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China and Israel: similar or different? Jerusalem Post


May 25, 2010
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China and Israel - scarily similar, or worlds apart?
09/06/2010 15:44

Exclusive video interview: Harvard graduate Manuela Zoninsein writes for a wide range of news publications in her quest to become a journalist.

A native to Brazil and raised in Illinois, Manuela Zoninsein manages to combine numerous aspects of heritage by reflecting them in work and her writing. Already a graduate of Harvard University, Manuela is also an ROI Alumna and was accepted to continue her studies on China's agricultural policies in the pursuit of an MSc at Oxford University beginning October 2010.

Zoninsein currently writes and covers for a wide range of news publications, from which she is launching her thriving career as a journalist.

In this exclusive video, Zoninsein speaks about the similarities and differences between Israel and China. "I think Chinese [people] and Israelis have a lot of interesting similarities, I got out of the airport in Tel Aviv and immediately had to start bargaining with the cab driver, and coming from China that was perfectly natural."

China and Israel - scarily similar, or worlds apart?

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well... in at least 1 way we are very different, our dissident management strategies don't consist of gunning down children and bombing them with chemical weapons.
well... in at least 1 way we are very different, our dissident management strategies don't consist of gunning down children and bombing them with chemical weapons.

Does that include the Byzantine genocide and expulsion of Jews from the Land of Israel in 628-9 BC? Your ignorance of history is telling you that Palestinians are the "local" populace whom are being displaced by foreign Jews. In reality, Israelis have every right to reclaim the land of their ancestors from 2.6 millenia ago. While the militaristic methodology trails the United States, what the West Asians did to the Jews was inhuman in comparison.
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well... in at least 1 way we are very different, our dissident management strategies don't consist of gunning down children and bombing them with chemical weapons.

ya i know u are different bcoz china will only use tanks to kill students
Neat little video, pretty girl but I'm not convinced by her argument. She doesn't really go beyond the superficial, both founded in 1940's, both people like to bargain etc.

also let's not start this whole founding Israel debate again. This argument has been done ad nauseum and done poorly all over the internet. There's no reason we should re-enact it here. I think the reason that many Chinese people feel a degree of sympathy towards the Palestinians is because it reminds them of their experience with imperial repression and unequal treatment, nothing more. Besides China doesn't really have a horse in the race, so it is unlikely to butt in politically.
ya i know u are different bcoz china will only use tanks to kill students

Why is it that Indian members who know nothing about what happened insist on bring this up over and over again.

Pray tell me what you know about Tienanmen 6'4? and don't copy paste Wikipedia.
Why is it that Indian members who know nothing about what happened insist on bring this up over and over again.

Pray tell me what you know about Tienanmen 6'4? and don't copy paste Wikipedia.

Why not you tell us what happened then? We'll only be able to get information from what is available in public domain. If you are privy to private information why not educate us?

Why is it that Chinese members here think that they are superior because of their economy while ignoring plights of poor and one's personal freedom?
Why is it that Chinese members here think that they are superior because of their economy while ignoring plights of poor and one's personal freedom?

You're projecting your own insecurities on to us. No one has said you are inferior.

Why not you tell us what happened then? We'll only be able to get information from what is available in public domain. If you are privy to private information why not educate us?

No one's claimed privileged information. You're making sh!t up. My point was the member above hasn't read anything more on June 4th than a byline and a picture of a Chinese man standing in front of a tank.

Nice name btw. I tend get suspicious whenever anyone claims true patriotism for themselves.
ao333...Indeed Palestinians are the local population of the Land. They had been living their for centuries. They have been displaced as well as kept captive in their own land. You need to learn history too Jews were the minorities in that land.
So the end conclusion is jews have no right to reclaim the land what they stole is enough let Palestinians live in peace for the remaining of their land. You need to recognize the "facts" What the jews are doing to the Palestinians for the past 40+ years is gravy inhuman, humiliating, inflicting all sorts of pain insults and what not.
They are superior because of their economy while ignoring plights of poor and one's personal freedom?

I really hope you understand a better economy is the only effective way of alleviating poverty.

and personal freedom? I'll just give you a quote. "Indians are free — free to be poor" (Karan Thapar)

India's China Envy : NPR
Why is it that Indian members who know nothing about what happened insist on bring this up over and over again.

Pray tell me what you know about Tienanmen 6'4? and don't copy paste Wikipedia.
Forget Wikipedia dude, i can paste the BBC Video of how Chinese Tanks mowed down Protesting students and activists in the Tiananmen square. Firing Live ammunition upon Civilians and barbarously suppressing the people talk volumes about the People's Republic of China.

For a detailed analysis on what happened, this does not go quite deep into the cause and effect of the Tiananmen massacre, but i can provide u more links on the CPC's barbarism in this matter.

Henceforth, please do not compare Israeli atrocities and Chinese genocides. Else, you would be opening the whole pandora box (The Black Book of Communism) on yourselves.
Forget Wikipedia dude, i can paste the BBC Video of how Chinese Tanks mowed down Protesting students and activists in the Tiananmen square. Firing Live ammunition upon Civilians and barbarously suppressing the people talk volumes about the People's Republic of China.

You can talk about Tiananmen square (6-4 incident), and highlight the phrase "People's Republic of China".

We can talk about the tens of thousands of innocent Kashmiri civilians that have been slaughtered by Indian security forces, and highlight the phrase "world's biggest democracy".

So why don't we try to stick on topic, instead of getting into a pissing contest?
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