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China and Pakistan setting up an economic corridor. Should India be worried?

You sound like an illterate Indian. At least learn how to write English you dumbass.

If you honestly think a shit hole like India can match China in industrial and cosumer goods, you are even dumber than Indians are dark and smelly.

China will continue to dominate India, as anyone with a brain knows. China is superior in every facet to India. I am glad they have killed many disgusting Indians. Go China!

Its really funny how Indians have such an inferiority complex to the Chinese.

We all know Indians, have a deep complex when it comes to Pakistanis. We know Indians are very dark and considered the ugliest people on the planet. So I guess its not surprising they are obsessed with fairer and taller Pakistanis.

And now we have some Indians here claiming that India will compete with China economically? LOL.
I might have typed it while doing my job or a debug.
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