiated by the previous U.S. administration and unanimously endorsed by the U.N. Security Council. This made the U.S. an unreliable and untrustworthy great power with which to negotiate.

Let us not forget either how Beijing was shocked by the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999. Senior Chinese officials insisted to me back then that it was inconceivable that this could have been an accident and indeed, they were convinced that not just the embassy but the ambassador’s residence had been deliberately targeted. The conclusion drawn was that the existing norm of nonintervention, regarded by most countries as a peremptory norm from which no exception was permitted, had been violated by the U.S.-led NATO in the moment of Russia’s geopolitical weakness and vulnerability.

Moreover, the claim to an emerging new norm of “humanitarian intervention” by Western powers further showed they were using their geopolitical primacy to rewrite the rules of the international order regardless of other countries’ sensibilities and interests, even if the latter were in the majority.

I have also been present in intimate discussions after the international tribunal ruled against China in 2016 in the maritime dispute with the Philippines, when a top Chinese official remarked that the U.S. was not a party to the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea but wanted to bind China by it. Maybe China should follow the U.S. example with the ICC and “unsign” UNCLOS, she said.

Most importantly, China must believe it cannot trust U.S. verbal promises to refrain from harmful action against core Chinese interests, nor the institutions designed to uphold and enforce international law. Washington has an unsavory record in weaponizing trade policy and abusing its dominance of international financial institutions to penalize those who refuse to kowtow to its diktats.

Claims to purely defensive motives notwithstanding, given the opportunity, Chinese leaders fear that not all future U.S. administrations will be able to resist the temptation to convert Taiwan into a launching pad for aggression against China. And, rather than be a mere rule breaker, China believes it must aim to become the preeminent rule maker and enforcer in a future Sino-centric global order.

That is the ultimate nightmare for Western countries. For the first time in several centuries, the global hegemon is poised to be a non-Western, non-English speaking, nondemocratic and noncapitalist civilization. There is little evidence thus far that the West can make the necessary psychological adjustment to learn to live in such a world.

China never was a global hegemon nor will it ever be one. Its culture is not attractive and it has no binding force outside its realm. It will be a multipolar world. USA, EU and China as leading economic powers and smaller regional players like iran, india, brazil and russia trying to play all sides
Its positions are irrelevant in those topics since china has no influence there anyways

China never was a global hegemon nor will it ever be one. Its culture is not attractive and it has no binding force outside its realm. It will be a multipolar world. USA, EU and China as leading economic powers and smaller regional players like iran, india, brazil and russia trying to play all sides

China also supports a multipolar world. China will not become a hegemonic country, but it also does not agree with other countries to become a hegemonic country.

As for whether Chinese culture is attractive, you are not qualified to evaluate, human history, which has been moving forward, will give a fair evaluation. An obvious fact is that of the several ancient civilizations in human history, only Chinese civilization has survived to this day.
Just more excuses and more nonsense. If China was really and honestly interested in a Multi-Polar World, it would have done what Russia has done - get rid of US dollar, and trade only in Gold, Silver, Euro, Yuan, Yen and other currencies.

On the other hand, China has increased its holding of US Treasuries, has the largest holdings of US Dollars anywhere, its banks are overflowing with US dollars, and the list goes on. In a way, China is providing free lunch to the US and subsidising the US Military and its wars and killing of innocents in other countries.

First, China has been selling US debt in recent years, weakening its support for the US dollar system.


Second, China cannot completely cut off its support for the dollar system like Russia. Because we don't have another currency to replace it for the time being. Without the ability to rebuild the new system, we should not destroy the old system. The worst system is better than no system.

Many people think that the Chinese will be happy to replace the dollar system with the CNY system as soon as possible, that is wrong.
We recognize that there are many benefits and opportunities for a currency to become an international currency, but it will also bring great dangers. Once the monetary system collapses and countless currencies return home, it will inevitably lead to the country becoming Zimbabwe.
The USA has the world's strongest army, a large number of allies and a strong economy, but it still cannot guarantee the absolute security of the dollar system. How can we Chinese ensure the safety of the CNY system? If you do not have enough strength to ensure that your currency becomes an international currency rashly, it is tantamount to economic suicide.
If the world is ready to eliminate the dollar system. Then we'd better use multiple currency systems to replace the dollar system and make multiple currencies become international currencies at the same time. Therefore, China is eager for the world to move towards a multipolar era. A variety of international currencies can make the world economy more stable, which is more in line with China's interests.
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