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China and India’s 2,000-year manufacturing reign

Another Indian lie. :rofl:

The Buddha was born in what is now modern-day Nepal. This was long before the artificial entity known as "India" was created by the Western colonialists.

The Indus Valley Civilization, the source of all civilization in South Asia, is situated in what is now modern-day Pakistan.

Which means that all of India's historical inventions and claims are actually from a civilization whos territory has been inherited by Pakistan, not India. :no:
This is a quote from the Rig Veda itself, written in 1700 BC......
Himalyam Samarabhya
Tam Deonirmitam Desham
Hindusthanam Prachakshate
THIS is definite prove that "Hindustan" existed long beore Islam or chritianity was even dreamed of...........
And when Buddha was born, the concept of "Nepal" didn't even exist!!!!!As you can see from the verse, it was "Hindustan"!!!:agree:
This verse states,"The country which starts from Himalayas and the borders of which reach till the Indian Ocean (Indu Sarovaram), has been created by Gods and its name is Hindusthan."
:lol: please see the post before that? have u heard the bodh gaya ??

Indus originates from india....well our ancient name is Bharat and Hindustan not india... :tongue:
Actually the word india originates from Indus given by the europeans....
Indus originates from india....well our ancient name is Bharat and Hindustan not india... :tongue:


Both the words "India" and "Hindu" originate from the Indus River. Since the Indus Valley Civilization was the crade of civilization in South Asia.

And the Indus River is based almost entirely in modern-day Pakistan, so they are the heirs of the IVC and all its inventions and culture.

India may think it owns the history of the subcontinent, but none of the other countries in South Asia agree.
Actually the word india originates from Indus given by the europeans....
read my post #122 please


Both the words "India" and "Hindu" originate from the Indus River, since the IVC was the crade of civilization in South Asia.

And the Indus River is based almost entirely in modern-day Pakistan, so they are the heirs of the IVC and all its inventions and culture.
IVC and indus were for a long time Indian, before Pakistan claimed it in 1947.........read my post #122 for details......
No actually your map backs up my point. :lol: There has been a continous succession of states/dynasties, all claiming the same "Mandate of Heaven" to rule China. A clear path of succession.

The periods in which China was fractured into several states, were during the short periods BETWEEN the major Dynasties, look at the dates. For the vast majority of history, China has been ruled from a Central Authority, that of the ruler who took the Mandate of Heaven.

India on the other hand, it was never a state in all of history, barring some rare anomalies like Ashoka's Empire, who have more in common with British India than anything else.

Even the NAME of your country "India" was based on the Indus River, which existed in British India, not in what is called India today. They named you that because the Indus Valley Civilization was the foundation of civilization in South Asia.

Today of course, the borders of the historical Indus Valley Civilization exist almost entirely within modern day Pakistan. You are named after a river in another country, and your culture stems from there as well.

I liked your smearing campaign but I can't see China ever as a United Country with a central authority. It was foreigners like Mongol and Manchus who united China as a single country. Your mandate for heaven comment sounds too weak.

China got foreigners to create a united country for them.:rofl::rofl:

Anyway, we call India as "Bharat", the name is mentioned in "Mahabharat" which was composed in 1100 BC. If Greeks came to know about us in 300BC or Arabs in 700AD, that is not our fault.

And part of Indus river do flow inside India. Do you know Pakistan's official language Urdu is originally from North-India and not related to any part of Pakistan.

Both the words "India" and "Hindu" originate from the Indus River, since the IVC was the crade of civilization in South Asia.

And the Indus River is based almost entirely in modern-day Pakistan, so they are the heirs of the IVC and all its inventions and culture.

Tell me one thing who was existing when IVC civilization was thriving. The first sign of IVC appeared in 1840's.. before that people didn't even knew anything named IVC.. So how can anybody name someone on something that they are not even aware of..

Another lesson for you, Indus River starts from India and IVC sites are covered all over Ancient and Present India ..
Tell me one thing who was existing when IVC civilization was thriving. The first sign of IVC appeared in 1840's.. before that people didn't even knew anything named IVC.. Indus River starts from India just FYI..

IVC sites are covered all over India as well..

Indus river originates from the tibetan plateau ....not india and expect for lothal (near Pakistan) no IVC site has been found in india..
IVC and indus were for a long time Indian, before Pakistan claimed it in 1947.........read my post #122 for details......

The Indus River was "Indian" for a long time?? :lol:

No, it is a river in Pakistan. It was also the crade of all South Asian Civilization, and the heir of all the assorted religions that emerged from it.
Indus river originates from the tibetan plateau ....not india and expect for lothal (near Pakistan) no IVC site has been found in india..

he Sanskrit word Sindhu means river, stream or ocean, probably from a root sidh meaning to keep off. Sindhu is still the local appellation for the Indus River.
In the Rigveda Sindhu is the name of the Indus river. Sindhu is attested 176 times in the Rigveda, 95 times in the plural, more often used in the generic meaning. In the Rigveda, notably in the later hymns, the meaning of the word is narrowed to refer to the Indus river in particular, for example in the list of rivers of the Nadistuti sukta. This resulted in the anomaly of a river with masculine gender: all other Rigvedic rivers are female, not just grammatically, being imagined as goddesses and compared to cows and mares yielding milk and butter.
The word Sindhu became Hindu in Old Persian. Ancient Greek: Ἰνδός Indós (borrowed in turn into Latin as Indus) is a borrowing of the Old Iranian word.[1] The name Indos is used in Megasthenes's book Indica for the mighty river crossed by Alexander based on Nearchus's contemporaneous account.
The ancient Greeks referred to the Indians (present-day India beyond the Indus River) as Indoi (Ινδοί), the people of the Indus
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