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China and India agree to end doklam stand off

Henceforth this is a precedent.

India has entered Chinese territory and stopped their work successfully.

Tomorrow somebody else will enter Chinese land and stop something else , maybe drilling

So much of power Chinese are wielding these days.
India Backs off !

He added that the resolution showed "India had initially given primacy to its relationship and commitments to Bhutan" but officials had clearly changed their mind.

"India needs Chinese markets and Chinese investments," he said, adding it would be interesting to see the political fallout of the decision in India, given that Delhi had said it would not back down.


China Backs off ! After a month long Warning warfare :D

I love your attempts at finding victory out of this failure from Singapore. :lol:

Why not from Singapore if you can from Pakistan :lol:
When Chines said they won't build a road??

It is only Indians who are saying this save face for 56 millimeter chest chai wala.

So no mention of wont build the road = road built already ?

lol let me know once they resume construction.
Now only chinese would patrol. And you would watch from other side of the border. :)
How can we patrol on their side, we will patroll our side. It's a trijunction.
Did India, before? Well now it will no longer. It pledged to withdraw.
It's mutual withdrawal, so you people are doing the same.
You sure Bhutan and India were there before? :rofl:
If not how would there be a standoff without indian forces.
Well done China. Seems your leaders certainly have more sense than the fanboys posting here. Full marks to the Chinese for seeing sense and going back to the status quo. As my thanks to China, I ordered some tennis shock absorbers from Ali Express.

Chinese are very clear. They would continue their sovereign rights on that land. And sovereign rights also include you can build whatever you want to.

Now enjoy road construction from other side of the border.
I admire your loyalty and your gumption. But Chinese won't be building anything - status quo will remain till Bhutan and China clearly agree on the border. But why are you so upset if India and China came to an agreement without firing a bullet?
Well ashok is busy trying to spin this as a India de

It's not a good day for you India stopped the road construction and you are busy trying to make India look like it lost.India had objection to the road being built not patrols now road not being built India withdrew.Glad this ended peacefully maturity shown by both nations
The last attempt at face saving, after losing the mutual withdrawal effort. :rofl:
We will keep presence at Doklang, cause it's our land. You pull back cause you are the intruder with inferior ability.
LOL you have no presence at Doklam That Why Indian army trespass and captured it for Weeks

If You were there Its your PLA is So Impotent Which Mercilessly seeing your Enemy armies Camping Which you claim your territory

Any Kind Of Arguments Will Not hide Impotency of PLA for Weeks
Sure sure, so you are going to camp and withdraw again? Remember how we send in weapons, and you pissed in your pants? YOU WITHDREW? COWARDS

Where is THE ROAD dear coward?
Is THE ROAD built, dear coward?

Now please fart more, does not change the fact that China got whopped badly and have no where to hide.
Next step SCS :rofl::rofl:
Those Indian armor bulldozers are back in Indian garage.
This is Chinese victory.
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